What differentiates a pseudointellectual from an intellectual?

What differentiates a pseudointellectual from an intellectual? Is it a matter of how learned they are, is it about their attitude? How does one avoid becoming one?

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  1. 6 days ago

    An intellectual is more interested in understanding than being right. Ask questions instead of poking holes.

    • 6 days ago

      So, the pseud is more belligerant on principle, you'd say? He cares more about his own image as someone who is knowledgable rather than about actually knowing?

      • 6 days ago

        That would follow.

      • 6 days ago

        For the most part, yes

    • 6 days ago

      fpbp. Also, a pseud is excellent at parroting within the echo chamber, but is lost when challenged for real

  2. 6 days ago

    An pseud sniffs his own farts. An intellectual also sniffs those of others.

    • 6 days ago


    • 6 days ago


    • 6 days ago
    • 6 days ago

      smart fella

  3. 6 days ago

    There's a lot of intangibles that come into play so that it's almost impossible to explain, but basically an intellectual is like me and a pseud is like you.

  4. 6 days ago

    >Generally speaking, it is a characteristic TRAIT of pseudoculture not to insist too much, not to enter deeply into a subject or, as the phrase goes, not to make much fuss about anything. Thus, whatever is high, great and deep, is treated as a matter of course, a commonplace, naturally at everybody's beck and call; something that can be readily acquired, and, if need be, imitated. Again, that which is sublime, god-like, demonic, must not be dwelt upon, simply because it is impossible or difficult to copy. Pseudo-culture accordingly talks of "excrescencies," "exaggerations," and the like—and sets up a novel system of aesthetics, which professes to rest upon Goethe—since he, too, was averse to prodigious monstrosities, and was good enough to invent "artistic calm and beauty" in lieu thereof. "The guileless innocence of art" becomes an object of laudation; and Schiller, who now and then was too violent, is treated rather contemptuously; so, in sage accord with the Philistines of the day, a new conception of classicality is evolved. In other departments of art, too, the Greeks are pressed into service, on the ground that Greece was the very home of "clear transparent serenity;" and, finally, such shallow meddling with all that is most earnest and terrible in the existence of man, is gathered together in a full and novel philosophical system [Footnote: Hanslick's "Vom Musicalish-Schoenen," and particularly Vischer's voluminous "System der AEsthetik."]—wherein our varnished musical heroes find a comfortable and undisputed place of honour.

    • 6 days ago

      i am too intellectual to read all that

    • 6 days ago

      >Generally speaking, it is a characteristic TRAIT of pseudoculture not to insist too much, not to enter deeply into a subject or, as the phrase goes, not to make much fuss about anything.
      It comes to mind the fairly common tack regarding subtext in media, e.g. the "maybe the curtains are just blue" meme.

      • 6 days ago

        >e.g. the "maybe the curtains are just blue" meme.
        Except that judgement comes from common sense and not an artifice of culture.

        • 6 days ago

          That judgement comes from normies who would rather have their fiction spoonfed to them and any attempt at understanding visual imagery, symbolism and so on in a classic is seen as either stupid or "the work of some overthinking homosexual". Its the opposite of the pseud, as they cant even pretend to be smart, so its preferabke to flaunt thejr idiocy in a subject by deeming it "not worthy of anyone's time"

          • 6 days ago

            >Its the opposite of the pseud
            That's what I said.

      • 6 days ago

        >the "maybe the curtains are just blue" meme
        This isn't just a meme. I took a lit class in college where we read Chekov's "Lady with the Dog" and the grad student instructor spent the whole class period talking about the symbolism of colors in the story. She talked about the dog and the snow being white symbolizing purity or whatever for an hour because she wasn't capable of actually extrapolating deeper meaning from the story. Associating random colors with vague themes is hardly what I would call literary analysis.

    • 6 days ago

      The intellectual class isn't inherently right or smart. Pseudo-intellectual is a phrase made popular by Woody Allen as an epic burn. In reality even pretending you're an intellectual is better than being a proud moron. You have to at least read a little bit to pretend and it means you value the ideal.


      Are they French ? Are they a Canadian psychologist ? Can they talk for 20 minutes without actually saying anything ? Are they being as obscurantist as possible so as to leave their followers to read in to what they're saying anything they want ?

      Well, you've got a pseudointellectual on your hands, buddy.


      • 6 days ago

        I got the moron part nailed out just by seeing that anglo prostitute be attached to that post. Sodomites belong in jail

    • 6 days ago

      I'd be lying if I said I understood this. You saying pseuds are afraid of depth and complexity so they come up with moronic misinterpretations to justify their inability to be deep and complex?

      • 6 days ago

        More or less. They reduce things that are far larger than even great minds can truly comprehend into something lesser that they can carry home and show as the thing in itself instead of a facet of a israeliteel that reflects itself. Blind men and the elephant. The pseud is reductive, taking things as entirely comprehensible by excluding everything they don't understand (which is most of the work), or assume that it cannot be understood and that interpretation is entirely fruitless, instead reading as dumb entertainment based on vague feels and intuitions with no analysis of the source and meaning of those associations.

        So yeah, you got the gist of it.

        • 6 days ago

          okay, thanks anon.

  5. 6 days ago

    Are they French ? Are they a Canadian psychologist ? Can they talk for 20 minutes without actually saying anything ? Are they being as obscurantist as possible so as to leave their followers to read in to what they're saying anything they want ?

    Well, you've got a pseudointellectual on your hands, buddy.

    • 6 days ago

      That just sounds like Jordan Peterson.

      • 6 days ago

        Good job following along, moron. That post was about as subtle as a nuclear weapon.

  6. 6 days ago

    An intellectual is someone who thinks
    A psuedointellectual is whomever I personally disagree with at the time

  7. 6 days ago

    I have to look up the definitions of nearly every fancy word I try to use but I wouldn't call myself a pseud for just trying to be precise. I'm a tryhard autist in general, just aware that people have like a set list of words and expressions they're capable of saying without it sounding forced.

  8. 6 days ago

    A pseud is motivated primarily by *appearing* smart.

  9. 6 days ago

    Are there any intellectuals yet? If there are, are they all confined to academia and locked away from the public sphere?

    • 6 days ago

      You typically use "still", not "yet" in modern English. And it should go earlier in the sentence.

      • 6 days ago

        Thanks for the tip.

  10. 6 days ago

    easy way to separate them: do you understand the stuff you know?

    • 6 days ago

      Hmmmm yes quite, quite. And, perforce, do you know the stuff, that you understand? Hm...

      • 6 days ago

        is there something difficult about separating the two for you, anon?

    • 6 days ago

      and I have to clarify "understand" - it is not simply that you understand the concepts or their context
      those who actually understand will immediately know what I mean

  11. 6 days ago

    The root "pseudo" means fake, not genuine. I guess it would mean someone who cares more about the appearance of intelligence than knowing things.

    For example, many people actually do need glasses due to poor eyesight. It is associated with intellectuals and reading, with intelligence.

    So someone could wear fake glasses thinking it will make them look more intelligent, which would be pseudointellectual thing.

    I think the root cause is an insecurity in appearing foolish or not intelligent. In other words, just intellectual pride.

    Which is the opposite of intellectual humility, admitting that you don't know everything and can learn more.

    • 6 days ago

      >I guess it would mean someone who cares more about the appearance of intelligence than knowing things.

      Knowers and pretenders. Some people do genuinely enjoy the work of learning in any setting, the acquisition of knowledge being its own reward.

      We call them "nerds" in America rather than intellectuals, because intellectual is seen as a pretentious term to use. Kind of effeminate, too.

      Is that anti-intellectual in itself? Maybe, maybe not. An American pseudointellectual would be a "fake nerd" basically.

  12. 6 days ago

    The pseud answers questions poorly because they dont actually understand what they're talking about.

  13. 6 days ago

    A pseud cares more about appearance

  14. 6 days ago

    >What differentiates a pseudointellectual from an intellectual?
    the pseudo-

  15. 6 days ago

    Only someone who considered themselves an intellectual would use pseudointellectual as an insult; regular people consider "intellectual" to be insulting enough already

  16. 6 days ago

    nothing I hate more than suedeo intellectuals

  17. 6 days ago

    >a pseudointellectual
    stupid moron
    midwit moron

    Both would be tarred and feathered if I were king

  18. 6 days ago

    An intellectual is a dude who uses his smarts to achieve his goals. A pseudointellectual is a dude who, for one reason or another, has as one of his goals passing for an intellectual. It's not mutually exclusive qualities. Use your smarts to analyze what patterns people attribute to intellectuals and mimic them, and - bam! - you're both an intellectual and a pseudointellectual at the same time! Now, if you want to keep things tricky and challenging, try being an intellectual, a pseudointellectual, and a pseudo-pseudointellectual at the same time. Fun, fun.
    >How does one avoid becoming one?
    I'm not sure why you would want it, but the most simple and robust solution is killing yourself.

    • 6 days ago

      >An intellectual is a dude who uses his smarts to achieve his goals
      A competent farmer does this but he's not an "intellectual". When the commies killed off intellectuals they meant academic types who maintained le evil status quo aka some tradition.

      • 6 days ago

        Ah. That. I could say a farmer is, by any non-pozzed definition, an intellectual if he can pull off impressive stunts by daring to venture beyond his competence and becoming the conduit between reasoning and practical matters, but it seems like you have a very specific meaning in mind. I'm afraid OP is in no luck if he shares it with you, sorry. Intelligentsia as its own social class with well-defined functions, function-driven narratives and narrative-enabling local ecosystem is long, long dead, and its empty ivory husk is inhabited by the useless, the powerless, and the slowpokes. There's only insincere by design social engineering performed by cynical fungible engineers with tired eyes nowadays. If OP specifically wants to become a propaganda plumber, it should be possible too: intelligence services, their think tanks and their social media platforms are always out to hire new meat for the grinder.

        • 6 days ago

          An intellectual is a dude who uses his smarts to achieve his goals. A pseudointellectual is a dude who, for one reason or another, has as one of his goals passing for an intellectual. It's not mutually exclusive qualities. Use your smarts to analyze what patterns people attribute to intellectuals and mimic them, and - bam! - you're both an intellectual and a pseudointellectual at the same time! Now, if you want to keep things tricky and challenging, try being an intellectual, a pseudointellectual, and a pseudo-pseudointellectual at the same time. Fun, fun.
          >How does one avoid becoming one?
          I'm not sure why you would want it, but the most simple and robust solution is killing yourself.

          omg plz stop with this lame ass bait. Be more creative I beg of you

  19. 6 days ago

    There are those who have done the work and are open about to what they don't know, and there are those who have cut corners and appear to know everything.

    • 6 days ago

      Also, to think creatively and critically are good filters for the pseud
      >t. I'm still learning to think and was very pseudy

  20. 6 days ago

    >my knowledge means I know everything
    >my knowledge has opened the gateway to wisdom to me, I know nothing but I have some good theories and models.

  21. 6 days ago

    Taking words for ideas. Not using words to dissimulate your thoughts, but your own absence of thoughts. To appear, but not to be. Prime example: Hegel.

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