It's pretty wild that in 2024, burning multisession DVDs is equally as arcane as trying to use floppy disks.

It's pretty wild that in 2024, burning multisession DVDs is equally as arcane as trying to use floppy disks.
Both are drives that no longer are built into any new hardware and require an external USB drive to read, which makes using them an act of contrarianism.

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  1. 1 week ago

    Things like AV1/AVIF/Opus makes sharing things over the internet pretty snappy over wifi-direct and to some extent even bluetooth. I can see people falling back on DVDs/CDs if they're still using baseline H264/JPG/MP3 on their 2500K shitbox that refuses to die though.

    I'm glad optical media was an absolute nightmare when it came to reliability. One scratch and the things was fricking junk.

    • 1 week ago

      I'm glad optical media is dying*

      Now if only these wienerSUCKERS would release 4K movies on read-only SD cards.

      • 1 week ago

        You'll rent it from a streaming service. This is what you get for letting go of physical media.

      • 1 week ago

        >4K movies on read-only SD cards.
        >Black personcattles all over the net and social media engage in microsd slot shaming behavior
        It's not coming, anon. All because you chose to be a cloudhomosexual.

    • 1 week ago

      lettuce be real, with how storage size has progressed, it's not too bad to still use these

      • 1 week ago

        >it's okay to use dogshit obsolete algorithms cause duhhh I have space for it anyway
        everything wrong with modern computing in one homosexual

        • 1 week ago

          how are they dogshit? mp3 is the only one that I'll agree on because aac is much better in every way.

      • 1 week ago

        the difference between those codecs is like 30% at most
        it's fricking nothing you moron

        4k AVIF under 100KB

        Double check it also observe how the image isn't a blocky mess like it is with JPEG. Ultimately this means that something like AVIF is like 90% more efficient than JPEG especially with non-photographic stuff (ie anime).

    • 1 week ago

      the difference between those codecs is like 30% at most
      it's fricking nothing you moron

    • 1 week ago

      DVDs from the 90s with 480i video look better than 4K video on YouTube with the abysmal bitrate they use.

  2. 1 week ago

    normies dictate everything

  3. 1 week ago

    Don't care, still burn music cds on the regular.

  4. 1 week ago

    It is embarrassing to not be able to read and/or write them. If you cannot do it, you live under a rock.
    That's my opinion.

    • 1 week ago


      Things like AV1/AVIF/Opus makes sharing things over the internet pretty snappy over wifi-direct and to some extent even bluetooth. I can see people falling back on DVDs/CDs if they're still using baseline H264/JPG/MP3 on their 2500K shitbox that refuses to die though.

      I'm glad optical media was an absolute nightmare when it came to reliability. One scratch and the things was fricking junk.

  5. 1 week ago

    nobody fricking liked optical media from a convenience standpoint.
    its cool that it uses scifi lasers and light to record data and read it back but it just fricking sucked otherwise.
    this is not wild.

  6. 1 week ago

    optical stopped being worthwhile when even the smallest, most space saving HEVC anime encodes ballooned to 4GB for 12 episodes.

    My anime collection is 2TB, I would need like 500 DVDs to hold all of it, that's still 85 BDs.
    I can hardly fathom how 4.7GB was ever enough.

    • 1 week ago

      because 480i xvid episodes used to be 50mb

      • 1 week ago

        this was the era of internet I was introduced to, the early 00s were super comfy

        • 1 week ago

          >Flash garbage all over the page, often bringing your browser to a near-halt if you tried scrolling on the page
          >popups everywhere, browsers could barely keep up
          >OHMYGOD, NO WAY
          >if you went on the wrong site, a Java exploit in one of the ads would frick your computer
          >no adblock yet to prevent all of this
          >actually had to work to pirate music, never knew when you'd get Bill Clinton'd as opposed to now where you can get okay quality rips from YouTube
          >people going to prison or being charged millions of dollars for pirating crap from Limewire because RIAA still thought making examples out of people was a good idea
          Maybe I was just too young at the time and didn't get it

          • 1 week ago

            Those parts sucked but the good parts were good, tools, serials, cracks, all on the wild west of the clearnet, same with drug forums/markets, dangerous information out in the open for anyone and everyone to learn, dangerous information like the do/k/ument that teaches how to make kabooms, aks out of shovels, or fun switches with paperclips. Now it's all filtered, consolidated, monetized, and stripped.

          • 1 week ago

            Is there still a clearnet for RCs? The last time I attempted I got scammed.

          • 1 week ago

            The last private RC forum I had access to got shut down about 4 years ago, the kids still dumb enough to operate on clearnet now do it through social media. Everyone else is too paranoid to operate on the internet anymore, whether it's darknet or clearnet

    • 1 week ago

      tranime averages 2-7fps and is mostly simple pastel colors.
      Not to mention it leaves the studio at 720p. You should be looking at a 4gb encode and think, damn the chimpanzee moron that encoded this really just hit default settings and ran with it.
      That's the real difference between today and the stone ages 20 years ago. We released stuff on irc and every encode was done with care, WITH the dogshit codecs we had back then.
      homosexual zoomer.

    • 1 week ago

      True. But do we really need anime to be as large as it is?
      I still get 720 or even 480, and it's.... so fricking comfy, idk.

      • 1 week ago

        >so fricking comfy
        any suggestions, comfy bro?

        • 1 week ago

          I'll do my besto. What genre do you like fren?

          • 1 week ago

            Anything realistic. Like, no crying because the boy at school didn't like you back, and that's the focus on the episode. No magic. No yelling. Sophisticated dialogue would be cool

          • 1 week ago

            >Kakegurui - drama, a gambling anime with highly sophisticated strategy in its games
            >LOTGH - legendary space opera sci-fi
            >Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai - hilarious romance
            All of those fit the bill.

          • 1 week ago

            Cheers, not even ChatGPT 4o could do that

          • 1 week ago

            Cheers anon, nice digits.


            That one always held me off, but don't try to deny that the animation-style is trash... so I avoided it. However it's got a pretty high rating, so i'll give it a shot one day.
            pic related, non-shit animation and glorious smug of Kagegurui.

          • 1 week ago

            Won't deny that FKMT's artstyle is a bit of an acquired taste, but it defo pays off in making despair feel real (picrel). I'd even argue anime adaptations of his work don't fully capture the essence of his style. I actually really like Kakegurui's character's design-wise, it's just that the gambles are awful

          • 1 week ago

            Try Liar Game, similar to both but it's a manga. The strategy is crazy good.

          • 1 week ago

            It's actually already on my backlog, but thanks for reminding me

          • 1 week ago


      • 1 week ago

        Easy, a lot of drawing relies on drawing the illussion of detail rather than actually drawing detal. This means that the higher the resolution, the easier it is to tell it's a mere trick, notice how sometimes people go
        >ohhh, that's just an unnamed background character, of course they're not gonna draw it with the same care they do the main cast in the foreground, you only noticed because you zoomed in
        They're half right, it's silly to expect a high level of detail from background shit, but you don't need to pause or zoom in, shit like that is very noticeable in higher resolutions. Solution is watching in 480p or below, all those squiggles blend in and the illussion actually work

        • 1 week ago

          >They're half right, it's silly to expect a high level of detail from background shit, but you don't need to pause or zoom in, shit like that is very noticeable in higher resolutions. Solution is watching in 480p or below, all those squiggles blend in and the illussion actually work
          This anon gets it.

  7. 1 week ago


    • 1 week ago

      Closest behavior to a rewritable floppy disk, it just hides obsolete versions of files so your disc still fills up as you edit files, the filesystem hides them though.

  8. 1 week ago

    >Both are drives that no longer are built into any new hardware
    They are not included in the mini atx/itx shitters from china you're thinking of. Ask me how I know you don't use a computer for work

    >and require an external USB drive to read, which makes using them an act of contrarianism.
    You need a lesson on memory volatility. It's one thing if you don't do anything important on the computer and therefore don't have data worth a piss to preserve. In that case don't get ECC RAM or a quadro. Buy an overpriced amd shitter gpu and make sure to use nothing but SSD's. Especially nvme's, specifically with no dram cache. Make sure to put your OS on one of those. Make sure to copy your important files to a usb external flash drive, or be a data cuck and get a cloud service for Rajeed to hack and obtain your info from.

    • 1 week ago

      If there was a modern, good layout ITX case with 5.25" drive I'd buy one in a heartbeat.

      • 1 week ago

        Why not use ATX? I have a Fractal Design Focus G with two 5.25 bays.

  9. 1 week ago

    come on

    was burning DVDs ever really popular? I can't imagine it. CDs sure you burned CDs for your portable CD players

    You already download the movie, why are you gonna burn a DVD of it? No way, you would just play it. Seems like you guys are just making that up I doubt everyone was burning DVDs

    • 1 week ago

      >was burning DVDs ever really popular?
      CD's yes. It was so popular that companies like Sony had to put DRM in their players that would detect burned disks. It was especially big in countries that these companies didn't give a frick about and wouldn't sell to.
      >I can't imagine it. CDs sure you burned CDs for your portable CD players
      Cars anon. They even put cassette players in them.

    • 1 week ago

      the main reasons I did back in the day was because it was the easiest way to display downloaded movies onto a tv, doing that isn't as easy as it is today

    • 1 week ago

      yeah pirated dvds were huge in the early 2000's zoom zoom

    • 1 week ago

      Nice troll post, have a u

    • 1 week ago

      pirated dvds sold on the street
      general back ups
      storage wasn't as advanced so you couldn't store just store 30 movies indefinitely on your computer to watch whenever you want, if they were at a good quality.

      • 1 week ago

        dvds sold on the street
        What a time to be alive lol

      • 1 week ago

        those same vendors now sell pirated flash drives and microSD cards full of entire discographies and best of playlists

    • 1 week ago

      >was burning DVDs ever really popular
      Yes it was, at least around here. Where the frick would you archive your shit? And backups?
      HDDs were expensive. DVDs were cheap.
      DVDs were not just for movies. Same with CDs.
      And how would you share games, anime and other shit with your buds? It was all DVDs. The USB drive was not common yet, or was too small. My first pen drive was 64MB, when a DVD had almost 5 GB.

      It's pretty wild that in 2024, burning multisession DVDs is equally as arcane as trying to use floppy disks.
      Both are drives that no longer are built into any new hardware and require an external USB drive to read, which makes using them an act of contrarianism.

      >floppy disks
      What's arcane about a floppy? It was so simple to operate. Much simpler than optical media.

    • 1 week ago

      Most people didn't have laptops in the early 2000s that they could bring down to their living room, and even if they did it was unlikely they would have analog video output for the TV's of the time, so burning a DVD was the only way you could watch pirated movies in your living room. Also, if you rented movies on Netflix to copy them, you're not going to store 9gb movies on the maybe 100gb hard drive you have, you're going to burn it to a disc and delete it to free up space for other things.

  10. 1 week ago

    optical media is still king when it comes to quality, too bad they don't make them any more so I can download the remux

  11. 1 week ago

    I still burn DVD's when I'm messing around with different operating systems because I only have a few flash drives and don't like waiting around for Rufus to do its thing when I need to install multiple operating systems quickly.
    >require an external USB drive to read
    You can still add DVD drives to computers you're building, unless you got some really specialized gamer case that throws out everything in favor of having more spots for fans. You are building your own PC's, right anon?

    • 1 week ago

      Try Ventoy

  12. 1 week ago

    >which makes using them an act of contrarianism.
    don't care, still using them

  13. 1 week ago

    Who let you out of your retirement home, grandpa?

  14. 1 week ago

    If you can't collect enough files to fill the disc then simply burn the same file to the disc many times, that way you'll have potential redundancy if the disc is partially damaged. At least one of the copies will be readable, assuming the files aren't too large. Copy your files and clone them inside a ramdrive (before burning to optical, using osfmount) to avoid putting writes on non-volatile storage.

    • 1 week ago

      dvdisaster, homie

  15. 1 week ago

    I still burn DVD iso and watch them on my upscaler. Idc

  16. 1 week ago

    >burning multisession DVDs
    128GB flash drive is $10

  17. 1 week ago

    I still burn DVDs when I need cold storage, I may not check the files for years and neither magnetic or flash last that long unpowered
    Yeah, this is autism, agreed

  18. 1 week ago

    i still burn cd-rs for small files such as ebooks
    in case libgen and zlibrary shutdown
    i also burn them in case i have no internet(which has happened a few times before). it's nice to have data when you don't have internet

    having a spindle full of data i didn't even notice that my internet was out for a week

    • 1 week ago

      why use cds for that purpose instead of just copying to a hard drive or usb stick? Is it the novelty? I have an old stack of 700mb discs with nothing on them, but I can hardly imagine using them for anything nowadays

      • 1 week ago


        i use optical discs because it's the cheapest and most durable storage option. i can get 50 bd-rs for like 20 dollars
        external 1TB hdds are cheap but they aren't durable. that's the problem
        i always end up breaking them by accident. i remember taking one with me while traveling and i fricking dropped it on the ground by accident and it wouldn't work after that
        i don't want storage that isn't drop proof

        i have a laptop so i would have to use an external hdd and external hdds aren't durable. That's why i don't use them

  19. 1 week ago

    That's old technology for you.

  20. 1 week ago

    If you own a computer with a DVD drive, you have autism. It's an absolutely flawless way to diagnose the condition. If you don't have your official diagnosis yet, just visit a doctor and say "Multisession DVDs", and you'll be officially registered as disabled. Imagine how many blank DVDs you can buy with your NEETbux.

    • 1 week ago

      Autism is when you insist that everybody does as you say. It is the lack of compassion for others, the lack of being able to see the world out of the eyes of others. Read: You have autism, you absolutely NEED us to adapt to your ways. You NEED us to get rid of the DVD drives, or else!!1

      • 1 week ago

        very autistic post

        • 1 week ago

          Even if there are autistic DVD users, so fricking what?

    • 1 week ago

      How is using something that has longer lifespan than shelved flash memory deemed autism?
      You're not projecting, right?

      • 1 week ago

        Depends on type of flash, wear level, and most importantly storage temperature. Most people have no idea that SSDs will last decades powered off in refrigeration temperatures.

  21. 1 week ago

    i use optical discs because it's the cheapest and most durable storage option. i can get 50 bd-rs for like 20 dollars
    external 1TB hdds are cheap but they aren't durable. that's the problem
    i always end up breaking them by accident. i remember taking one with me while traveling and i fricking dropped it on the ground by accident and it wouldn't work after that
    i don't want storage that isn't drop proof

    • 1 week ago

      >i don't want storage that isn't drop proof
      great minds think alike

      theres also the fact that if you dont use and sdd long enough you may lose the data.
      almost could have become a problem with some pretty important shit


      everything is backed up on dvds anyways
      its just that it would have been a hassle to transfer everything into a new drive (~120 DVDs. the downside of that method)

    • 1 week ago

      >50 bd-rs for like 20 dollars
      Interesting. I didn't know they were that cheap.
      And how much data does each take?

  22. 1 week ago

    If I find BDXLs at a garage sale or estate sale I'll start archiving important data/media. 100gb/128gb disks are close to $10ea on amazon

    • 1 week ago

      a 1tb ssd is $30
      price wise physical media makes no sense
      also burning a 100gb bd takes eons.

      • 1 week ago

        A disk will last as long as I live while an SSD will not. I mainly want to archive the files I've had hoarded for 20 years and not worry about them ever again.

        • 1 week ago

          >A disk will last as long as I live
          >unless moisture hits it
          >unless uv light hits it
          >unless you bump it
          >unless you scratch it
          >unless the ink on the unwritten side degrades
          >unless you're a dumb zoomer baby that didn't grow up with optical media

          • 1 week ago

            I would put them in a cd binder and forget about them until I'm an old man. You're pretty passionate about this subject

          • 1 week ago

            cd binders scratch discs

            i would recommend labeling them and leaving them on the spindle that the discs came with.
            the discs being stacked on the spindle gives them extra protection.

          • 1 week ago

            ask anyone that was alive in the 90s if they have a cd binder full of old games that are all unplayable lmao. especially gamecube games would just rot on you like nothing else

            none of this shit is true.
            i have cleaned discs with water and they still work
            >unless you bump it
            um no, you can bump discs and nothing will happen to them. you are thinking of external hdds

            >unless uv light hits it

            in the long term yeah but if you put a dvd out in the sun for like 5 minutes nothing will happen to it because it hasn't been out in the sun long enough

            it's the heat from the uv light that destroys the disc not the uv light itself

            cds left in a car turn to mush fast, let's add heat exposure to the list too
            It is. optical media is written with light and they are degraded by light dipshit. that's why they're called optical

          • 1 week ago

            in the early 2000s, i would leave my cds out in the hot car while i was at work and nothing happened to them. They still worked

            based on personal anecdotes i know you are full of shit

          • 1 week ago

            >single anecdote to disprove stastical reasoning
            stupid redditor

          • 1 week ago

            none of this shit is true.
            i have cleaned discs with water and they still work
            >unless you bump it
            um no, you can bump discs and nothing will happen to them. you are thinking of external hdds

            >unless uv light hits it

            in the long term yeah but if you put a dvd out in the sun for like 5 minutes nothing will happen to it because it hasn't been out in the sun long enough

            it's the heat from the uv light that destroys the disc not the uv light itself

    • 1 week ago

      >If I find BDXLs at a garage sale or estate sale
      good luck with that

  23. 1 week ago

    >burning multisession DVDs
    USB drives are simply more convenient in almost every way
    The only downside is cost if you want to distribute physical media (if you want to mail software on physical media to 100 people for example). Optical still wins for that
    But for something personal you keep using to store and transfer data between devices, flash drives are just more practical in general (you can even plug them in tiny devices)

  24. 1 week ago

    I only ever use discs anymore for movies and they immediately get ripped, compressed a bit with x264, and then placed onto my NAS to be streamed over Plex.

  25. 1 week ago

    counter argument:

  26. 1 week ago

    I saw some dedicated cd/dvd burners at goodwill for like 10 bucks a pop

  27. 1 week ago

    I still use my stockpile of CDs/DVDs to burn install media or to copy old photos. Medical institutions also use them regularly.

  28. 1 week ago

    >Both are drives that no longer are built into any new hardware and require an external USB drive to read, which makes using them an act of contrarianism.
    I don't buy "new hardware" I built a PC which has an optical drive so if I need one I can use it. I'm not really concerned with what the unwashed masses are doing or buying because I don't use those products

  29. 1 week ago

    Just buy RW.

  30. 1 week ago

    >which makes using them an act of contrarianism.
    I just like playing around with old hardware.

  31. 1 week ago

    put a cd server on your fricking network
    not every computer needs a cd drive
    what next,
    cd drive in my alarm clock?
    cd drive in my microwave?
    cd drive in my bathtub?
    frick you

    • 1 week ago

      >cd drive in my alarm clock?
      I miss the 00s

  32. 1 week ago

    m-discs are a thing

  33. 1 week ago

    >burning multisession DVDs is autism
    do people really burn once and close the disc?
    what a waste

  34. 1 week ago

    >Both are drives that no longer are built into any new hardware
    They aren't? DVD and BD drives still exist. Now they're even affordable, being just $60.

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