>All I do is world building and relationship maps.

>All I do is world building and relationship maps. Writing is just boring.

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 12 months ago

    >world building
    I dont get it.
    Is the frog you? Are you saying this? Or are you quoting an imaginary person and implying that they are a frog for doing this?

    • 12 months ago

      You aren't read enough in the classics to understand something cultured when you see it, start with the Something Awfuls and continue with the WT Snacks screenshots before you even touch the classics(/b/ screenshots)

      >tfw you remember real actual genuine autistic people freely post here

      This guy gets it

      • 12 months ago

        the dooming sting of the slams that ruined so many
        the chumps and the bustas hurled headlong into gloom
        to sip bitter cola with the bawds and kinky-haired hoes,
        dollar store poo poo, not even brand-name;
        thus was the will of Zeus.
        Begin with the wit of that lord--
        the Ultimate Hustler
        who descended like night upon the bright shores
        of unfortunate Troy where the Achaeans all camped.
        As the sun in his splendor, spangles his rays
        upon the folds of the sea when the day is just dawning
        so too was the light that came from the mouth
        of that merciless pimp, for homie he had
        hella fine platinum up in his grill.
        And seeing the masses of Grecians, a full generation
        set for ten years in grim siege on the sand
        the Hustler rattled his cane, a thunderous funk
        and made known his will.

        "Well well well
        guess now be a good time to buy stock in coconut oil and wiener rings
        since y’all look like you ready to storm Fire Island and start a pride parade.
        First time I seen a fleet of ships using they momma’s dirty drawers as sails.
        That ain’t no Mycenaean insignia, that just where she couldn’t reach around ta wipe.
        An do I see Odysseus sticking gettin rutty with that handmaid? Ima call Ithaca,
        tell em they all need to file a missin bustas report.”

        All through the camp, men fell transfixed
        laid out by the insults that poured like hard rain
        upon the wearied and weak. It seemed as a plague
        that ran through the ranks, a vast rippling breath
        like when the wind, blown black in the dusk
        touches the grain and withers the stalks
        and the farmers they gather what once was fine crop
        and set it to torch to weep at the flames.

        Mighty Achilles, a lion in temper, stepped onto the shore
        from his proud flanks flashed fierce indignation
        at the Ultimate Hustler, the man like dark wine all richly attired.
        When kings go out hunting, they bring with them dogs,
        tightly-haunched hounds with foam on their teeth.
        The pack is arrayed, and now catches the scent
        of a rabbit or stag and strains at the leash,
        their limbs at the ready, their eyes full of death,
        and finally their master loosens the rein
        so was the wrath of Achilles that long had lain quiet,
        now aimed at the Hustler and hot for its prey.

        “Whether you be
        a dark Ethiopian far from your home or else
        a sunburnt man from a sunburnt land, Achilles
        cares not. You now forfeit your life.”

        • 12 months ago

          So said Achilles, and drew forth his spear, the heft on his shoulder
          the point all of bronze and, taking his aim, hurled it full force
          like a bolt from Olympus.
          But Mandingo was watching,
          god of the Dozens, and turned it astray.

          All there assembled, Achaean and Trojan, saw Achilles’ first failure
          and soon wicked Rumor, with her venom and bile, started to whisper
          that ain’t nobody choked that bad since yo momma
          try deepthroating a Titan.
          The Hustler boomed out his mirth.

          “Next time you wanna give me yo shaft, make believe I’m Patroclus’ stankhole
          and there ain’t no way you missin. Oh I forgot, Hector currently using that b***h
          as a hood ornament. Take him down to the kennels, he metamorphose
          into kibbles and bits. That homie, he dead.
          And what up with that armor? poo poo’s tacky. Bet that breastplate come with a horn
          play “Lowrider” when you goosesteppin through the ranks.
          Ain’t it bad enough you got grease face? Been, what, twenty years since yo momma
          dip you in tha Styx, and the Hades EPA still tryin to clean the oil slick,
          declaring it unfit for animal habitation.
          My homie Charon spark up a fatty, throw the match overboard,
          poo poo goes up like Mt Etna.”

          Mighty Achilles groaned like the ocean, let fall his arms to the ash at his feet.
          Betaken by sorrow, he sought out his tent and the drowse of his harem
          where black-visaged grief crept from the shadows. Like the waxes of Hybla
          it muzzled his mind, stopped up his ears, made deaf his heart
          to all the sweet pleas of men and immortals.

          Just at that moment, the figure of Helen, awake in the city,
          appeared on the walls. King Menelaos, the chariot driver,
          gnashed all his teeth and raged at the day
          she was promised as prize to craven Prince Paris
          and doomed distant Troy.
          She was spied by the Hustler.

          “poo poo, ain’t it the daughter of Leda and a swan.
          b***h squirt up a douche, get a bowful of duck soup.
          That the face launched a thousand ships? They all musta
          gone looking for that most mythical of treasures, cure for dick blisters.
          Only time the topless towers of Ilium get burned is when they go take a leak,
          get funky discharge look like something Cerberus leave on yo carpet.
          b***h been ploughed more times than the winedark sea. Yeah
          I droppin some poetical poo poo here. gently caress ya if ya hatin.
          Everyone heard Helen so tough and hangly down there, she legally obligated
          to have the Arby’s logo tattooed on her snatch.
          Priam still around? Get him out here.
          That homie so old, last time he manage to pop wood,
          Pandora’s box just got some peach fuzz
          and Priapus’ balls ain’t even drop yet.
          This some brokedown city y’all got here. Couple thousand years, Heinreich Schliemann
          dig this place up, wonder what the hell the luddy convention was doin in town.
          All looking like somebody built a group home for Cyclops crackheads.”

          • 12 months ago

            His counsel at end, the Hustler arose and took to the air
            in the form of a bird, feathers jet-black, leaving all stunned.
            Sometime a hunter when the race has been run
            surveys the beast his arrows brought low,
            admires the flank and the struggling faint breaths,
            and though its life is near gone strings one last shaft
            to take cold delight in an unneeded wound.
            So now the Hustler, in no haste to leave,
            flung finally a barb down into the field.

            “First I thought that wicker tinker toy was the Trojan Horse,
            but now y’all inside it, I see it just a raggedy-assed fruit basket.
            And yo toga look like a dishrag.”

            Tearing her hair, Queen Hecuba led
            her waxen-faced ladies in an ebon procession
            to Athena’s white temple, hoping the goddess
            would pity their plight, grant Troy gray-eyed mercy.
            Greeks and Dardanians, all there assembled, hearing the wail
            added their voices to the keening and crying
            and it is said that even Olympus covered its face
            for the great lamentation:

  2. 12 months ago

    >tfw you remember real actual genuine autistic people freely post here

  3. 12 months ago

    Just means you're more inclined towards certain genres. Probably YA fantasy. Embrace it.

  4. 12 months ago

    >I procrastinate
    >But I justify it by daydreaming about "worlds" that I create
    >That I pretend will have a relationship to a "book I'm writing"
    >But Im actually too lazy and undisciplined to write

    • 12 months ago

      Writing was never genuine in society since its for-profit. Editing is a genuine skill which helps others complete their vision. Fame, fortune, and publication is all so uncreative. Now fantasy provides a universe of references and escapism. Making it via writing is a dream of a child like fire-fighter, astronaut, cop etc. Plus with ChatGPT and the increase in female authors, popular lit is gay.

  5. 12 months ago

    post relationship maps

  6. 12 months ago

    I wonder if a commune book could be written
    an episcopal novel (some anon here taught me that, thanks)
    some do Crônicas, others novellas, then we get frens to draw maps or specific moments; maybe a recurring character, events get tangled, etc

  7. 12 months ago

    oh drat that version is poo poo'd

  8. 12 months ago

    >All I do is draw maps

    • 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      i could put black ink in my anus and shit it out on paper and produce the same exact result, if not something better.

    • 12 months ago

      Here's an idea, study geology and tectonic plates and look for some age and area that scientists think they have a good understanding of. Like what did the coast of africa look like 2 billion years ago or whatever. (your characters can still be white, don't worry)
      And see if they have good guesses of what the climate and plant life was like there.
      Then do a bit of study of what kinds of cultures, cities, people, agriculture come from similar places in history and build your world off that.
      It'll probably be way more cool and believable if you do that.

      • 12 months ago

        >It'll probably be way more cool and believable if you do that
        It doesn't have to be realistic it just has to make the reader invested. A map provides a sense of scale and coherence to the story. No one is going to care for autistic specifics about plant life unless they are already bought into the world.

  9. 12 months ago

    When one has established their world, one can just easily write about one historical event, no? I mean, they'd know the struggles people of their world face that one can even write about the mundane people

  10. 12 months ago

    >relationship maps
    What do you mean by that? Asking as a fellow world builder, but also 160k words deep in my fantasy story.

  11. 12 months ago

    What are your world's tax policies?

  12. 9 months ago


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