How would you fix the American healthcare system?

How would you fix the American healthcare system, /misc/?

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  1. 1 week ago

    Split off part of the USA and give it to the blacks/jews/racemixers. Let them set up their own universal health care system for themselves.

    • 1 week ago

      Insurance is a socialised system moron. You already have one. You pay into a giant pool of money and that's payed out by insurers. You also have Medicare, Medicare and children get free healthcare. The big difference with government socialises healthcare Vs the insurance system is you have predatory insurers taking a huge cut and forcing up prices on everything. It's why America has the most expensive healthcare in the world.

      • 1 week ago

        Medicare and medicaid aren't up to the task, like all government initiatives and agencies, so they just wind up paying private insurers to do their work for them anyway. Literally every actual argument in favor of universal health care has been debunked in the past ~35 years. Congrats on falling for the slogans.

        • 1 week ago

          >Literally every actual argument in favor of universal health care has been debunked in the past ~35 years. Congrats on falling for the slogans.
          >post made & sponsored by your local insurance agent.
          Look up what an insurance company is, what they do, how they operate, how they get money, etc. Insurance is literally socializing costs, but between fewer people (than ie. the whole country in the case of public services)

          • 1 week ago

            These people are complete morons..they repeat fox news slogans and don't even understand the definitions of the words they use. As you say insurance is a socialised program.

      • 1 week ago

        Lol commie seething

        • 1 week ago

          You're such a brainwashed moron. I bet you've never even left the country.

          • 1 week ago

            >I bet you never even left the country
            What tf does that have to do with healthcare you commie gay? What does it have to do with any accomplishment? Jesus never traveled more than 100 miles and that dude had it in spades over you
            >Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Ehad

          • 1 week ago

            Because seeing how differnt places operates exposed you to different perspectives. So many Americans are insanely closed minded and insular. They consume israeli propaganda 24 7 and that defines their whole world view. If they actually went to different places outside the israeli brainwashing system they'd see thee world differently.

            It's not a coincidence there are loads of cases of Americans going to Europe, using the healthcare system and being floored at how cheap and efficient it can be. These same people, like you, started off totally ignorant and brainwashed, calling people commies etc.

            Unfortunately you're an example of new pol. The iq has gone down significantly over the last few years. You basically have boomer conservatives tier worldview.

          • 1 week ago

            I been on my first class flights then you will ever be on in your whole life little homie, you want to flex about traveling. You ain’t even doing it right. >Awww le Frances healthcare and le boomer tier iqs and god help you if you’ve never flown coach across the ocean to see a real health care in action

            Brother I can literally hold you down and stick my whole arm in your ass in front of every woman you ever loved in your life, your mothers all the butches whi friend zoned your, and there’s NOTHING you could do to stop me. You’re a pathetic wuss. I’d grab you by your homosexual balls from the inside and when I really got your attention in the palm of my hand I’d make you proclaim Jesus is Lord.

          • 1 week ago

            The irony in the domestic healthcare hater calling others insular is palpable

          • 1 week ago

            >being floored at how cheap and efficient it can be

            Its because the Europeens and others envious of freedoms in the USA took on the strategy of turning the USA into a paypig (look at the economic status and balance of trade since WWII). They make so much profit they will do markup in an intermediary country before they send it to distributors in the USA so would Americans remain clueless of the markup.

        • 1 week ago

          Americans are so stupid generally you're not even worth engaging with. It's impossible to get through the 10 layers of israeli brainwashing to even talk to the human inside, I'd there even is one.

      • 1 week ago

        and how many of those 23% either died or suffered significantly worse injuries due to a delay? Virtually none you say? Sounds like they didn't actually "need" the ambulance.

        name one country with universal healthcare at first-world standards AND open borders to the third-world.

      • 1 week ago

        The idea of same people <investment company> owning the insurance company and the hospital has never seemed to enter into anyone's mind.

    • 1 week ago

      That already exists, they're called states.

    • 1 week ago

      the system you have is judenmaxxed

    • 1 week ago

      >giving up territory
      never give up territory, especially if you plan to share a land border
      otherwise 20 years from now it's the same shit when they infiltrate again

  2. 1 week ago

    The same way you'd fix ar' NHS, don't let non-natives use it.

  3. 1 week ago

    Make it as bad as the NHS and leave the country

  4. 1 week ago

    as with anything where the cost is inflated due to regulation, get the government out it

    bam, it becomes affordable

    • 1 week ago

      Which regulations specifically? Please name them.

      • 1 week ago


        No it doesn't. You take out the government and monopolies form. That's the nature of capitalism. Regulation keeps that in check but unfortunately American politics is totally corrupted by lobby so you can't have good regulation.

        You're a literal moron.

        • 1 week ago

          Yet no argument from you. Take Shapiro's wiener out your mouth for a second and engage your brain.

    • 1 week ago

      No it doesn't. You take out the government and monopolies form. That's the nature of capitalism. Regulation keeps that in check but unfortunately American politics is totally corrupted by lobby so you can't have good regulation.

      • 1 week ago

        Anon the original monopolies were handed out by governments and they still are.
        A business/corporation working hand in hand is the most surefire way to form a successful monopoly.
        If your state government says you can only get water or energy from a singular company, then that's what you have to live with.

  5. 1 week ago

    Destroy all contracting companies, middlemen paper pushers, bloated administrations, and completely sever insurance from govt influence. To bring down the cost of healthcare at the point of service. Streamline everything to eliminate all the waste, half the back end of the industry gets fired. Then once that's done private insurance companies can compete for the lowest price and higher quality product.

    • 1 week ago

      Oh yeah and every illegal alien is outright banned from hospitals, doctors, and any Healthcare no exceptions. If you're here on a tourist visa then you can.

    • 1 week ago

      >Destroy all contracting companies, middlemen paper pushers, bloated administrations, and completely sever insurance from govt influence.
      cool it on the antisemitic remarks anon

    • 1 week ago

      Reported for antisemtism.

  6. 1 week ago

    What you want free ambulance rides now?
    With you people if we give an inch you take a mile.
    Next thing you'll be demanding free medicine too.
    Face it, socialism has never worked.

  7. 1 week ago

    If they NEEDED the ambulance and did not call it, they couldn't participate in the survey. They'd be dead.

    The ambulance is for when you'd die before you could arrange other transportation to the hospital. It's not the medical taxi.

  8. 1 week ago

    Deport, deport, deport. One hospital near me lost $150 million last year due to uncompensated care for illegal aliens.

    • 1 week ago

      >One hospital near me lost $150 million
      Yeah they just inflate that shit to get tax write offs.
      They'll bill $80 for a SINGLE ibuprofen pill and claim the whole thing as lost if someone doesn't pay for it.

      Not saying you're wrong about deporting, but also hospitals are disingenuous as frick.

      • 1 week ago

        Regardless, it was billed and the state (i.e. me) had to pay. Insurance is the other part of why things are so expensive.

  9. 1 week ago

    This is such an easy problem to fix and all these fricking morons can only spit out their moronation.
    If you would like to fix America’s health care issues, the ONLY thing you have to do is make health insurance illegal.
    If you eliminate that absolute bullshit industry, the magical free market will rapidly fix healthcare.
    Though, some people would die for stupid bullshit that they might not die of today for a while as everything works itself out.

  10. 1 week ago

    % profit limits so we no longer have to carry the rest of the world on our backs

  11. 1 week ago

    Last digit is how much I'll owe after insurance. I've been in here 5 days. Supposed to go home in a few hours. Nothing serious done.

    • 1 week ago

      don't forget to dilate every 12 hours

    • 1 week ago

      Its funny how long they want to keep people in the hospital when they have private insurance but people like me with medicare they push out of the room same day even though I just had surgery.

      • 1 week ago

        Its cos they are such a loving charitable institution that dindu niffins wrong evarrrr. And they love your granny and your grandpa and babies too. But nevermind that grandma had to sell her house and left kidney to afford surgery.

  12. 1 week ago

    Place all doctors and israelites in gulags, then harvest their organs.

  13. 1 week ago

    Tell us one public healthcare system that would work in a country the size of the US with 350 million people.
    I'll wait.

  14. 1 week ago

    >How would you fix the American healthcare system, /misc/?

    Make health insurance illegal, punishable by rape+death. Anytime you create a pool of money that's meant to do good things, people who value money over all else will congregate around that pool of money and devise a way to legally consume it for their own benefit. This is how humans work. And yet, there are enough fools to believe otherwise. Why should the smart people be forced to take part in these schemes?

  15. 1 week ago


    • 1 week ago

      beans are a super food

  16. 1 week ago

    deport illegals

  17. 1 week ago


    as with anything where the cost is inflated due to regulation, get the government out it

    bam, it becomes affordable

    these are a good start. also i would start some kind of anti dumping law where pharma cant rape americans and charge the rest of the world pennies.

  18. 1 week ago

    One thing that can be overlooked is the fact medical care is at times, not optional. When you have a severe disease or accident, your options are to either die or go to a hospital. And those hospitals can charge as much as they want, because your only other option is death.
    Find a cheaper hospital you ask? Why would they be cheaper if they could maximize profit by matching or near-matching other hospitals' prices? Their price is so high, because it can be.

    Insurance companies make the issue even worse, because now the hospital isn't just getting money out of your pockets. It's also getting money from the pockets of every customer of that Insurance company.

    This may sound cliche at this point. But the only realistic fix is to increase government intervention of private companies, or replace them outright with public services.

    • 1 week ago

      the most expensive parts of your *ITEMIZED* medical bill is your room that you stay in.
      back of ambulance, emergency room, hospital beds. all get charged like some roach motel with hourly rates.

  19. 1 week ago

    Send the entire medical apparatus to Cuba and force the doctors to work under communism

  20. 1 week ago

    Eliminate insurance and let the actual cost be put on the end user

  21. 1 week ago

    segregate hospitals

    white people go to the white hospital, with white doctors and nurses

    brown people go to the brown hospital, with brown doctors and nurses

    after all the brown people die from substandard care, only white people will be left and the cost of health care will plummet

  22. 1 week ago

    Allow it to be competitive.

  23. 1 week ago

    Meanwhile in the UK people will call an ambulance over a paper cut and it costs the government billions...

  24. 1 week ago

    Tried to book a doctors appointment, first one available was in september…

  25. 1 week ago

    completely forbid medical insurance
    finance preventative medicine (child and reproductive health, epidemic prevention, basic hygiene, addiction management) out of state taxes

  26. 1 week ago

    just don't get sick

  27. 1 week ago

    Removed all democrats from power, test all current employees in the system and eliminate dei from future hires
    And this

  28. 1 week ago


    Ahh yes, kill anyone muscular as well, you dumb slav Black person.

    • 1 week ago

      roidBlack folk are a huge drag on medical resources

      • 1 week ago

        Oh we're huge alright.

        • 1 week ago

          with hugely enlarged hearts and otherwise undersized internal organs that can't keep up with your 15k calorie diets

          • 1 week ago

            I just take them a bit to shrink my dick, it was too big & I kept wearing women out in the first hour. The muscle gains are nice too.

          • 1 week ago

            >caring about foids' pleasure

          • 1 week ago

            Look it takes me 2-3 hours to cum, kinda hard when they fight after 30min.

  29. 1 week ago

    The American healthcare system would be good if it wasn't profit-motivated.

  30. 1 week ago

    I’d burn it to the ground and piss on the ashes. Hospitals are organ harvesting body bag factories literally run by the mafia.

  31. 1 week ago

    combine veternarian and human medicine.
    decentralize hospitals
    a household should have a doctors office or clean room.
    make healthcare as important as warfare.
    everyone has a term of mandatory health service for 5 years.
    get rid of medical schools, opt of apprenticeship programs instead. and use confrences and message boards instead.
    get drafted to work at pharma companies to save on their overheads and to drive transparency.
    healthcare cant go on the stock market, or everyone gets shares of the stocks.

    • 1 week ago

      What about those of us who want to live and die the natural way God intended? Don’t expect me to take part in your hocus pocus quackery

      • 1 week ago

        the idea being that it will be demystified if you particiapte in it.
        healthcare is a community issue more than an individual one.

        • 1 week ago

          Healthcare is for unhealthy, unfit, out of shape pussies who can’t take charge of their own life and need some fat clown to give them health advice

          • 1 week ago

            go to doctor for illness caused by your environment.
            send your whole family to get their gallbladders removed.
            scabies, lice, parasites, strep throat, pink eye, liver disease,
            pestices and high nitrogen content in the soil. the air quality.
            cysts everywhere
            cysts everywhere

          • 1 week ago

            Sounds like there’s someone you should be angry at for causing those sort of plagues on your household

          • 1 week ago

            how would i know that these things are linked to my health?
            oil fiel workers are paid good money
            how much does that off set the cost of botteled water for his family.?
            systems within systems within systems
            the process of stardust

  32. 1 week ago

    kill all non-whites

  33. 1 week ago

    Make medical debt like student loans where it'll follow you for decades and garnish wages after a while if you ignore them.

  34. 1 week ago

    Now do britain
    >nobody even bothers going to hospital anymore
    t. once sat in a waiting room for three hours with a broken arm
    Then sat in a doctor's room for two more hours
    Then given an arm sling and told to go home

  35. 1 week ago

    I have to get some rare brain surgery, microvascular decompression, and its going to be estimated to cost over one million dollars - not even a joke
    Should only have to pay 17k out of pocket

  36. 1 week ago

    >go to hospital
    >hospital bills you 10k
    >you pay 2k
    >insurance "pays" 8k
    >insurance actually only pays 3k
    >hospital records 5k "loss"

    • 1 week ago

      >goto hospital for minor throat pain during Covid
      >Get sedated
      >get put on ventilator
      >get organs harvested
      >Hospital claims it was a Covid death cops a cool quarter mill
      >Sells your organs to the highest bidder
      >cremates your remains to lowest bidder
      >keep the healthcare machine a rollin

    • 1 week ago

      how does insurence work?
      whats a ppo and hmo?
      whats a deductible?
      why are health savings plans a thing?
      how much for insulin these days?

  37. 1 week ago

    stop sending any aid to africa/israel/whatever and put it into healthcare instead
    only offer free healthcare to people who have finished HS and have a job

    • 1 week ago

      you gotta break your back for the company man working fulltime to be eligable to have health insurence, part timers get the privilidge to pay more for insurence if they want it.

  38. 1 week ago

    Return the price restrictions. 50K MRI now costs $200. $3,000 Dental Crown now costs $60. $80K Heart surgery now... $5K. No need for insurance. No need for Medicare. No need for {special-program-that-ignores-prices-r-too-high-in-the-first-place-but-feeds-greed}.

    You people are like arguing over how deep to allow the bullet to remain that's stuck in your ass instead of just taking the bullet out.

    • 1 week ago

      those price points are far from arbitrary.
      theres a reason why the mri is 50k and the dental crown is 3k.
      parts and labour.
      labour mostly.
      we cant be paying healthcare industry minimum wage.
      they wouldnt stand for it.

      • 1 week ago

        No stupid. Why do totally ignorant people express their opinion? Those prices are inflated by. The corrupt insurance system. An MRI doesn't cost 50k because of labour, it's because there insane profit being made. The system is designed to extort as much money as humanely possible out of people.

        How is it were at this point in society, corruption is so transparent yet people like you still can't pieces anything together. It's astonishing.

        • 1 week ago

          youve never worked in billing
          alex jones has never worked in billing.
          stfu and get a job.

          • 1 week ago

            Do you know what insular means homosexual? It's like talking to a literal money. Seriously are you a bot? Nothing you're saying makes sense.

        • 1 week ago

          >Those prices are inflated by. The corrupt insurance system. An MRI doesn't cost 50k because of labour, it's because there insane profit being made. The system is designed to extort as much money as humanely possible out of people.

          After the 80s almost every company started applying the Japanese/SE Asian pricing strategy of 'how much will they pay' NOT how much it costs. So apply that to "how much will they pay to keep granny from dropping dead?"

          After the 70s the healthcare sector turned into an industry of extreme super ludicrous grift when they removed the price restrictions (i.e. no fraud).

          An MRI machine ..they probably make it in some country for $1K costs (if **that** much), send it to some tax haven..mark it up to $49K...send it to the US at $49K so they don't get US tax on the markup. The distributor sells it to a hospital for $50K. Chances are the distributor knows the people in the tax haven and the people that make it on a first name basis.

          • 1 week ago

            >After the 70s the healthcare sector turned into an industry of extreme super ludicrous grift when they removed the price restrictions (i.e. no fraud).
            what is the exact law you claim they "repealed"?

          • 1 week ago

            It was multi-facted. Deregulations and internal policies tend to be more hidden because typically most think in terms of full-blown legislation than departmental policies.

            But among other things, before Regan's deregulation schemes, Medicare payouts were tied to cost. They decoupled it to wtf ever was billed. They also installed mandatory car insurance. The point is insurance became 'the big thing'. You don't need insurance if the costs aren't that high in the first place? The point is they knew they were about to turn on the grift machine. High prices served to force people into having insurance because people were before that able to pay cash or take out short term credit for covering more expensive care. I knew whole families that had family doctors come by and the parents paid them cash--it just wasn't that expensive. Until after Reagan.

            > > "The 1980s divergence in health costs, some readers and experts observed, coincided with a broad push toward deregulation.
            > > Gary Gaumer, an associate professor at Simmons College School of Business, pointed to changes in how hospitals and doctors were paid. Before the early 1980s, payments by Medicare and other insurers were tied to costs. If it cost a hospital, say, $5,000 for a patient’s surgery, that’s what the hospital was paid, plus a bit more for reasonable profit.." "Reagan, Deregulation and America’s Exceptional Rise in Health Care Costs" NYTimes

          • 1 week ago

            >before Regan's deregulation schemes,
            What deregulation schemes. Reagan increased regulation overall.
            >Medicare payouts were tied to cost. They decoupled it to wtf ever was billed.
            So you're saying a government program failed?
            >The point is insurance became 'the big thing'.
            The only reason insurance has so much power is government intervention.
            You have no clue what you're talking about.
            Government intervention is the reason healthcare is so expensive.
            All of this is specifically laid out in this image if you actually read it:


            It's easy, just free the market.

            >because people were before that able to pay cash or take out short term credit for covering more expensive care.
            Gee you mean like before medicare?
            >Until after Reagan.
            Reagan? The guy that increased regulations and tripled the national debt?

            >> > Gary Gaumer, an associate professor at Simmons College School of Business, pointed to changes in how hospitals and doctors were paid. Before the early 1980s, payments by Medicare and other insurers were tied to costs. If it cost a hospital, say, $5,000 for a patient’s surgery, that’s what the hospital was paid, plus a bit more for reasonable profit.."
            How is changing a government program "deregulation"?
            Clearly the government program is the problem in the first place.
            Do you realize how cheap healthcare used to be before government got involved?
            pic related

          • 1 week ago

            > Muh magical charts don't need no logics

            So you revert to the same thing: arguing how deep the bullet should be in your ass. The prices are way more than they should be and anyone and everyone with half a brain cell at least realizes that.

            I never said that the Government was or wasn't involved. I said it there were changes to regulations. OBVIOUSLY the changes in Medicare green lit allowing the prices to rise. You are inventing arguments that weren't made. You don't think there weren't politicians who profited?

            How can anyone be so argumentative and so clueless.

          • 1 week ago

            >> Muh magical charts don't need no logics
            what the frick kind of strawman is this?
            I presented arguments and provided a chart to back up my points.
            >arguing how deep the bullet should be in your ass.
            What? I told you I want a free market in healthcare so prices come down and quality goes up.
            >The prices are way more than they should be and anyone and everyone with half a brain cell at least realizes that.
            What do you think I've been arguing this entire thread? Holy moron
            >I said it there were changes to regulations.
            Nah you explicitly said it was a decrease in government intervention which caused the problem. In reality it's the government intervention in general.
            >OBVIOUSLY the changes in Medicare green lit allowing the prices to rise.
            But they were already rising before this.

          • 1 week ago

            >Nah you explicitly said it was a decrease in government intervention which caused the problem. In reality it's the government intervention in general.

            Their idea of deregulation was letting Medicare pay out without a basis on costs. Are you just inventing things to argue about. Who cares if they used the word 'deregulation' or 'regulation. The point is they changed the regulations/laws to allow for payouts regardless of cost. I didn't say government was or wasn't the problem. You can 'deregulate' negatively for the seller and positively for a buyer. They deregulated in favor of the service provider NOT YOU.

            It has NOTHING do to with 'free market'. It economic war to impoverish you.

          • 1 week ago

            >Their idea of deregulation was letting Medicare pay out without a basis on costs.
            >their idea
            So it's not actual deregulation, they just changed existing regulations and then called it deregulation? got it

          • 1 week ago

            Don't implicate me in their double-speak. They were involved in the grift clearly.

      • 1 week ago

        The prices being high is a new thing. Its high because of PROFITS they corporatized health care and turned it into a stock exchange equity and profits super industry. FFS are you dumb?

        A surgeon makes $200K a year. He does four surgical procedures in one day that is his whole salary. Where do you think that money is going. To pay wages???? Are you DUMBBBBBB! 100 ER visits at $5K to $10K a pop. WAGES? Do you think it costs $1M to pay five $20/hr nurses in an ER and a doctor $60K for the whole year. Do you even into calculators?

        Its going to pay the mortgage and interest on the new hospital. Its going to pay the 'middlemen' who are in on the deal. Its going to the investment funds because its almost all profit.

        Do you think a PS5 actually costs even close $500 to make? FFS NO IT DOES NOT. It probably costs about $15 at the production rates and quanties. I'm not hating on Sony. The point is the prices are high because THEY CAN BE.

        • 1 week ago

          your helping pay off the laser surgical knives, the replacement equipment, and the cleaners that gave to spray down the room.
          they have to pay all the employees they keep on retainer.
          its all wrapped up in systems.
          medical school , nursing school debt, debt incurred by developing drugs, debt just keeping the lights on in a place that runs as many high powered machines as any workshop, plus the hvac systems.

          youre viewing healthcare from the outside.
          and thats the biggest problem with healthcare.

      • 1 week ago

        Why do you think the hospitals are new and have such glorious vast construction and they have so much land and for the medical school?

        THEY GET IT FOR FREE!!!!! Because some well-meaning schnook gave it to them for freeeee cos 'charity'. He gave it to the same people that get BLOOD from you for free and then charge $150 **PER PINT** to some grandpa needing surgery.

        Feel free to continue to argue about how deep the bullet should be in your asses. There is such a thing as being reasonable about prices. But there is also such a thing as ..


      • 1 week ago

        • 1 week ago

          mexico and having cheap prices compared to us is all qrapped up in the usd/peso exchange rate and modern monetary theory.

          Why do you think the hospitals are new and have such glorious vast construction and they have so much land and for the medical school?

          THEY GET IT FOR FREE!!!!! Because some well-meaning schnook gave it to them for freeeee cos 'charity'. He gave it to the same people that get BLOOD from you for free and then charge $150 **PER PINT** to some grandpa needing surgery.

          Feel free to continue to argue about how deep the bullet should be in your asses. There is such a thing as being reasonable about prices. But there is also such a thing as ..


          they pay for that land, and building hospitals with xray rooms and mri machine rooms and surcigal rooms etc... are really fricking expensive.
          steel and concrete not perf board slop like us housing.
          like they are more expeensive than installing those negative pressure microchip workshops.

          • 1 week ago

            > mexico and having cheap prices

            Its because mexicans haven't normalized fraud like you have ffs. You use all of this glorious talking points and empty statistics to cover for outright FRAUD.

            > they pay for that land

            They get it for FREEEE. Donated land. Cos "muh university" "muh charity". If hospitals were so expensive to run and operate then how the fk do they have enough money for land and constant ever expansion and new buildings. You cant even think straight. You are arguing about how deep the bullet should be up your ass but have a zillion excuses why taking it out shouldn't even be a thought. They get it for free like they get blood for free but they charge $150+ for a *PINT*.

            > xray rooms and mri machine rooms and surcigal rooms etc... are really fricking expensive.
            steel and concrete not perf board slop like us housing

            So next time you go a restaurant I hope they charge you for one meal the samme f/cking amount it costs to buy all of the equipment in the place. That is your fricking logic. If anything you said made sense the prices would reflect 5 to 10 years worth of paying off and financing that equipment rather than then charging every customer how much it cost for the fcking equipment on the entire floor.

          • 1 week ago

            The MesoAmerican corn demons will handle them

          • 1 week ago

            do you understand how non profit companies work?
            every single hospital that know bought land.
            a deep fryer and a range are cheaper than an xray machine and a blood lab.
            you ever eat at one of those high end restarants?

          • 1 week ago

            You should be fully aware that most non-profit organizations usually get a great deal of their assets through donations. Do you have proof they bought the land? I know of at least two huge medical schools that get land and money given to them all the time and even when they buy land its usually some kind of grift. They continually gobble up land. In most any city they tend to own more acreage than other organizations in the city other than maybe the city government itself.

            Almost always they are part of a university which gets the donations to buy the land or they are given the land outright.

            I am fully aware of the costs. But do you not realize that the organizations that own hospitals also might own the companies that make the equipment too (selling a $5 burger to your other hand for $500K..profit keep it secret)? Do you not realize they also might own the medical distribution company too.

            middle management in hospitals are social workers and burnt out healthcare that are done working with patients.

            As if there aren't other fields to work in? Sure some of them are that but not all of them. Some are involved in research. Not referring to them.

          • 1 week ago

            >a deep fryer and a range are cheaper than an xray machine and a blood lab.

            The labs are usually a separate company and they don't charge the hospital the retail price of all of the equipment in the lab just for one lab test. Even still a restaurant that paid $2K for a deep fryer and $2 for chicken doesnt charge you $2002 for a chicken sandwich. A taxi driver isn't charging you $9K for a ride to the airport and then after he pays the van off in a week continuing to charge $9K for airport rides. No one would accept that. Its done because they know you will pay it not because it COSTS that much.

            You have never been in business.

          • 1 week ago

            those fmri machines cost as much as a tank.they cost millions, not thousands.

          • 1 week ago

            The top of the line tend to cost $500K. Electronics is generally cheap in bulk. The pre-production design and engineering part is what is expensive. Its a lucrative field for markups which is why the "how much will they pay" paradigm is used for pricing electronics--because its not about costs its about grift (and fraud). Do you think an iP0ne actually costs anywhere near $1000 to make?

          • 1 week ago

            >. The pre-production design and engineering part is what is expensive. Its a lucrative field for markups which

            For small companies that do small quantities the engineering costs can be rather high compared to some Japanese super giant. That money goes to the engineering team. But with the bigger companies, the number of people buying the product makes the engineering on the front end almost negligible if they milk you for features ..a little bit here and a little bit in the next version.

          • 1 week ago

            You think anything costs what they sell it for? Let me let you in on a little secret. Everything is shit man, it’s all just stuff.Literally everything. Some people like bad new shit, that breaks in two years. Me, mysel, give me the good, old shit, got no time for the bad new shit

          • 1 week ago

            I'm not the one arguing that. The other is. He is saying $50K heart surgery is cos 'muh mri machine is 'xpensive'". My reply was ok next time go to a restaurant and pay the cost of all the equipment for one meal. The point is you don't pay $50K for a burger because they know you won't pay it. You pay $50K for heart surgery because they know you will pay it--has nothing to do with how much it actually costs.

          • 1 week ago

            Jesus can cure your heart and he wouldn’t charge you 50k or probe you with weird new age machinery

          • 1 week ago

            theres more people ordering burgers and fries than there are people ordering fmris.

          • 1 week ago

            It doesn't matter. The hospital is pulling cash from many sources: bandages, how many pieces of candy you eat, how many days you are in the hospital, the ER charge, ambulance charge, % of the doctor's pay probably too.

            There are radiology labs where you'd have to wait a week or two to get an appointment because of the waiting line. You people so deeply want to believe that you aren't being screwed. Reasonable profit is one thing. I'd rather it go to the nurses and doctors and fundamental staff than far off money worshipers.

          • 1 week ago

            i admit i am being screwed but fining a solution through generalizing a lybranthine bureacy of medical bills and expenditures is not how we solve this.

          • 1 week ago

            What many people do is go to good hospitals or medical centers in Mexico --i.e. they stop paying the high prices and tell the Institutional Rape Monster to fk off.

          • 1 week ago

            cool for anyone who doesnt need a plane ticket to cross the border

          • 1 week ago

            >Me, mysel, give me the good, old shit

            A friend of mine had a resale shop. Lots of old microwaves, toaster ovens, electronics, radios from the 80s-90s and it all was clean and worked perfectly. Beautiful store.

          • 1 week ago

            That sounds lovely, my fridge is like lime green knock off vintage. Love it, it’s gets a lot of compliments

          • 1 week ago

            >That sounds lovely, my fridge is like lime green knock off vintag

            Sounds lovely.


            Jesus can cure your heart and he wouldn’t charge you 50k or probe you with weird new age machinery

          • 1 week ago

            The healing power of Jesus Christ is so powerful. I was ejected from a vehicle the rolled doing 87 mph. When they took me to the hospital, they sedated me against my will, and intubated me without my consent and put me in a medically induced coma. I heard an Angel whisper in my ear, a girls voice “you will be able to talk in 10 seconds”. I remember getting to ten and it’s like all the lights turned back on, I flashed back into consciousness and I try to speak a word but all the air is literally being sucked from my lungs like a vacuum from a sabotaged breathing apparatus. I try to use the universal sign for choking with my hands on my throat. I hear moving but no one’s helping me all I can see are white fluorescent hospital lights. I reach up towards my face I feel a hose and start yanking, all Hell breaks loose in this room doctors and nurses panic and tell me I’ll die if I keep doing what I. Doing. 98%:certain in that moment they were trying to murder me, I grip even fricking harder and keep pulling. All of a sudden I can breathe again, someone had fixed my sabotaged breathing apparatus. I give the hand sign for “I love you”.:I hear all the doctors and nurses asking what it meant and they all thought I was a satanist. Except one lone voice thst said “it means I love you”:I can still hear the silence that came over thst room when the one quiet voice said “it means I love you” in that moment it felt like they witnessed something they couldn’t believe, it felt like we were all having a collective religious experience in thst moment

          • 1 week ago


            The healing power of Jesus Christ is so powerful. I was ejected from a vehicle the rolled doing 87 mph. When they took me to the hospital, they sedated me against my will, and intubated me without my consent and put me in a medically induced coma. I heard an Angel whisper in my ear, a girls voice “you will be able to talk in 10 seconds”. I remember getting to ten and it’s like all the lights turned back on, I flashed back into consciousness and I try to speak a word but all the air is literally being sucked from my lungs like a vacuum from a sabotaged breathing apparatus. I try to use the universal sign for choking with my hands on my throat. I hear moving but no one’s helping me all I can see are white fluorescent hospital lights. I reach up towards my face I feel a hose and start yanking, all Hell breaks loose in this room doctors and nurses panic and tell me I’ll die if I keep doing what I. Doing. 98%:certain in that moment they were trying to murder me, I grip even fricking harder and keep pulling. All of a sudden I can breathe again, someone had fixed my sabotaged breathing apparatus. I give the hand sign for “I love you”.:I hear all the doctors and nurses asking what it meant and they all thought I was a satanist. Except one lone voice thst said “it means I love you”:I can still hear the silence that came over thst room when the one quiet voice said “it means I love you” in that moment it felt like they witnessed something they couldn’t believe, it felt like we were all having a collective religious experience in thst moment

            First night out of a coma, my arm was so badly fractured they almost had to cut it off it needed surgery but I was pre surgery. They had a pillow rapped around my arm with duct tape, I remember I kept ripping at it to try and take the pillow off, the nurse came in multiple times. I’m in a bed in this icu room, and across my room are two other beds. In one bed is a dude with a mask like hoodie on, one of those hoodies that zip all the way to the top, in the other bed is a girl throwing balls of light back and forth from one hand to the other like a fricking magic trick. The dude starts inching slowly closer to my bed, slowly closer to my bed, until he’s right hovering over me. He goes to touch my face, I cried out so hard and so fast for Jesus. This dude literally said are you sure you want to do that? Then tried to convince me I don’t even believe in Jesus. I pondered it for a second and said yes I’m sure I want to call Jesus. The chick got up from her bed, and they both walked out of my room. I asked the nurse in the morning who those other two people were in my room in the other beds. She said I was alone in that room all night, I made her swear to me that she wasn’t lying

          • 1 week ago

            No surprise witches astral projecting into hospitals or evil spirits feeding off the suffering.

          • 1 week ago

            those fmri machines cost as much as a tank.they cost millions, not thousands.


            So lets' say they buy an MRI machine for $50K. 40 nights of patients staying in the hospital would be $600,000. According to you they should stop charging $15K a night after the first two months. BUT THEY DONT!

          • 1 week ago

            how much is the yearly salary of the xray tech?
            how many people do they employ to work and maintain the fmri?

          • 1 week ago

            >how many people do they employ to work and maintain the fmri?

            More b.s. from someone that doesn't seem to know what a calculator is. A car mechanic doesn't charge you the entire cost of a car + the cost to rent a parking space on his lot just to replace your car stereo and change your oil. But because you will pay high price hospitals charge it --nothing to do with cost.

            Ever visit a stand-alone radiology service? They usually don't have a large staff. Hospitals don't tend to have staff to fix MRI--ever heard of warranties? Also, the MRI manufactures like most all manufacturers bake the warranties and replacement costs into the price.

            X-ray equipment and MRI equipment like all electronics is a lot less expensive than it was 20 years ago. But the prices for X-rays and MRIs have gone up.

          • 1 week ago

            Also factor in the massive debts that the clinic/hospital has ALREADY accrued. My wife works for a small doctor. He TRIES to charge reasonable prices, but a box of gloves are $35. They cant be normal cheap ones, it has to be certified or "reccomended" by the AMA, FDA, ect ect. The AMA is not an association, its a medical workers union.

      • 1 week ago
        • 1 week ago

          its only becuase a israeli accountant would tell you why these things are so expensive.
          but perhaps doctors shouldnt be luving in 5 million dollar homes and sending their kids to private school.
          instead they should be living in tents with the rest of the bums.
          which is why your family doctor spent some time in africa or southern americas.

          • 1 week ago

            >but perhaps doctors shouldnt be luving in 5 million dollar homes and sending their kids to private school

            There is nothing wrong about doctors and surgeons making $250K - $500K a year. Its not the doctors. If you actually looked into it, you'd see that doctors have been more and more marginalized and pushed out of the field unless they are attached to a Medical $$$$peciality Hotel aka Hospital. At a hospital its not the doctors charging you $50 for a bandage and $900/night. Its the owners of the medical hotel. Its a very expensive hotel. So is a jail or a prison but at a prison or a jail the costs are far far lower.

          • 1 week ago

            Closer to 15k a night. I was in the ER for under 2 hours and the room fee was 15k.

          • 1 week ago

            I was super-lowballing. They think its the doctors. See how people attack anyone visibly enjoying life (doctors, regular people) but they defend and suck the shitd#ck of the actual Institutionalized Rape Monster.

          • 1 week ago

            People like you crack me up.
            >It was 100 jillion kabilliom dollars for a sponge bath from a nurse.

            Post receipts homosexual or you’re just LARPing. And we want real receipts of what you paid OUT OF POCKET. I could give a frick what your poor people health insurance says they paid out, that just means you’re poor

    • 1 week ago


  39. 1 week ago

    Stop hospitals, emergency service clubs, medical supply companies, etc, from over charging. It shouldn't cost $1200 just for the emts to show up and hospitals shouldn't be charging $50 for a single tylenol or ace bandage. Get politicians out of business. No more backroom deals, kickbacks, favors, stocks, whatever same for the doctors.

    • 1 week ago

      people are too stupid and feel irresponsible when diagnosing their own health.
      you pay the doctor to use a stethoscope, an ekg monitor and that scope that looks in your nose and ears.
      you know how hard it is to look into your nose and ears.
      then you also pay the buddy he knows who has a centerfuge and a few chemicle/biological indicators that he uses to check any tissue samples you give him.
      his secretary weighs you and takes your blood pressure and puts it in a file where hippaa protects it more than the data on your iwatch.

      also if the treatment requires a "serious" medication then he'l also write a script for you.

    • 1 week ago

      Start letting the homeless die. I'm putting 15-30 vagrants in a bus every day. They get dropped off at the hospital worked on and let go. So you're paying 2 grand for a ride because they're only getting 1 out of every 30 services payed for. If everyone was paying that would come out to $67 for a ride. Which seems reasonable if you're going to die. Let the homeless die, only service those that pay taxes. Until they do this nothing can change.

  40. 1 week ago

    deport all illegal migrants
    rewrite laws to remove anchor baby protection and birth citizenship
    deport all those migrant children too

    the problem is now fixed

  41. 1 week ago

    With slide threads that the OP posts once on

  42. 1 week ago

    I don't know how you get there, but ideally you make it so health insurance works more like car insurance and maintenance. If I just fill my tank up or get my oil changed, I pay a small amount our of pocket. If I get into a car accident, the insurance covers it. If I just go get a physical or a small procedure like stitches, it should just be cheap and easy enough to pay out of pocket, with insurance covering the big stuff like a heart attack. Maybe lowering the cost and barrier to entry for doctors? The doctor stitching up a cut doesn't need to know everything about medication interactions or symptoms of obscures diseases, he just needs to know how to disinfect some skin, and how to use a needle and thread. If he could go to school for six months to learn that, he wouldn't need to charge $2000 for it to pay back his $500k student loans.

    • 1 week ago

      people go to doctors to actually understand whats going on with them.
      they either hand them a pamphlet or say nothing and send your health data off so people in the right job can figure out whats going on, by the numbers,.

  43. 1 week ago

    Remove 90% of non-patient care positions. You don’t need a suite of admin. Make physicians immune to malpractice lawsuits, removing malpractice insurance and lawyer costs. Cap prices drug companies can charge for meds to a global level - no reason meds are $500/month in the USA but $25/month overseas. Ban illegal immigrants unless they cash pay up front. Ban illegals from Medicare/medicaide

    • 1 week ago

      they adddd amin becuase having doctors calculate your bill
      puts more stress on doctors when they need to focus on finding health solutions.
      the administration was created by the doctors.

      • 1 week ago

        Clerical admin is normal. That is patient care admin. If you looked into it don't be surprised if there arent 20 to 80 middle management at a given hospital that do nothing.

        Remember the Covid dances all those nurses doing nothing but dancing for Tiktok. What do you think middle management was doing?

        • 1 week ago

          middle management in hospitals are social workers and burnt out healthcare that are done working with patients.

      • 1 week ago

        I do my own medical coding. It takes seconds. You need admin in the business office. But you don’t need a VP for every 15 physicians

        • 1 week ago

          >But you don’t need a VP for every 15 physicians

          Exactly. If anything it would make sense to have air medics or paramedics or ICU nurses and ICU doctors rotate in and out of comfy VP or middle management roles for part of the year just to get a break.

    • 1 week ago

      >You don’t need a suite of admin.

      They were in on the deal and so they get a desk to sit at to play vidya and collect $80K for showing up. Let's not forget that government grants were involved in building the hospital and acquiring equipment.

  44. 1 week ago

    Remove juden

  45. 1 week ago

    Tax the hell out of fat fricks

  46. 1 week ago

    kill medicare/medicaid and remove the "duty to support" that is placed on hospitals

  47. 1 week ago

    It can't be fixed. Good health starts with diet, and the American diet is also unfixable because its owned by Big Agriculture. The entire food supply is composed of toxic seed oils, refined grains and sugar. The meat supply is factory farmed shit filled with antibiotics.

    The health problems are only continuing to compound, and the costs will only continue to exponentially increase regardless of what type of system you have in place.

    then you have the incestuous relationship between government regulation, big food, big pharma, big insurance and big healthcare. They're all conspiring to kill you while they rake in obscene amounts of profit.

  48. 1 week ago

    Just allow everyone to be on medicare/medicaid and make all health providers to accept it except for private hospitals.
    If someone doesn't like the wait times they can pay for private insurance.

  49. 1 week ago

    AI + Robots = Medpods

  50. 1 week ago

    It's easy, just free the market.

  51. 1 week ago

    >How would you fix the American healthcare system, /misc/?
    White ethnostate.

  52. 1 week ago

    The stat is a lie. 23% of “Americans” refuse to call an ambulance because he’s been shot by another Black person gangbanger and there’s a warrant out for him.

  53. 1 week ago

    >Shoot anyone who needs healthcare.
    So, the American version of Canadian healthcare.

  54. 1 week ago

    Get rid of the israelites.

  55. 1 week ago


    • 1 week ago

      the medical industry always tailored to the rich.
      once these health corns got out of hand, (starting around the industrialized era) they realized that poor people needed these treatments but couldnt afford it.
      get rid of insurence and kill all the poors.
      so only rich people will be able to afford treatment.
      or shack up with a rich religious enclave like the freemasons, the israelites , or the amish. becuase they pool their money so the most pious can get treatment while maintaining their vows.

  56. 1 week ago

    >needed one
    A paramedic can determine you "need" to go to the hospital for a sprained ankle if only to cover their own ass from litigation later.
    As to lowering costs? It starts with AI making medical diagnosis that is then executed by a nurse practitioner like an invasive injection or blood work.
    Removing flawed, corruptible human doctors as PCPs or Generalists from the equation will solve an enormous number of problems and reduce the over-inflated costs substantially. Surgery and Specialist work is a ways off yet, but this is what we can expect from the future.
    >medical school student loans
    This is why your prices are so high.

  57. 1 week ago

    >how to fix healthcare system
    make medical education free for qualifying students, disempower the AMA, and make healthcare a streamlined profession - there is no reason for nurses not to have a path to doctor.
    - Scribe
    - Medical Assistant
    - Nurse
    - Doctor
    Lastly, nationalize the medical malpractice industry to drastically reduce the cost of settlements and lawsuits by bringing continuity across state lines among other alignments.

    • 1 week ago

      nurse practitioners are a thing.

  58. 1 week ago

    Kill insurer executives, kill pharma executives, let capitalism happen with torture characteristics

  59. 1 week ago

    Anyone in this thread who advocates for government health/dental care should be forced to use the VA for theirs.

    • 1 week ago

      They haven't been to other countries where though the care can be generally good they force you to go to GP after GP after GP and gate-keep the specialists and won't even let you see a specialist until THEY FKIN say so even if you know for sure that is what you need and even if you have the cash to pay for the specialist. They say NO. And they can be arrogant AF about it and dont GAF "you will wait until I say you can see a specialist."

      • 1 week ago

        That’s exactly what they do in America. My mom lost 40 lbs due to stomach pain. GP put in an urgent request for a GI visit. Took two months to get the visit. GI scheduled an endo and colonoscopy. We’ll perform it in another two months.

        My parents are wealthy and have good insurance. The medical system is broken and doctors do not give a shit about you.

        • 1 week ago

          >good insurance

          Hospitals do things because the insurance company sez "If you don't do this we won't insure you" or "If you do this we wont insure you". Voila they sell pills.

          What you are talking aobut is what insurance companies do. And the idea of 'free health care' I mentioned is they consolidate all insurance into a government program INSTEAD OF just prohibiting price fraud.

          > GP put in an urgent request for a GI visit. Took two months to get the visit. GI scheduled an endo and colonoscopy. We’ll perform it in another two months.

          That is because the INSURANCE COMPANY is controlling it. In America unlike say New Zealand, if you pay cash you can go straight to a specialist. But in NZ nope 'fk u we say who you can see and when you can see them'. Insurance? "we say who you can go to or who you cannot."

          • 1 week ago

            >they consolidate all insurance into a government program INSTEAD OF just prohibiting price fraud

            Which is why I put it that way: they get you people to argue about how deep the bullet should be in your arse rather than just taking it out.

          • 1 week ago

            Bullshit. Stop defending the hospital system. They’re always in the top five employers in their state and have mega budgets. They are monopolies and they are just as at fault as the insurers and the fraudulent pharma companies.

          • 1 week ago

            How can you read any of that as defending the hospital system? Can you even read? The kind of insurance I am talking about in that post is the hospital GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE. How can people be so dumb and so quick to brain shart. Like things have depth deeper than a thimble sometimes ukr?

            Did you even look at the context of the reply?

            What the ***GENERAL liability insurance*** policy for a hospital will or will not cover has since the early 90s greatly controlled how they deliver services. How is that a defense of the hospitals?

            On the PATIENT side of things, that is a different type of insurance policy. But it is still INSURANCE (See Terry Pratchett "inn sewer ants").

            The insurance companies have always been controlling who people can go to or what order they have to go in order to see a specialist. I have yet to first hand see a retail insurance plan that allows someone to go directly to a specialist without seeing a GP first. HMOs were notorious for this. They are the ones limiting and controlling the 'care management'. Just as there is a *claims adjuster* for car accidents the insurance companies have *care managers* (same role but instead of cars its human bodies).

        • 1 week ago

          >My parents are wealthy and have good insurance.

          To reiterate, if insurance wasn't involved the pipeline to the GI probably would have been much shorter unless that GI is just super busy or something is going on to cause a spike in GI visits.

        • 1 week ago

          Doctors kill people Anon, it’s their job

          • 1 week ago

            Even paying customers which is just bad business if you ask me. You’re trying to kill me and I’m supposed to pay for it too?

          • 1 week ago

            Even paying customers which is just bad business if you ask me. You’re trying to kill me and I’m supposed to pay for it too?

            Older people with lots of money (or land)... in some counties there are medical-government grifters just waiting eagerly to get them dead and their estates in probate.

          • 1 week ago

            Sad country we live in, surrounded by literal predators

  60. 1 week ago

    I don't know ow the fix but anyone who says it doesn't need a complete overhaul needs to have their head caved in with a brick.

  61. 1 week ago

    Deport all migrants, 40 year moratorium on all non-European migration, liquidate Blackrock and Vanguard, JP Morgan, etc and pay restitution to various retirement funds, etc. put the entire country on single payer and accept that eugenics is the only way out.

  62. 1 week ago

    >How would you fix the American healthcare system, /misc/?
    1. White Only Nation
    2. National Socialism

    • 1 week ago

      The only correct answer.

  63. 1 week ago

    What a load of horseshit.

    I did a poll @eatshitjuden and 98% of israelites are dysgenic trash.

  64. 1 week ago

    Kick out the yidds sucking you dry and pay off debt first.

  65. 1 week ago


    >Euthanize everyone about 25 BMI
    So that everyone becomes 120. Your social system would collapse in a generation because of the costs.

  66. 1 week ago

    Let the fat ones die.

    • 1 week ago

      >Let the fat ones die.
      Hatred of fats is okay. But why do you repeat the israeli lie that fats generate above-average health costs? This is simply not true and is only being told so that you are happy with laws that restrict freedom. Old people in particular, followed by athletes, generate the most health costs.

  67. 1 week ago

    some fellow leaf correct me if I'm wrong but we have to pay an ambulance bill unless we have some extra (private) healthcare plan, that's not included in taxes.

  68. 1 week ago

    Unironically more market. The planned economy restrictions must stop. In a natural market, many more people would train to become doctors at the current salaries and their salaries would fall significantly. More clinics competing without price fixing would bring prices down significantly.

  69. 1 week ago

    Is anyone in this thread facing health issues? Because let's have a serious discussion about Nautral organic medicines you can find in the woods without having to goto a quack who wants to depopulate you with vaccines and poison

    • 1 week ago

      Name a health issue and I will give you my opinion on natural organic alternatives to big pharma. Ask me anything frens

    • 1 week ago

      Learning how to make colloidal silver using distilled water, a DC power supply and two ,9999 silver ingots might be one of the best things you learn to do? Blue glass dropper bottles are sold on Amazon for a reasonable $$.

      • 1 week ago

        The best of instructions imho involves a neoprene or other inert tubing and an aquarium pump an airstone and even one of those manual wall outlet timers. Alligator clips (pref stainless steel but they should not go in the water--they hold the silver partly dipped into the water). AVOID USING SALT FOR ANY REASON WHEN MAKING CS!!!

        • 1 week ago

          I’ve heard of colloidal silver before, never used it. My dad gave me some silver lotion cream that is supposedly good for infections. I drink a lot of tea made from things in the woods and my garden. Cherry bark, lavender, honeysuckle, my wild strawberries came in early been enjoying those

          • 1 week ago

            IIRC silver coins were used to keep milk from spoiling. CS is highly useful.

    • 1 week ago

      One interesting is that CS used to be available at picrel until... RIGHT BEFORE THE DEMIC!

  70. 1 week ago

    deport all illegals

  71. 1 week ago

    You don't, its fine as it is
    medical bills are a moron tax, if you don't know how to get out of them then you deserve to have the debt

  72. 1 week ago

    I hate America and Americans. I want to make the American healthcare system worse so more suffer. The good news is that will happen no matter what I do

    • 1 week ago

      Eh don’t be that way. America rocks, most Americans rock. People who support things like universal healthcare and the politicians pushing commie bullshit aren’t Americans

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