Why does tinkering have such a bad reputation around here? Isn't tinkering how you learn new things?

Why does tinkering have such a bad reputation around here? Isn't tinkering how you learn new things?

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  1. 5 days ago

    that entirely depends on what youre tinkering with.

  2. 5 days ago

    IQfy is the consumerism board. We don't "tinker" here. Microsoft and Apple want us to forget about engaging with the operating system at a lower level than the "app," so that's what we do.

  3. 5 days ago

    The unironic neet already took over this place 10 years ago

  4. 5 days ago

    all your AI threads are breaking new ground and are by definition, tinkering

  5. 5 days ago

    Nowadays, IQfy is full of absolute morons and /misc/ subhumans.

    • 5 days ago


  6. 5 days ago

    >Linux ®

  7. 5 days ago

    Learning things is nerdy and people hate nerds.
    t. tinkering nerd

    • 5 days ago

      I hate you

  8. 5 days ago

    it doesnt? tf u talking about summer child

  9. 5 days ago

    Forced tinkering is generally annoying. In other words: consent

  10. 5 days ago

    The amount of tinkering you need to do in Linux is a sign that the people who develop for it don't actually care. and why should they? The FOSS model is fundamentally flawed. When something is free it means either you are the product, so the thing is rigged to exploit you, or the developers didn't feel their work on the thing was good enough for others to invest in.

    • 5 days ago

      >When something is free it means either you are the product
      This doesn't make any sense in the context of FOSS.

      • 5 days ago

        Yes, that's why I provided a second reason things are free, which the FOSS model better fits. The developers are just not invested in their work because they get no return except that general "good feeling" that feeds their collectivist brain worm, which requires no real effort, just uploading SOMEthing to github

    • 5 days ago

      >The amount of tinkering you need to do in Linux is a sign that the people who develop for it don't actually care.
      How so
      >The FOSS model is fundamentally flawed.
      How so
      >When something is free it means either you are the product, so the thing is rigged to exploit you, [...]
      How so
      > [...] or the developers didn't feel their work on the thing was good enough for others to invest in.
      How so

    • 5 days ago

      I used to get upset by posts like this but now I just feel bad for them. It must be awful to be literally unable to fathom the concepts of altruism and collectivist work.

      • 5 days ago

        >It must be awful to be literally unable to fathom the concepts of altruism and collectivist work

        Yes, that's why I provided a second reason things are free, which the FOSS model better fits. The developers are just not invested in their work because they get no return except that general "good feeling" that feeds their collectivist brain worm, which requires no real effort, just uploading SOMEthing to github

        >they get no return except that general "good feeling" that feeds their collectivist brain worm
        Like pottery

      • 5 days ago

        >t. commie

    • 5 days ago

      If you install Arch you probably are unemployed and have ample time to tinker.
      If you install Silverblue you are a working man who wants a just werk system (and just werks better than macos and windows)

      • 5 days ago

        Did you mean Kinoite?

    • 5 days ago

      >When something is free it means either you are the product
      This doesn't make any sense in the context of FOSS.

      >t. commie

      All these digits wasted on another useless troll thread. Many such cases

  11. 5 days ago

    Tinkering is how everyone learned to use computers until the iphone. Now there's no need to tinker, entire generations have grown up without the need to troubleshoot anything, why would they suddenly start now?

    All the 19 year olds on IQfy are laughing at you right now

    • 5 days ago

      Those same 19 year olds who go and get jobs, then can't even figure out how to use excel?

  12. 5 days ago

    Designing takes too much effort, so we hack with stuff in real time instead

  13. 5 days ago

    Zoomers can't tinker
    It's some weird boomer thing, like saving jars instead of throwing them away.

  14. 5 days ago

    i once defecated into my uefi flash chip. the result: the computer still worked.

    i still haven't used that knowledge in a professional setting, but i dont regret doing it.

  15. 5 days ago

    For me it's Windows 10 LTSE IoT. It's extremely comfy. Come home white man

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