>anon, i need you to whitelist the following IPs. >attaches a screenshot of 40 IPv4s

>anon, i need you to whitelist the following IPs
>attaches a screenshot of 40 IPv4s
>can I get those in text form, and a ticket?
>but I sent you the names in the screenshot?
how do you respond without sounding mad?

how do i get higher ups to stop doing this shit? I dont even have a numpad on this pos work laptop.

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  1. 7 days ago

    >Send them as a fricking .txt or frick off dumb Black person
    If they fire you for that they werent worth working for in the first place

    • 6 days ago

      I know where OP works.
      The image is actually generated by software I wrote and we give it to his boss in CSV format. Then someone on their team converts it to an image. It's shockingly moronic and they tend to mess up the firewall rules (that they spend days scrambling to enter) because of this insane process.

      I had to write a second program that goes back over the network with ssh and netcat to verify their work because of this. It's really dumb.

  2. 7 days ago

    froghomie can't into ocr? that's nuts.

    • 7 days ago

      freeware or unlicensed software in a corporate environment is prohibited.

      >open camera on my iphone
      >take pic
      >convert to document
      I hate
      Hate froghomosexuals

      >taking pictures of sensitive production data with an iphone
      >trusting OCR results when creating firewall rules
      its no wonder all of you morons are being outsourced to india.

      • 7 days ago

        Nah, I'm just a student but I was using ocr and oai API for serial cheating in exams in one of my classes this semester so that's why I suggested that. Python has pretty good ocr libraries nowadays and I think they are all licensed too.

      • 7 days ago

        >freeware or unlicensed software in a corporate environment is prohibited.

        Why did you put yourself in a corporate environment?

      • 7 days ago

        >my iphone camera is le compromised
        extremely low quality

        • 7 days ago

          >what was the fappening

          • 7 days ago

            that was a decade ago

        • 7 days ago

          bait or genuine indian? Do you store server creds on your iphone too?

      • 7 days ago

        >freeware or unlicensed software in a corporate environment is prohibited.
        lmao, implying i don't except my own computer out of getting raped by all the moronic corposhitware. i'm pretty sure that the helpdesk people don't even know i exist.

      • 6 days ago

        >freeware or unlicensed software in a corporate environment is prohibited.
        Thank god I'm a NEET. This is cuckdom.

      • 6 days ago

        since there's close to zero chance your corporate environment doesn't have acrobat
        >convert img to pdf
        >ocr in acrobat

        • 6 days ago

          >They're not allowed to do this
          not my problem, get OneNote

          Black person what part of no ocr do you not understand

          • 6 days ago

            I've worked in half a dozen fortune 100 companies and none of them forbid OCR, wagie.

          • 6 days ago

            you shouldn't be using something like OCR for this problem. it's just a easy way to shoot your dick off if it transcribes wrong.

          • 6 days ago


            get typing wagie.

            since you're obviously too stupid to figure out you're supposed to soley use OCR, brainlet

          • 6 days ago

            >you're supposed to soley
            you're not* supposed to soley

          • 6 days ago

            both of those users are me.
            now get typing wagie.
            either that or grow balls.


            is over there. take your gay wagie bullshit to that thread.

          • 6 days ago

            >both of those users are me.
            nobody gives a shit wagie. get typing

    • 6 days ago

      freeware or unlicensed software in a corporate environment is prohibited.
      >taking pictures of sensitive production data with an iphone
      >trusting OCR results when creating firewall rules
      its no wonder all of you morons are being outsourced to india.

      Just show ChatGPT the image for OCR, shrimple as.

  3. 7 days ago

    "Hey $coworker,

    by our standard processes I need a ticket to take care of your request. We are obliged to ask for tickets to measure our KPIs .
    Also I need those IPs in written form or else I can't feed them into $firewall as this is the only form the $system takes them.

    Thx and looking forward for your ticket"

    Sometimes people just try it again via Messanger with such bullshit requests so I ignore them.
    "Oh sorry mate I was busy on my tickets so I had no time to check the chats"

  4. 7 days ago

    "You will need to provide that list for me before I can proceed, I apologize for the inconvenience. As previously stated and for future reference, I will require a text file containing the addresses you want whitelisted alongside a ticket prior to anything being done now or in the future. It is procedure to document any and all changes to our network configuration as I'm sure you are aware. Your continued professionalism and cooperation is appreciated.

    Kind regards,

  5. 7 days ago

    >open camera on my iphone
    >take pic
    >convert to document
    I hate
    Hate froghomosexuals

  6. 7 days ago

    b***h im not typing allat just copy paste the fricking shit here

  7. 7 days ago

    >how do i get higher ups to stop doing this shit? I dont even have a numpad on this pos work laptop.
    >higher ups
    if it was someone on your lvl you could give him a bullshit excuse that it's for security reasons that you need it in txt, but if it's a higher up you just bite the bullet and do it
    they will hate you for forcing them to type it and they will know it's because you don't want to do it yourself
    the shit flows down, that's how corps work, you either learn to deal with it with a smile or it will affect you negatively

    • 7 days ago

      Or OP could just not be a cuck and tell the """higher up""" to send it as text, moron. SOMEONE has to have it in text, so either that's the """higher up""" (who can easily copy/paste it without having to type it, unless he's a moron and deleted it after taking the pic in which case he can deal with typing it out), or someone the """higher up""" got it from in which case said """higher up""" should ask that person to copy/paste the text list
      Frick, you're a dumb cuck.

      OP: Protip, stand your ground on this. If you cuck out and type out 40 IP addresses instead of demanding it as copy/pastable, then your coworkers/employer will see you as a cuck who they can walk all over and abuse any time they want. Stand your ground on this, don't be a cuck, any decent person will respect you more for it any anyone who cries about it can go frick themself

      • 7 days ago

        you are not employed please stop streetshitting itt thank you 🙂

      • 7 days ago

        >any decent person will respect you more for it
        No this is not how white collar jobs work
        Nobody appreciates you being proud, the only thing they appreciate is you being humble and submissive
        There aren't any decent people working in corps, you don't advance by being decent, everybody is working against everybody else

        Nobody is gonna walk all over you, in fact if it's a higher up, you want them to "walk all over you", because that means you get to work with them and get noticed, and this gives you an opportunity to advance

        Pride, decency etc. are characteristics of blue collar workers
        And it's why blue collar workers who try to get office jobs, very rarely succeed, because they can't get rid of these traits and they get mad and quit

  8. 7 days ago

    >she can't copy from images
    iSisters, we're back

  9. 7 days ago

    i enjoyed telling these types no, send me what i ask or frick off

  10. 7 days ago

    When people answer questions with questions they are morons or homosexuals or whatever.
    You have to 'handle' these people.
    You asked for a file.
    They ignored your request completely.
    They fricking suck and now you have to handle them.

    Decide how much you like the job and do that. I make too much money to complain.

  11. 7 days ago

    Edit the ticket yourself moron
    like anons are saying you shouldn't take pictures of sensitive corporate data with your personal phone
    Just become the worlds most expensive OCR machine for an hour

  12. 7 days ago

    >can I get those in text form, and a ticket?
    >please create a ticket and paste the ips in the description

  13. 7 days ago

    >oops the attachment was removed by the mail server. would you kindly send it to me as text instead?
    soo hard

  14. 7 days ago

    Even before all that, they need written authorization from their manager to the head of network security and then that guy needs to bless it and _then_ the person who wants it done can create the ticket with all the documentation attached.

  15. 7 days ago

    why the frick are you whitelisting raw IPs? you should have an account for each whitelisted IP that records its purpose and a system that compiles any whiteliss automatically
    "Please use this web form to add an account for each one in our database so i can review and enable them"

  16. 6 days ago

    I do it for 3 rupee saar. Accurate copy. You know India invent Arabic numeral saaar?

  17. 6 days ago

    >thinly veiled numpad shill thread.

  18. 6 days ago

    get you a program that can do img -> text and be done with it

    • 6 days ago


      >anon, i need you to whitelist the following IPs
      >attaches a screenshot of 40 IPv4s
      >can I get those in text form, and a ticket?
      >but I sent you the names in the screenshot?
      how do you respond without sounding mad?

      how do i get higher ups to stop doing this shit? I dont even have a numpad on this pos work laptop.

      BUT, the ticket is a must

      • 6 days ago

        Create the
        ticket yourself

        • 6 days ago

          nta, yeh, makes sense

  19. 6 days ago

    Send them back a screenshot of your response email in a new thread asking them to attach a text file. Have a bot set that autoreplies with more screenshots in new email threads until it happens.

  20. 6 days ago

    ask for text form again. i work in accounting and deal with this moronation all day.

  21. 6 days ago

    >open OneNote
    >paste pic
    >right click
    >Copy Text from Picture

    • 6 days ago

      op is schizophrenic and thinks all ocr is compromised

      • 6 days ago

        >open OneNote
        >paste pic
        >right click
        >Copy Text from Picture

        They're not allowed to do this. Any use of any kind of AI not developed 100% in house will get you fired (and all they have is some word2vec models, definitely no OCR or LLMs.)

        • 6 days ago

          >They're not allowed to do this
          not my problem, get OneNote

  22. 6 days ago

    Just add the IPs gayboy
    >Oh no! I have to read something AND write a few numbers on a row while I sit at my comfy desk drinking coffee! That might take me 10 while minutes of my not busy day!!

  23. 6 days ago

    Why the picture turn purple when I click on it? Which type of sorcery you're using anon?
    >how do you respond without sounding mad?
    You don't, you just use an OCR, and you don't need a ticket, you're not that important. Can't you do the work you were hired for? Are you that lazy and stupid? Men used to go through hell so they can provide for their families, and you can't for ip in "89.345.294" "45.234.783" "165.360.335"; do sudo ufw allow from $ip; done what a moron.

  24. 6 days ago

    Sorry, no can do bud. Please resubmit your request using terminology from at least 2020

  25. 6 days ago

    Sounds like an excuse to spend an hour doing "work" while actually doing basically nothing.

  26. 6 days ago

    are you paid by the hour? seems you got a couple of hours of labour

  27. 6 days ago

    >how do you respond without sounding mad?
    Add them as white text on a black background, then only reply, "completed as requested"

  28. 6 days ago

    get typing wagie.

  29. 6 days ago

    Are wagies just low IQ? Use tesseract.
    >hurr durr inaccuracies
    Read through the list an correct errors. Reading is faster than typing.

  30. 6 days ago

    Send the image to your iPhone use the copy image text option baked into iOS and send them to yourself in an email

  31. 6 days ago

    I do this to frick with the capitalist system and its lackeys

  32. 6 days ago

    Play the redtape game. Quote the exact rule prohibiting doing such things in an email. Cc it to your immediate supervisor. Now it is his problem. If he tells you to do it, ask for it in writing. Make your concerns explicit in the email, i.e. what can frick up if you do it. Usually, this will make them chicken out and back off. If not, you've covered your ass.

  33. 6 days ago

    Anon see it as an opportunity
    Type every ip by hand
    Easily fills the day + you got paid

  34. 6 days ago

    How is that frog purple?

    • 6 days ago

      You have a virus on your GNU+Linux machine. Better send a letter to Richard Matthew Stallman (inventor of GNU) ASAP!

  35. 6 days ago

    >but i sent you the names in the screenshot?
    in that case the answer is no. or use your empty head, hit first OCR online link you can find and deal with the problem in 15 seconds like an actual functioning adult. whichever you prefer.

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