Ive come to the belief that the existence of GIMP is doing more harm than good.

I’ve come to the belief that the existence of GIMP is doing more harm than good.

The software itself just isn’t anywhere near the feature parity it needs to be. The UI and workflows are just not there for what users are expecting. I can’t suggest someone learn it because it just isn’t going to serve them well in the end.

But because it exists it means someone who would do it better has less incentive to do so.

Not that I consider Photoshop a good image editor anymore, over the past 8 years it’s degraded horribly. So now we just don’t have good image editors.

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 3 days ago

    uaaah you can't just show another girl your pantsu like that!!

  2. 3 days ago

    Honestly, if a cute girl like that showed me her erect girlwiener, I'd be blushing profusely too

  3. 3 days ago

    >feature parity
    That was never the goal. I am not a graphic designer, just a guy who edits photos of his kids and makes the occasional meme. GIMP does everything I've ever needed it to.

  4. 3 days ago

    me on the left

  5. 3 days ago

    >anywhere near the feature parity it needs to be
    There are no real alternatives to it since it's FOSS and free as in free beer. Photoshop is a different kind of product in a very different category. It's not FOSS and it's not free of cost legally. So there is no feature parity to compare to in GIMP's category. That would be like saying planes are better than helicopters since they can go faster.

  6. 3 days ago

    Didn't read, just here for the lust provoking picture.

  7. 3 days ago

    if you don't like GIMP then feel free to develop your own graphic editing application, good luck because you're going to need all the luck you can get

  8. 3 days ago


    >ywn live in a country that understands JKs are not children and are naturally attractive to adult men

    • 3 days ago

      everyone understands that everywhere, the contention is that it's immoral for adult men to act on such feelings
      my impression is that most japanese also subscribe to this moral ideal, just maybe not with quite as much conviction as americans

      • 3 days ago

        Black person

        • 3 days ago

          >it's... LE IMMORAL!

          >naming the israelite means you agree with the israelite
          Black folk

      • 3 days ago

        >it's... LE IMMORAL!

      • 3 days ago

        I'm not a pedo or e-girlgay, but that's not really true. People think it's immoral to look at young looking cartoons as well, which probably doesn't count as "acting" on the feelings in the way you meant there.
        Just for the record and for the FBI, I also think it's immoral. For me, everything that's cringe and gross is immoral, regardless of muh hurting other people, and being a pedo coomer is cringe and gross.

        • 3 days ago

          >can't even type two sentences without prostrating himself and engaging in his glowie-mandated humiliation ritual
          land of the free

          • 3 days ago

            He didn't even make it two words.

          • 3 days ago

            I'm not American. Are you implying that only Americans should be worried about American glowies?

      • 3 days ago

        >everyone understands that everywhere
        Unfortunately not. The brainwashing is real. I recently had an awkward conversation with someone who now thinks I'm a sick frick for saying post-pubescent minors are attractive. I'm not even in the USA, only in a country influenced by it.

  9. 3 days ago


    OP pic is 2 JCs, not JKs
    learn the difference in uniforms

    • 3 days ago

      JCs are attractive you fricking Black person
      Today i went outside for once, saw like 4 bawds half naked and the little girls walking around with their mons were MUCH hotter

  10. 3 days ago

    just fork the project with saner defaults, if it becomes widely adopted those changes will be merged back into gimp

  11. 3 days ago


    this is out of character actually besides them being lesbians

  12. 3 days ago

    I agree that the existence of GIMP only makes things worse. People are literally gaslighting themselves and each other into believing this is acceptable.
    >Not that I consider Photoshop a good image editor anymore, over the past 8 years it’s degraded horribly
    PS is a good image editor, and CS6 hasn't changed in the past 8 years, even more actually. I haven't tried nu versions but I'm sure they're still usable albeit pozzed as frick .

    • 3 days ago

      no linux user has ever thought gimp was good or a replacement for photoshop. Gimp was always widely considered a meme, even among linux users.

  13. 3 days ago


    fatty folds fallin

    • 3 days ago
  14. 3 days ago


    she is not lesbian or sexual of any kind shes asexual

  15. 3 days ago


    The manga had even less yurishit for bocchi than the anime, which was nice but the manga itself isn't that good.

  16. 3 days ago


    >read the manga
    guy ryoposters can't read

  17. 3 days ago


    this reeks strongly of troonyslator shenanigans
    post the original panels

    • 3 days ago
      • 3 days ago

        okay you've passed the inspection
        have a nice day

      • 3 days ago

        it could be "cosplayer's girlfriend"
        or "become a cosplayer girlfriend"
        it's totally ambiguous

        • 3 days ago

          isn't that more of a "cosplayer's girlfriend"? I would translate it like that but I'm not a native speaker

        • 3 days ago

          isn't that more of a "cosplayer's girlfriend"? I would translate it like that but I'm not a native speaker

          There is no ambiguity in this panel. Every Japanese will interpret コスプレイヤーの彼女 as "cosplayer girlfriend"... Think of it as コスプレイヤーである彼女 if you're an idiot gaijin who can only speak european languages.

          • 3 days ago

            Right, but it could also just be a joke because that's something a stereotypical pro gamer would have, not that she actually wants one. She probably doesn't really want a sponsorship either, that'd be a lot of pressure.

  18. 3 days ago

    Don't worry, I'm writing a new image editor together with a new ui library.

  19. 3 days ago


    The author is a flaming yurigay. It's fanservice in a gag manga, not to be taken seriously.

  20. 3 days ago

    For basic photo editing it is sufficient. You can generate something with AI and then tune down the AI a bit to make it look less AI-like. In a few years down the road AI will likely be good enough at photo editing that GIMP / photoshop will be an outdated niche skill.

  21. 3 days ago


    >7, 8
    That's how you know this image is bullshit.

  22. 3 days ago

    gimp 3 in two more weeks

    • 3 days ago

      Just 129 issues left.


      • 3 days ago


        There are less issues. Probably 20 something in total.

  23. 3 days ago

    Anyone can fork it.

    • 3 days ago

      *Forks ur balls*

  24. 3 days ago

    >I’ve come to the belief that the existence of GIMP is doing more harm than good.

    • 3 days ago

      this image just hacked into my phone

      • 3 days ago


  25. 3 days ago


    >dont care
    >posts chart suggesting he absolutely cares about younger women more than older women
    i havent been on 4ch in months and forgot how moronic people here are

  26. 3 days ago

    you're full of shit but I saved your image.

  27. 3 days ago

    I use AliveColors and photopea. Not the best but the simplest. GIMP is all about plug-ins and being unintuitive on purpose.

  28. 3 days ago

    GIMP comes installed by default on the distro I use yet I still choose to open up firefox and use photopea instead
    every. single. time

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