If you had to assemble a Bible, a collection of various books by various authors, to become canon for a Greco-Roman religion, what would you choose?

If you had to assemble a Bible, a collection of various books by various authors, to become canon for a Greco-Roman religion, what would you choose?

Hesiod is a natural choice, but who else? Ovid? Would you include Homer, either books or hymns or both? Orpheus? Apollodorus? Any books of Plato? Virgil even??

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  1. 1 week ago

    Id choose the bible and go back to sleep knowing I did the best job that could be done

    • 1 week ago

      So you'd mention Zeus' name a million frickin times but no one else? Half a job done at least

      >Deus Pater, 2/10

    • 1 week ago


      If you hadn't blasphemously made the Bible parallels, I would have answered you, but your disrespect disgusts me, so I'll keep my knowledge to myself, and all you get is my contempt.

      the Greek books of the Bible.

      >W-w-why do you heathens come into OUR nice le heckin wholesome Jesus lore threads and tease us ;_; we aint never did nuffin to you :~~*

      We need a containment board for Abrahamoids to discuss their grandma religion in peace, maybe we can discuss something without getting a million replies of "THATS A DEMON EVERYTHIGN IS A DEMON"

      • 1 week ago

        you asked a question and I gave you my honest answer you gay crybaby.

      • 7 days ago

        You should stop doing everything you did in this post regardless of what you think anyone else's "position" is.

      • 7 days ago

        Abrahamic religion has mindraped you so hard you think ancient pagan religions could have a “bible”

  2. 1 week ago


  3. 1 week ago

    Hesiod - Theogony, Works and Days
    Ovid - Metamorphoses (edit out all the Roman dick riding)
    Homer - Iliad and Hymns (not Odyssey, it's essentially pulp fiction)
    Orpheus - Hymns
    Maybe the Little Iliad to fill in the blanks
    Some selected Plutarch lives
    Herodotus Histories
    Some Plato, Parmenedies
    Virgil - Aeneid (also edit out Roman dick riding)
    Just for fun, throw in the Argonautica to keep the kids awake

    • 1 week ago

      Ovid's Metamorphoses are to Hesiod and Homer what Warhammer 40K is to Christianity, it has zero relation to Hellenistic religion.

      • 7 days ago

        Cool story. You surely have an alternative to these books instead of just whining?

  4. 1 week ago

    Why didn't the ancient Greek make their own version of the Vedas for their gods? Why were the Indians the only ones who bothered?

    • 1 week ago

      The Veda’s are mostly just hymns/chants that they’d use during their elaborate rituals. they only became significant as Brahminism took over the subcontinent. We already have plenty of things like this for the Greeks, it just isn’t focused on because the Greek priestly class functioned differently.

      • 1 week ago

        Are there any collections of the various chants and rituals that the Greek priests did? Or some of their theologies?

        • 1 week ago


  5. 1 week ago

    If you hadn't blasphemously made the Bible parallels, I would have answered you, but your disrespect disgusts me, so I'll keep my knowledge to myself, and all you get is my contempt.

    • 1 week ago

      >If you hadn't blasphemously made the Bible parallels
      Because he used the word Bible? Or because it implied it was written by various authors? I dont think any church claims they were all WRITTEN by one person... Like the Gospel of John was written by a guy named John, etc

  6. 1 week ago

    the Greek books of the Bible.

  7. 1 week ago

    Everything by Homer, Hesiod, Aeschylus, Sophocles and Pindar. There's no one else on the level of these figures, or on their level and also suitable for being in an official bible.

    Certainly no Roman figures are suitable here, poets for whom the gods had already ceased to be real beings and instead became mere artistic fancies.

  8. 1 week ago

    There actually are spurious Homeric Hymns which praise their gods and recount their exploits, but they are all spurious meaning the real Homer likely had zip to do with them.

  9. 1 week ago

    In chronological Order:
    >Metarmorphoses: Books I to VIII
    >The Argonauts
    >Homeric Hymns
    >Sappho of Lesbos
    >Metamorphoses Books XIII to XV

  10. 1 week ago

    OP was talking shit about IQfy on /x

    saying all of you guys were just a bunch of homosexuals that only suck each others dick all day

    • 7 days ago

      Good to hear he isn't misrepresenting us to the schizos

  11. 1 week ago

    The books of Greco-Roman writers don't really match up to biblical style enough to be comparable.

  12. 1 week ago

    homosexuals like you know nothing about religion. About spirituality. How faith works. All you do is read that some e-gay said "Christ bad... Grek good!" and believe that you can assemble a faux religion with piety as strong as the Christian one. So fricking moronic. You literally just see Christianity, disregard everything about it, and say "me want that but for le based thing!"

    • 1 week ago

      That's how religion works thoughbeit

    • 7 days ago

      >believe that you can assemble a faux religion with piety as strong as the Christian one
      Black person, ancient Greeks and Romans participated in their religion so much, with so much sincerity, that it makes Orthodox israelites look like Reddit atheists. No layman Christian on Earth is doing the modern equivalent of sacrificing bulls, giving giant gold statues to Oracles, or even talking about their God as much as the average dickhead in ancient Greece. The most we have today is for-profit anti-evolution museums and private schools where they sing Jesus songs.

  13. 1 week ago

    Varro (mainly secondhand via De civitate Dei)

  14. 1 week ago

    Religion was largely informed by local tradition and part central authority. The Roman Priesthood did have religious texts, of course, they were for Priests only and were never published. Without tradition these religious practices had little continuity outside of the few Cults directly administered by the Roman Priesthood and State.

  15. 1 week ago

    I am part of a group who still takes part in the Mysteries

    • 7 days ago

      I'd say the practice would be the actual point,rather than having some text sitting around,so either pick a god,make an altar and do some mumbo jumbo or make a pilgrimage,maybe to Eleusina,find someone like and go trip balls in a cave while looking at wheat. I actually came across some Athena worshipers doing some rite while taking a stroll on the hill of the Muses once, they even had that double-flute and hymns and everything. Felt surprisingly Communal.

    • 7 days ago

      I have been looking for a serious group, but all I see are TikTok teen witches and dysgenic nationalist greeks. How did you find one?

  16. 7 days ago

    why does ingres alway paint his women so weird? what is he doin?

  17. 7 days ago

    My impression from reading classics is that Greco-Roman paganism was not even a religion, it was just a collection of superstitions and rituals b/w a vague sense of justice and piety; and then a bunch of myths that no one took too seriously but you could use to justify whatever you wanted. More like wacky stories than religious texts. Then you have mysteries and Orphism which is more like a true religion. But the paganism of your average peasant was more like a folk-way. There was certainly no creed or explanation of reality or anything like that.

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