>Constantly jerks off about "logical fallacies"

>Constantly appeals to arguments from incredulity
We live in a universe where atheists will fully admit light sometimes behaves like a wave and other times like matter, where 90% of the gravity in the known universe is left unexplained and the position particals alters based off perception of them:
And yet they want us to honestly take seriously the words
>"Invisable man in the sky"
as if that were a conclusive argument against his existence???

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  1. 6 days ago

    >I misunderstood some pop-sci articles, therefore god exists
    That one's always a hit.

    • 6 days ago

      >we’re on a floating rock cause nothing farted us into existence and we spun around a magic ball of gas that makes water get really hard and fall to the ground from the sky when this rock is angled just a little bit differently
      Yeah and we’re the cringe psychos

      • 6 days ago

        >popsci boy goes full "lightning is sparks from the swords of fencing giants" mode

        • 6 days ago

          >lightning comes from the difference in the amount of tiny particles that no one can see between a ball of gas just floating around in the sky and a patch of dirt
          Lol atheists really believe this shit, how convoluted. This is a much easier explanation.
          >My god peeks out from heaven and throws a lightning bolt when he feels like it

      • 6 days ago

        If you always look outward for answers you'll miss the answers from within. Your consciousness has a lot of answers friend. Did the creator form you from a foreign energy that isn't himself?

        • 6 days ago

          He formed us with His divine energy, but we are made of foreign and chaotic matter.

    • 6 days ago


      't respond to the point presented
      Why do you people bother pretending that you are intelligence?
      Why not just fully admit your mindless TV watcher personality??
      No ones buying the larp any more dude.

      • 6 days ago

        Sorry, I don't speak IESLB.

  2. 6 days ago

    Yes atheists don't even know that 5% ordinary matter but want to deny God because he didn't chose them and doesn't talk to them.

    • 6 days ago

      This. Christians are special and atheists are literally just not good enough.

    • 6 days ago

      >and doesn't talk to them.

      Talk to them? If you're hearing voices in your head, you might need to go to a psychiatry ward.

  3. 6 days ago

    Almost every atheist argument is an appeal to emotion.
    >Hell is bad because it makes me sad!
    >Killing the Amalekites is bad because it makes me feel pity!
    >God is bad because the 10 commandments make me angry!

    • 6 days ago

      Yoyr whole religion is an emotional argument christtard

      • 6 days ago

        >Yoyr whole religion is an emotional argument christtard

        • 6 days ago

          He’s not wrong. You’re not exactly making fact based arguments bud.

  4. 6 days ago
    Woke Anon

    atheists aren't scientists.
    It's one thing that an atheist says refers to god as "Invisible man in the sky." It's another if an scientist did.

  5. 6 days ago

    >will fully admit light sometimes behaves like a wave and other times like matter
    Imagine trying to refute the entire body of knowledge of civilization and you strike out on your first at bat.
    Light behaves like a particle and a wave. An electron in waveform or particle form is still matter.
    Judging by your flop on that it’s safe to say your incredulity on the physics of light is founded on a total misunderstanding of the double slit experiment and wave-particle duality.
    Some of you need to accept you’re too dumb for science.

  6. 6 days ago

    Deist god or the jesus?

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