Can we just admit that he was right about literally everything, be done with it and go home?

Can we just admit that he was right about literally everything, be done with it and go home?

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  1. 5 months ago

    Frick off. Moron.

  2. 5 months ago

    well no because he was wrong about most things and if he was time warped to the modern day he wouldn't be able to recognize it.

  3. 5 months ago

    Unfortunately all leftists are dysgenic and stupid and all serious socialists are Leninists so he probably won’t be vindicated in our lifetime.

  4. 5 months ago

    idk man, he makes some pretty good points but it just doesn’t feel right you know? his worldviews and arguments for it are good and seem irrefutable, yet something doesn’t feel right. like it was destined to be incorrect. and because of that feeling, i cannot bring myself to become a marxist.

    anyone else feel the same?

    • 5 months ago

      >his worldviews and arguments for it are good and seem irrefutable

      you are moronic and probably 14.

    • 5 months ago

      Marx taken as an economist a "scientific philosopher". Fail.
      Marx as a social historian synthesizing the current trends of the body politc. Questionable. Did he do it first, did he do it worse, quesionable considerable the application of his IRL devotes. But in name only of course.
      Marx as a man, all great men are mad. B-. Would he have succeed as a israeli lawyer, following in the path paved for him. All great men striv/f/e to become, even at there own detriment. Unfathomable based.
      Marx as a utopian science fiction author. Best seller of all time.

  5. 5 months ago

    he was wrong about quite a few things. like the absolute immiseration thesis in the manifesto is an easy example

  6. 5 months ago

    >"The proletariat is the only class capable of reaching a 'truth,' achieving a correct interpretation of reality"
    >Yet, he fails to realize that he, who is not a proletarian, has reached this conclusion, automatically refuting its premise

  7. 5 months ago

    Marx was right about a lot of things but his followers are idiots. Never has a guy so brilliant been let down by his moronic fanboys. Orthodox Marxism and Leninism were the worst thing to happen to Marx.

  8. 5 months ago

    Theory of value falls apart outside of a farm factory or sweatshop. Modern automation, in practice, makes what he wrote irrelevant.

  9. 5 months ago

    you will have a nice day troony freak.

  10. 5 months ago

    Was a godless racist that caused mass starvation and mass slaughter of Christians. History shows his ideas lead to tyranny, tragedy, and massive societal dysfunction. The sheer damage that atheist German philosophers have inflicted on mankind.

    Communism, the secularization of Europe, and now Schwab and his mad authoritarian ideals. Germans can be very brilliant, but this ability serves evil when God is removed from the equation.

    Speaking as a man of faith and an actual member of the working class.

  11. 5 months ago

    Marx ruined Young Hegelianism by turning the search for eternal truth, beauty and nature into bourgeois concepts. Wagner is the true heir to Feuerbach and only art can guide the future revolution.

    >The line my fancy followed was an organisation of public life in common, as also of domestic life, such as must lead of itself to a beauteous fashioning of the human race. The calculations of the newer Socialists therefore lost my sympathy from the moment they seemed to end in systems that took at first the repellent aspect of an organisation of Society for no other purpose but an equally-allotted toil. However, after sharing the horror which this aspect kindled in aesthetically-cultured minds, a deeper glance into the proposed condition of society made me believe I detected something very different from what had hovered before the fancy of those calculating Socialists themselves. I found to wit that, when equally divided among all, actual labour, wit hits crippling burthen and fatigue, would be downright done away with, leaving nothing in its stead but an occupation, which necessarily must assume an artistic character of itself. A clue to the character of this occupation, as substitute for actual labour, was offered me by Husbandry, among other things; this, when plied by every member of the commonalty [or "parish"—Gemeinde], I conceived as partly developed into more productive tillage of the Garden, partly into joint observances for times and seasons of the day and year, which, looked at closer, would take the character of strengthening exercises, ay, of recreations and festivities. Whilst trying to work out all the bearings of this transformation of one-sided labour, with its castes in town and country, into a more universal occupation lying at the door of every man, I became conscious on the other hand that I was meditating nothing so intensely new, but merely pursuing problems akin to those which so dearly had busied our greatest poets themselves, as we may see in "Wilhelm Meister's Wanderjahre." I, too, was therefore picturing to myself a world that I deemed possible, but the purer I imagined it, the more it parted company with the reality of the political tendencies-of-the-day around me; so that I could say to myself, my world will never make its entry until the very moment when the present world has ceased—in other words, where Socialists and Politicians came to end, should we commence.

    • 5 months ago

      I'm sorry but someone has to say it: wagner posting is cringe. He'll never catch on as a serious philosopher

      • 5 months ago

        He's no more a serious thinker than Marx, if by serious you mean having a realistic application of ideas. But in both, subterranean and opposing currents of the Western psyche are given conscious expression. Marx himself felt the need to construct his own conception of the family in response to Wagner's portrayal of incest in Die Walkure. And Freud's Oedipus complex is entirely prefigured in Opera and Drama.

  12. 5 months ago

    I'd like to see anyone give one (1) instance of something he got wrong. They won't give them, as they have not (and will not) read him.

    • 5 months ago

      I'll give you two.
      1) Labor theory of value
      2) Tendency of the rate of profit to decrease

      Marx was wrong because he was early so I don't fault him for that. I do fault modern-age followers because they're all fricking dumb larpers who haven't read Marx either.

  13. 5 months ago

    He was terribly wrong about what would actually happen with capitalism, so is everyone who parrots "late stage capitalism," Marx and his descendants have always thought the end is just right around the corner. Literally "two more weeks" the philosopher. Still a lot of his analysis is pretty worthwhile I think.

  14. 5 months ago

    He couldn't even keep his children fed without relying on Das Kapital of his daddy.
    He's a failure.

  15. 5 months ago

    I swear I've seen this exact same thread word for word a couple of months ago. I'm almost sure I could find it again in the archives. A couple of times even.

  16. 5 months ago

    are you fricking moronic?

  17. 5 months ago

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