>What if we take C++. >No, no, hear me out.

>What if we take C++
>No, no, hear me out. We take C++
>and everything bad about
>Make the abhorrent syntax even worse
>Make the compile times even more agonizing

>I feel so productive
Do they like it so much because it gives them time to dial8 between builds?

inb4 cope, ywnbaw

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  1. 5 days ago

    >muh heckin loc
    I don't care how long it takes, I have 128 cores and I just need the binary to be fast

    • 5 days ago

      You're gonna need it to keep up with a 20 year old single core tcc compiler.
      Oh, wait... 350*128 = 32000

      • 5 days ago

        >irrelevant toy that generates dogshit binaries
        oh wow I'm so sad

        • 5 days ago

          You use GCC for release build, moron. Which you may note is still more that 10x faster

          • 5 days ago

            I use gcc always tcc is worthless

          • 5 days ago

            Well if you're just fizzbuzzing then yeah

    • 4 days ago

      >I don't care about anyone but myself

      • 4 days ago

        I write software for free. If you want me to care for you then pay me, loser.

  2. 5 days ago

    what are you on about, anon?
    did you forget your pills again?

  3. 5 days ago

    this homie really hates a programming language this much lmaooooooooo

  4. 5 days ago

    @101137692 (You)
    yes, tcc is good for fizzbuzz because its performance is irrelevant

    • 5 days ago

      >Performance is an issue for debug builds
      Room temp IQ

  5. 5 days ago

    oh the cringe

  6. 5 days ago

    They fixed C++ and called it C#.

    • 5 days ago

      Good morning saar

  7. 5 days ago

    >abhorrent syntax
    What's so abhorrent about it?
    You have :: for scope resolution
    -> for pointers
    <> for template arguments
    . for member selection
    T(*p)() for function pointers
    And just a few more.
    C++'s syntax is really not that bad compared to Rust or Haskell.

    >agonizing compile times
    Again, not that bad at all.

    • 4 days ago

      C++ might be slow, but C isn't fast to compile either.

      >>No, no, hear me out. We take C++
      >>and everything bad about
      what sucks about c++ is terrible defaults, missing functions in the std, shit build system, shit template system and implicit behavior all of which Rust fixed. They have failed with the borrow checker but its still a good language that makes the job easier if you think about the problem first.

      the mistake here is believing that there should be defaults for anything, did you know that very good real friends have some set of customs that you won't see if just greeting a stranger? You're a cattle if your expression needs "defaults", C++ is a language for frick sake.

      • 4 days ago

        you are a moron defaults can be simple things like borrow by default, immutable by default etc. these things are obvious and intuitive in Rust due to its explicit nature while c++ has random thing that frick up if you don't know the language details. This is due to their obsession with C its not for backward compatibility like D show. There is a huge amount of additional things you need to keep in mind to write modern c++ thats why cppfront for example exists they enable the boilerplate you otherwise are going to write anyway. Read some modern cpp you will see it everywhere the mental gymnastics required to make stuff work as expected is huge.

        • 4 days ago

          >obvious and intuitive in Rust
          which is why there's so much documentation on it, it's just so obvious...
          >There is a huge amount of additional things you need to keep in mind to write modern c++
          simply untrue
          >Read some modern cpp
          not interested in reading code that prompted Linus Torvalds to write a rant about C++ programmers. Only my code matters, it is simple and perfect.

  8. 4 days ago

    >>No, no, hear me out. We take C++
    >>and everything bad about
    what sucks about c++ is terrible defaults, missing functions in the std, shit build system, shit template system and implicit behavior all of which Rust fixed. They have failed with the borrow checker but its still a good language that makes the job easier if you think about the problem first.

  9. 4 days ago

    >Cniles care about compilation speeds because they need to recompile their code hundreds of times to debug all the memory leaks
    >RusTitans simply write it correctly the first time

    dont worry i get it, more keystrokes makes you feel like a hacker, lol

    • 4 days ago

      you both are the same, actually, "useful" rust programs are just clones of coreutils

    • 4 days ago

      >All of her (his) Rust programs are rewrites
      >20% of the features
      >BUT coloured rainbow terminal output :O
      >fifty-precented in 3 months and soo to be rerewr-tten

      C++ might be slow, but C isn't fast to compile either.
      the mistake here is believing that there should be defaults for anything, did you know that very good real friends have some set of customs that you won't see if just greeting a stranger? You're a cattle if your expression needs "defaults", C++ is a language for frick sake.

      >C++ might be slow, but C isn't fast to compile either.
      Are you blind or just an illiterate monkey repeating shit from orange site tards?

      • 4 days ago

        Linux takes 5 hours to compile on my old laptop.

        • 4 days ago

          With an optimized build for 30 million lines of code, is that a big issue (also it's locked into GNU C...)? If it were written in C++, it would have taken ~60 hours or ~70 hours for Rust.
          If you think so, go try building chromium next. You can report back next week with how long it took

          • 4 days ago

            Yes it is, when GCC builds itself thrice and takes only 6 hours. Same GCC that has multiple frontends and multiple compilers including compiler that compiles Linux.

          • 4 days ago

            Then go tell Linus to stop being a homosexual and support TCC
            >A kernel compilation is performed in 8 seconds
            >Muh C is slow to compile

          • 4 days ago

            >just gimp your runtime performance bro
            no thanks, troony

          • 4 days ago

            tcc for development, gcc for release

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