Joseph Naso, "Crazy Joe", murdered possibly as much as ten women in California the 1970s-80s but it took until the 21st century to finally n...

Joseph Naso, "Crazy Joe", murdered possibly as much as ten women in California the 1970s-80s but it took until the 21st century to finally nail him. It was the capper to a lifetime of crimes big and small. Naso was born in Rochester, New York on January 7, 1934. He graduated high school in 1952 and enlisted in the Air Force where he met his first wife Judy. They were married for 18 years and had a son Charles who had mental problems and whom Joseph cared for. They divorced in 1978 but remained on friendly terms. After divorcing his wife, Naso moved around a lot in the following decades, living in various locations in the Bay Area and finally Reno, Nevada where he was arrested in 2009.

Naso was first arrested in Rochester in 1958 while home visiting family. He claimed to have picked up a "gorgeous chick" at a bus stop. The two went to a cemetery where he started kissing and groping her. She resisted, so he held her down and raped her. The woman reported Naso to police and he was charged with second degree assault and given probation. He claimed the cops told him afterward to "just get out of town." In 1961, by which time he was living on the West Coast, he assaulted a 24 year old Berkeley graduate student. The woman was waiting for a bus in Oakland when Naso drove up and offered her a ride. She accepted and was raped inside his car. The victim reported the assault to police but they didn't take her claim seriously, telling her she was just trying to make her boyfriend jealous.

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  1. 1 week ago

    On January 10, 1977, eighteen year old Roxene Roggasch was found dead near Fairfax, California. After getting an anonymous tip, police found the petite redhead buried face-down under some scrub brush. Her ankles were bound and a pair of pantyhose were wrapped around her neck. She had been dead less than 24 hours. Since Roggasch was a suspected prostitute, although her family denied it, they investigated a suspected pimp who had been accused of assault by a different woman. That lead went nowhere and the case became cold. Twenty-two year old Carmen Colon was found dead along the Carquinez Scenic Highway on August 13, 1978 when a CHP officer came across the body while investigating an unrelated incident in the area.

  2. 1 week ago

    Naso does not appear to have killed again for 14 years. In May 1992, a woman named Sara Dylan disappeared in the San Francisco area. Sara, whose birth name was Renee Shapiro, was a Bob Dylan superfan who followed the singer-songwriter around on tour and was known to his management and security team; she was on her way to a Dylan show at San Francisco's Warfield Theater. She even legally changed her name to that of Dylan's former wife as a mark of her devotion. Sara's skull was found in Nevada County and identified in 2013 through DNA testing; her passport would be found in Naso's safe deposit box. In 1993, the body of 38 year old Pamela Parsons, a waitress, was found in Yuba County. Tracy Tafoya, 31, was found dead in Yuba County on August 14, 1994, raped, strangled, and dumped near Marysville Cemetery. She was estimated to have died about a week earlier.

    None of Naso's murderous activities were suspected for decades and he was known to neighbors as a weird old crank but not really dangerous. He was arrested for shoplifting in Yuba City in 1994 and a year later he tried to abscond with 30 pairs of women's underwear from a store in Oakland. Naso was arrested again in 2003 for shoplifting from a Sacramento supermarket shortly before he moved to Nevada. And in 2009, at age 75, he was busted for shoplifting at a South Lake Tahoe supermarket and given probation.

    • 1 week ago

      Here is a picture of her. She was 38 when she was killed and apparently so devoted to Bob Dylan that she even traveled overseas to see him perform when he was touring internationally.

  3. 1 week ago

    In 1998 Naso began a relationship with a wealthy 75 year old woman named Mildred Gardner. Gardner ended up getting a restraining order placed on him and claimed he lied about money she'd loaned him. She gave him $10,000 in cash to buy a van for the two of them to use only to learn he'd put the title in his name only. Later when Gardner's son was ill he wanted to buy a home near the hospital he was staying and connived her to loan him $7,000 towards a house they were supposed to share together. Again he put the title in his name only. Naso never told Gardner about his prior rap sheet or anything else, and she wouldn't have loaned him any money if she'd known. Also Naso had a terrible temper and frequently threatened her. He demanded Gardner "get back" any money she'd ever loaned to others. He also demanded she give him a .38 revolver she owned, which he never returned. Gardner's family eventually hired a P.I. who found about his shoplifting arrests and the rape incident from 1958. She refused to go back and live with him again but more embarrassingly, she'd been forced to pose for a photo session wearing bondage gear, something those who knew Gardner said was "very out of character" for her.

    Yet Naso could have a kindly side to him, particularly where his disabled son Charlie was concerned. Charlie was a handful to care for and in 1996, Naso had to get a restraining order placed on his own son due to his violent behavior induced by schizophrenia but he later had the order dropped and became his legal guardian. Naso also fought with Northern Nevada Adult Mental Health Services, which insisted Charlie needed to be in a group home and his father wasn't properly caring for him. In 2005 he sued the Social Security Administration for defamation over their accusations that he gave Charlie alcohol and didn't administer his meds on time. The case was thrown out but Charlie remained in his father's care until his final arrest.

    • 1 week ago

      Naso does not appear to have killed again for 14 years. In May 1992, a woman named Sara Dylan disappeared in the San Francisco area. Sara, whose birth name was Renee Shapiro, was a Bob Dylan superfan who followed the singer-songwriter around on tour and was known to his management and security team; she was on her way to a Dylan show at San Francisco's Warfield Theater. She even legally changed her name to that of Dylan's former wife as a mark of her devotion. Sara's skull was found in Nevada County and identified in 2013 through DNA testing; her passport would be found in Naso's safe deposit box. In 1993, the body of 38 year old Pamela Parsons, a waitress, was found in Yuba County. Tracy Tafoya, 31, was found dead in Yuba County on August 14, 1994, raped, strangled, and dumped near Marysville Cemetery. She was estimated to have died about a week earlier.

      None of Naso's murderous activities were suspected for decades and he was known to neighbors as a weird old crank but not really dangerous. He was arrested for shoplifting in Yuba City in 1994 and a year later he tried to abscond with 30 pairs of women's underwear from a store in Oakland. Naso was arrested again in 2003 for shoplifting from a Sacramento supermarket shortly before he moved to Nevada. And in 2009, at age 75, he was busted for shoplifting at a South Lake Tahoe supermarket and given probation.

      On January 10, 1977, eighteen year old Roxene Roggasch was found dead near Fairfax, California. After getting an anonymous tip, police found the petite redhead buried face-down under some scrub brush. Her ankles were bound and a pair of pantyhose were wrapped around her neck. She had been dead less than 24 hours. Since Roggasch was a suspected prostitute, although her family denied it, they investigated a suspected pimp who had been accused of assault by a different woman. That lead went nowhere and the case became cold. Twenty-two year old Carmen Colon was found dead along the Carquinez Scenic Highway on August 13, 1978 when a CHP officer came across the body while investigating an unrelated incident in the area.

      Joseph Naso, "Crazy Joe", murdered possibly as much as ten women in California the 1970s-80s but it took until the 21st century to finally nail him. It was the capper to a lifetime of crimes big and small. Naso was born in Rochester, New York on January 7, 1934. He graduated high school in 1952 and enlisted in the Air Force where he met his first wife Judy. They were married for 18 years and had a son Charles who had mental problems and whom Joseph cared for. They divorced in 1978 but remained on friendly terms. After divorcing his wife, Naso moved around a lot in the following decades, living in various locations in the Bay Area and finally Reno, Nevada where he was arrested in 2009.

      Naso was first arrested in Rochester in 1958 while home visiting family. He claimed to have picked up a "gorgeous chick" at a bus stop. The two went to a cemetery where he started kissing and groping her. She resisted, so he held her down and raped her. The woman reported Naso to police and he was charged with second degree assault and given probation. He claimed the cops told him afterward to "just get out of town." In 1961, by which time he was living on the West Coast, he assaulted a 24 year old Berkeley graduate student. The woman was waiting for a bus in Oakland when Naso drove up and offered her a ride. She accepted and was raped inside his car. The victim reported the assault to police but they didn't take her claim seriously, telling her she was just trying to make her boyfriend jealous.

      Naso is a terroni surname so some savagery, rape, and murder is to be expected.

      • 1 week ago

        bride snatching used to be a practice in some parts of Italy where you kidnap a girl, take her home, and claim her as your property/wife

    • 1 week ago

      >She refused to go back and live with him again but more embarrassingly, she'd been forced to pose for a photo session wearing bondage gear, something those who knew Gardner said was "very out of character" for her.
      yeah man i'd totally love to see those photos of Granny in leather and fishnets. not.

  4. 1 week ago

    It was Naso's chronic sticky fingers that finally brought him down. When his parole office Wes Jackson visited him on April 13, 2010, he saw an ad for a gun and several rounds of ammunition tucked in an ashtray. Naso was not supposed to possess firearms or ammunition while on parole and he was jailed for a year on parole violation while police now had free reign to search his house. In the course of this investigation, he would be traced to the murders of the four California women. In his house was found a vast collection of photographs of women posing in bondage gear and lingerie dating from the 1960s to recently, over 4,000 images, and many were posed to look either dead or unconscious. But the most important evidence was Naso's diary which described his many sexual conquests over the years, including descriptions of the 1958 and '61 rape incidents. In the former, he said of the victim "I loved her. I wished I could have married her." Nevada investigator Robert Brown believed some of the women in the photos were definitely dead as the bodies had telltale signs of decomposition on them.

  5. 1 week ago

    Shortly after his 2009 shoplifting arrest, a woman named Royce Talkington came forward and said she'd worked alongside him at a swap meet. He had a brown van and sold lingerie out of it, which he invited her to pose in but she refused and said he gave her the heebie-jeebies.

    Naso's diary entries contained accounts of sexual encounters with females in many different cities and states, even internationally as one entry described an encounter he'd had in England way back in the 1950s during his time in the Air Force. That entry read "Outside the front door I overpowered her and ravaged her. I couldn't help myself." Another entry read "Girl in north Buffalo woods. She was real pretty. Had to knock her out first." He denied that any of the women in his bondage photos were unconscious, dead, or posed against their will, saying it was his "art" and all subjects were willing participants. When it came to the diary entries and their numerous accounts of rapes, Naso said he used the word "rape" loosely and it didn't necessarily imply non-consensual sex. He was of Italian heritage and he explained that in Italian culture, "rape" just means "getting the girl." Further, he argued none of his diary entries actually talked about murdering anyone, that he never met Roxene Roggasch, and that he'd only photographed Pamela Parsons. "She offered me sex but I only took photos. She left my house alive and well."

    • 1 week ago

      >in Italian culture, "rape" just means "getting the girl.

      Is it true?

  6. 1 week ago

    He was charged with the murders of Roxanne Roggasch, Carmen Colon, Pamela Parsons, and Tracy Tafoya. Naso refused to hire a defense attorney and was denied a public defender as he was a wealthy man with assets of over $1 million and could have easily afforded lawyers. He thus represented himself in court. Naso would only admit to photographing Pamela Parsons but said he didn't kill her. He called as a witness Peter Keresztury, an artist who specialized in erotica, to testify and compared his photos to those of people such as Playboy Magazine sketch artist Alberto Vargas. Keresztury disagreed and considered Naso's photos too raunchy and not very artistic. Naso however denied he ever claimed himself to be on the same level as Vargas. He claimed the few photos that Keresztury was shown were not among his better ones and were cherry-picked to make him look bad.

    The woman he'd raped in 1961 came forward; she was now 74 and living in the Midwest. She said the police didn't take her claim seriously because of the less enlightened culture of pre-women's lib days. One detective asked if she still had the clothing she was wearing that day; she replied that Naso broke the zipper on her skirt but she believed she no longer had the skirt after all those years. It is unclear what kind of sentence Naso would have received had he been convicted of rape as California laws had changed quite a bit since the early 1960s. Another woman claimed Naso raped her in 1985 after a photo shoot.

    Naso said he'd been fascinated with pinup girls since his boyhood during World War II when Rita Hayworth and Betty Grable graced every serviceman's barracks and spent three hours in court describing his photography hobby, his time in the Air Force, and the huge number of photos he'd taken over the years, including "wedding photos for three sisters in the same family."

    • 1 week ago

      Joseph Naso, "Crazy Joe", murdered possibly as much as ten women in California the 1970s-80s but it took until the 21st century to finally nail him. It was the capper to a lifetime of crimes big and small. Naso was born in Rochester, New York on January 7, 1934. He graduated high school in 1952 and enlisted in the Air Force where he met his first wife Judy. They were married for 18 years and had a son Charles who had mental problems and whom Joseph cared for. They divorced in 1978 but remained on friendly terms. After divorcing his wife, Naso moved around a lot in the following decades, living in various locations in the Bay Area and finally Reno, Nevada where he was arrested in 2009.

      Naso was first arrested in Rochester in 1958 while home visiting family. He claimed to have picked up a "gorgeous chick" at a bus stop. The two went to a cemetery where he started kissing and groping her. She resisted, so he held her down and raped her. The woman reported Naso to police and he was charged with second degree assault and given probation. He claimed the cops told him afterward to "just get out of town." In 1961, by which time he was living on the West Coast, he assaulted a 24 year old Berkeley graduate student. The woman was waiting for a bus in Oakland when Naso drove up and offered her a ride. She accepted and was raped inside his car. The victim reported the assault to police but they didn't take her claim seriously, telling her she was just trying to make her boyfriend jealous.

      lol at 1950s cops

      >yeah sure you were raped, toots. cool story, babe. i bet your husband would love to know you were cheating on him.

    • 1 week ago

      >She said the police didn't take her claim seriously because of the less enlightened culture of pre-women's lib days
      even after that. my mom's first boyfriend in the 70s smashed up her car when she broke up with him but the cops said it was a domestic dispute so they couldn't do anything.

  7. 1 week ago

    DNA evidence eventually tied him to the murders of Sara Dylan and a 56 year old woman named Sharileea Patton, whose dead body washed ashore near the Naval Net Depot in Tiburon, California in January 1981. Naso was then managing the residence where she lived and he'd photographed her. Police at the time suspected him in Patton's death but he gave evasive answers and there was not enough probable cause to arrest him. He was also suspected to have killed a headless and partially decomposed woman found in Foss Creek in Healdsburg, California on January 24, 1983 but she was never identified. Naso had a diary entry mentioning a girl in Healdsburg. He was not charged in the Dylan or Patton murders.

    Naso was for a time a suspect in three child murders in the Rochester area in the early 1970s. The victims, Michelle Maenza, Carmen Colon, and Wanda Walkowicz, all 10 and 11 years old, were raped, strangled, and dumped around town in Rochester in 1971 and '73. Although several witnesses saw the girls with their apparent abductor, he was never apprehended or identified and the murders remain unsolved to this day. Naso was a suspect as Rochester was his home town, the victims had alliteration names (first name and surname beginning with the same letter) just like the four women he'd killed, and by a bizarre coincidence one girl had the same name as one of his victims. However, DNA collected from Walkowicz eventually disproved the idea that Naso was responsible and in any case none of his other crimes had involved preteen children.

    Naso was convicted of four counts of first degree murder on August 20, 2013 and sentenced to death. As of 2023, he is 89 years old and remains on San Quentin's death row, one of the oldest death row prisoners in the United States.

    • 1 week ago

      >The victims, Michelle Maenza, Carmen Colon, and Wanda Walkowicz, all 10 and 11 years old, were raped, strangled, and dumped around town in Rochester in 1971 and '73. Although several witnesses saw the girls with their apparent abductor, he was never apprehended or identified and the murders remain unsolved to this day.

      This case is rather bewildering if you read about it because one of the girls was seen running out of the suspect's car half-naked in the street but he eventually coaxed her back inside. It was in the daytime and there were plenty of people who witnessed it but nobody did anything.

      • 1 week ago

        >This case is rather bewildering if you read about it because one of the girls was seen running out of the suspect's car half-naked in the street but he eventually coaxed her back inside. It was in the daytime and there were plenty of people who witnessed it but nobody did anything.

        It's not that weird, they probably thought it was a child and her parent. A 10 year old running out in the street half naked would be a little odd (i mean if she was like 4, yeah) but people could have just assumed she was moronic or something. She should have tried to run and get help instead of getting back in the car with the dude though.

        • 1 week ago

          >The victims, Michelle Maenza, Carmen Colon, and Wanda Walkowicz, all 10 and 11 years old, were raped, strangled, and dumped around town in Rochester in 1971 and '73. Although several witnesses saw the girls with their apparent abductor, he was never apprehended or identified and the murders remain unsolved to this day.

          This case is rather bewildering if you read about it because one of the girls was seen running out of the suspect's car half-naked in the street but he eventually coaxed her back inside. It was in the daytime and there were plenty of people who witnessed it but nobody did anything.

          is this another deal with the kid that almost escaped Jeff Dahmer and he caught him and killed him?

  8. 1 week ago

    Interesting. What's your angle with the thread? Awareness?

  9. 1 week ago

    Why do all these stories go the same way?

    >born into abusive whackjob family
    >torture animals as a kid
    >commit petty crimes as a teen and sexually harass/batter weaker kids
    >joins the military and leaves known as the unit weirdo
    >crazy porn obsession
    >commits robbery/assault for the thrill
    >starts raping and killing
    >gets caught
    >cops and judges let him go cuz “lol 20th century”
    >bounces around the country torturing and killing people
    >a victim or two escape, but nobody believes them
    >psycho has a family and chills for a while or becomes known as the local creep
    >gets bored decades later and accidentally tells the cops he’s the killer, or forensic genealogy connects his 7th cousin to him

    • 1 week ago

      or you missed part where the guy's wife or wives said he beat the shit out of her and forced her to do sadomasochistic sex

      • 1 week ago

        You missed

        >crazy infertile chick who carves babies out of pregnant women


        >crazy chick who helps a male killer cuz it’s her fetish

        • 1 week ago

          I've never heard of the former happening, at least not in any case I've ever heard of.

    • 1 week ago

      the female serial killer is a lot different and usually a woman who poisons or murders her husbands or kids for insurance money or just because she's a dick and does it for years until someone finally proves she was killing them even though a doctor or other such people were suspicious but nobody believes them

    • 1 week ago

      >crazy porn obsession
      please don't look at porn, it destroys your mind

    • 1 week ago

      They were always born between 1930 and 1955.

      • 1 week ago

        there have been Gen Xer serial killers too like Dahmer and Westley Allan Dodd. quite a few of them follow a similar pattern though (especially Dodd as he was in the military and got away with molesting kids for years before he finally started murdering).

        • 1 week ago

          granted but Silent Generation and boomers had a special level of psychosis that's hard to explain

        • 1 week ago

          Those two were both born in 1960 putting them in the boomer camp.

          • 1 week ago

            Dodd was born in 61 but still that's like early Gen X, I mean they'd have been in grade school during the Vietnam War.

  10. 1 week ago

    fricking Sicilians i swear

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