alcohol doesn't feel good anymore. why tho?

why does this happen? i'm 29 and used to drink in college. i remember the first time i drank i felt euphoria (around age 18) and i drank infrequently after that since my friends smoked weed (which also first felt good, then didn't after i took a break). when i turned 21 there was an 80% off going-out-of-business sale at a liquor store and i bought a month's worth and drank every night for the month. then after, i realized "actually this stuff kind of sucks" and didn't drink again for long periods

now, every time i drink, i get these effects:
- irritability
- only want to chain smoke
- nausea
- headache
- piss every 10 minutes (it was always like this to be fair)
- uncomfortable body overheating

it straight up just does not feel good at all. it's like when i drink, i'm just slowly poisoning myself. why the frick does this happen? why can't i enjoy alcohol like regular people? my parents and older brother drink with meals and probably drink a bit every night. i can't imagine doing something like that.

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  1. 2 years ago

    >alcohol like regular people
    Regular people are subhumans that lack sentience. They drink because they can't handle real life and are trying to cope. The same homosexuals have a problem with drugs that actually can improve your life like testosterone and modafinil.

    • 2 years ago

      it happens the same to me


  2. 2 years ago

    Do you exercise?

    • 2 years ago

      >Do you exercise?
      i haven't lately but this problem has been going on for quite a while, i don't think it's impacted by exercise except possibly i feel worse drinking if i've exercised because my body needs more real nutrients to heal

      • 2 years ago

        For me, it was because my diet wasn’t getting adequate nutrients (mostly electrolytes). After my diet + exercise was in check, i no longer had a hangover, but more of a deep regret. Like the other anons said, alcohol is a normie drug and a shit one at that, I don’t know how old the other people are in your life but the experience regresses, at a certain point it’s just a cope.

        • 2 years ago

          i thought the hangover was how you felt the next day? for me, it's literally just the effects. like 10 minutes in i start to feel like i'm poisoning myself. can you really get a hangover 10 minutes after you start drinking?

          and my brother and parents are all older from me, and i know my parents drink a bit almost every night

          • 2 years ago

            >I thought the hangover is how you felt the next day
            It is, unless you have some sever physical illness. I’m not speculating or implying, but other than that, the only reason would be some mental reason. Maybe you just don’t enjoy drinking, which seems the most reasonable. There’s a difference between drinking in college and drinking at the dinner table with your family as an adult.

          • 2 years ago

            >it's literally just the effects. like 10 minutes in i start to feel like i'm poisoning myself. c
            you have some mental issues and hangup, similar to OCD. A type of phobia or something.

          • 2 years ago

            >you have some mental issues and hangup, similar to OCD. A type of phobia or something.
            wtf? i want to enjoy it, it just feels terrible to my body. how can it be mental at all?
            i'll drink one day and then be like "wow this is shit, no wonder i don't drink" and then a few months later there will be alcohol and that's all that's around so i'll try it again, and repeat

          • 2 years ago

            Not him but yeah, it seems like your exaggerating the effects. Alcohol is a poison tho. I’m not going to psychoanalyse you, but just go to the doctor if it’s bothering you that much, I wouldn’t recommend that you find advice on IQfy. If it’s bothering your interaction and causing you problems, then go to a doctor. But imo, it’s just because you’re getting older and realising how much of a damaging “drug” alcohol is.

          • 2 years ago

            >it seems like your exaggerating the effects
            i'm really not. i know how to discern how drugs feel, i've done loads of them

            >imo, it’s just because you’re getting older and realising how much of a damaging “drug” alcohol is
            i smoked meth for a year straight, i'm not worried about the damage to health it does. it just makes me feel like shit. same with weed, but weed has negative psychological effects (anxiety mainly) whereas the negative effects of alcohol it feels like it's caustic to my body

          • 2 years ago

            >weed has negative psychological effects (anxiety mainly
            you have psychological problems, things in your life you are trying as hard as you can to ignore, thc brings that part of your subconscious to your attention consciously.

          • 2 years ago

            >thc brings that part of your subconscious to your attention consciously.
            THC literally makes me feel like i'm just sitting there dying if i get very high on it. i have to control myself to stop hyperventilating. it's not relaxing in the slightest

            > things in your life you are trying as hard as you can to ignore
            not sure about it

          • 2 years ago

            Just go to a doctor, bro.

          • 2 years ago

            >pay doctor $250 just to see him
            >"doc i have an issue, alcohol makes me feel shitty"
            >"ok don't drink it then"

          • 2 years ago

            American detected

          • 2 years ago

            >>pay doctor $250 just to see him
            >>"doc i have an issue, alcohol makes me feel shitty"
            >>"ok don't drink it then"
            Pretty much spot on.

          • 2 years ago

            I really don’t know what you’re doing at this point, like, what are you trying to prove? Either quit drinking or don’t, by the looks of it, your problems are internal but I doubt you have the self awareness to address them. Nobody has advice that will magically solve this problem. If you’re a troll then congrats, if not, then how the tf do you even have the agency to write this thread? Good luck, buddy. Just do meth at your family meals whenever you feel the need to drink next time idk.

          • 2 years ago

            i was wondering why i can't find alcohol enjoyable at all. i guess it's just shit
            i haven't done any meth for about a year. my point was i don't have a mental block against alcohol to convince myself "oh no i'm taking a drug and poisoning my body noo"
            people think it's weird for some reason when a person doesn't drink [when offered] and if the reason "i literally hate how it feels" it's treated as worse than some goofy teetotaler "because it's against my religion" shit
            i've consumed it before. it just makes me wonder "am i missing something? like why the heck do people even drink this stuff?"

          • 2 years ago

            >how can it be mental at all?
            Because it wouldn't affect you that way, especially not that fast.

            If you are drinking shit alcohol (low quality stuff with traces of methanol and isopropyl) and doing that regularly, then sure you will feel bad.

            Might want to have you liver checked out and kidneys. Sounds like you might have some health issues there if it is not mental.

  3. 2 years ago

    >it's like when i drink, i'm just slowly poisoning myself.
    Kind of like you are.

  4. 2 years ago

    alcohol is an unpleasant drug which unpleasant people leading unpleasant lives use to put themselves to sleep so they can wake up feeling badly the next day and start the cycle anew

    • 2 years ago

      also, this is the reason why it takes a trillion dollars of annual advertising and an army of law enforcement to keep the alcohol industry in business

  5. 2 years ago

    When people call it poison, we aren't joking.

  6. 2 years ago

    It's a poison

  7. 2 years ago

    alcohol is the shittiest of all "highs". Even meth users get high unlike the dogshit people call "being drunk" which on the surface, isnt correlated to a good time.I quit drinking the very second my hangovers lasted the entire fricking day i even once had a 2 day hangover. Dogshit substance, id take meth over it any fricking day

  8. 2 years ago

    >- only want to chain smoke
    Big part of the problem there.

    Smoking a alcohol together form toxic compounds in the body, worse than either by themselves. It causes tobacco cravings, which ruins the alcohol's taste and effect.

    A big part of your issue is also learning what and how to drink.
    Quality stuff
    Moderation is the key
    Occasional binging is fine
    Daily drinking = bad bad unless is limited to one drink

  9. 2 years ago

    Be thankful that happened.
    t. 36 year old alcoholic

  10. 2 years ago

    I think it's estrogen, your testosterone levels are maybe dropping. Try drinking wine.

  11. 2 years ago

    >the body protects moronic reptile brain from poisoning itself
    pathetic thread, pathetic op

  12. 2 years ago

    Ask me how I know you‘re overweight and dehydrated.

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