What's up with those youtubers shilling linux lately?

What's up with those youtubers shilling linux lately? Are they paid or it's just a some obscure trend for easy views?

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  1. 5 days ago

    I don't watch goytube outside of specific tutorials. Adult men do not care about "opinions" and "recommendations"

    • 5 days ago

      You live in your mothers basement and have never had to make informed purchasing decisions of high value equipment,

      • 5 days ago

        That's exactly what he's talking about innit, if you want information you go to actual technical review sites not youtuber entertainers.

      • 5 days ago

        You probably think le macgay laptop counts as high value equipment.
        t. Buying equipment for gym in MY basement.

        • 5 days ago

          That's what high value means doesn't it? I doubt a bunch of bar bells costs more than a Mac even if they're more useful and are a better use of money

          • 5 days ago

            A machine costs less than a macbook?

  2. 5 days ago

    You wouldn't even know about this if you weren't a child addicted to youtube feeds.

  3. 5 days ago


  4. 5 days ago

    idk I use windows 7 but I like to shill loonix mint and xfce

  5. 5 days ago

    >check out some of those:
    >linux is cool and all, but
    >i need my photoshop so i can't switch
    >i really really really want to switch but i need the photoshop
    every time

    • 5 days ago

      people who dont use gimp because "it's hard" are morons tbh, i too struggled with sony vegas pro when i first started using it, it happens to everyone

      switch to gimp, adobe can go suck my wiener

      • 5 days ago

        you clearly never used gimp, the gui is awful, it has less options than photoshop or krita, gimp should be trashed for being garbage and never mentioned again, krita need better development

    • 5 days ago

      The best thing is that most of those morons use Photoshop once in a blue moon, and they probably use it for very simple purposes that could easily be replicated with something like GIMP, Photopea or whatever the frick.

      Pretty much every Adobe suite product has a FOSS alternative that is going to be decent enough for amateurs.

    • 5 days ago

      >switch to affinity photo
      >perpetual license (nice)
      >runs on linux
      issue solved

  6. 5 days ago

    the desktop OS is dying and this is just one of the symptoms.
    people fed up with windows being an advertising platform, macos becoming a walled prison, and linux gives misguided ones hope until they realize you'll sink months into tinkering getting basic shit done

    • 5 days ago

      >advertising platform
      just use windows 10 IoT LTSC moron

    • 5 days ago

      i have a far more stable experience with linux (openSUSE, alpine) on my machines than my main OS (win 10 iot).

      pc crashes, application crashes (mostly discord, but it crashes often) keyboard stops working, audio interface stops working.

      on linux none of these problems occur. need software for work on windows though. considering upgrading pc and just running a vm

  7. 5 days ago




    • 5 days ago

      are you 15 years old? copilot is a tool that can be turned off or cut out, just like defender or windows update, this is windows, not linux, it's piss easy to get rid of different parts of the system

      • 5 days ago

        *and then it reinstalls itself next Tuesday

      • 5 days ago

        >turned off
        This is how it starts. In 2 years, you'll have to do it from control panel. Another 2 years? Registry edit. Another 5 years? It's perfectly normal, why would you want to turn it off?
        >linux cant get rid of its parts

        • 5 days ago

          well it'll be more like in 5 months it's done in the control panel, another 2 months registry edit, another 1 and a half months it's perfectly normal

        • 5 days ago

          linuxgays are embarrasing, you can turn off windows options forever for little to no effort, I been doing this for years since windows 10 release, unlike linux windows has tools for that

          • 5 days ago

            >unlike linux, windows has tools for that

          • 5 days ago

            yes, with windows you get the tools short after a new build release, click to disable, restart and done, with linux you must search google for hours

      • 5 days ago

        >They had gone so far as to add spyware to a personal computer
        >'Dude they allow you to turn it off, I trust them and believe you can, its all local anyways'

        • 5 days ago

          This. Windows is spyware since 7 anyway. Maybe even Vista, I don't remember much from that shitshow.

  8. 5 days ago

    People want an alternative to Windows because it keeps getting worse and there is basically no hope for it to ever get better again

  9. 5 days ago

    How does one shill a free product?

    • 5 days ago

      If you think loonix is free you haven't really been paying attention.

  10. 5 days ago

    >Windows 10 will reach end of life in about a year and will (supposedly) fine people to keep using it after end of life
    >nobody likes Windows 11
    >Windows 12 is probably gonna be worse than Windows 11
    So now everyone is looking for alternatives.

  11. 5 days ago

    there's a subset of """content creators""" who make a living from ragebaiting about new technology. You saw it with the metaverse stuff, the apple glasses thing, etc. Now the target is windows so now they are having a linux shilling trend.

  12. 5 days ago

    There's a certain type of linux evangelist who does not really use linux or maybe tried it on a live image sometime, but who invokes the name "linux" to try to look like a knowledgeable hackerman.

  13. 5 days ago

    keep normalBlack folk on windowns where they belong

  14. 5 days ago

    Big Linux wants to destroy the indie studios Microsoft and Apple

  15. 5 days ago

    whatever you do dont help, encourage, or guide these gays.

  16. 5 days ago

    >its shilling if people dont like the newest version of a product that i like

  17. 5 days ago

    >linux isn't good it isn't able to be used as a windows alternative it has no software and its devs are useless neckbeards and trannies living with their moms
    >also they somehow have enough money and resources to make a coordinated effort to get everyone to switch via some secret conspiracy where they are paying yters to promote it
    this thread screams "immigrants come here to leech off welfare but also somehow took all of our jobs despite being lazy welfare queens."

  18. 5 days ago

    I don't know any

  19. 5 days ago

    >Microsoft is shitting the bed with Windows again
    >Linuxgays commence the usual circlejerk
    >le Windows bad le Linux good
    >Year of the Linux Desktop™ for sure this time
    >JewTubers get on the grift for easy views and money
    Same shit happened back in 2015 when Windows 10 released, everyone called it "muh ebil spyware", and everyone still moved to 10, because much like today, no matter how shit Windows is getting, Linux isn't getting any better, as Linuxgays are some of the most delusional beings that walk this earth.

  20. 5 days ago

    some trend to pull normie views, saw some shit on the recommended the other day that was like "ELON SAYS LINUX IS THE FUTURE"

    • 5 days ago

      Screenshot? Link?
      I don't recall anything like that.

    • 5 days ago

      No it didn't. Elon's been pretty damn clear about the fact that he hates Linux and normies hate Elon now. This makes no sense from both a linux and a microsoft fan's view.
      Neither side would want to be associated with that.

  21. 5 days ago

    The more people that use Linux, the more software will be released to run natively with Linux. Also as people move away from Windows or Mac, the hope is that they will try to be less shitty.

    • 5 days ago

      >The more people that use Linux
      That's essentially begging the question, the question being WILL more people use Linux. With no apps and its well earned reputation for being shitty, there's no reason for the vast majority of people even to consider Linux when they're perfectly happy with macOS or Windows 11.

      • 5 days ago

        Bro the amount of normies I see rocking steam decks is kinda pushing them to try it.
        I'm in a group chat where four of them keep sharing "apps" (their words, not mine) they find on discover that they like.

      • 5 days ago

        Most people use Linux on their phones or consoles, and Windows11 has terrible rep too. Nobody likes Apple outside USA as well. Reputation doesn't matter really. To become truly mainstream it needs some luck, marketing and way less terminal, but most importantly not break that easily. Average Joe needs to be able to fix shit with a click or two.

        • 5 days ago

          Japan was gobbling Apple's dick for a while but then they released that ad and now the country has a hate boner for it.

          • 5 days ago

            Which ad? The VR shit?

          • 5 days ago

            "Crush", supposedly it's especially tone deaf to the Japanese culture. something about the spirit of the tools which have served you, this portrayal comes off as disrespectful. or so I've heard. see for yourself:

        • 5 days ago

          >Nobody likes Apple outside USA as well.
          $3.3T valuation
          nobody likes them
          You're like fricking Yogi Berra. "Nobody goes there any more, it's too crowded."

          • 5 days ago

            Yeah American market is strong and they are successful, nobody claimed otherwise. It has disgusting reputation and that's a fact.

          • 5 days ago

            >It has disgusting reputation
            on 4chins, which of course is totally representative of the world

          • 5 days ago

            Or entire EU after the whole charge port debacle

          • 5 days ago

            What charge port debacle?

          • 5 days ago

            They fought EU and lost. Made a lame threat to leave EU market before bending over.

          • 5 days ago

            1. they didn't fight the eu
            2. they certainly didn't fight it and lose
            3. lightning was always promised to be a 10-year technology, and after 10 years guess what?

          • 5 days ago

            >They didn't fight it and lose

          • 5 days ago

            That number will start dropping soon. They waited too long to leave China. They are already buying back their stock.

          • 5 days ago

            The only countres that view them as status symbols are india and the US. Most other countries use android.

      • 5 days ago

        Jewtubers are shilling Linux with the hope that it will get more people to switch. Maybe it'll work, maybe it won't.

    • 5 days ago

      >The more people that use Linux
      For Year of the Linux Desktop™ to truly materialize, Linux will have to become Windows, full stop. You can't have it both ways, either it's as braindead "just werks" for normies as Windows is or it's this esoteric OS for neckbeards that have too much free time on their hands. If you expect a normie to jump to your level of knowledge of an OS just to stick it to Microsoft you're delusional beyond help. Your typical normie doesn't even know how to install Windows even though it's a braindead process.

      Bro the amount of normies I see rocking steam decks is kinda pushing them to try it.
      I'm in a group chat where four of them keep sharing "apps" (their words, not mine) they find on discover that they like.

      >steam decks

      Most people use Linux on their phones or consoles, and Windows11 has terrible rep too. Nobody likes Apple outside USA as well. Reputation doesn't matter really. To become truly mainstream it needs some luck, marketing and way less terminal, but most importantly not break that easily. Average Joe needs to be able to fix shit with a click or two.

      >Most people use Linux on their phones or consoles
      Just because something uses Linux as the kernel doesn't mean it's the same fricking thing, how can you make such moronic statements with a straight face. Linux Desktop sucks dick, period. It's a clusterfrick that's never gonna get better. Android and console systems are not Linux, they have their own abstraction layers where normies don't even need to know what's going on under the hood. SteamOS is the biggest Linux cope of the decade, the only reason it's a success is because it's a distro developed and maintained by Valve for their custom hardware only. The moment you try to turn it into a """Windows killer""" it becomes yet another distro with all the same issues.

      • 5 days ago

        Yes, steam decks.
        Aka the only non-nintendo handheld on the market and it drops you into kde plasma.

      • 5 days ago

        >Linux desktop sucks dick yada yada
        Skill issue, moronic post.

        • 5 days ago

          Linux community is the reason why Windows will hold market dominance, seethe

          • 5 days ago

            Literally schizo if you believe community ever influenced anything. Most moronic post in this thread by far, congrats.

          • 5 days ago

            >Literally schizo
            You mean how every single thing that holds desktop Linux back is a grand conspiracy of all the large corporations and not the incompetency of Linux devs? Yeah Linux users are mentally ill, I agree.

          • 5 days ago

            What holds it back?

          • 5 days ago

            Something seems to be holding it back if it hasn't broke through 10% of global use since three decades and a .5% increase is a massive celebration.

          • 5 days ago

            Sure, but what?

          • 5 days ago

            I don't know, it's a perfect OS that does everything Windows does, if not better as it respects the user's freedoms. Must be some greater conspiracy of Microsoft and Red Hat and Poettering.

          • 5 days ago

            So you know nothing about it? What are you here?

          • 5 days ago

            >What are you here?
            ESL Black person, opinion discarded

          • 5 days ago

            >Never heard of autocorrect
            Explains why you know nothing

          • 5 days ago

            If Linux users can have strong opinions about Windows without knowing the first thing about it then so can I about Linux, I don't see the issue

          • 5 days ago

            This thread is literally about Linux, are you ok anon?

          • 5 days ago

            >without knowing the first thing about it
            Everyone knows how to use Windows.

          • 5 days ago

            Linux users don't even know Windows has a terminal and a package manager, let alone how the rest of the OS works but run their mouth the loudest about it

          • 5 days ago

            >Windows has a terminal
            That sucks.
            >and a package manager,
            That sucks

          • 5 days ago

            Gatekeeping is good.

  22. 5 days ago

    Windows became obsolete after Proton, now that it decided to become the largest spyware everyone is switching to Linux, it's really not complicated. The only people staying with Windows are those too stupid to learn Linux, and dozens of people that work with Photoshop or Autocad.

  23. 5 days ago

    >Are they paid
    By who?Did Stallman pay them with his toe fungus?

  24. 5 days ago

    >thing being used more means its being shilled

    • 5 days ago

      To be fair OP's point is about the new influx of youtubers that are against windows 11 spyware and switching to Linux. I noticed them since I switched to Linux recently (dual boot with Windows). They have been quite useful for me.

  25. 5 days ago

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