Books are a mistake

So let me get something straight.

According to Schopenhauer, in fact it goes back to Berkeley, in fact it goes back to the vedas of early Indian Hindus, that the world is an idea we created in our own head.

We are the subject (spirit or consciousness whatever you want to call it) who have a biological organic body that receives sensations on the perception of objects around us.

But the differentiating thing between us and animals is that we attach concepts to the perception of objects. We attach concepts and labels to the sensations we receive from our environment.

In short we are “self conscious” and we question and look into the meaning of the objects and the sensations we feel.

The more philosophy and language and literature and concepts build on top of nature, the further we move away from freedom (Adam and eves state) and the more schizophrenic and autistic we become.

Therefore all books, language, ideas are a bunch of filth and burden we carry.

Reject all literature, human culture, language, reason, logic, morals, ethics, description and return to our natural form in the garden of Eden.

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  1. 5 months ago

    okay that's fine and all but, now that I have given up on knowledge and knowing truth, and accepted the contingent stream of words as the true unfolding of what I had thought was thought , what the frick am I supposed to do with this jelly loaf of a body on Saturday Jan. 20 2024?

    Because if you're telling me I gotta sit around and pass the time until death, I might as well have a stack of books to read.

    • 5 months ago

      Exactly. One possible implication of OP's statement (pausing to acknowledge his homosexualry as is customary), is that this realisation gets you somewhere that is different to wherever you already are. But you can be aware of this, and just keep on doing whatever because you want to

  2. 5 months ago


    Dude, just go back to your board. Nobody is gaining by your idiotic presence.

    • 5 months ago

      Well, it’s true. I’ve seriously considered it in the past and have stopped entertaining OP’s idea for that exact reason

      • 5 months ago

        There's nothing true about it. Only fools believe such lies.

    • 5 months ago

      >your idiotic presence
      You are a very common kind of person. A dime a dozen. Have you considered becoming someone interesting?

      • 5 months ago

        Yeah, very common, very basic. Not weird as they come or mad. Like a product off an assembly line but defective, leaching carcinogens into the living soil out in desperate, hapless revenge.

        My favorite show is Friends. I floss every day. I fricked your mom and told her maybe we should just he friends. I have no trace of invention about me. My diction is totally conventional and I drive a Ford Focus at 5mph over the speed limit. I take a multivitamin every day and go to the gym five times a week. Secretly, but for your mom's sweet pussy, I want to die, and even pussy gets old and ugly.

        I love you, son. I am sorry on account of my inheritable homosexualry, it seems you took the lion's share, and your expectations never fail.

        • 5 months ago

          lmao It’s been a while since I saw someone get this triggered on here

  3. 5 months ago

    >Reject all literature, human culture, language, reason, logic, morals, ethics, description and return to our natural form in the garden of Eden

    • 5 months ago

      If israelites really were the ones who made all of the listed things I'd start doubting whites actually being the master race

  4. 5 months ago

    You have a point; i also thought about this, and, as you said it, many others did before us. The thing is that, human culture, language, reason, logic, morals, etc. are also part of our humanity and they way we engage we society, we cannot be indifferent to these things, even if they're pushing us to our demise, in a way. It's a paradox; humans are creative beings and they cannot be anything else.

  5. 5 months ago

    life is lonely and boring whether or not you read, books just give you added knowledge as a burden, but also added things to draw on to make life less boring.

  6. 5 months ago


    The modern urban Black of America is far from living in its natural form. That is precisely why they are so "repulsive." They offer no pragmatic assistance to a higher society because they yearn from birth to return to the savannah. But they grow to accept the values of the West and seek wealth in alternative ways, most often by singing their rhythmic tunes or dealing in narcotics.

    • 5 months ago

      You can trace this decline in the disconnection of the modern Black with their metaphysical orientation. Any relation towards a higher existential principle has been lost, and as such most of their activities are spent on materialist interests. For a good portion of Blacks in which this does not apply, efforts are exhausted in the dimensions of faith and religiosity of the Christian type, and for those in which even this does not apply efforts to spiritualize are spent on modernized forms of the zodiac and that sort of thing. There are those who still maintain an orientation towards an initiatory doctrine are typically of the masonic type, the modern form which has been secularized and would fall under the category of speculative masonry. I am not sure about operative masonry and the Black, as that subject is beyond my current understanding.

      • 5 months ago

        Further, there are some autodidactic modern Blacks who have taken it upon themselves to seek out an initiatory path towards the metaphysical principles, and most of these would fall under the category of the left hand path. This may put them in contact with groups which have a succession of practitioners going back for some time. I haven't elaborated on the various forms of hoodoo and voodoo as I do not believe this to be the place for that and my knowledge is insufficient, but I do believe it is important to make an effort to understand these things from a Traditional standpoint. Of course nobody here reads anything, and those that do are usually of the moronic type.

        • 5 months ago

          I will add that the modern Black is arguably the most advanced in the west considering that they are the reduced to objects in a dialectical sense and as such work upon things as things, which in the current age of the Kali Yuga would put them in direct contact with the essential nature of the world as it is. Much more could be said on this point, however we can close with the implications remaining there for others to take upon themselves to unveil.

          • 5 months ago

            I don't know why you split your post up into three. Africans have no connection to these northern cults and religions. Their only connection to the world is through their simple modes of living. E.g., running after animals.

          • 5 months ago

            I split my posts up into three as certain aspects I wanted to elaborate on came to me after each one. Now, we can see that what you said is true, and as such it Is easy to recognize that my original point in my first post remains valid. The modern North American Black is for the most part completely severed from his African roots. They're more similar to israelites now than Africans.

    • 5 months ago

      Get a load of this moron! Listen to this armchair philosopher soliloquize about a group of people he knows nothing about! Holy shit. Posts like this are why most of the good posters have left IQfy. Pure pseudery.

      • 5 months ago

        I spent half a year in a detention center with hyper-violent Black folk and can attest to their depravity. I wish gays like you were forced to see the inside of a black-dominated prison.

        • 5 months ago

          I wish white b***hes like you knew what it was like to grow up in the projects with a drugged up mom, a dead father, two locked up uncles, a cancerous granny, a pet rat and neighbors who could smell fear and showed no mercy.

          • 5 months ago
  7. 5 months ago

    I never got the normies obsession over autists labeling things. Like how tf are you supposed to assess your environment without attach semantic significance to objects?

  8. 5 months ago


    >There are people who already do most of this. They’re called “Black folks” and are pretty repulsive
    Not to be that guy but reason is what separates man from the divine

  9. 5 months ago

    You got this idea from books

    • 5 months ago

      I wouldn’t have to get this from a book if I wasn’t socially conditioned from birth by society. I would be free like children. But instead the older I get , the more “wise” I become, the more struggle I carry.

  10. 5 months ago

    fast cars?
    hot chicks?
    cool places to live?

  11. 5 months ago

    You can't escape the curse language has wrought upon our animal consciousness. we spent like 4 billion years of evolutionary time happy without it, then it comes along and makes us all schizo for the last 500k years. some BS but what're you gonna do

  12. 5 months ago

    >"Professing to be wise, they became fools."

  13. 5 months ago


    You're repulsive and so are your caricatures of black men. Any morals, ethics, culture, or anything else which has produced your wickedness is already suspect.

    • 5 months ago

      Shut up Black person.

      • 5 months ago

        Brainless, soulless idiot.

  14. 5 months ago

    >that the world is an idea we created in our own head.
    >We are the subject (spirit or consciousness whatever you want to call it)
    >Reject all literature, human culture, language, reason, logic, morals, ethics, description and return to our natural form in the garden of Eden.
    No, this is just an infantile desire to return to the womb of your mother. Grow up.

  15. 5 months ago

    >Grow up.

  16. 5 months ago

    Plato discussed this at length. To an extent, Goethe as well. It's important to train people to become thinking beings, and not consumers and to act and experiment on things rather than submitting to one's dogma

  17. 5 months ago

    the more people think the more they suffer, language makes constructing ideas easier; hence leads to excess suffering

    we were supposed to simply live, not think about living itself

  18. 5 months ago

    >The more philosophy and language and literature and concepts build on top of nature, the further we move away from freedom (Adam and eves state)
    Philosophy is anamnesis, not the construction of rhetorical artifice. Start with the Greeks.

  19. 5 months ago

    Absolutely based (in reality). People are finally starting to get it
    Technology = techne + logos = control + word = technical language (ie literacy)

  20. 5 months ago

    Nothing is a mistake

    • 5 months ago

      12 yr old boy body t b h

  21. 5 months ago
    Gamer science is the theontology of the future.

    Everything is a mistake if it does not increase your drive / will to le power / your ability to love / your vitalism / your consciousness matrix vibratory field snake shedding skin to reveale fresh layers of the real, as with the innocence of perception .....

    Do not read books. – Do Art through/to them. Do gamer science to dead letters. Scan them for that subtle-voice communications. Infuse it with your tincture. Seek God before all else. And then send those energies to your spiritual kin (the far-away ones, as Nietzche called them)

    even posting can be
    an life enhancing art form
    if it is done without calculation
    as an orgasm without losing the seed.

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