>one of the reasons given for the fall of the Roman Empire is lead poisoning from their piping systems, leaving their ruling class sickly, infertil...

>one of the reasons given for the fall of the Roman Empire is lead poisoning from their piping systems, leaving their ruling class sickly, infertile and mentally unwell
>one of the reasons given for the spike in serial killers and violent crime post WW2 was the breathing in of leaded fuel fumes


>plastics have been used in everything since WW2, we now know plastics have a synthetic variation of estrogen, meaning any food or think has this hormone leaching into it, alongside microplastics in our water and water due to pollution
>hormone injections are widely used in animal farming since the eighties, with the hormone infused meat being the main source of meat for people.
>likewise, in the west, the contraceptive pill became widely available in the 1960’s, women who took this have surges in estrogen which they then released via urine into the sewage system, often recycled into drinking water. Estrogen does not get filtered out in this process meaning everybody gets more estrogen than is natural

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  1. 1 week ago

    “Coincidentally” in the law few decades in the west

    >there’s been an obesity crisis unlike anything previously seen, while this likely has multiple reasons behind it, it’s important to note that estrogen promotes the body to store excess fat instead of burning it. Meaning even exercise would not reduce fat as much without it.
    >male fertility has radically fallen in the west. The latest findings reveal that between 1973 and 2011, the concentration of sperm in the ejaculate of men in western countries has fallen by an average of 1.4% a year, leading to an overall drop of just over 52%
    >on the other end of the spectrum, the average age of puberty for females has fallen. They found that in 1860, the average age of the onset of puberty in girls was 16.6 years. In 1920, it was 14.6; in 1950, 13.1; 1980, 12.5; and in 2010, it had dropped to 10.5.

    Why have governments failed to protect citizens from estrogen affecting the populace? This isn’t some new problem nobody saw coming.

    Even with the basic stuff like meat. There’s a wide public and political debate on the overuse of antibiotics on livestock as this antibiotic is passed on to the consumer, who will subsequently be less affected by antibiotics when they need them, and possibly will create new antibiotic resistant strains of infections.

    So with this in mind, this is hardly some crackpot theory with no basis, it’s literally the same issue with a different compound and different effects.

    Which begs the question, why is this being addressed but not the estrogen problem?

    This has literally been happening since the sixties. And only gotten larger and larger in scale as a problem as plastics increased, the amount of women on the pill increased, and more and more countries added to this. Now with plastic pollution of the seas too meaning you can hardly find fish without microplastics

    • 1 week ago

      Bumping a good thread. I can't think of many solutions outside of finding your own water source and raising your own meat.

      • 1 week ago

        A "Final Solution" has already been devised...

    • 1 week ago

      It’s due to greed. We should use glass like we used to but it’s too expensive to produce

      • 1 week ago

        You want glass? Pay for glass. It’s your consumer choice that means there’s no glass bottles.

    • 1 week ago

      >Why have governments failed to protect citizens from estrogen affecting the populace?
      Not the governments job to do that you subhuman Black personcattle.

      Why are Anglos the only ones who have an inkling of understanding that government is evil?

      • 1 week ago

        Aye m8, gotta loicense for that loicense?

      • 1 week ago

        They ban testosterone and DHEA (in Canada) and probably soon will ban Beta Ecdysterone, Butea Superba, DIIM and Turkesterone; yet you can get all kinds of estrogen for free, and they promote tofu and onions and veganism.

        That’s government intervention you dumb prostitute. Now post breasts.

    • 1 week ago

      You can do nothing about it because the cause is microplastics, and they secrete hormone analogs too

      • 1 week ago


        >one of the reasons given for the fall of the Roman Empire is lead poisoning from their piping systems, leaving their ruling class sickly, infertile and mentally unwell
        >one of the reasons given for the spike in serial killers and violent crime post WW2 was the breathing in of leaded fuel fumes


        >plastics have been used in everything since WW2, we now know plastics have a synthetic variation of estrogen, meaning any food or think has this hormone leaching into it, alongside microplastics in our water and water due to pollution
        >hormone injections are widely used in animal farming since the eighties, with the hormone infused meat being the main source of meat for people.
        >likewise, in the west, the contraceptive pill became widely available in the 1960’s, women who took this have surges in estrogen which they then released via urine into the sewage system, often recycled into drinking water. Estrogen does not get filtered out in this process meaning everybody gets more estrogen than is natural

        Not just microplastics but roundup weed killer is present in men’s sperm now.
        Not that it’s a bad thing, we can raw dog lazy b***hes and blast cum inside them and cure their thrush

    • 1 week ago

      It’s because women do not give a flying frick about men’s health. And women are now the primary rulers in all sorts of fields, especially food product development and nutritional science. Almost the whole industry except for the engineering and marketing departments are staffed by women who don’t believe nor do they care about phyto or xeno estrogens. Then they wonder why men are fatigued and moody and depressed and get us tested for shit like chronic fatigue syndrome, so you go to the doctor for a blood test and it comes back negative for mono or any of that bullshit but your T level is 299 with a free serum level of 17 at the age of 39 and the female doctor laughs in your fricking face and tells you it’s not that bad and she’s not gonna put you on HRT or anything

      the AI tried to stop me from posting this, I’m over the frickin target

      • 1 week ago

        i dont know bro, your id is sus

    • 1 week ago

      >Why have governments failed to protect citizens from estrogen affecting the populace? This isn’t some new problem nobody saw coming.

      The most obvious answer is because they want these outcomes. The elites and government policymakers want men to be weak, dull, and docile. Isn't it strange that out of allll the chemical compounds we're exposed to in the modern world, none of them accidentally raises testosterone? Instead, almost every one of them depresses T and raises Estrogen levels.

    • 1 week ago

      >Which begs the question, why is this being addressed but not the estrogen problem?
      Jews, they want white men dead.

  2. 1 week ago

    This is cope to avoid the subject of dysgenic breeding: Dumb people have more kids than smart people due to technological advances which eventually collapses the civilianisation due to lack of enough smart people to run it.

    Watch Edward Dutton.

    • 1 week ago

      However even when there still are enough smart people, they either fail to get into an organization because of rampant nepotism or they get pushed out by psychopaths higher up.

      It's not just brains or lack thereof, but as systems become more complex and disparity between top and bottom increases, it turns more kleptocratic. We're seeing that now where executives and politicians and senior management are more concerned about living the high life or increasing their personal wealth than doing their jobs.
      They don't care.

    • 1 week ago

      >smart people
      >not even having children
      Maybe they were not even so smart.

      • 1 week ago

        It has to do with reproductive strategy. Social animals of higher intelligence tend to go with the K strategy which means putting a lot of care and resources into a few offspring. Stupid low intelligence animals just have lots and lots of babies and hope some of them are lucky enough not to get eaten which is the R strategy. When natural selection is allowed to happen normally then K is the better strategy. When you have a welfare state with foodstamps and alimony and child support women and Black folk just breed like flies and eventually we're gonna end up with too many niglets to feed. Yeah sure its smart to exploit the welfare state and pump out as many babies as possible until the welfare state collapses, then those babies are gonna eat us all.

    • 1 week ago

      Why would that kind of breeding select for reduced sperm count. That sounds like total nonsense.

  3. 1 week ago

    The Romans knew lead was dangerous. Sometimes they used it. Sometimes they didn't. They also used concrete and clay. Also the Roman empire was massive a huge amount of people in the country used wells.
    So the lead hypotisis is bullshit.
    The Roman empire fell because it was politically unstable due to being an unsatisfactort hybrid of republican senate, monarchy, and military dictatorship.
    Sometimes the emperor wanted hos family to continue his rule, like a king. Sometines the senate wanted to choose the leader like a republic. Sometimes the army decided to be in charge, like a dictatorship. There were constant struggles between these factions.
    The whole thing broke down in about 225 AD in a civil war between the Severan dynasty, the senate and the army. There was 50 years of civil war which destroyed the Italian penninsula specifically. The emperor Diocletian tried to fix the problems using assistant emperors and more authoritarian control but this led to more wars.
    There was brief unity under Constantine and his successors but from about 380 AD onwards the whole thing started to collapse and ended in 476 AD.
    When the empire was stable it could sucessfully defend its borders from the barbarians.
    After the civil wars it couldn't and the barbarians poured in and destroyed the Western empire.
    The competency crisis caused by immigration can be illustrated by the aqueducts.
    Before the barbarian invasions Rome had 12 aqueducts.
    After the invasions only 2 worked.
    The other 8 were never repaired and no more were built.
    The first new acqueduct built in Rome was in 1400, 900 years after the fall of the empire

  4. 1 week ago

    >Women don't even try to conceive before 35 when they took the pill for more than a decade regularly.
    >It must be the lead and the plastics.
    moronic take. I admit that these things are bad but that would not be catastrophic without feminism. I live in a city environment since I was born I am not even healthy and I had children basically on the first possible occasion when I had sex without "protection". The only key is the young enough woman. There are some infertile men but that is only a personal tragedy not a problem on the society level.

    • 1 week ago

      The main point being made is that we're being poisoned. One of the reasons so many are depressed/obese/infertile is because we're being drowned in estrogen.

  5. 1 week ago

    its the shit we eat compared to what they used to
    people now eat plant sludge intead of eating meat and animal products

  6. 1 week ago

    >needs several million sperms per mL of semen to hit on egg
    you just need one guy to buckbreak the egg

  7. 1 week ago

    Let's not blame it on infertility and address the real elephant in the room, abortions. 70 million plus abortions year over year globally is definitely not a cause for concern when it comes to the birthrate decline right? Women's rights was a mistake

    • 1 week ago

      You missed the point of the thread redditard, but you still made a great point. Women’s rights has put them into positions of power where when it comes to making decisions about product development and issues of high estrogenic compounds in the environment, they give zero fricks.

  8. 1 week ago

    The serial killers were from mk ultra. Read programmed to kill

  9. 1 week ago

    >they dont know onionbros' exploits

    • 1 week ago

      Enlighten me

      • 1 week ago

        during the onion hype in 2017 onionbro decided to be the research rat and eat 1 red onion every day. he measured test and estrogen by the end of the month, and afterwards decided to take on longkat ali and pomegranate juice. imo the testosterone is very much inbetween daily variations but the estrogen that we all hype about is very big

        • 1 week ago

          ****raw onion
          personally rediscovered it and started eating raw onion too, largely in salads or maybe thinking of pickling/fermenting the onion

          • 1 week ago

            Pickled red onions are a great condiment to have around anyway. I'm not as big a fan of lacto-fermented onions, though. I pretty much only lacto-ferment peppers, cabbage, celery, and sometimes cauliflower and carrots.

        • 1 week ago

          Is it red onion or normal or silver or garlic? Raw?

          • 1 week ago

            red raw onion, he ate it like an apple. nothing on garlic specifically though but i like it too (also raw)

          • 1 week ago

            This guy pic related?
            Or you mean normal one. You say red and then you post white in pics.

          • 1 week ago

            red. memes are largely based off of the yellow ones. i dont think it makes a significant difference for the intended goal

          • 1 week ago

            misread, if you meant the pic its from here:

        • 1 week ago

          I've been eating a red onion or two every day for years for dinner, they are super tasty

  10. 1 week ago

    I've had a spurious hypothesis for 25 years now that the reason why rock and punk music were such a big thing when they were weren't just some sort of CIA psyop but also genuinely organic lead-based psychosis. All the increasingly aggressive music coincided with lead levels rising to their peak in the 70s and 80s. Why else would all the rock, metal, and punk bands be based in cities filled with leaded smog, like Detroit, New York City, London, and Los Angeles?

    And then curiously when leaded gasoline was banned and the levels started tapering off, at least about a generation after it stopped, that's when rock music started pussying out something fierce, and culture as a whlole did too, like why later Boomers and Gen Xers had such a "frick you, frick your mom, frick your neighbors, frick your puppy, your grandma is a prostitute, God is a homosexual" attitude while Millennials and Zoomers are all "wholesome chonker but also I'm depressed and capitalism sucks, here's a cute bunny playing a ukulele because adulting is hard"

    • 1 week ago


    • 1 week ago


  11. 1 week ago

    >one of the reasons given for the spike in serial killers and violent crime post WW2 was the breathing in of leaded fuel fumes
    Honestly I doubt it. There's a guy on IQfy that pastes some blogposts about serial killers and aside from very few cases it's people who were in and out of jail, sometimes even get caught let's say molesting schoolgirls but get 2 months of jail with 1 year of probation slap on the wrist kind of thing etc. The most well known case in Poland raped a boy while doing his compulsory military service and despite court martial seemingly nothing happened to him, he left the military and became PE teacher like nothing happened. Then he raped and killed a bunch of boys and only then he was caught. Modern israelitestice system generally seems to be more adept at detecting these kinds of people and making sure they'll be imprisoned indefinitely.

  12. 1 week ago

    take some zinc and stfu

  13. 1 week ago

    >have easy access to porn
    >coom more often
    >sperm concentration drops with frequency of coom

    It's not that hard; men aren't being honest here.

  14. 1 week ago

    Fricking phthalates.

  15. 1 week ago

    Use this OP, made this thread a few years ago, how or world has changed.

    • 1 week ago

      This one was the last to date. With more material

  16. 1 week ago


  17. 1 week ago

    >quantity of coom determines quality of coom
    A moron wrote that article

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