based or cringe?

based or cringe?

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    • 2 years ago

      lol musl is a slow piece of shit
      typical braindead tech geeker garbage

    • 2 years ago

      >The central figure of G/ACC is the trans woman.
      >She is the demon-spawn of the primordial feminine that has manipulated males into serving as a heat sink for evolution and that is now discarding them towards an alien and inhuman machinic future.
      >She mutates from castration, from the creation of the Acéphallus, the phallus perverted into a purposeless desire for desire’s sake.

      • 2 years ago

        your average alpine linux user

    • 2 years ago

      Is this your blog? It's horribly written. Consider using grammarly or something

  2. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      MOAR moronic LOGOS

      • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          Femboy sperm

    • 2 years ago

      MOAR moronic LOGOS

      got one for guix?

    • 2 years ago

      MOAR moronic LOGOS

      Why do these always look constipated?

    • 2 years ago

      MOAR moronic LOGOS


      very cute

    • 2 years ago

      MOAR moronic LOGOS

      Who keeps making these?

      • 2 years ago


  3. 2 years ago

    based, it is the one that will start the neolinux era. Guix is the first to realize its greatness and many more shall do the same

  4. 2 years ago

    I am thoroughly convinced that learning to code and learning about computers in general brings you closer to satan

    • 2 years ago

      Let's say all computers dissapear overnight. Will the world become a better place?

      • 2 years ago

        Yes. Absolutely.

        • 2 years ago

          How so?

          • 2 years ago

            this website would disappear forever

      • 2 years ago

        Absolutely. Throw in TV's and it's even better.

  5. 2 years ago

    It's garbage. Guix is far superior

  6. 2 years ago

    you ripped these straight out of the linux subreddit
    son i am disappoint

    • 2 years ago

      gommen :3 but srsly, what do you expect from an anon

  7. 2 years ago

    best logo

    • 2 years ago

      >this is what the wayland shills want to take away from us

  8. 2 years ago

    It's shit, Guix is a lot better but I still wouldn't use it as my main distro, only as a package manager on top of my install

  9. 2 years ago

    the problem with nix is that its users have a seething hatred of gentoo because of an inferiority complex

  10. 2 years ago


  11. 2 years ago

    no cirno no bump

  12. 2 years ago

    cirno bump

  13. 2 years ago

    the DSL is complete dog shit, literally just a worst JS (its self proclaimed purely functional paradigm is a joke), its rigidity is its downfall along with its complete lack of error handling and incredibly shit documentation. Flakes are based but also pretty experimental still whivh is not based, and most of the best implentations of nixos features are through the community which is also a gigantic problem. That being said I dont know what else I would use at the moment (guix would absolutely be it but the repos are garbo; just got an AMD GPU recently though so maybe i should give it another try and see how easy it is to packagr non-trivial shit i use)

    • 2 years ago

      >just a worst JS

      • 2 years ago

        i dont see how in any respect it resembles haskell other than having functional elements (so does JS), the way nix is written and used is completely different from haskell. haskell is actually pleasant to look at and is completely centered around its very strong and elegant type system; nix is literally just JS in the sense that the majority of operations are performed on "attribute sets" (literally just JS objects) and it has no form of type system the use can interact with at all. Nickel is supposed to address this but still, why the frick does everyone compare nix to haskell they have zero things in common other than just having functional features and nix being able to be """""pure"""""

        • 2 years ago

          >so does JS
          In Nix everything is an expression. That doesn't apply to JS.
          It doesn't just have elements. It's a functional language.
          >nix is literally just JS
          Only superficially syntactically similar to JS (such as mentioned sets).
          Even saying both are dynamic languages, one is weak and the other is strong significantly differing the two.
          >are performed on "attribute sets"
          That's the reason Nix exists and Haskell isn't used.
          In the end Nix is meant for configuration so it needs to fulfill that purpose.
          >literally just JS objects
          Or what everyone that had exposure to more than 2 programming languages calls dict/set.

          • 2 years ago

            That said the DSL is problematic for a different reason. As its creator said in old talk (, it is as expressive while not as featureful as a general purpose language and not even having many domain-specific features. He concludes that alternatives could be less expressiveness (e.g. YAML, what other configuration systems such as Ansible and package managers such as Flatpak use) or general-purpose language (Guile, what Guix, essentially re-engineered Nix, uses).

          • 2 years ago

            >In Nix everything is an expression.
            JS is mostly written with expressions as well, it would've been much simpler to just make a DSL library for purescript instead of making Nix is my point if pure expressions was really that important. They already had enough on their plate and now they have to maintain and scale a language along with their highly ambitious package manager & OS, and they can barely handle doing the latter (most shit is handled by the community and is worse because of it)
            >Only superficially syntactically similar to JS
            It's not just a matter of syntax; JS is loosely typed and Nix is literally untyped so they're not exactly the same but the effect of this is that they feel extremely similar when using. In what reality could you compare Nix to Haskell? Haskell is completely predicated on it's extremely rigorous static type system, Nix has absolutely nothing which is so bad they have to develop a completely separate language just to add types in (Wow almost sounds like what typescript is to javascript! Go figure, I wonder why?) If you honestly think that the similarities stop at just syntax I doubt you've programmed with Nix, JS and Haskell extensively. Just because you can only use expressions and values are immutable doesn't just magically make this language Haskell; pretty huge insult to what makes the language as special as it is.
            >That's the reason Nix exists and Haskell isn't used.
            So we created an entire new language with a bunch of problems and that is ugly as frick because.....attribute sets? Something that already exists in several other languages? Again there is no reason why they couldn't have just made a DSL library for configuration; would've been a massive improvement.
            >Or what everyone that had exposure to more than 2 programming languages calls dict/set.
            Completely moronic and ungrounded ad hominem said in a reply defending the notion that Haskell and Nix are similar, something which tells me you've used neither.

          • 2 years ago

            >much simpler to just make a DSL library for purescript
            PS came 10 years after Nix was made.
            >most shit is handled by the community
            It has always been a community-driven project.
            >Nix is literally untyped
            Not sure where that comes from.
            Nix has the few simple types needed for configuration & packaging.
            >to develop a completely separate language just to add types in
            Nickel improves in other areas as well. Not just adding typing.
            >just magically make this language Haskell
            I think the entire argument stemmed from being worse Haskell. Not being Haskell clone.
            >Something that already exists in several other languages?
            I thought attributes sets were "literally just JS objects". Now other languages have them?
            >why they couldn't have just made a DSL library
            In what language? Have to remind you Nix started in 2003.

          • 2 years ago

            >In what language? Have to remind you Nix started in 2003.
            common lisp

          • 2 years ago

            >PS came 10 years after Nix was made.
            Then a language like haskell or scheme would've been better suited. Guix is better using Guile and is able to make big changes to its features without having to break everything (e.g., where Nix has to make Nickel (it's not going to remotely come out anytime soon given Nix Foundation's track record in completing anything)
            >most shit is handled by the community
            very big difference between having community members contribute directly to repos associated to your project and having entire features only really properly implemented by disjoint community repos (nix direnv, emacs overlays, rust overlays, several language package converters like cargo2nix, etc.). The former is obvious given they are OSS; like no shit it's community driven. The latter is the more insidious issue; you have to rely on the community to implement features as simple as dotfile management (home-manager), which can lead to vastly different design choices and implementations, quality and availability of documentation, etc. while also reducing ergonomics and discoverability of these features to users. Meanwhile Guix is also community driven and yet still has a vastly superior UX with most of these features directly implemented in Guix itself and providing an abundance of tooling and documentation that can be integrated into other GNU software like emacs for a better and more streamlined user experience. Nix is light years away from this from ever happening, they're still struggling to get flakes out on the table (let alone adopted by the majority of the community instead of getting split by it)
            >Not sure where that comes from.
            It has the bare basics to function as a language (primitives); it does not have the bare basics to do any in depth type checking. Why did they do this to themselves? Why not just use an embedded DSL?

          • 2 years ago

            >PS came 10 years after Nix was made.
            Then a language like haskell or scheme would've been better suited. Guix is better using Guile and is able to make big changes to its features without having to break everything (e.g., where Nix has to make Nickel (it's not going to remotely come out anytime soon given Nix Foundation's track record in completing anything)
            >most shit is handled by the community
            very big difference between having community members contribute directly to repos associated to your project and having entire features only really properly implemented by disjoint community repos (nix direnv, emacs overlays, rust overlays, several language package converters like cargo2nix, etc.). The former is obvious given they are OSS; like no shit it's community driven. The latter is the more insidious issue; you have to rely on the community to implement features as simple as dotfile management (home-manager), which can lead to vastly different design choices and implementations, quality and availability of documentation, etc. while also reducing ergonomics and discoverability of these features to users. Meanwhile Guix is also community driven and yet still has a vastly superior UX with most of these features directly implemented in Guix itself and providing an abundance of tooling and documentation that can be integrated into other GNU software like emacs for a better and more streamlined user experience. Nix is light years away from this from ever happening, they're still struggling to get flakes out on the table (let alone adopted by the majority of the community instead of getting split by it)
            >Not sure where that comes from.
            It has the bare basics to function as a language (primitives); it does not have the bare basics to do any in depth type checking. Why did they do this to themselves? Why not just use an embedded DSL?

            >Nickel improves in other areas as well. Not just adding typing.
            Pic related, they literally outright say it's just JSON with functions, which would make Nix JS in this case btw. I don't know what else Nickel really adds other than contracts (depends on the type system anyway), modularity and it being disjoint from the package manager; the type system is easily the biggest part of it and a majority of the reason why it's being made.
            >I think the entire argument stemmed from being worse Haskell. Not being Haskell clone.
            saying that it's worst Haskell implies it is like Haskell. It is not, it's like Javascript.
            >I thought attributes sets were "literally just JS objects". Now other languages have them?
            They are literally just JS objects because of the syntax of how they're handled, they are handled syntactically just like JS objects. Haskell handles them differently (arguably worse, but that is because Haskell takes a different approach to these types of problems. Which is what I am trying to get at that Haskell is very different from Nix and Nix is very similar to JS)
            >In what language? Have to remind you Nix started in 2003.
            What do you mean in what language? Do you only know languages made after 2003? Why are you intentionally acting like a moron?

  14. 2 years ago

    it's not based on anything you dumdum
    also install genchu

  15. 2 years ago

    this one is going in my cringe compilation

  16. 2 years ago
    use these anons to get your kawaii distro logos owo

  17. 2 years ago

    The whole replication problem is solved
    Just save the list of packages you installed with your package manager
    With pacman that's: pacman -Qqett
    Then just install on new computer

  18. 2 years ago

    anyone got an Vowoid Linux logo or do i have to produce one myself?

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