It seems that Marija Gimbutas wasn't that wrong, right?

>Arguments have long suggested that the advent of early farming in the Near East and Anatolia was linked to a "Goddess" cult.
>We studied social organisation, mobility patterns and gendered practices in Neolithic Southwest Asia using 131 paleogenomes from Çatalhöyük East Mound (7100-5950 BCE), a major settlement in Central Anatolia with an uninterrupted occupation and an apparent egalitarian structure
>contrast to widespread genetic evidence for patrilocality in Neolithic Europe, the Çatalhöyük individuals revealed no indication of patrilocal mobility.
>We also identified differential funerary treatment of female subadults compared to those of males, with a higher frequency of grave goods associated with females. Our results reveal how kinship practices changed while key female roles persisted over one thousand years

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  1. 7 days ago

    I forgot the sources

  2. 7 days ago

    So at the end of the day, the memes weren't so wrong, right?

    • 7 days ago

      Maybe in Anatolia yes, but in Europe, at least later, no.

      • 7 days ago

        A lot of the societies of Old Europe retained many of the technologies and social practices from Anatolia, including making stuff from clay and having cattle skulls in the houses. Interesting to think about the social differences, I think, and what spurs people to migrate.
        ANF bros?

        I am a woman and I am a matriarch.
        yes, but they don't think it was like a feminist or utopian fantasy like a marija's... matriarchy is not like feminists say.
        women from agricultural societies, especially without much competition with other groups, did have a greater position in society, as in Turkey cited in the study
        But that doesn't mean that women were some kind of misandric tyranny... and the religious factor is closely linked.

        Do you are matriarch? Wft

    • 7 days ago

      imagine when the IE vs ANF helloguys discovered this study???? the ANF vs IE fight will take new directions like they did with the Hallstatt study, which was also matrilineal haha
      We need more war

  3. 7 days ago

    I am a woman and I am a matriarch.
    yes, but they don't think it was like a feminist or utopian fantasy like a marija's... matriarchy is not like feminists say.
    women from agricultural societies, especially without much competition with other groups, did have a greater position in society, as in Turkey cited in the study
    But that doesn't mean that women were some kind of misandric tyranny... and the religious factor is closely linked.

    • 7 days ago

      matriarchy is better because women are better leaders than men. They can solve problems creatively and tend to have a more comprehensive view of situations. Additionally, they have greater empathy for other people and can understand their feelings more easily. In patriarchy, on the other hand, men tend to be very self-centered and cannot see beyond their own needs

      • 7 days ago

        >matriarchy is better because women are better leaders than men. They can solve problems creatively and tend to have a more comprehensive view of situations

        Women and creativity is should never be written in same sentence, lol

        • 7 days ago

          What level of argument is yours, eh? moronic.
          women are also more resilient and able to adapt to change.
          (the fact that it is easier to learn languages is not a coincidence)
          and have greater emotional capacity

          • 7 days ago

            Black person, all great minds are men, from scientists to generals. besides that, women are not addaptable, they are just conformist.

          • 7 days ago

            Black person, socialization is not always about empathy, but also about hierarchy and assetivness

            Stop using racist slurs and mabye i will keep reply to your arguments 🙂

          • 7 days ago

            No, Black person 🙂

          • 6 days ago

            Stop huffing your own farts. Virtue signalling doesn't work on this website since it's anonymous.

        • 7 days ago

          Well, I would say it's because women have more female hormones and these hormones make them better at socializing. Furthermore, women's brains have more brain connections than men's and this helps them think logically and analytically.

          • 7 days ago

            >Well, I would say it's because women have more female hormones and these hormones make them better at socializing
            >Furthermore, women's brains have more brain connections than men's and this helps them think logically and analytically.
            Fake and fake.

  4. 7 days ago

    Well, what's the surprise? although the old stuttering moron used imbecile arguments based solely on "man look at this female figurine" was not enough for her arguments, she touched on an interesting subject that agriculture and the spoon actor recalls a mother giving her fruits to the people (son) So I never found it curious why people derived from the ANF had such feminine gods in relation to fertile soil
    but I didn't know it was as restricted as this study says.

  5. 7 days ago

    It's true, she was in charge after all.

    Not to jump to conclusions from this (as if I would) but I wonder if the patrilocal, patrillineal, patriarchal Neolithic societies of Europe splintered off cos they didn't want to live like this.

    Just wild speculation as usual...

  6. 7 days ago

    "And then one day, your great grandfathers showed up in chariots, and men got rights."


    • 7 days ago

      Euro Neolithic is the product of the unloved prodigal son. Might explain a few things.
      "we have been here before, we will be here again, the great wheel"
      Indo-European man.

  7. 7 days ago

    So what? even if isn't fabrication made up to back up feminist agenda, where Çatalhöyük and Neoilithic cultures are now? they, even if what its said true, were evolutionary dead-end. It's so pathetic seeing how feminists try to find any historical precident for Girlpower(tm)

    • 7 days ago

      Cope haha

      • 7 days ago

        I don't need. Farmers has fallen, billions must live in patriarchy

      • 6 days ago

        >Cope h-ACK

  8. 7 days ago

    Is this shit real? or is it a feminist agenda? I mean, why then were Neolithic Europeans patriarchal, patrilineal and even patrifocal? a change out of nowhere? for no apparent reason? does not make sense. and in fact even the fricking WHG were patriarchal. so why would ANF be matriarchal?

    • 7 days ago

      They have all kinds of haplogroups - G2a, H2, T1, J2, C1a2, none dominates.

      >out of nowhere
      More hostile environment. They were forced to become more patriarchal to survive.
      >WHG were patriarchal
      Maybe some groups, probably not all of them. Mesolithics tend to have more diverse haplogroups.

  9. 7 days ago


    • 7 days ago

      Not just civilization my dear little chuddie.

      • 7 days ago

        Why do Women always win

        • 7 days ago

          men are too horny

      • 6 days ago

        While being a little bit more accepting towards women as all steppe societies are compared to farmbugs overall Scythians and sarmatians were still predominantly patriarchal.

        • 6 days ago

          No. They were semi-matriarchal
          And i can prove it

      • 6 days ago

        >Not just civilization my dear little chu-ACK

    • 7 days ago

      Not just civilization my dear little chuddie.

      both false. Men can beat women in both civilization and wild

  10. 7 days ago


  11. 7 days ago

    What now? What we Gonna do

    • 7 days ago


  12. 7 days ago

    very nice
    now let's see the Hermaphrodite Cults

    • 7 days ago


  13. 7 days ago

    ANF bros?????

  14. 7 days ago

    in Neolithic Younger women help with household chores and take care of children, but they do not have as much power as mothers. The social position of women varies according to their age, knowledge and professional skills

    • 7 days ago

      And? Irrelevant post

      • 7 days ago

        you idiot? The women in the study are all under 40 and it doesn't make much sense that they were these matriarchal queens

  15. 7 days ago

    Because over time, societies began to change. Customs changed and men began to have more rights than women. Laws were changed to allow men to have access to the same rights as women in various aspects of life, such as work, education and land ownership. As a result, there were also changes in families where separated fathers or single mothers became more common...

  16. 7 days ago

    Ancient DNA kind of makes everything less magical. I remember reading about Catalhoyuk in my archeology book. I bet Jericho also wasn't special and people who lived there just looked like typical Levantine PPN guys.

  17. 7 days ago

    makes sense..
    civilization = socialization.
    social intelligence is an important factor too, as women are better at understanding and dealing with the group. This can be an advantage in socialization

    • 7 days ago

      Black person, socialization is not always about empathy, but also about hierarchy and assetivness

      • 7 days ago

        Yes. but socialization is the basis whether you want it or not

    • 7 days ago

      This can be an advantage when communicating with other people, but it can also cause some problems if they don't know how to deal with their feelings or if they have difficulty trusting other people.

      Ancient DNA kind of makes everything less magical. I remember reading about Catalhoyuk in my archeology book. I bet Jericho also wasn't special and people who lived there just looked like typical Levantine PPN guys.

      Dna wins Boomer haha

  18. 7 days ago

    Ok who said this? Feminists?

    • 6 days ago

      No. See here

      I forgot the sources

      They aren't feminist but it is strange as frick

  19. 7 days ago

    >doooooooood they had a heccin GODDESS
    So did the people of Athens you knuckle dragging Cretan.
    >but muh burials
    They might* have been more relatively egalitarian than others. But there is literally no evidence to suggest EEFs were matriarchal in any way.
    Medieval Europe was absolutely more egalitarian than medieval India but no one would ever call it anything but patriarchal.
    Because humans are biologically a male dominant species regardless of lifestyle

    • 7 days ago

      read the stupid abstract

    • 7 days ago

      1. The study talks about NF and EEF
      2. be more egalitarian in what sense? It is very variable. Medieval Europe is not a good example. they were proto-feminists in certain things
      3. It's not just about burials but about women in positions of power
      4. If we are a male species, why has patriarchy been declining since the classical period? Why then are queens so influential?

      • 6 days ago

        >has patriarchy been declining since the classical period?
        2nd century Rome was far more matriarchal than for example 7th century Europe. Tf are you even talking about.
        >Why then are queens so influential?
        queens were always less influential than Kings.

        • 6 days ago

          The medieval europea was more matriarchal. And abou the queens.. not necessarily check-out the le Isabela la pendeja

  20. 7 days ago

    EEF society was predominantly matriarchal. Women were responsible for taking care of the family and everything related to it, while men were more focused on military and political issues.

    • 7 days ago

      It's not hard to imagine
      In agriculture, women are responsible for tending the fields and planting crops to feed the entire population.
      so/uterus/harvest/feminine goddess
      EEF logic

    • 6 days ago

      It wasn't. EEF are Early European Farmers. The study even compares European farmers and Catalhoyuk farmers. EEF were patrilocal.

      • 6 days ago

        EEF lost. European farmers were raped into extinction by the Asian invaders.

  21. 7 days ago

    I read the abstract and I'm confused =/
    I mean, is the argument that they were more feminine because of larger female main tombs with goddesses? and that? but isn't it the same shit that the needy old woman from Lithuania said? This is not how we exactly determine the social structure of a people. At the beginning of the IE studies we thought that the prevalence of several male tombs was not enough to determine their society 100%, then the genetic studies came in 2015 and proved this. ok, the study only focused on ek tombs and on an elite woman?

    • 7 days ago

      Cum! Which one of you read the study?? Go read this shit and then come talk shit.

      >doooooooood they had a heccin GODDESS
      So did the people of Athens you knuckle dragging Cretan.
      >but muh burials
      They might* have been more relatively egalitarian than others. But there is literally no evidence to suggest EEFs were matriarchal in any way.
      Medieval Europe was absolutely more egalitarian than medieval India but no one would ever call it anything but patriarchal.
      Because humans are biologically a male dominant species regardless of lifestyle

  22. 7 days ago

    They believed that they had a connection with the divine and were capable of doing things that men could not. Women were present in all areas of society and held many political and military positions, and were also highly respected for their magical powers

    • 7 days ago

      I meant non-military

    • 7 days ago

      Feminist sameflag
      Sources? My ass

      • 7 days ago

        don't make me humiliate you

    • 7 days ago

      Yes, another interesting thing about Neolithic female figurines was that they were made from natural materials like stone or clay. This means that they were trying to portray femininity in the most natural way possible and using the resources available in the region to create these sculptures. Furthermore, they often had very detailed feminine features, such as thick lips or voluminous breasts. In general, female statues from this period showed a very romantic and sensitive view of women in relation to motherhood and love between couples.

  23. 7 days ago

    Gonna read this paper when I have some time. Thanks, OP.

  24. 7 days ago

    ANF lost

  25. 7 days ago

    This dumb b***h has more evidence to back up her claims than Graham Hanwiener does, but she forgot to say that the relative lack of evidence that supports her theories also proves her theories.
    They're both moronic and should be stripped of their ability to make claims in public.

    • 6 days ago

      >They're both moronic and should be stripped of their ability to make claims in public.
      Marija Gimbutas has been dead for 30 years bro

  26. 6 days ago

    The clearest evidence that women were matriarchal in the Neolithic is the importance of motherhood in society. As I said before, many of the female statues from this period show mothers with children or pregnant women in their arms. This means that they were seen as important and protective figures within the family and the larger social group in which they lived. Furthermore, ancient people used to give great importance to agriculture, as it was an essential activity for the sustenance of individuals and families in the natural conditions where they lived. If you think about it for a moment, it becomes clear that those who took best care of the fields would be the ones who would also dedicate themselves to caring for their offspring.

  27. 6 days ago

    >It depicts a naked woman sitting between arms with a feline head. Generally considered to represent a fertile Mother Goddess in the process of giving birth, some scholars now suggest that such figurines (found in large numbers at Çatalhöyük) may represent elderly women who rose to prominence and achieved status at Çatalhöyük. The sculpture is on display at the Museum of Anatolian Civilizations in Ankara, Turkey

    They were matriarchal lol old women represent a certain class of power in their society.
    and it seems that women had a prestige as high if not greater than men... this woman seems to be in charge of things.

  28. 6 days ago

    Why there are so many simps? Why men can't protect their class interests?

  29. 6 days ago


    • 6 days ago


      >Not just civilization my dear little chu-ACK

      I can not read

      • 6 days ago


        • 6 days ago

          Answer me

          • 6 days ago

            >Answer m-ACK

          • 6 days ago

            Hahahaha what happened?? Hahah

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