Bro it's O(1)!!!!

What a fricking meme of a data structure.
>if it's small items it's pointless.
>if it's large it takes up an insane amount of memory
>collisions make it O(n) fricking iterating through an array
>converts strings to number...bytes are number why bot just use them directly?
>a lot of work to achieve minimal results

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

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POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    >collisions make it O(n) fricking iterating through an array
    Use a self balancing tree moron

    • 2 years ago

      >Use a self balancing tree moron
      This implies the fricking moronic OP can implement one.

      • 2 years ago

        >a tree is a hash table!!!

    • 2 years ago

      the point ---------->

  2. 2 years ago

    Go back to class you dumb frick.

    • 2 years ago

      Okay moron. Lets say I allocate enough space to hold 1 million elements...tell me what happens when you run clean up code before you kill your program?

      You're gonna iterate through it and free any used memory. 0(n).

      If you allocate space 256 elements any modern day computer from 2000+ can iterate through 256 elements fast enough to not make a difference between O(n) and O(1). You're just wasting your time.

      • 2 years ago

        >Okay moron. Lets say I allocate enough space to hold 1 million elements...tell me what happens when you run clean up code before you kill your program?
        >You're gonna iterate through it and free any used memory. 0(n).
        This applies to literally every data structure dumbass, iteration over the elements is O(n) by definition, what's your point?
        Hash tables also often overprovision memory and reallocate before the entire table is full so as to avoid collisions, at the cost of extra memory
        If that risk really is somehow a problem to you, just switch to a btree with consistent O(log n) performance on most operations

        • 2 years ago

          First of all, I know about btrees moron. We are talking about hashtables.

          The point is that modern day processors are fast enough to barely make a noticeable difference. Hash tables are purely for searching. Linked Lists and Arrays can search at O(n). Linked Lists can do it while saving memory and they're indexed too.

          In hash tables you may not know what's were and , what's what. If you use RAII, you're ultra fricked if you use a large hash table in a function.

          • 2 years ago

            >If you use RAII, you're ultra fricked if you use a large hash table in a function.
            You only use a large hash table if you need a large mapping, and if you need a large mapping then it's one of the better options. You don't generally put a big hash table into every function just in case you need one.
            You're coming across as a complete midwit, able to understand what things do, but not able to understand the costs of the alternatives and why some things shouldn't be worried about.

          • 2 years ago

            All competent non toy hash table implementations use linear probing because of cache locality you absolute frickwit.

            This, there's been a noticeable uptick of DK morons like op on IQfy in the last couple of years

          • 2 years ago

            >linear probing
            That's O(n) no? So the hashmap at its worse case is O(n) no?

          • 2 years ago

            Hash maps are a tradeoff between space and performance. Thus, if linear probing gives you a 50x speedup compared to eg. cuckoo hashing (true O(1)) or quadratic probing, you use that instead of everything else. There's also certain other schemes that augment linear probing like robin hood hashing (essentially LRU for probing) but statistically linear probing works out given reasonable table size and performance expectations.

        • 2 years ago

          >Hash tables also often overprovision memory and reallocate before the entire table is full so as to avoid collisions
          Litterally what I was going to say.

          • 2 years ago

            This is a long process that takes O(n) to do. Your gonna O(n) forever, if you want to avoid collisions in this manner.

          • 2 years ago

            >Your gonna O(n) forever, if you want to avoid collisions in this manner.
            Seriously, look stuff up in an algorithms text book. That *WILL* have a chapter on hash tables, they are that important, and why they normally work well is a subtle point.

        • 2 years ago

          >If that risk really is somehow a problem to you, just switch to a btree with consistent O(log n) performance on most operations
          Unless you take a great deal of care, the btree may end up using more space than the hash table. Memory allocations are very much not free (Oh, and many of those mitigations are also applicable to hash table implementations, except people don't normally bother; keeping the code size small is its own benefit.)

      • 2 years ago

        >You're gonna iterate through it and free any used memory. 0(n).
        Pull the power cord out - memory cleared at O(1).

      • 2 years ago

        >You're gonna iterate through it and free any used memory. 0(n).
        You tell the OS that your program is ending and it marks all the addresses assigned to the program as now free.

        • 2 years ago

          In a perfect world it works like that. Unfortunately you can't work like that with instruments. Your instrument will remember it's last state. Also sometimes you want to grab the data and before you shutdown for analysis.

          • 2 years ago

            Okay moron. Lets say I allocate enough space to hold 1 million elements...tell me what happens when you run clean up code before you kill your program?

            You're gonna iterate through it and free any used memory. 0(n).

            If you allocate space 256 elements any modern day computer from 2000+ can iterate through 256 elements fast enough to not make a difference between O(n) and O(1). You're just wasting your time.

            >Okay moron. Lets say I allocate enough space to hold 1 million elements...tell me what happens when you run clean up code before you kill your program?
            >You're gonna iterate through it and free any used memory. 0(n).
            This applies to literally every data structure dumbass, iteration over the elements is O(n) by definition, what's your point?
            Hash tables also often overprovision memory and reallocate before the entire table is full so as to avoid collisions, at the cost of extra memory
            If that risk really is somehow a problem to you, just switch to a btree with consistent O(log n) performance on most operations

            >You're gonna iterate through it and free any used memory. 0(n).
            Ever wondered how those tools to recover deleted data / dead drives work?
            Most of the times the OS doesnt iterate, its left as is and mark that a given range of memory is empty. It doesnt go through it byte by byte and write zeroes on all of it.*

            *usually, some autistic linuxers and corpos prefer to waste their writes on zeroing but its not worth it my man

          • 2 years ago

            it's useful if you're selling a used HDD/computer

          • 2 years ago

            Ok point taken. Thats an exception.

          • 2 years ago

            In cases where you absolutely need something that is slow to do done, you do it, yes.

      • 2 years ago

        >when you run clean up code before you kill your program

        based moron

        freeing memory before killing your program is pointless because all memory used by the process gets freed by the OS when you kill it lol, lmao

        • 2 years ago

          Not if you're interfacing with hardware. Your program shuts down but the hardware doesn't. E.g. I have 2 processes running and I used P1 to ask P2 to dynamically allocate memory for some data. When P1 is about to shutdown, it asks P2 to clean up. P1 is not allowed to shutdown until P2 acknowledges that P1's data has been removed.

          • 2 years ago

            P2 would still just clear the pagetable for P1.

          • 2 years ago

            P1 and P2 are 2 completely separate process. P2 could have out sourced my data to a number of processes and could crash while awaiting their response.

            If that happens P1 will abort shutdown then attempt to revive P2 and ask him to try again or confirm if the data is definitely gone. It is imperative that P1 knows the data is gone. No guess work. No ifs no maybes.

            That's what self healing actors are. It's a super robust system .

            This sounds extremely fishy.
            Why would you iterate through the hashset to free up the memory? You don't have to zero out memory to "free" it, all you have to do is tell wherever you requested memory from that the addresses you were allocated are now free.

            Read up on Actors.

          • 2 years ago

            Still can't see why it would need to iterate through the hashtable.
            Again, you don't have to zero out memory, you don't have check each value for anything.
            You're just defining a program that has to iterate through the hashtable, and then saying that hashtables are bad because a program that has to iterate through the hashtable, has to iterate through the hashtable.

          • 2 years ago

            >Still can't see why it would need to iterate through the hashtable.
            Because you allocate memory for the hash table the allocated memory for the values in tbe hashtable. Deleting the hash table will only delete the memory allocated for the hash table but not the memory for the values.

            You allocate memory for the values because you want to copy data aka pass by value. If you don't you're just passing by reference. Also you only know the size of the data when it needs to be allocated.

            TLDR: It's a hash table that holds pointers to malloced values. On exit of P1, P2 needs to delete the Hash table mallocs as well as the pointers contained in it, then inform P1 that it has done it.

            P2 cannot shutdown because other processes also want to use P2.

            You're artificially imposing additional complexity with your garbage distributed system that apparently has an utterly moronic clusterfrick of a memory management system.

            A hash table occupies a contiguous chunk of memory, which is trivial to deallocate. If your shitty system is strewing chunks of memory all over the place, that's on you, not the hash table, which is basically just an array.

            In a normal OS, when P1 is killed it's basically free to deallocate its memory, you wouldn't iterate over its data structures freeing them manually because that's fricking moronic.

            >A hash table occupies a contiguous chunk of memory
            No. Not if your hashtable contains pointers. You freed the hash table but not the items the pointers point to.

            You want to delete both the table and it's items. You have it iterate through the table. The hashtable is like a python list. It can hold multiple types.

            Actors require messages. Messages hold information. That information can be anything and any type. All I know is that I have an envelope with an address. I store all envelopes for that address in a bucket and that actors will retrieve it from the bucket when it's ready.

            Actors are not about memory management. They're about rubust, secure, self healing and asynchronous processes working together to form a system.

          • 2 years ago

            >he doesn't know about open addressing

            anyway, the problem you're having is due to your distributed memory management system, not due to using a hashtable. in your silly system, even a contiguous array could be split across multiple processes, so the point is moot.

            any and all data structures will suffer at the hands of your system

          • 2 years ago

            >contiguous array could be split across multiple processes
            Process dont share memory homosexual. Does Chrome share memory with Microsoft word?

            You can't be this moronic. This isn't multithreading. It's multiprocessing.

          • 2 years ago

            read the thread moron. the homosexual OP is talking about some bullshit self healing actor system, not a normal OS.

          • 2 years ago

            That "gay" is me. Actors are processes not threads. moron. If they were threads then they can't self heal. A segmentation fault will kill the program/system.

          • 2 years ago

            >P1 and P2 are 2 completely separate process. P2 could have out sourced my data to a number of processes and could crash while awaiting their response.

            P1 and P2 are 2 completely separate process. P2 could have out sourced my data to a number of processes and could crash while awaiting their response.

            If that happens P1 will abort shutdown then attempt to revive P2 and ask him to try again or confirm if the data is definitely gone. It is imperative that P1 knows the data is gone. No guess work. No ifs no maybes.

            That's what self healing actors are. It's a super robust system .

            Read up on Actors.


          • 2 years ago

            Yes. Actors communicate through messages. If they can't communicate then how the frick does any work get done? moron.

          • 2 years ago

            what if instead of communicating via messages you used a pattern that actually vibes with the hardware you are using? unless that is, you have a hardware implementation of the erlang vm that provides better perf than our ludicrously optimized von noimann machines.

          • 2 years ago

            >what if instead of communicating via messages you used a pattern that actually vibes with the hardware you are using?
            "Use messages" doesn't say the exact method by which messages are sent, moron. There's lots of possibilities, but high level code doesn't usually need to care about the details as long as the low level gets it right.

          • 2 years ago

            >Actors are processes not threads. moron. If they were threads then they can't self heal. A segmentation fault will kill the program/system.
            You are Ctarded. Message passing only needs you to link a few pointers.

          • 2 years ago

            Can't link pointers. It's a process. How does Microsoft Word link a pointer to Firefox? They are 2 separate processes. They don't share a memory space. It's not multithreading you dumb frick.

            Read up on IPC. Yes I could use Pipes, but have you tried to work with pipes?

          • 2 years ago

            >Because you allocate memory for the hash table the allocated memory for the values in tbe hashtable.
            It sounds like you're positing a system with no memory management, so every process has to manage its own memory, and P1 is running the memory management.
            But you're structured it in such a convoluted manner that it will be slow by design, then blaming hash tables for it being slow.

          • 2 years ago

            >so every process has to manage its own memory
            Yes, congratulations. You get it. Every program in you computer manages it's memory. They are processes that work together to form a system.

            P3 for example could handle all the work required for the UI. P2 simply exists to log data and return the results. P1 exist to process sensitive data once in a while, it shutsdown when done and is revived when needed.

            It's not slow. Processes exist when they need to. Processes asynchronous. You run what you need when you need it. The UI will never lag.

            The system is robust and hard to kill. Only when to kill it is to do it intensionally. e.g. the user presses the close button on P3 and P3 sends a message to Every process to run its clean up code before shutting down.

          • 2 years ago

            >Every program in you computer manages it's memory.
            Superficially. Most of the actual management is done in the OS and hardware, but you're describing a system where the program takes on those roles as well and then saying that a hash table isn't O(1) because when you iterate through it it's O(n).
            Which is moronic.

          • 2 years ago

            I'm saying P2 is a logger. P1 wants to shutdown and wants P2 to delete all data associated with it. Data in P2 can be of any type. Lets assume P2 uses a hashtable to log P1's data as requested by P1. P1 wants a specific subset of the data to logged by P2. When P1 obtains the results it needs. It asks P2 to delete all data associated with it. When that is done P1 shutsdown. P2 doesn't because another process wants to use it or is using it.

            Now let's step back. P2 is a logger. It can log data of any size and any type. It stores this data in a hashmap so it's easy to search through it. To do this I chose to store pointers in a hashmap. Those pointers point to data that has been dynamically allocated. I have a billion items in that hash table. That's a billion memory allocations. Deleting the Hashtable only deletes the hashtable but not the billion mallocs. Those are now orphaned. To avoid that scenario you have to iterate through the hashtable and free each element before you delete the hashtable. That operation will take O(n) time if there are no collisions. If there are collisions were talking O(n^2). I could save myself the headache and just use a skip list. Sure searching will be slower (if there are no collisions) by but cleaning up will be faster and more reliable.

          • 2 years ago

            >and wants P2 to delete all data associated with it.
            So slow by design.

            >To do this I chose to store pointers in a hashmap. Those pointers point to data that has been dynamically allocated. I have a billion items in that hash table. That's a billion memory allocations. Deleting the Hashtable only deletes the hashtable but not the billion mallocs. Those are now orphaned. To avoid that scenario you have to iterate through the hashtable and free each element before you delete the hashtable.
            So bloated and slow by design.

          • 2 years ago

            >So slow by design.
            Memory needs to be freed anon.

            >So bloated and slow by design.
            This is how every programming language that isn't C works. Your garbage collected shit works this way.

          • 2 years ago

            dying laughing

          • 2 years ago

            The moment he mentioned being inspired by python for his performance sensitive framework it was over. Then he had to steal python's dumbest idea of storing everything in heap objects lmfao

          • 2 years ago

            Python is slow because it's interpretating. It has to read a script for disk and compile shit JIT. There is no JIT here. SQL databases also work like this. How would you create a hashmap that would hold a generic type in C without using pointers?

          • 2 years ago

            *There is no JIT compilation here.

          • 2 years ago

            If all the types held in the hash table are the same then you allocate once for the entire underlying array of the hash table.

          • 2 years ago

            Types in the hash table are not the same. One key's value can be an array of floats the other can be a linke list of string. You will never know.

          • 2 years ago

            >Python is slow because it's interpretating
            Python is slow even by the standards of interpreters, and that's despite being bytecode compiled.

          • 2 years ago

            You're artificially imposing additional complexity with your garbage distributed system that apparently has an utterly moronic clusterfrick of a memory management system.

            A hash table occupies a contiguous chunk of memory, which is trivial to deallocate. If your shitty system is strewing chunks of memory all over the place, that's on you, not the hash table, which is basically just an array.

            In a normal OS, when P1 is killed it's basically free to deallocate its memory, you wouldn't iterate over its data structures freeing them manually because that's fricking moronic.

      • 2 years ago

        Not if you're interfacing with hardware. Your program shuts down but the hardware doesn't. E.g. I have 2 processes running and I used P1 to ask P2 to dynamically allocate memory for some data. When P1 is about to shutdown, it asks P2 to clean up. P1 is not allowed to shutdown until P2 acknowledges that P1's data has been removed.

        This sounds extremely fishy.
        Why would you iterate through the hashset to free up the memory? You don't have to zero out memory to "free" it, all you have to do is tell wherever you requested memory from that the addresses you were allocated are now free.

      • 2 years ago

        >I must write 0s over every bit of memory I have touched in the computer before I close my program

        I think you just invented a program more diabolical than C, BUT, you will never, EVER encounter a seg fault. You need to start writing your TED talk now, and order a new pair of pants for all of computer science.

        • 2 years ago


          >contiguous array could be split across multiple processes
          Process dont share memory homosexual. Does Chrome share memory with Microsoft word?

          You can't be this moronic. This isn't multithreading. It's multiprocessing.

      • 2 years ago

        >if it's small items it's pointless.
        Not necessarily. It's the typical choice for when you want to use strings as keys, since how the frick else are you going to turn a string into an array index? And do you really want to do string comparisons on every key every time you search? Gross!
        >if it's large it takes up an insane amount of memory
        Large data structures by necessity take up a large amount of memory. That said, a hash table is not necessarily wasting memory.
        >collisions make it O(n) fricking iterating through an array
        O(n) worst case, O(1) average case. Learn what amortization means when evaluating time and space complexity. Vectors are another data structure that has an amortized O(1) operation. Pushing an element at the end of a vector can take up to O(n) time if it has to reallocate, or it can take O(1) if you have memory to spare. By doubling your allocation size every time you need to reallocate, the amount of time spent copying over data is reduced significantly.
        >converts strings to number...bytes are number why bot just use them directly?
        Computing an array offset expects a number that is fixed in size. Preferably between 0 and however many bytes you have in your buffer. Strings have an arbitrary size. To make them useful as an array offset... you need to compute a hash over them.
        >a lot of work to achieve minimal results
        You have never worked on any project where performance matters, so you might as well stop talking out your ass.

        You have a data structure containing millions of (key, value) pairs. This data structure is going to persist in memory for a period of time that can be measured in days, not seconds. During this time, there are going to be millions of accesses on arbitrary keys. If each of those million accesses has to involve iterating through a million keys, performing a string comparison every time, then you're doing trillions of string comparisons. That's gonna hurt.

        • 2 years ago

          >It's the typical choice for when you want to use strings as keys, since how the frick else are you going to turn a string into an array index?
          How about you don't? Strings only exist for UI/logging purposes. They're for humans to read not machines.

          Using string in a hash table for small tables wastes more performance as you have to loop through each character to generate a hashcode. No need to loop with numbers. Array love you long time.

          • 2 years ago

            All data that is input from a file or network socket or any other form of program input... is going to be a string. Turns out in a significant number of cases, using strings as keys is mandatory.

          • 2 years ago

            >All data that is input from a file or network socket or any other form of program input... is going to be a string
            No. It's all binary. Ever heard of serialisation and deserialisation? Over opened a .db file created using SQL? What a .exe file? You can't read shit.

            You shouldn't be using strings as a key unless it's for UIs or writing human readable shit in a file.

          • 2 years ago

            >writing human readable shit in a file
            You mean like code in large pieces of software that other developers will have to be able to understand in 2 years? Dumbass.

          • 2 years ago

            >You shouldn't be using strings as a key
            How to show you're still a junior programmer: the post.

      • 2 years ago

        i am stupid and even I know you don't have to bother to zero the memory in the first place

        • 2 years ago

          You definitely are stupid if you think free()
          is for zeroing shit. free() releases memory back to the process's heap manager. It's basically saying hey! this space is free for you to use now.

          • 2 years ago

            >hey! this space is free for you to use now.

      • 2 years ago

        >thinking computers free memory one byte at a time
        Based moron

  3. 2 years ago

    homie I think you may be moronic

  4. 2 years ago

    You really do need to study more. In particular, you need to study the expected length of the lists that hang off the back of the hash table. Theoretically you don't need them if you can do perfect hashing, but nobody sane does that. (There's also open addressing, but that's worse when the table starts to get full. I can't remember the load threshold where that becomes a problem.)
    But don't take my word for it. Find some good implementations and measure the cost of putting elements in, looking them up a bunch of times in various patterns, and then deleting the lot.
    Also you can use a string as a number directly. But you don't normally as a string of 80 bytes long isn't a very long string, but a number of 80 bytes (640 bits) is a pretty big number; ain't nobody need numbers that big for hashing!

    • 2 years ago

      >you can use a string as a number directly.
      The problem with strings is that you have to loop through the bytes O(n) then apply your hash function then hope the user doesn't use a certain order of strings that will cause collisions essential turning your table O(n).

      • 2 years ago

        >The problem with strings is that you have to loop through the bytes O(n) then apply your hash function then hope the user doesn't use a certain order of strings that will cause collisions essential turning your table O(n).
        The number of strings you have is not normally proportional to the length of those strings. In theory, it's possibly related to the log of the number of strings, but in practice it never is. That's why you use a different variable, say M, for the average string length. At that point, you can say that computing the hash code of a string is usually O(M), with the cost of that calculation not ever depending on the number of different strings you've got. There are hash functions that are constant cost, but they tend to be shit. (A simple example is "only use the first four bytes of the string, and interpret those directly as a 32-bit number". It's an O(1) algorithm, and it's a pile of shit in practice; only PHP has ever used hash functions that bad, and that was because its developers were moronic frickwads.)

    • 2 years ago

      Perfect hashing is no problem to use for constant lookup tables. gperf can genarate these automatically

  5. 2 years ago

    it's the same pajeet moron from previous thread who didn't even know what hash is 2 hours ago

  6. 2 years ago

    this moron is probably trying to self teach but he's too stupid to understand the material

    go to college dumbfrick

    • 2 years ago

      nah its just your average corpo codeslave that managed to charisma his way into a job he can't handle aka 90% of 'professionals'

  7. 2 years ago

    >so mad he made a new thread about it
    >still doesn't understand it

  8. 2 years ago

    Wow, I spwanned a thread lol

    Alright, with what should we replace hash table, in the general case ? Some tree or something ?

    • 2 years ago

      >in the general case
      when you only have a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

      • 2 years ago

        When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a finger.

        • 2 years ago
          • 2 years ago

            i never understood this banner. for some reason it reminds me of the hawaiian punch one, which i don't get either

      • 2 years ago

        Ok so what are examples of partial replacements ?

        • 2 years ago

          the point is a good software engineer chooses the appropriate data structure for the task at hand. there is no silver bullet data structure that solves all your needs, and if you program like there is one, you are likely a shitty programmer.

          • 2 years ago

            Yes, well, being educated in any scripting language where you can technically encode any data structure but you are forced to used hashes everywhere because there are no structs forces you to think that way

          • 2 years ago

            it would be great to have a scripting language that also lets you manage memory if you want to, but if I understand correctly, it would conflict with the garbage collector

        • 2 years ago

          If you're not using strings as keys just use an normal array.Strings are pointless as keys because you're gonna loop through them and there is nearly an endless combination of them making collisions 300,000% likely. Heck they will happen so frequently it it's insane.

          binary trees, skip lists, regular old arrays are always good. No bullshit, it just works and they take advantage of the bare metal

          • 2 years ago

            >skip lists
            I didn't know this one thanks
            Do you know if the other kind of trees are good or are they only wanking ? Like red-black trees, AVL trees, Hash array mapped tries, etcc
            I'm just getting to know C at an intermediate level, I have to adapt to not using hashes everywhere lol
            It's true that a lot of the time, we're just using strings as a kind of symbol

    • 2 years ago

      Why do cstards think data structers are pokemon where you send out the 'right' one? use the standard library version of the one that fits and if they're all a bad fit then make one that fits the problem with a class.

    • 2 years ago

      Btree is the logical replacement. Sorted lists are just fine if it's mostly lookup and not insert.

    • 2 years ago

      your replacement to do your job more effectively/
      here is ur pink slip

  9. 2 years ago


  10. 2 years ago

    is this the new way to ask for help with your homework?

    • 2 years ago

      no. However I am working on an Actor Framework that is self healing. It's a personal project.

  11. 2 years ago

    Full rundown from an academic source in case one of the crypto nazis here puts in some right wing prop. into their answer

  12. 2 years ago

    Because Black person cattle academics funded by ~~*Soros*~~ push globohomosexual computing and zoomers eat it all up like the bugs they are commanded to eat and ~~*(vaxx*~~)

    White Men never needed hash tables. White Men built UNIX and OPEN SOURCE and ARPANET all without hash tables.

  13. 2 years ago

    strings to number...bytes are number why bot just use them directly?
    based moron

  14. 2 years ago

    >hashsets are better than sets because... because it's O(1) for lookup/insertion and for sets its O(log(n))
    log(n) is basically O(1)
    if you have 10^100 items in your set log(10^100) = 100 * log(10), so you expect lookup from a set with one googol elements to only be 100 times slower than a set with 10 elements. in reality your sets are never so big for it to actually make a significant difference.

    • 2 years ago

      >log(n) is basically O(1)
      based. I think I'll stick to skip lists then.

    • 2 years ago

      This. 30 steps can binary search a billion elements. Good luck hashing and handling collisions in 30 steps.

  15. 2 years ago

    this thread is why i just implement both solutions and benchmark them

    • 2 years ago

      Not sure if it was OP’s intention, but this thread is a good example of how if you want IQfy to spoonfeed you knowledge, all you have to do is pretend to be stupid and make bold claims that people will climb over each other to correct.


    • 2 years ago

      >implement both solutions and benchmark them
      Sensible, as long as your benchmark is realistic with respect to what you're doing at the end. (For example, if you're going to be storing many short words then use the contents of /usr/share/dict/words as your benchmark dataset).

  16. 2 years ago

    >O(n) for collisions
    if you implement it like a brain dead moron yea. use a b-tree per bucket instead you god damned simpleton.

  17. 2 years ago

    Totally agree. Hashing is gay. Sorting is Chad.

  18. 2 years ago

    didn't we just have this thread?

    • 2 years ago

      >literally every thread on IQfy in a nutshell
      what if we made it again in like 6 hours!? doooooooooooood wow that will be so much fun omggggg

  19. 2 years ago

    All data structures have pluses and minuses, though some are really better than others. Like the various linked lists, which are basically replaced by Vectors in C++, or I guess you could also do Dictionaries in Python, which assigns a keyword to each entry. Maybe there's something similar in C/C++, probably.

    Here's the thing anon, computers have resources, and you have to decide how to use those resources for your purpose. Would you rather use more RAM, or more CPU power? Depends on your application and what you're trying to *achieve* overall.

    Assuming that your hash function is "perfect" and "never collides", then having O(1) is great. Saves CPU time but uses more ram. If you need a list to iterate through, then use an array, LL/Vector, or similar in your programming langue of choice. It will use more CPU time for O(n), but may or may not be more efficient on memory.

    In the real world, on real, decent hardware, does O(1) matter over O(n)? Probably not. You can even cache frequently used values with pointers/reference variables in case you want to access something over and over again after you search for your entry.

    But yeah, the biggest downside to a hash table is you can't iterate through it. But it's not made for that purpose.

    Like people have said, go take CS in college and learn data structures. They will tell you all the same shit about benefits and weaknesses of things.

    • 2 years ago

      The equivalent in C++ (no standard implementation in C afaik) is unordered_map, but there are a few more steps like having to specify the equality/hash functions for all but the most trivial keys. It's also dogshit slow compared to other more optimized hashtables.

  20. 2 years ago

    >if it's small items it's pointless.
    It's still useful if you have a large number of items and need to find specific ones. Or if most of the items are things you don't care about like the locations of 0s in a sparse matrix.
    >if it's large it takes up an insane amount of memory
    It's more overhead than an array, but not as much as you think.
    >collisions make it O(n) fricking iterating through an array
    That depends on how you implement the hashtable. And you only need to worry about O(n) if you or the user somehow deliberately create items so that they all map into the same bin.
    >converts strings to number...bytes are number why bot just use them directly?
    You could just work off of the byte representation of the string if you really wanted to. But hash functions can have some useful properties like avoiding collisions between similar items, or behaving as an abstraction so that you can put all sorts of other complicated objects into a hash table as long as you have a matching hash function for them.
    >a lot of work to achieve minimal results
    Depends on the language. In C/C++, sure, it's more work than just using an array. But in other languages it's not that much more complicated.

  21. 2 years ago

    >if it's large it takes up an insane amount of memory
    Yes. That's the point. To take something cheap and horizontally-scalable to offset computational costs.

  22. 2 years ago

    Memory topology and cache lines and latency tho

  23. 2 years ago

    My ass. Best you can hope for is a DeBruyne graph kind of structure and even that takes a big chunk of time and memory to set up an index and is only useful if you're indexing once and mapping many times.

  24. 2 years ago

    A lot of "seniors" in my company literally just uses Black personlicious linked lists everywhere, trees and hashmaps are nowhere to be seen, they keep doing dynamic memory allocations during runtime unnecessarily, and everybody wonders why everything is so slow.

    This is a gayMAN company.

  25. 2 years ago

    no bro, its nlogn(O) bro
    we got too wienery bro

  26. 2 years ago

    The big advantage to hash tables is O(1) lookup time in the best case, when is most of the time if the hash table is properly sized

  27. 2 years ago

    most of the time, lookups are O(1) and with some variation on linear probing, you are very likely to have your item in cache even in case of collision
    if you have data that results in lots of collisions and you can't improve your hash function, use a tree you fricktard

    • 2 years ago

      Wow! So O(1) relies on hopes and dreams? kek. Shut is O(n) in the worst case no matter how you look at it unless you use a Binary search tree or a skip list as a bucket.

      The O(1) shit is a meme. Hopes and fricking dreams.

      • 2 years ago

        No, it's amortized O(1), which is not the same as worst case O(1). See

        >If you use RAII, you're ultra fricked if you use a large hash table in a function.
        You only use a large hash table if you need a large mapping, and if you need a large mapping then it's one of the better options. You don't generally put a big hash table into every function just in case you need one.
        You're coming across as a complete midwit, able to understand what things do, but not able to understand the costs of the alternatives and why some things shouldn't be worried about.

        • 2 years ago


          What a fricking meme of a data structure.
          >if it's small items it's pointless.
          >if it's large it takes up an insane amount of memory
          >collisions make it O(n) fricking iterating through an array
          >converts strings to number...bytes are number why bot just use them directly?
          >a lot of work to achieve minimal results

          >There better alternatives if it's large, there are better alternatives if it's slow.

          >Using strings as key is pointless unless you guessed every single string combination and aren't gonna loop through characters before insertion

          >If you're not gonna use strings, bing ints instead why not just use an array?

          >only useful keys which are floats.

          >Takes a long time to implement only to achieve O(n) at the end of the day

          Congratulations. Looks you agree with OP. Mordern computers are fast enough to handle O(n) operations at unnoticeable speeds. Why even bother unless you're working with 90s hardware?

          • 2 years ago

            better alternatives if it's large, there are better alternatives if it's small*

          • 2 years ago

            If the collision count reaches eg. 50, you do a rehash, potentially also a resize. The value 50 does not scale with the size of the hash table itself, and so O(50) for worst case search and delete.
            Given a good enough resize strategy, you'd be able to insert n elements before having to increase the array size by 1.3n where 1.3 is an example average load factor, thus O(n)/O(n) or O(1) amortized.

            Sorry to break it to you, but it's not O(n). You can argue that insert is akchually not O(n) but that's pretty much never ever the case. Everything else you mentioned is just moronic and not worth refuting.

          • 2 years ago

            not O(1)*

          • 2 years ago

            >See [my own moronic post, that was already mocked by dozens of anons]
            Why do you schizos keep acting like this?
            Take your meds and choke on them, homosexual, you won't be missed.

          • 2 years ago

            You sound mad. Why? Did I say something uncomfortable?

      • 2 years ago

        >relies on hopes and dreams
        No, it relies on averages over sequences.
        >in the worst case
        Yes, how often does your input hit that case? My bet is that it's a set with measure 0, hence Θ(1).

        • 2 years ago

          >No, it relies on averages over sequences.
          you mean hopes and dreams?

          >Yes, how often does your input hit that case?
          If it can happen it will happen. No amount of hoping and dreaming will prevent such a scenario from occurring.

          • 2 years ago

            No, i mean averages and sequences.
            >If it can happen it will happen
            Of course it will, but the incidence tends to 0% as you increase N.
            If you take the easiest 2^k resizing strategy which isn't even optimal, it happens n + sum(n/2k) and additional n for the first lookup, 3n ~ O(n).

      • 2 years ago

        >So O(1) relies on hopes and dreams?
        Try measuring it with real data, moron.

  28. 2 years ago

    It's never O(n), even if you have collisions occasionally

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