Christchurch attacker livestreamed shooting spree, posted manifesto to 8chan

A gunman -- now identified as Brenton Tarrant -- has massacred unarmed people in a mosque in Christchurch’s Hagley Park (New Zealand), and the gruesome events were livestreamed on Facebook by the shooter himself.

Early reports suggest that at least six people have been shot, but the livestream of the incident show dozens of casualties within and around the mosque. (New reports now back this up, saying at least 40 dead: see bottom of article for updates.)

The mass shooter advertised the livestream, as well as a manifesto titled "The Great Replacement," to 8chan, a laissez-faire imageboard that is frequently in the news over various drama.

Independent journalist Nick Monroe discovered the attacker's Twitter account at @BrentonTarrant (now suspended --,, where he posted images of the firearms and gear used in the attack. His guns and ammo magazines are covered in the names of the victims of terror attacks in the West.

The livestream

The entire sequence of events in the Facebook livestream plays out in first-person, leading observers on Twitter and elsewhere to draw comparisons to the infamous Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 “No Russian” mission.

Prior to going on the shooting spree, Tarrant made a number of meme references, including “subscribe to PewDiePie” and playing a Serbian military song from the ‘90s called “Remove Kebab” popularized by alt-right YouTubers. PewDiePie critics on social media have taken to blaming the popular YouTuber for the attack, wrongfully stating that the shooter shouted "subscribe to PewDiePie" before immediately opening fire, when in fact he only did so while in his vehicle, not immediately before the attack.

Facing no armed resistance whatsoever, Tarrant conducted his shooting spree with relative ease, firing his way into the mosque with a shotgun where he gunned down several people in the corridor before switching to an AR-15, mowing down dozens more.

Tarrant then makes his way outside and fires upon passersby who can be seen wearing Muslim religious garb. A woman, whom he wounds, can be heard and seen screaming for help before he ends her life.

Tarrant picks up another AR-15 from his vehicle as well as several more magazines, before heading back into the mosque. Red cans of gasoline can be seen sitting in the trunk of the vehicle alongside spare firearms and ammunition.

Tarrant unloads his newly-equipped AR-15 into badly wounded survivors in the main hall, but ignores various locked rooms where muffled voices can be heard panicking before he makes his way back to the vehicle. He fires at a number of pedestrians but it is unclear whether he wounded or killed anyone else.

The shooter drives away from the scene of carnage with relative ease. Upon seeing another pedestrian in Muslim garb, Tarrant uses a shotgun to blow several holes in his windscreen before he shoots out his side window and guns down the man in cold blood. The man did not appear to have even noticed the initial shots in his direction before he was shot.

Tarrant finally drives off while playing the soundtrack from the ‘90s racing anime, Initial D. Police sirens can be heard wailing in the distance before the video ends at around the 17 minute mark.

The shooter says in his manifesto that he intends to stand trial for his actions, which he intends to plead “not guilty” to. “The attack was a partisan action against a occupying force, and I am a lawful, uniformed combatant.”

Judging from his actions as well as the supplied manifesto, Tarrant’s motives are exceedingly clear. Police now have one man in custody (video of arrest).

UPDATE: PewDiePie responds:

UPDATE: Three men and one woman in custody, entire Christchurch on lockdown, IEDs found, police "doing everything we can" to remove the shooting video from the internet -- Press conference #2 with Police Commissioner Mike Bush via Facebook.

UPDATE: New Zealand reportedly blocking sites that don't comply with requests to remove the archive of the mass shooter's livestream.

UPDATE: Death toll currently at 40.

UPDATE: Reddit bans gore subreddits r/watchpeopledie and r/gore over posts containing links to footage of the shooting, reports DailyDot.

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  1. 5 years ago

    Remember, no Kebab

    • 5 years ago

      Go f uck yourself

      • 5 years ago


        • 5 years ago


      • 5 years ago

        Shut up and stop being a b***h

  2. 5 years ago

    Now they're saying "over 27" fatalities


    • 5 years ago

      "Christchurch Hospital has been told to expect 50 casualties, according to a source." -- @radionz

      • 5 years ago

        just go to the site: theync com
        its there

  3. 5 years ago

    What can man do against such reckless hate?
    - King Théoden

  4. 5 years ago

    We need Our Lady

    • 5 years ago

      No. We don't need anymore invisible deities to kill over.

      • 5 years ago

        Fool. Mary is not even a Diety.

        • 5 years ago

          Whatever. It's a supernatural fantasy taken from a centuries old story. You know, just like any other deity.

  5. 5 years ago

    Kiss your cabal lovin' media azz kissin' goodbye. It you think a chan supports this thanks for identifying yourself az the ass bending let me have it trolls that you are.

    Enemies of the people is an understatement.

    We just dig and use our judgement. Your time is up. The Law is now your master scumsucking bags of wind.

    • 5 years ago

      Schizophrenia can be managed. Please talk to a psych.

  6. 5 years ago


    • 5 years ago

      Ultra far-right hate leader Candice Owens is also doneso.

      • 5 years ago

        Candice Owens is hardly far right

  7. 5 years ago

    I saw the live video. I counted at least 45 shot and killed. After reloading he goes back three more times and shoots them all again. Wish I hadn’t seen it.

    • 5 years ago

      Don’t keep your experience locked up. Talk to someone about it, people care. <3

      • 5 years ago

        no they dont

    • 5 years ago

      Do you have the video?

    • 5 years ago

      U sure? The police said 50 death a few hours ago.

  8. 5 years ago

    Is there any chance that someone uploaded the manifesto? Need for my Uni research

    • 5 years ago


    • 5 years ago

      thanks for sharing.
      this dude really needed an editor. and half a brain cell.
      what a twit.

  9. 5 years ago

    You should be ashamed for even mentioning this despicable trashbag of a human's name. You are better than that.

    • 5 years ago

      h4ng yourself or move to DPRK you dirty censorship monkey

  10. 5 years ago

    what's so great about being white anyway? I've been white my whole life. It's fine. I actually really like mayonaise. but if someone were to threaten my race or culture... that's cool. so long as we get to keep HBO.

  11. 5 years ago
    Luna langdon

    Is there a link to the video live leak keeps coming up with a 404 🙁

  12. 5 years ago
    The Archangel of Death

    Brenton Tarrant, you are forgiven. I hope in the recognition of your ignorance and sanity, you serve this world justice by serving what we so preciously need, time.
    No grace by the sun, as you mentally decay into eternity. You are forgiven.
    I hope you realize the severity and significance of the mistake you've made and innocent lives you took away for NO justifiable reason. You are forgiven.
    I hope your heart bleeds of sorrow and sympathy for the lives you never gave a chance, and that the thought of love engulfs your mind. You are forgiven.
    When the time comes, and the Angels arrive to escort you to the gates of Hell you are forgiven.
    Your punishment has only just started.
    As a human being you are forgiven.

  13. 5 years ago

    The media(Sky/Cnn) are getting it wrong. They claim the attack is not homegrown and must have originated from overseas (Australia?). But I need to tell you there has always been a neo-nazi gang/group presence in the South Island of New Zealand. I know, I am a kiwi. There not politically active (no representation in Parliament), as there're all nasty, vile thugs, but they are there. Guaranteed they were involved in some way.

    • 5 years ago

      That's fricking moronic and you're exploiting the death of 40 innocent people for your own political ends / beef with some random kiwi group.

  14. 5 years ago

    I would like to watch the video

    • 5 years ago

      It was already linked below

  15. 5 years ago

    Interesting dude this Brenton character, Video wasn't that bad (take nothing away from the people who gave their lives RIP) nothing compared to some of the beheadings and videos of the US military murdering innocent people in Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan during the war on terror, views are strangely identical to Muslim fundamentalism the west be damned and death to all who are not of the same Ilk. Basically there is fundamentalism in every part of society some choose to express it in different ways none are right in my eyes but if you believe in what you stand for then be true to yourself & your beliefs Frick everyone else that's the stand. In truth Love your neighbour regardless of colour religion or sexual orientation we are all equal in the eyes of all true religion. The real tyrants of modern day society is the Government and the rich. No more middle class anymore and the gap between the rich and the poor will be the destruction of modern society as we know it.

    • 5 years ago

      Exactly this is why religion is for morons.

      • 5 years ago

        So true! It only divides the masses.

  16. 5 years ago

    Brenton the reason the death penalty should still be in place. Im horrified at Brenton's callous deliberate actions, that have ended so many innocent lives today.. I am sick to my stomach seeing the shear terror the innocent victims must of felt.. my heart breaks for each of them especially the children... There are no words that express how despicable this piece of shit is..

    • 5 years ago

      Does your heart also break when you see Israeli victims from balloon and drone bombs from Gaza??? Probably not

      • 5 years ago

        When Christians are murdered at the hands Muslims and Catholic Priest have their throats sliced saying mass on the alter is the reaction horrified. Doubtful

    • 5 years ago

      nice cuck

  17. 5 years ago

    well sever all the invaders right if the just stayed in there own country they would still be alive

    • 5 years ago
      Your Mum

      Hope you get cancer, c**t.

      • 5 years ago

        he's right tbh

        • 5 years ago

          No he’s not tbh

          • 5 years ago

            What was wrong about his statement though? Honestly? They would genuinely still be alive.

      • 5 years ago

        Anyone got the video?

    • 5 years ago

      i hope you understand there was people there before you frick faces and you invaded their country in the 1800's so whats the point of attacking people who were there before you

      • 5 years ago


      • 5 years ago

        There were people there not really different from animals. But whatever, what's your point?

    • 5 years ago

      you are as dumb as they come

  18. 5 years ago
    4 lions

    vic roy

  19. 5 years ago

    anyone have the second video of the second shooting? like part 2?

    • 5 years ago

      there is no 2nd video

  20. 5 years ago

    Obvious false flag brings up owens to make right look bad and talks on about muslim problem in manifesto but doesn't even talk about ~~*the ones*~~ pulling the strings with ngos and sponsoring of terror, also fishy 6 min into shooting no sirens goes back at least twice and is able to slip in and out easy not to mention earlier reports of explosions but ied were seized by cops so how could there be especially before? also multiple coordinated effort nwo is really stepping up their game also for you bloodthirsty vamps and wannabee detectives out there...
    get it while it's hot:


    plus *original* manifesto: http://boards.IQfy/pol/thread/206263794/important-new-zealand-shooting-links

    • 5 years ago

      so true

  21. 5 years ago
    • 5 years ago

    • 5 years ago

      If Muslims think-that US CONGRESS MEMBERS llhan Omar-Rashid Talib are good for Congress better think twice. Though this happened elsewhere their rhetoric pushes hate breeds violence bc there anti Semitic remarks towards israeli people and hate toward other religions/races.Turn toward there own people. DANGEROUS VIEWS

  22. 5 years ago

    This is a drop in the ocean compared to the millions of people who have been murdered by the religion of peace. Western states are not going to be able to wrong think this kind of behaviour out of the equation. This is our future.

    • 5 years ago

      ignorance in its finest state

    • 5 years ago

      have a nice day.

    • 5 years ago

      I’m sorry for your loss but don’t let that blind you from the truth.

    • 5 years ago

      more people have been murdered in the name of Christianity than Islam. don't play yourself. The core values of Christianity have been twisted, changed by the wealthy & elite to such an extent, that the closest thing to the true religion, unchanged by man, is in fact Islam. Do your research on abrahamic religions.

      • 5 years ago

        This is absolutely false.

        • 5 years ago


    • 5 years ago

      You do know that white people slaughter each other all the time, right?

  23. 5 years ago

    God's Punishment awaits him.. best believe that

    • 5 years ago

      Belief in God or Allah or whatever is what causes most violence in the world.

      • 5 years ago

        I would say the belief in whatever. You obviously have no beliefs in whatever a I guess should be quiet.

        • 5 years ago

          Can someone post a link where i can watch the full original video please

        • 5 years ago

          Lets spread love. He did wrong. Many things could have been avoided. All extremisms should be tackled well by govt. Afterall we r human beings with bone and flesh

      • 5 years ago

        Actually, atheist governments have killed more people in the last 100 years than all religious wars in history combined. Know your history, do your research, reject false information.

      • 5 years ago

        Stupidity likes yours is what causes violence in the world. Open your eyes and accept that God has a reason for everything that happens.

        • 5 years ago

          Stupidity is just another name for religion. Some people just don't like to use their brains. If science is too difficult to understand, try superstition! (ie. religion).

  24. 5 years ago

    Can someone please send me a copy of the manifesto. [email protected]

    • 5 years ago
      Brenton Tarrant

      https://www (dot) documentcloud (dot) org/documents/5770516-The-Great-Replacement-New-Zealand-Shooter.html

      • 5 years ago

        Thanks it works.

      • 5 years ago

        Don't have permission to access. Please send to [email protected]

  25. 5 years ago
    John Paul II

    Remember 9/11!

    • 5 years ago

      remember 11/7 Srebrenica BiH,

  26. 5 years ago

    Who has the video?

    • 5 years ago

      The link doesn’t work

    • 5 years ago

      I got the video. add me on Instagram if you want the video @superchefadam

  27. 5 years ago

    Nice to have some good news despite the Brexit frickery.

  28. 5 years ago

    Someone made a list of the references on his gear

  29. 5 years ago

    Thats a f in the chat

  30. 5 years ago

    The link will not work for me. I’ve tried every link on this page. I’m using an Ipone and the video will start and it stops and won’t go past 2-3 seconds no matter how long i wait.

  31. 5 years ago

    Someone has the second Part and can upload it somewhere?

    • 5 years ago

      Can u give me it if u find it

  32. 5 years ago

    The NZ shooter's Manifesto has already disappeared from the Internet. I read it last night. Today the liberal media is spinning the Manifesto as being "pro-Trump" and "Right-Wing." This is political BS. He disliked Trump, hated Conservatism, believed the Chinese have the best government and identified (at least twenty times) as being a radicle environmentalist. The only thing this guy had in common with Trump was the color of his skin. I suspect the Manifesto is being rewritten at this very moment and will reappear on the Internet as an anti-Trump hit piece. We should demand to see the original Manifesto rather than being told what it said by a dishonest media with a political bias. Bottom line: He killed these people to advance a fricked-up, left-wing, environmental agenda. His war is not against left or right ideology. What he opposes is unchecked population growth resulting in worldwide mass migration into countries who otherwise manage to control their population growth. This guy is an environmentalist nut case and as anti-Trump as anyone can be. But this is not what we are being told.

    • 5 years ago

      Your version of his words is unbalanced and incorrect.

      He states when asked, Do you support Donald Trump? "As a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose? Sure!"

      • 5 years ago

        Only taking half the quote to further your narrative?

        Full quote:

        "As a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose? Sure. As a policy maker and leader? Dear god no"

        • 5 years ago

          Because Trump is a semi-literate frick boy. He talks like a fool and is obviously vain and willfully ignorant. He doesn't read, he doesn't introspect. This isn't a narrative, it's him.

          It's hard to reconcile his point about him being a symbol of renewed white identity but rejection of him as a leader. The latter is sensible, but the former is nonsense. As a specimen for advancing the case for white supremacy, Trump is a pretty poor argument. Just look at the fricking guy. Listen to him. Come on. I am not going to say I understand all the thought process in backing the guy, but I get it, some people support him. K. But we can all just be people here for a minute and acknowledge he, as a man, is a fat, soft, spray-tanned creep? He just is. He is a physical mess.

          All told, I don't think this dude's garbage holds up to any kind of analysis or take-away. It's all self-inconsistent and grandiose. Trying to connect any of these events with American politics is stupid as frick, and both sides do it constantly. Frick off.

    • 5 years ago

      Yep pretty much. I'd like to read the manifesto but I can't find it. It's very strange because I DID find the video. Horrific.

      Here's the thing. Forget all this other nonsense and lets hold responsible the people who caused this mess to begin with, our political leadership. If not for their greed the elite could NOT put this suicidal OWG nonsense into action. The migration would not have happened and the mass killings BY and AGAINST Muslims wouldn't be happening. I'm sick and tired of the elite and their political puppets NEVER being affected by their catastrophic policies and NEVER being held accountable for same. In short, they sit in their privileged life (provided by the citizens they've betrayed) unafraid of being touched by the violence (because they've got armed guards, their children are in private exclusive schools) the rest of us endure on a regular basis. It's gotta stop. THEY CHOOSE to continue with the policies that keep our borders open and that suck taxpayer money to transfer the 3rd world into the first. They NEED to held accountable.

      *No I'm not advocating for violence against government officials. But I am advocating for accountability.

  33. 5 years ago

    Actually, atheist governments have killed more people in the last 100 years than all religious wars in history combined. Know your history, do your research, reject false information.

    • 5 years ago

      So therefore I should reject this absurd and false comment.

      • 5 years ago

        Two wrongs, don't make a right. The answer is love, and always will be. No matter your belief. "love thy neighbor, as thyself.
        Most people I've met don't even know how to love themselves. So how can they love someone else. Spread love. It's easy to gun down unarmed people. It's much harder for the wife, or husband that have to live with their spouse being gunned down. But I'm sure they will forgive the gunman. Some of them might even hug him. Just to show them what love and forgivness is. God is real. The devil is also. Angels, and demons. I'm positive a demon can overcome a person and make them do things they wouldn't do. If they were saved by the blood of Christ. Humble yourself. And enjoy every moment you get. Because any moment could be your last.
        God bless the victims. Or as you would say Alah

        • 5 years ago

          You must be one of those idiots who goes through syria as a pilgrimage to show how much love there is in people. Make sure to do it soon so we can watch you get beheaded by those you love so much.

    • 5 years ago


    • 5 years ago

      what a fricking stupid comment! Being atheist has nothing to do with anything really! What did they kill all those people you speak of in the name of nothing? lol dumb c**t!

  34. 5 years ago

    Someone please send this info warrior a copy please. Thank you.

  35. 5 years ago

    A few less jihadis..

  36. 5 years ago

    Full video please send

  37. 5 years ago

    For those that want the video;
    go to and download the torrent. It's on the first page. It contains the full video and the terrorist's manifesto.

    • 5 years ago


  38. 5 years ago

    If you find the video can u please send it to me [email protected]

  39. 5 years ago

    Someone send me the video, please and thank you. [email protected]

  40. 5 years ago

    >U.S. Law Enforcement **WANTS** the New Zealand shooter's video for TRAINING PURPOSES. This is in light of HEAVY CENSORSHIP surrounding the footage.

    >New Zealand police are making it so difficult to obtain, that US authorities are contacting KIWI FARMS in order to acquire it.

    • 5 years ago

      Rip xx
      Thoughts and prayers to all <3

    • 5 years ago
      Prophet of God

      Women and children?Not the actions of a soldier or a warrior.What a poor excuse for a human being.They cry for help wail in pain,scream in horror.The first two people he shoots could have just as easily been holding out a hand in friendship.Well never know.I dont care for muslims much i cant lie,but i detest the slaughter of women and children even more.The lack of mercy upon the wounded is particularly damning.What did he gain from killing the wounded?What a shitbird.

  41. 5 years ago

    find the Video on: theync com

    • 5 years ago

      God bless you good man

    • 5 years ago

      Thank you. I was looking for this! LULZ

  42. 5 years ago

    Could someone please email me complete video please [email protected]

  43. 5 years ago

    Can someone email me the full video of the shooting? I can't find it anywhere online.
    [email protected]

  44. 5 years ago

    Lets spread love. He did wrong. Many things could have been avoided. All extremisms should be tackled well by govt. Afterall we r human beings with bone and flesh

    • 5 years ago

      Oh no, he killed a bunch of wife beaters. What horror.

      Dude literally did to those camel jockeys what their sacred Quran has been telling them to do to everyone else for centuries. GG

      • 5 years ago


        • 5 years ago

          He killed also women and children, you white misogynist frick!

          • 5 years ago

            Those children won't stay children forever but will become the same robbers, rapists, murderers and useless trash as their parents. And even as children they usually are already criminals.

      • 5 years ago

        please have a nice day

      • 5 years ago

        k i l l y o u r s e l f*

  45. 5 years ago

    Frick me, why do manifestos have to be so long and boring. Oh my god, I get it, fertility rates or something. By the 15th time I read about the same thing I just stop reading. That’s not how you inspire the next generation.
    Also, Australia was COLONIZED by the British, so shouldn’t your racist ass go back to ‘Londinium’ as you called it, a city that was Celtic but INVADED by the Romans. There has always been cultural mixing and there is no clearly defined borders of culture, and killing 49+ people won’t change that.

    All seriousness, I cannot express how awful it must be to be brutally slain by this lunatic. The cultural diversity of the world is a good thing, the only reason China seems to have less problems is because they have a very oppressive government that limits what you see, and even what their own people see.

    • 5 years ago

      Saxons with Roman intermixing built on Roman ruins, then Danes cucked them. All "European" by modern standards, but mutts none the less. There are no "pure" bloodlines anywhere in Europe, lol. Jokes on White Power bois, the most racially pure people are the brown people they despise. Whites are the mongrels.

      • 5 years ago

        *lol*... whites are mongrels.. in your dreams, you illiterate piece of anti-white shit!
        Every ethnicity interbred among its subgroups throughout the millenniums, even blacks and Asians. And forget such Zionist approaches such as Out-of-Africa theory. As the name says, it is just a silly theory and there are several ones about the origins of the human races.
        Deadly wishes to you from Europe!

    • 5 years ago

      You don’t want cultural diversity. You want this ugly grey mixture of all cultures mixed together. It’s people like you who are truly to blame for these kind of shootings. You expect people to enjoy having their cultural identities erased and watered down and replaced by foreign cultures and when shit like this happens you morons just double down and ignore the root cause of the problem.

  46. 5 years ago

    I regret watching that. I hope this man dies in extreme pain. New Zealand, don't spare him, he deserves to be tortured. If there's any authorities out there, ban this site:

    Please, no one fall into this man's ideals, they are disgusting and must die in a whole. Everyone, as much as I don't believe in God, I pray for those who have lost their lives. GN, folks.

  47. 5 years ago

    christchurch live

  48. 5 years ago

    Video currently available on without having to download torrent

    • 5 years ago

      They remove it as well.

      What was the point of b***hute again?

  49. 5 years ago

    I’d like to have the video/s sent to me if someone has it please?
    I’m not tech savvy so struggle with links and coding, lol
    [email protected]

    • 5 years ago

      Has it been sent to you.?

      • 5 years ago


    • 5 years ago

      Typical government, making tighter gun laws instead which is what he wants anyway. Sooner or later, there will be a crusade or jihad, depending on who starts off. Multiculturalism is a failed experiment, forced on our throats by ~~*them*~~. And don't forget the thousands of Christians suffering from shootings like this, persecution, rape and torture, the works not just in the Middle East, but all around the world.

      "We strike at the effect, and leave the cause unharmed."
      -Frederick Douglass (I know he's black but it doesn't mean I can't quote him.)

      • 5 years ago

        You have taken Frederick Douglas’ words totally out of context.
        « Frederick Douglass was an American social reformer, abolitionist, orator, writer, and statesman. After escaping from slavery in Maryland, he became a national leader of the abolitionist movement in Massachusetts and New York, gaining note for his oratory and incisive antislavery writings. In his time, he was described by abolitionists as a living counter-example to slaveholders' arguments that slaves lacked the intellectual capacity to function as independent American citizens. Northerners at the time found it hard to believe that such a great orator had once been a slave. »

    • 5 years ago

      It’s in the link above?

    • 5 years ago

      Did you get it

  50. 5 years ago

    In all seriousness, please take this video seriously.

    You may need to find it via some p2p sharing methods (aka torrent).

  51. 5 years ago

    "This is an attack directed against Muslims; it is also an attack on New Zealand's democracy and on an open and tolerant society". Says Angela Merkel, but she seems to forget the 2016 Berlin truck attack perpetrated in their own soil by ISIS. In fact, the whole left-leaning world seem to forget that ISIS are muslims.

    Why the frick don't world leaders from first-world countries fail to understand that being so open to migration is cultural suicide? Is this OK with them? Because it looks that a part of their populations disagree. And they have to resort to these acts of violence to be heard, perhaps because they think that nobody listens to them. If migrants keep pouring into first-world countries, in 100 years they will have replaced the white population, and their culture with theirs. Is this OK with you? Why does it seem that the majority of politicians don't give a damn about their country's history? Since they seems so eager to accept foreigners with their arms wide open. Gosh, they even let them run for political positions!

    • 5 years ago


  52. 5 years ago

    this was messed up, it just goes to show I was right. there is no hope in the world, people kill senselessly, murdering kids just pure evil.

    • 5 years ago
      Sick of Tossers

      Oh yes, you sorted that all out. You were right!!!!

  53. 5 years ago

    What did those innocent people that were killed ever do to stop “white people” having kids?

    • 5 years ago

      Are you serious? As fricked up as what he did was, there is a lot of truth to his accusations toward the Nation of Islam. Dedicate even one day to read the Quran and study conservative Islam, which comprises over 90% of true Islamic beliefs today, and you'll get to learn first-hand what Islam wants. You don't have to be white to see their true intentions, either. Bridgett Gabriel, a Lebanese woman (of middle eastern decent) has dedicated her entire adult life to exposing the reality of Islam, and although she takes a fact-based, peaceful approach, she is another person who sees Islam for what it really is. The Quran COMMANDS Muslims to murder non-believers, specifically westerners (who, guess what, are mostly white!) over 400 times. In Islam, you don't have the option to pick and choose what you believe, as stated in the Quran. You either believe it all whole-heartedly, or you're a betrayer and infidel in the eyes of Allah. Go educate yourself and then you'll see exactly why people like this guy want to eradicate Islam. Although I don't agree with his techniques, I do agree that Islam needs to be eradicated and the goal of Islam is total world dominated and genocide of westerns (who again, are comprised mostly of whites.)

      • 5 years ago

        You clearly are no better than this man. You are talking to a man who study's Islam and is a Muslim and stated in our religion not to kill those who oppose us but to kill those who attack us. Islam does not justify killing with no excuse you complete and utter neanderthal. We are taught to be peaceful and only use violence or action when in sake of defending your own country or defending your own brothers in islam. You might see some dumbshit on the media but don't act like you even understand a single word of the Quran. Translations of a certain quote in the Quran where in english it says "Kill those who oppose religion" when it actually says "God punishes those who oppose any religion and sin". Please keep your own comments to your own religion. while we are at it lets talk about how the church allowed the enslavement and murder of numerous people. Each religion has good people and bad people. Stop acting like a know it all and comment on others.

        • 5 years ago
          But ISIS videos are ok?! 9/11 Mockery videos too?!

          Your Koran saying to Slay the israelite and the Infidels WHERE THEY STAND. You probably do not know about the many verses. Or dont read but Observe islam. ISIS formed from the words of the Koran. I have nothing against YOU. I have many Muslim friends and some of other middle eastern sects. You cant deny that KILLING by Shootings, beheadings,Bombings,fire,Drowning the INIFIDELS is evil! It is however in your Koran and look at what the Islamic Brothers are doing in the world. How could you associate with such a religion? You cant say "Im not one of those Muslims". But your Koran and the Text books are very clear. {I am sorry I forget the name of the associated book sets] In most people's eyes. They equate 'nice' muslims to 'nice' KKK members. Except YOU dont go around honoring your true Ideology in the Koran. You really like the israelites? A true loving but lost in a confusing religion? Your GOD you must take revenge for! When there is only ONE straight line to GOD. Search hard and you'll find "religion' to be false. You need a true relationship with Jesus and God. Your also called to read the Torah! Jesus was a 'good prophet"? Well- either he IS or isn't. Don;t you ever question what you know? Findyourself with MORE questions than answers? Have you read the Holy Bible and attended service? I have discernment. God thru Christ WILL give you answers. I am sorry what happened and all. I just dont like the censorship. I believe they are AFRAID not Angry in the world. Why they want this video GONE. Why can I find many many many ISIS videos? These countries who are non-christian dont actually care. The guy [shooter] had valid points and was correct. REMEMBER islam fought WITH the NAZI germans in WW2. So calling him a Nazi- is the wrong label. An Misguided ideologic person.

      • 5 years ago
        But ISIS videos are ok?! 9/11 Mockery videos too?!

        AGREE!! Also your facts are correct. We could quote the Koran if this makes people feel better?

      • 5 years ago

        Islam is total world dominated and genocide of westerns

  54. 5 years ago

    I have just seen the video! not something to say im glad about because this is terrific. I watched more horrible videos but this one of a kind. hopefully not the example to others but seen the video got so much attention i expect for the worst and more of this illness to follow.

    But about the shooting part, he gets out of his vehicle and opens the trunk who is filled up. he gets a shotgun leaves the trunk open and goes in the musk. he is in there for about 2.5 minute and its over 3 minutes before he made his way back to his still open trunk to get another rifle with live ammunition in it and continues.

    What could have happend in tree minutes when there were a lot of people around with knowledge how to handle a rifle . because i think most people outside who heard or seen anything run straight away, possibly what i would do to(the video sacred me already). I think we all need to be more prepared for instances all should have firearm training and a self defense combat sport(for all who are physically fit to) . so that a majority of the good people walking an driving the streets can make a difference when it matters.

    It would have been something when somebody was in his trunk and just shot him like a dog like he did to those innocent good people!
    I hope they accidentally deport him to Saudi Arabia for they will torture so much u would not wish up op your enemy. Only up on sick guys like this shooter.
    its just a sad story.
    I normally do not generally like Muslims for i am a bit christian but i do not hate them, good Muslims are like good Christians most make a vulnerable part of society.
    i do not pray much but i have and will for the victims and mostly their family.

    YOU REALLY WANT TO WATCH THE VIDEO but i advise you if you ever want to play gta 5 or some game like that do NOT WATCH THE VIDEO because its gonna make a scar.

    sorry for my bad English spelling

    • 5 years ago
      But ISIS videos are ok?! 9/11 Mockery videos too?!

      If I can watch ISIS beheadings and murders of kids,women,civilians, men, boys, elderly, Soldiers. Then We ALL have a right to see this! I've looked everywhere and even pu$$y Liveleak took it down or just showed 37 seconds of nothing. Its going to be all over the place soon.

    • 5 years ago

      Those innocent good people? How do you dumbtalker know about their innocence and goodness? Brenton chose his place not without a reason. Those mosques were jihadist production industries.

  55. 5 years ago

    Gay lol

  56. 5 years ago
    Proudly Unaffiliated

    Memo to New Zealanders: bow down to your globalist masters as they seize your guns from you. They, with this leftist mass murderer, did this in order to create the conditions for your perpetual servitude. Your country is no longer yours-- enjoy your eternal shackles.

  57. 5 years ago

    Very sad day, this was just awful, I couldn't even watch it..I don't believe in God, but I really hope there is really a better place where those people went to. RIP

  58. 5 years ago

    New Zealand is a primitive sh ithole country.

    • 5 years ago

      frick the cops

    • 5 years ago

      How to drop two and a half twenty-bombs in one lobby.

  59. 5 years ago

    This douchbag was clearly a deepgaystate puppet of King DC Pedophile Mafia Boss John " I Frick Kids " Podesta

  60. 5 years ago
    But ISIS videos are ok?! 9/11 Mockery videos too?!

    This 'video' is lame and nothing 'graphic' about it. War videos and ISIS FAR FAR Worse! You've missed nothing. Seriously. Some of the links worked here. I dont know NZ. I just know after friends being killed by islam. Videos sent to their families. I am shcoked thia hasnt happened 900 x already. video is a joke.

  61. 5 years ago
    But ISIS videos are ok?! 9/11 Mockery videos too?!

    So what is the story? 3 Mosques? 2 or 1? I hear lots of mixed info and partial videos on VILE VILE websites. People in pain and suffering. What kind of people host these sites? I guess, some can handle this but I have PTSD and I get crazy. The ONLY Mosque found was on a SICK SICK site. 1:27 long. It shows him with his GPS after leaving the Mosque. Yunno what worries me? REVENGE for this in the Countries. You draw a cartoon and they shoot up and bomb France. You guys have any idea what this may cause? This guy meant well- but went about it all wrong. If you wanna kill the enemy. Go to their homeland. YES I know many are in your countries. "I get it". There are plenty legal ways to fight ISIS and NOT every Muslim even reads their Koran and just going to the Mosque cause their mom/dad made them. I seen the 'aftermath' video but that CANT be the same Mosque?! So there is a FULL Video out somewhere? This guy passed death groaning bodies and shot them many times. What am I missing? I hope JESUS came to their aid and took them to heaven. I have nothing against the shooter. He thought he was doing 'good'. As the bible warns "In the Last Days, many will KILL & think they are pleasing God" [Para-phrased]

  62. 5 years ago
    Asking Questions

    Some honest questions about the video:
    Is this really the original video and unedited? I'm not sure, nor do I know if there's a way to prove it original/unedited or not. Regardless, there are some odd things in the video which is why it's possible the video has been edited.

    #1 Around the 3 minute mark, the alleged shooter turns the GoPro(?) around and speaks into the camera, but the audio is off/muted. We cannot hear what he says but he clearly speaks. Why does the audio stop at this point? Possible technical malfunction? Did he mute the audio? Media reports say he used a GoPro, but not really a way to verify this. I'm not familiar with GoPro - can someone help answer the audio question? This silence doesn't occur anywhere else in the video.

    #2 Music can be heard playing at times when the shooter is walking around the mosque and outside the mosque. It is not the loud music blaring from the car's speakers, nor is it music that a mosque would play. Has the music been added (edited) into the video? Or was the shooter wearing earbuds and listening to music during his rampage and that's what we're hearing? I did not see any earbuds/headphones when he turned the camera onto himself, but perhaps he put them on later?

    These are honest questions - I'm not promoting conspiracies.

    • 5 years ago

      I wondered the same about the missing audio. No idea but he was wearing a portable speaker playing battle music.

  63. 5 years ago

    some call it a terrorist attack, some retaliation.

    idiots who say, it was an cowardly attack because you can not do this when you are a pussy.
    you must have balls to act like he did. you must be ready to die or go to jail for the rest of your life.

    who is willing to die for his people, right now ? who is willing to die for his conviction, right now ?
    who is willing to give up everything for the welfare of one's own country ?

    most of the people out there doesn't even dare to say no to his/her boss or speak one's mind in public and instead beating the shit out of their wife and children at home.

    there is a war going on between religions, like it always was. religion is not peaceful, it's in itself a form of racism and violence. islam, christianity, hinduism etc.
    they are all the same.
    islam is a system of conquer and obliteration of nonbelievers. look at the middle east, the arabic countrys. how many christians are still living there ? below 1 % and decreasing ?

    Ask yourself why !

    anyone who believes that islam comes to europe for a peaceful coexistence is either ignorant or a moron.

    from that point of view, christchurch could be seen as a counter attack, cause the islamic takeover of european and western countries, by birth-jihad, is already implemented.

    do i admire him ? i admire his braveness in overcoming fear of death and loss through commitment to his own people.

    do i mourn the loss of (innocent) muslim people ? yes i do. but are the followers of a suppressing and intolerant system innocent ? were the members of the german nazi party nsdap innocent ?

    as long as islam is in the minority it is seemingly peaceful. but as soon as it starts to grow and becoming the majority, it starts to eliminate everything beside it.


    either a muslim believes entirely in the koran or not at all. koran is the word of god given through the prophet muhammad.

    Thus god gave order to kill all non-believers. which means, EVERYONE ELSE !!!

    • 5 years ago

      Can't agree more. This secularism is a shit. Our governments are blind to see Muslims multiplying like creatures to take over the respective states/countries. High time the society should wake up or else we are already heading towards our destruction.

  64. 5 years ago

    his manifesto expresses the wish to preserve european values, traditions and way of living, i feel for his heart

    but he is a total lunatic which killed innocent muslims that quite possibly never hurt any european by themselfs ever and are most likely upstanding working citizens. some of them are anyways. my heart goes out to the families of lost

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