Did anyone tell him that inside all of those boxes is nothing but ice cuboids coated in colored variations of corn syrup?

Did anyone tell him that inside all of those boxes is nothing but ice cuboids coated in colored variations of corn syrup?

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 6 days ago

    That's state socialism done right, baby!

  2. 6 days ago

    So it's a command economy with a marketing department instead of a propaganda department

    • 6 days ago

      Every ideology inevitably reverts to liberalism

  3. 6 days ago

    >having so much corn that you can make a wide variety of food products with it
    Is that supposed to be a bad thing?

    • 6 days ago

      It's CORN
      A big lump of nubs
      It has the juice (it has the juice)
      Can't imagine a more beautiful THING

    • 6 days ago

      Unironically yes. American corn subsidies are hugely wasteful, spending an unending flood of taxpayer money to grow so much corn that they are genuinely struggling to figure out what to do with it all. It's fricking up food diversity and they can't even tamp down the subsidies because that'd lose the next election instantly.
      Also, Khrushchev was obsessed with corn and tried to get the entire USSR to grow it. It didn't work, because it turns out it doesn't exactly take well to Siberian permafrost.

    • 6 days ago

      Yes, it gets turned into mass produced slop with poor nutritional value that's hyperpalatable and fricks up people's ability to regulate their appetite.
      When the obesity crisis is now 70% of the population, it's no longer a collective failing of personal responsibility, but an issue of government mismanagement.

  4. 6 days ago

    And on the other side are tubs of ice cream, and further look to be frozen meats or breakfast items. I'm not saying it was all high quality, but it was there, in large quantities and varieties, while in the USSR people had to wait in line for bread.

    • 6 days ago

      Socialism and capitalism trade waiting for paying and vice-versa.
      When having to 'buy' scarce goods, you pay for something in socialism with time, you pay for something in capitalism with currency.

    • 6 days ago

      >while in the USSR people had to wait in line for bread.
      Talking late USSR bread supply was ok but everything else isn't.
      Even milk was in deficit. Theoretically it was delivered to stores every day but there was nuances. First of all Soviet food storers worked 8-00 - 19-00. Most Soviet people worked 8-00 - 17-00 (that is a big problem of itself, because you only have one hour 18-00-19-00 to buy food). Milk was delivered into stores 10-00 - 11-00 when people were at work and in 17-00 there was no any milk left. You could only get milk if you have someone to send to milk store in 11-00. Like babushka or wife on parental leave. If you don't have anyone like that in family or friend, tough luck pal, no milk for you, despite seemingly there were full shelfs of mil in stores every 11-00.
      And it was like that with all. Availability, time and place were important circumstances too. Soviets even had changed lingvo to describe purchase. They said not "I bought thing" they said "I got thing" emphasizing that purchase was a small part of the quest of getting thing and whole process is much more.

  5. 6 days ago

    He’s eyeing the Jello Pudding Pops and thinking, “so this is what western science has achieved?”

  6. 6 days ago

    God thinks cheap pre-packaged mass produced american walmart food is "the best food in the world", "spicy", "exotic", "rare", "mexican", "expensive", "exclusively for rich people", "not for peasants", etc and he terrorizes, abuses, harasses, threatens etc me if I even think about cheap common american walmart foods because he thinks "peasants shouldn't be allowed to think about desirable things"

  7. 6 days ago

    >useless chud buzzword drivel
    Go back



  8. 6 days ago

    Corn-man Khrushchev would've put the entire East to the sword for a chance at having all that high fructose corn syrup

  9. 6 days ago

    at the end of the day, Russia is winning a nationalist war of conquest while Americans cant decide what bathroom to use.

    • 6 days ago

      Russian officers frick their own recruits in the ass.

      • 6 days ago

        it's a rite of passage

  10. 6 days ago

    Another thing people don't understand how gray, dirty, smelly and offensive to human senses everything in USSR was. Simple bright package is what enough to entice Soviet people senses. When there started imports of printed plastic bags people used them as women's and men's purses, carrying them for years and washing them when they got dirty.

    I remember USSR food store. It was always dirty, smelly, floors sticky, employees in uniform robes that was supposed to be white but they were gray upfront, no washing could clear them now. Employees angry and rude to customers. Store had broken signboard, missing couple letters, it stayed like that to the end of USSR, inside several floor tiles were crushed by cargo, eht stayed broken until end of the USSR. Nobody in USSR bothered to fix things, people just lived in squalor and ruin.

    USSR was offensive to human senses and dignity. In comparison soviet man like Yeltsin coming into American store was literally astounded by it's shine, palace of the consumerism.

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