Annotation Advice

What am I doing wrong? How am I meant to annotate? I don't see the point in this.

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  1. 5 months ago

    annotation is meant to help you. If it's not, you're doing it wrong

  2. 5 months ago

    Seems like something catered for people with iqs below 100 with shitty memories. How do you take notes for a novel if you are reading out of pleasure? Just read it again and again until the point sticks. Writing notes while reading breaks flow.

  3. 5 months ago

    it’s not supposed to be stupid reactions anon

  4. 5 months ago

    is this homie naked?

    • 5 months ago

      >he doesn't read completely naked, spread eagle

  5. 5 months ago

    If you annotate a novel you are a homosexual

    If you annotate philosophy books you are based

    • 5 months ago

      if you dont have a notebook and write directly on the book you are not based.

      • 5 months ago

        you don't do this unless you are a pseud or reading the book for the second or third time (based)

  6. 5 months ago

    I don't understand, how can you show your subs your dancing if your reactions are not on tiktok?

  7. 5 months ago

    At any given time I have several projects, several ideas I am trying to formulate or problems I am solving.

    I underline and take down the page number of everything relevant to my 3 or 4 big missions at any given time.

    So right now I am interested in the displacement of Republican forms in America by the emergence of postbellum capitalism. I am reading memoirs right now and found someone describing the first steamship they saw, in an unrelated text, so I noted it, noted the page, and later I can snatch thar quote to paint a picture.

    For annotation to work you need a goal or prompt. If you have no prompt from an instructor/course then hone in on your particular questiond and see if you can solve them by reading book after book.

    • 5 months ago

      This is a good idea. I do something similar, and I have a box for index cards so I can write down reflections and quotes and slip them in with quotes from and reflections on other books.
      The categories are very broad like so I can find something in practically any book I'm reading, and I then narrow them down if I have enough notes like
      (A) Technology
      (1) Media
      (1A) Television
      (A1) Early adoption of

      • 5 months ago

        That's ace. I can never seem to get organized about it but my memory is pretty good and I rarely lose a quote or forget where to find it.

  8. 5 months ago

    Annontation shouldn't be reactions anon. If you don't really feel the need to make them, you shouldn't.
    I usually make annotations when the author mentions something or someone I didn't know about, and make a brief note about it. For example, I was reading a book on which the author mentions "Monsieur Briand", I looked it up and turns out he was talking about Aristide Briand, so I made a note on the page that says "Refers to Aristide Briand, 1st Minister of the French 3rd Republic". Also, when I find something very interesting, but complicated, I would make a brief summary that makes it easier to understand, usually at the top of the page. When something the author is talking about reminds me of something else, I would make a note. Or, when I disagree with what the author says, I would write down my reasons next to the text.
    Peace & Love

  9. 5 months ago

    Work on your handwriting. I stopped feeling embarrassed about my annotations when I learned cursive.

  10. 5 months ago

    You are doing it correctly. All you need to write is based or cringe next to each underlined passage.

    • 5 months ago

      lol that is not too far off the mark honestly

      I keep meaning to set up a symbol code but never get around to it. Something like !S=surprising, !WS= well said, ??=wat, !X=vehemently disagree.

  11. 5 months ago

    If it's fiction, don't think too hard, just underline what stands out to you, maybe encircle words you're not sure of, and make a note of the page number of passages you want to come back to. If you're not sure what you're doing or you're just starting out, keep marginalia sparse and focus on absorbing, not annotating.

    If it's non-fiction like in your pic, keep it to underlining passages with critical information or that you want to commit to memory, at least on the first read-through. If it's quotable, note the page number. The occasional reaction is fine, though I usually reserve my thoughts to the end of the chapter or a blank page near the end of the book. Again, focus on absorbing, annotating should be an aid not a distraction. On the second and third read-throughs, then you can be more extensive with marginalia, connecting it to X author or Y idea and such. You can do this on a journal, but I personally prefer not to since I don't like having to open a notebook to get back into something I've read before.

  12. 5 months ago

    Use Nota Bene, Dignum Memoria, Versus

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