>learning to use neovim. >trying to install configurations. >Error Detected

>learning to use neovim
>trying to install configurations
>Error Detected
>*package name* requires Neovim >= 0.8.0
>Using debian stable, neovim 0.7.2
>Latest on arch is 0.10.0-5
>Can't follow any tutorials
>Can't install any packages
debiansisters... our response?

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  1. 4 days ago

    I'm on Ubuntu and used snap to install the latest version. To be honest this is the first time I wish to go back to Fedora

  2. 4 days ago

    what the hell requires neovim

  3. 4 days ago

    Just download a binary (or compile it yourself) and put it in your PATH, that's what i did.

    • 4 days ago

      this but deleting debian and installing a distro not intended for production servers.

    • 4 days ago

      Everyone in this thread is an idiot except this guy.
      Neovim releases an appimage. I've used it on Debian it's fine. Just download it and put it in PATH.

      • 4 days ago

        i resent that the standard way to use neovim on debian is to use snap, flatpak, or an appimage. i'd assume most neovim users are fans of minimal software and these solutions are actually more bloated than neovim itself. i rarely ever have problems with older packages in the stable repo, because i dont care if i have the latest features or not. but older versions of neovim actually break things and it drives me crazy when the rest of my system just works. building from source is equally annoying, not because its hard, but because you have to keep track of it yourself and apply any updates manually.

        • 4 days ago

          >i'd assume most neovim users are fans of minimal software
          Why on earth would you think that
          The "let's slap a whole other scripting language on top of vim" crowd? Those guys?

          • 4 days ago

            didnt vim just slap a custom scripting language on top of itself in version 9?

        • 4 days ago

          >i'd assume most neovim users are fans of minimal software
          The average Neovim user has like 40 plugins installed, including plugins that do the exact same things neovim does out of the box, but the user and the plugin author don't know about it for some reason.

          • 4 days ago

            >including plugins that do the exact same things neovim does out of the box, but the user and the plugin author don't know about it for some reason
            I hate this so much

            i resent that the standard way to use neovim on debian is to use snap, flatpak, or an appimage. i'd assume most neovim users are fans of minimal software and these solutions are actually more bloated than neovim itself. i rarely ever have problems with older packages in the stable repo, because i dont care if i have the latest features or not. but older versions of neovim actually break things and it drives me crazy when the rest of my system just works. building from source is equally annoying, not because its hard, but because you have to keep track of it yourself and apply any updates manually.

            Please watch this OP

  4. 4 days ago

    What you need to do is go to the configuration github roll it back until it supports your version and use that
    I also recommend kickstart.nvim
    Once you roll it back you can completely fork it immediately

  5. 4 days ago

    Good, I don't want updoots to shit up my system. I use debian because I need my stuff to keep working.

  6. 4 days ago

    I've tried migrating my config to neovim.
    Chosen lazy or something like that.
    Configuration is arcane shit and there are dozens ways of doing the same thing.
    I've tried few of them and it worked so so. The lsp was not that good as coc.
    And some vanilla vim plugins had bugs or not worked at all.
    For example neovim for some reason leaves marks in the gutter that I deleted, wtf.
    Yank (kill) rings neovim pluging were acting strange for me too and the vim plugin in neovim was broken as well.
    The other plugins that don't work properly are some custom motions plugins.
    I went back to vim, because I have everything I want here. The config is simple as frick and I even upgraded/got some new plugins.
    I don't see the appeal of lua. It still needs to call vimscript for some things which makes the horrible combination making it some frankenmonster and I don't have a clue what is possible and what isn't in lua. I would rather use new viml for new stuff. I don't undestand how hard is it for people to learn a language. It is literally python/js difficulty level language. Just learn as you go.
    I've seen maybe 2-3 neovim exclusive plugins that looked like an improvement, but mainly for aesthetic, no actual functionality. I prefer FZF over Telescope so there is not much in neovim for me. Telescope -> FZF, LSP -> CoC. Maybe treesitter, but I would need to make all my vanilla plugins work, probably would need a rewrite. So in my case it doesn't make sense to move. I will still use vim.
    The other thing I don't like in neovim is how many plugins require bleeding edge version. It looks to me like webshit tier js situation where people change and break stuff with every update. This is pajeet tier behavior. My 10+ year vim config with all plugins still works without change.

    • 4 days ago

      so you can just set up vim once and use that same config for 10 years? maybe i ought to stop trying to use neovim before i've invested any time into it...

      • 4 days ago

        I use a couple vim plugins that were written in the '90s.

      • 4 days ago

        I have somewhere between 20-30 small plugins. They are not heavyweight and don't transform it into an IDE. I'm not a fan of these "distributions" that try to change vim into something it isn't. The plugins I use just improve things that normal vim is good at. I'm using buffers, no filemanager, no tabs. The only non-native vim thingy is Fzf and CoC which does LSP. Before LSP I've used ctags.

        As for managing files I have autocommand on buffer change to cd to the directory the buffer is in. So anything I would like to do on files in current context is just a !command away or I can just do a split in tmux which is configured to open new splits in the current dir which just works (tmux needs to have configured split bindings that use the current dir of course which is/was not default).

        Configuration for vim is a single file with like 300 lines of mainly options and few functions.
        After trying neovim I've moved plugins to separate file so I can share the config. I just have
        if !has('nvim')
        source $HOME/.vim/plugins.vim

        Neovim sources vimrc and uses it's own package manager to manage plugins and their config on it's own side.

        The config works about 90% the same for both excluding the broken plugins in neovim (I've commented them) and some neovim only plugins I've used as an alternative and some neovim only plugins I've played with. I still use vim majority of the time even though "neovim is prettier", because lack of my customizations is annoying me.

        I've used vim + tmux combo since I was like 16. I'm 28 so it's over 10 years since I have the same workflow. I added fzf some time later. Obviously I learned some things along the way while using vim and there are probably still things to learn about it.

        There is nothing wrong with using neovim, but I think the people that use the "distributions" didn't learn much of vim. If you want to learn the vim way minimal setup is rather more suitable.

  7. 4 days ago

    what i do on debian based distros is install homebrew, that way i have a rock solid base system and can also install the latest cli tools

  8. 4 days ago

    neovim is a bad meme

  9. 4 days ago

    If neovim is Arch, then vim is Debian

  10. 4 days ago

    I find that I'm migrating to helix or vscode forks. Neovim isn't really it.

  11. 4 days ago

    just use the flatpak or install a more up to date distro. debian sucks on the desktop since it keeps major improvements unavailable for years

  12. 4 days ago

    Which plugins do you use with Neovim? I'm currently not using any aside from a custom theme. My intention is to do as much as possible without plugins. Surround and Telescope get recommended often so I will probably try them eventually.

  13. 4 days ago

    Debian isn't stable, it's stale.

  14. 4 days ago


  15. 4 days ago

    >I'm ready to settle down with nice chivalrous man

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