Books I can pick up

Hi, there's some books available for free, which someone has offered me to take. Any of these look interesting? I've already taken about 200 books from this particular estate, who keeps offering me to come back and take more. I've already picked up a vintage hardcover of William James Essays and Reviews, Schopenhauer selections, Strawson's Individuals, What Plato Said by Shorey, Leibniz selections, Charles Pierce selections, the complete works of Berkeley, etc.

Books I can pick up next time I'm in the conference room in the fall.
The Origin of Creation (Hardcover) (I thought it was a creationist book, turns out it's on the origin of creativity)
The Life of Lenin (Hardcover)
On Aggression (paperback)
Introduction to Mathematics Bertrand Russell (paperback)
Through the Needle's Eye - an old morality book written by a Christian woman in the 1800s, very pretty cover, the content sounds rank
a book I forgot the name of on mathematics and beauty (hardcover)
A study of the Synoptic Gospels (paperback)
a dictionary of religion (hardcover)
Reason and Responsibility (hardcover)
Perceiving, Sensing, and Knowing by Schwartz
Letters and Correspondences of Bishop Berkeley (stained paperback)
The Art of Reasoning (paperback)
an edited anthology of problems in moral studies (hardcover)
maybe the John Stewart Mill complete works (hardcover)
a small book of political philosophy (vintage hardcover)
A larger book of political philosophy (paperback)
A book on philosophy of action (paperback)

Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

  1. 4 weeks ago

    There's also a bunch of Aquinas, some Locke, some Christian philosopher whose name was Reinhold or something. There's also a ton of introduction to ethics, philosophy, philosophical problems. I took all the books on philosophy of mind (still a couple little ones left), all the ones on philosophy of science.

    There's a ton of logic books, and I just took on on the art of reasoning by Bonevac, and a little beautifully bound hardcover on symbolic logic, as well as the instructors manual. I also picked up like 6 jurisprudence, introduction to law, international law, etc. books, big hardcovers.

  2. 4 weeks ago

    There's also
    the future of metaphysics (hardcover)
    Leonard Linsky Names and Descriptions (paperback)
    political thinkers by boucher and kelly
    Property rights paul miller and paul,
    The Universe and the Teacup: The Mathematics of Truth and beauty (hardcover)
    Raz, Practical Reasoning
    Modern Moral Philosophy, Hudson
    The Moral Point of View, Baier
    Body, Mind, and Death - Anthony Flew
    Political Ideas, by David Thompson (vintage hardcover)
    The Journal of George Fox
    The Philosophy of Mind Alan R. White
    On Liberty, John Stewart Mill
    The Conquest of Dread - Malreaux (hardcover)
    The Ethical - edited by Wyschogrod amd McKenney
    Theory of Action - Davis
    Frankena - ethics
    Rudner - Philosophy of Social science
    Caton, Philosophy of Ordinary Language
    The Nature of Human Actions, Brand (Hardcover)
    Morality Matters - Trigg
    The Human Community - Brownell
    Grice - Studies in the Way of Words
    Arner, Perception, Reason, and Knowledge
    Readings in the Theory of Action
    Philosophical Problems
    A Critical History of Western Philosophy - O'Connor
    Interpreting Political Responsibility Dunn
    The First Liberty - Miller
    Philosophy of Social Science
    Ethics and Danger
    Reason and Responsibility, Feinberg (hardcover)
    Troubled Memory, Powell (hardcover)
    Artistic Expression, Hospera (hardcover)
    Hitler's Justice (hardcover)
    Human Action Glenn Langford
    Moral disagreements - Classic and Contemporary Readings
    Kilzer - Hitler's Traitor (hardcover)
    A Good German (Hardcover)
    The Meaning of Criminal Insanity, Fingarette
    McGreal Problem of Ethics
    B. F. Skinner Science and Human Behavior
    Lawler, philosophical analysis and ethics
    Parkinson, Theory of Meaning
    Baker, Human Liberty and Freedom of Speech
    A Concise Introduction to Philosophy (hardcover)
    Basic Problems of Philosophy (hardcover)
    Problems of Moral Philosophy (hardcover)

  3. 4 weeks ago

    John Stewart Mill, Utilitarianism, On Liberty, and Considerations on Representative Government (I already picked up a much nicer hardcover of this paperback)
    An Encyclopedia of African American Christian Heritage
    A Global Introduction to Baptist Churches
    The Confessions of Nat Turner (hardcover)
    The Oxford History of Islam (hardcover)
    Problems of Political Philosophy
    Stanton and Holt, The Short Story and the Reader (hardcover)
    Broad's Critical Essays in Moral Philosophy (hardcover)
    Biggs, British Moralists
    The Problems of Philosophy Third Edition, Branch and some illegible name (big hardcover)
    Mind of the Master Class
    Christianity and the Social Crisis in the 21st Century
    Outcome Uncertain, Munson
    Andersen, Thinking About Women
    Naturalized Epistemology
    Harman The Nature of Morality
    Human Knowledge
    Holt, Logics (hardcover)
    Burgess, Jackson - Informal Logic
    Ravenscroft Philosophy of Mind
    Kelley, The Art of Reasoning, third edition
    Classics of Western Philosophy, Sixth Edition, edited by Cahn (big paperback)

  4. 4 weeks ago

    The Chicago Manual of Style (hardcover)
    Poems and Selected Letters of John Keats
    Koestler - Arrival and Departure
    The Philosopher's Guide, De George
    The Broken Wings, Gibran
    The Ordeal of Change, Hoffer
    The Temper of our Time - Hoffer
    Patterns of Culture - Benedict
    The Idea of Social Science
    A Preface to Philosophy Woodhouse
    Passmore, A Hundred Years of Philosophy
    Culture and Practical Reason
    Rosmini, Theodicy, Essays on Divine Providence
    A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations
    On Narrative - Michell
    The Life and Death of Lenin, Robert Payne (hardcover)
    Ellis, A Nation in Torment
    The Big Questions, A Short Introduction to Philosophy, Solomon
    Readings in Political Philosophy, 4 volume set, with some middle eastern characters on it
    Ilich, Limits to Medicine
    Understanding Physics - Isaac Asimov
    Body and Mind, Campbell
    x4 Hurley, A Concise Introduction to Logic (hardcover)
    Kujundzic, Critical Reflections (big paperback)
    Vough, The Power of Critical Thinking
    Halverson A Concise Logic
    The Logic Book - Bergmann, Moor, Nelson
    Martin - There are Two Errors in the Title of this Book
    Bell, David, Solomon, Logical Options
    Bergman, Moor, Nelson, The Logic Book (hardcover)
    Catatlyst The Parson Custom Library of Chemistry

  5. 4 weeks ago

    Have you read the Very Hungry Caterpillar? I love this lil homie

  6. 4 weeks ago

    Om, The Age of Joy
    Lawrence, Motive and Intention (hardcover)
    Persons, Privacy, and Feeling, Van de Vate (hardcover)
    Taylor, Metaphysics
    Naturalized Epistemology, Kornblith as editor
    Perception, Theory, and Commitment
    Flew, A Rational Animal (hardcover)
    The Actor and the Spectator, Beck
    meta-meditations (fleming
    Sabin - Setting Limits Fairly
    Basic Problems of Philosophy, Brostein, Krikorian, and Wiener (hardcover)
    Moutafakis - The Logics of Preference
    The Oxford Illustrated History of Western Philosophy (hardcover)
    A History of Philosophy, Coppleston, volumes 1-3
    Bentham, The Principles of Morals and Legislation
    Wheelwright, The Presocratics
    Mill's Utilitarianism
    John Stewart Mill
    Readings in the Theory of Action
    Essays on Freedom of Action, Honderich (hardcover)
    Feinberg, Doing and Deserving
    Taylor, The Moral Judgement
    Choice and chance An Introduction to Inductive Logic
    Clark and Smith, Readings in Ethics
    Reinhold Niebuhr, His Religious, Social, and Political Thought
    Montesquieu, The Spirit of the Laws
    Descartes, Philosophical Essays
    Hamshire, Theories of Morality
    Nash, The Light of the Mind (hardcover)
    Reinhold Niebuhr, The Nature and Destiny of Man
    About 4 copies of Perceiving, Sensing, and Knowing, By Schwartz
    About 3-4 copies of Mill's On Liberty
    Meditations, And Selections from the Principles, Descartes (open court classics paperback)
    Benchmarks of Fairness for Healthcare Reform (hardcover)
    Thomson and Dworkin, Ethics
    Must We Mean What We Say, Cavell (hardcover with a busted up dust jacket)
    Is the Holocaust Unique?
    Political Man and Social Man, Readings in Political Philosophy
    Naturalism and Deontology, Robatyn
    Feinberg, Reason and Responsibility (hardcover)
    Introductory Readings in Philosophy, Taylor (hardcover)
    Philosophical Problems, Mandelbaum, Gramlich, Anderson (hardcover)
    Living Issues in Philosophy (Titus)
    Morton - Moral Education for Secular Society
    Warnock Philosophy of Perception
    Stumpf, Philosophical Problems, Selected Readings
    Bury, The Idea of Progress
    Causality, Mario Bunge
    Moral Reasoning, A Philosophical Approach to Applied Ethics, Demarco
    Collected Works of John Stewart Mill, A System of Logic, Volumes 7 and 8 (hardcover)
    Morality and Moral Controversies, Arthur
    3rd copy of Reason and Responsibility (hardcover)
    The Age of Reason, Stewart Hampshire
    Modern Library The English Philosophers from Bacon to Mill, Burt (hardcover)
    Selby, Biggs, ed. British Moralists (big hardcover)
    More Berkeley, Three Dialogs, The Principles of Human Knowledge, 1 in combined paperback, and 2 separate paperbacks
    Ethical Theories, a Book of Readings, Nelson (hardcover)
    Schwartz, Life Without Disease (hardcover?)
    Jacobs, a Philosopher's Compass,

  7. 4 weeks ago

    >Yo dawg, we heard you like Mill

  8. 4 weeks ago

    Wren, Caring About Morality
    Grubb, Decision Making and Problems of Incompetence
    Automatism, Insanity, and the Psychology of Criminal Responsibility (hardcover)
    another copy of Moral Reasoning by Demarco
    Sissela Bok, Secrets
    The Normal and the Pathological (I hate this title) Cangulhem
    Fingarette, The Meaning of Criminal Insanity
    Hombre y Sociedad en Julian Marias, Henares
    Karma and Happiness, Cameron
    H. R. Smart, Philosophy and its History
    Feinberg, Doing and Deserving
    The Elements of Moral Philosophy Fifth Edition, Rachels
    Cortese, Ethnic Ethics
    Edel, Judgement (torn spine)
    Philosophy, the Power of Ideas/Instructors Manual
    Reading Rawls, Edited by Norman Daniels
    King, Venetian Humanism in an Age of Patrician Dominance
    The History of Islam in Africa, Levitzion, and Pouwels editors (big paperback)
    Forms and Limits of Utilitarianism (hardcover)
    Twentieth Century Philosophy, D. Runes (big hardcover)
    Samar, The Right to Privacy
    Dostoyevsky, Notes from Underground/The Grand Inquisitor
    The Age of Enlightenment, Burten (pealed spine)
    The Viking Portable Library, Medieval Reader (looks destroyed)
    St. Augustine, Merdian Books
    Thomas Aquinas, Treaties on Law
    Pragmatism and Other Essays, William James
    (I already have a hardcover of it)
    Herrick, The Many Worlds of Logic
    Plato's Republic (old hardcover with a torn spine)
    Wealth and Democracy, Philips (hardcover)
    Scottish Orphans, Blackford (beautiful old hardcover, but unfortunately it's a children's morality novel)
    Thinking in Pictures and Other Reports from my life with Autism
    Late Victorian Holocausts (hardcover)
    Pox Americana, Elizabeth Fenn (hardcover)
    Gross, Philosophy of Law (hardcover)
    Prisoners of Psychiatry, Ennis (hardcover) (sounds like cool anti psychiatry stuff, but it's legal documentation of people trapped in the psychiatric system)
    Derrida, Speech and Phenomena (holy shit I totally overlooked this one)
    Everyman's Library, Confessions of St. Augustine (hardcover, but I already have this one)

  9. 4 weeks ago

    Whoever bought all these had truly abominable taste in philosophy.
    I'd recommend just getting the (more) neutral overview stuff like the oxford histories.

    • 4 weeks ago

      There's about 200 really interesting books I picked up, worth many thousands of dollars. But yes, what is left is really horrible, for the most part. I need that Derrida, Origin of Creation, The Life of Lenin, Berkeley book, Derrida book, and maybe that big 20th century philosophy collection. If the Mill has his late works in it, I'd be down to take that too. I'd be down for the mathematics and beauty book. Perceiving Sensing and Knowing, maybe.

      But yeah I took all the radical stuff, all the stuff on technology, all the science, mind, art, big name philosophers, etc. books which would have given this collection life.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Fair enough, you struck a pretty good goldmine then. Post some pics anon, I'd like to see what you grabbed.

  10. 4 weeks ago

    John Keats
    Ivan Illich
    Berkeley, three dialogues
    Maybe a Descartes
    Maybe the Cavell

  11. 4 weeks ago


  12. 4 weeks ago
  13. 4 weeks ago



    Very nice anon. I hope I get as lucky as you to find this much for free.

  14. 4 weeks ago

    Are you looking for books to read or are you just asking which ones will get you more money?

    • 4 weeks ago

      Only to read.

  15. 4 weeks ago

    Cahn, Political Philosophy, The Essential Texts
    The Evolving Constitution, Lieberman (hardcover)
    Katz, The Price of Citizenship (hardcover)
    Kostler, The Act of Creation (hardcover)
    Constitutional Law, Gunther (big hardcover)
    French, Exploring Philosophy
    A Modern Introduction to Philosophy, Edwards (hardcover)
    Horns and Halos
    Thomas Aquinas, Penguin editions Selected Writings
    JWE books St. Augustine Confessions (already have it)
    GBF Oedipus and Antigone (already have it)
    The Greek Experience
    A Short History of Medieval Philosophy
    The Waning of the Middle Ages, Husinga
    Aminashah, Folk Tales of Central Asia
    Weakness of Will, edited by Mortimore
    Tsanoff, World's to Know (hardcover)
    Biffle, A Guided Tour of Rene Descarte's Meditations on First Philosophy
    Interests and the Growth of Knowledge, Barnes
    Modern Introductions to Philosophy, Hamlyn
    leaving out all these bio-ethics books
    Berkeley, Correspondences (can't read the full spine, it's stained)
    An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, Locke x 2 copies
    An Introduction to Early Greek Philosophy
    Everyman's Library Introduction to Aristotle
    Smith and Grene, From Descartes to Locke
    Popkin, Philosophy of the 16th and 17th century
    Becket, a History of Western Ethics
    Biffle A Guided Tour of Selections from Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics
    another fricking copy of British Moralists
    The God Dialogs, Howell
    The Great Dialogs of Plato (I already have the complete works)
    A History of Philosophy
    The Political Ideas of St. Thomas Aquinas, Hafner
    God? A Debate Between a Christian and an Atheist

    • 4 weeks ago

      The Aeneid of Virgil, Rolffe Humphries

    • 4 weeks ago

      the Huizinga

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