Christianity in the future

What do you think Christianity will look like the coming centuries? Will there be a united Christendom or just a collection of divergent denominations and sects?

Christianity started out as a Greco-Levantine religion and the transformed into a distinctly Germanic and Latin religion in the West, while retaining the more Middle Eastern flavour in Orthodoxy.
With Europeans having largely abandoned Christianity now, the future of the faith is to be found in African and South America. I think the interesting question is how these cultures will change the theology, liturgy and aesthetics of the Christian religion. We already see South Americans leaning heavily into pseudo polytheism. I don't know much about African Christianity except that voodoo is peculiar mixture of Christianity and African tribal religion.

Another interesting question if whether or not South Americans will re-Christianize the US, and respectively if large African immigration into Europe will have the same effect. An interesting article on the matter.

>Like Fr. Martin’s Christ, Waugh’s hero learns from a wise woman. He sees that Christianity is not a matter of blood, or of race, or of victory in this world. It requires us to accept defeat in this life so we might enjoy triumph in the next. A Catholic cannot be certain that his line will continue or his country thrive. He only knows that the gates of hell will not prevail against Christ’s Church. This is why Waugh could happily entertain the idea that black men would bear forth a faith and culture abandoned by whites. Perhaps it will not happen, but no Christian would mind if it did.

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  1. 2 years ago

    after the new dark ages and black death christianity will fade out like some fringe movement

  2. 2 years ago

    I'm not sure how it made it out of the first couple hundred years. Jesus specifically said that he would come back to establish his kingdom during the lifetimes of some of those alive back then. But he never showed up. You should have been over then. But instead they just change the interpretation of his very clear statements.

    • 2 years ago

      I forget what it is called, but there's an effect where true believers are actually strengthened in their belief after a prediction falls through, rather than dissuaded from it. A similar thing happened with the Great Disappointment spawning the Adventist movement.

  3. 2 years ago

    Like WarCraft Souls. Dark Souls 3 + WarCraft merged game where you get to play King Arthas who comes back out of hell and is a fantasy Jesus type strong messiah character from another dimension pallelel world where instead of Jesus dying for our sins, Jesus picked up the frostmourne and took a curse of undead for our sins to save us,

  4. 2 years ago

    Probably dominated by the Amish and Mormons

  5. 2 years ago

    So, it's obviously really hard to say but I'll try to give my best ten cents.

    I think that many parts of Latin America are going to shift away from Roman Catholicism to Pentecostalism. Just look at Brazil, I mean, Catholicism isn't the majority anymore, and that's because a large percentage of Christians are now Protestant, specifically Pentecostal. It's like Montanism all over again for the Catholics too because that same charismatic spirit that comes from Pentecostalism has been incorporated into Catholicism.

    As for the rest of Protestantism, I think the mainline denominations are just going to continue to split further and further. Look at the United Methodist Church. Even the Anglican Communion has some real tension in it right now. Presbyterians too. They have extremely poor attendance rates and there are pretty big schisms happening with them over things like abortion and same sex marriage and even over female clergy. Evangelical Protestantism is already larger than all mainline Protestants put together. Pentecostals, as said, are just continuing to grow as big rates in the poor countries.

    China is weird. Their Christianity is extremely strange. Most of the Christianity over in China is like weird Protestant cults. I honestly don't know enough about these individual Protestant cults and denominations that are largely unique to China to really give an opinion on them. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of what we can consider orthodox denominations in China, like Catholicism even though over there Catholicism is split between the underground Roman Church and the Chinese Church. But China is on track to become the most Christian country on the planet within the next decade, that is, it will surpass the USA as the country with the most Christians in the world without the country itself being majority Christian.

    • 2 years ago

      >really hard to say
      Nah bro, they already did Dark Souls 3 stuff, see.

  6. 2 years ago

    As for the Orthodox, well the Chalcedonian Communion, if it can even be called a communion anymore, is having a bit of a rough time as half of its members are not in communion with the head Patriarch. Not sure when Russia and Constantinople will reconcile, and the Ukraine war simply isn't helping. There continue to be splits. Russia is no longer communing with Alexandria or Greece either. Jerusalem and Antioch were in schism before Russia and Constantinople. It's a bit of a mess. The Russian Patriarch is widely disliked by non-Russian Orthodox Christians.

    In the long run, Christianity is mainly shifting from the western hemisphere over to the eastern hemisphere, particularly in the Orient and also in parts of Africa as well.

  7. 2 years ago

    Catholicism will probably die out first as it loses ground to both islam in europe and evangelicalism/pentecostalism in the third world. Evangelicalism and pentecostalism will probably gain even more ground, though only to the degree that they aren't forced out by the muslims who have significantly higher birth rates. Orthodox christianity will probably also go the way of the dodo in Russia and elsewhere, just slower than catholicism, as russians start to die out and be replaced by muslim churkas and a variety of muslim central asians. Other orthodox countries will also be overtaken by the endless millions of muslims being washed along by the New Völkerwanderung as muslims keep endlessly multiplying like bacteria and are pushed northwards due to global warming.

    • 2 years ago

      Forgot to mention that non-evangelical/pentecostal types of protestantism will also die out, or become ghettoized in pockets like the amish who will live like an island in an endless sea of catholic latin americans, if they will survive at all.

      • 2 years ago

        Not an endless sea of catholic latin americans, maybe, because catholicism will give way to evangelicalism/pentecostalism sooner than the amish will be engulfed in the brown sea.

    • 2 years ago

      Pentecostalism wont be the dominant religion in latin america lmao. Never in history has a mass conversion of religion happened because people felt like it. It always has to do with the monarch or ruler proclaiming himself of that sect and the people follow suit.

      The catholic church is still heavily involved in latin america. The growth of pentecostalism is utterly insignificant.

      • 2 years ago

        Well clearly it is since a huge percentage of Americans are shifting from Christianity to alternative religions like New Age or Wicca or Hindu cults.

        • 2 years ago

          >a huge percentage of Americans are shifting from Christianity to alternative religions like New Age or Wicca or Hindu cults.

      • 2 years ago

        There's already majority Protestant Latin American countries.

        • 2 years ago

          Name them? I just looked up Brazil and its still majority catholic.

          • 2 years ago

            Only nominally (IE parents whose children they registered as cucktholic), the absolute majority of crossdogs here are evangelical scum

    • 2 years ago

      >islam in europe

      • 2 years ago

        Demography is destiny. It's already too late to reverse the trends. Europe will become an islamic continent, no matter whether you think that's a great or a horrifying thing.

        >t. actual european who isn't and never will be muslim.

        • 2 years ago

          >Europe will become an islamic continent
          Impossible when many muslims grow irrelgious and the speed of Islam is limited due to conversions being low.

          • 2 years ago

            That's just cope. Muslims keep shitting out 6-10 kids while also having millions immigrate into Europe every single year (a number which only ever keeps increasing) while the native birth rates without immigration float around like 0.8 or some ridiculous shit like that and native children are practically the only ones exposed to all the society-obliterating zoomer shit because immigrants live in a parallel society and would stone their kids to death if they came out as gay or trans.

            We're going the way of the fricking dodo and there's nothing to do about it anymore.

          • 2 years ago

            >Muslims keep shitting out 6-10 kids
            Numbers are dropping and immigrants in develop states drop their family sizes to the norm.

          • 2 years ago

            Though I don't think it's entirely unwarranted. A group that lacks even the slightest instinct of self-preservation, the slightest hint of a will to life, a population this comically xenophilic and gullible maybe does deserve to die out rather than to shit up the gene pool with its destructive shitlib genes, even if they look pretty and are relatively high IQ otherwise. The future will be brown.

            >Muslims keep shitting out 6-10 kids
            Numbers are dropping and immigrants in develop states drop their family sizes to the norm.

            Even if the muslims currently in europe stopped having kids it still wouldn't matter due to the infinite supply of immigrants coming in every year.

          • 2 years ago

            >infinite supply of immigrants coming in every year.
            Europeans are the vast vast majority. The areas a shift only occured was in the ares where euro disease, conflicts and more cleared the area.

          • 2 years ago

            Probably won't be a universal situation in Europe. France yes, UK yes, Poland no, Germany maybe. It also won't be anywhere near a unified umma since you'll have vicious ethnic divisions - maghrebis vs blacks, albanians vs maghrebis, turks vs kurds, ect. Could see a situation whereby certain Muslims get co-opted into the system leaving the other ones out to be the more radical. I do sometimes think civil war is likely in certain European countries but more certain is that they will experience the kind of wonderful societal unrest and widespread violence the US or Brazil does.

            It's less going to be Lebanese Civil War across Europe and more Favelas, LA riots but more violent, and Bataclans.

          • 2 years ago

            >France yes
            Most of their non French aren't muslim

            >UK yes
            Pakistani are their only sizable muslim majority.

          • 2 years ago

            >Most of their non French aren't muslim
            They are almost all muslim.

          • 2 years ago

            Wow, it's fricking nothing

          • 2 years ago

            >Muslims keep shitting out 6-10 kids
            They really don't anymore, unless they're in Chad or Afghanistan.

          • 2 years ago

            They're like American Catholics in the '50s though, "irreligious" = "I don't devoutly attend Mass every Sunday", not "I don't believe in God/a God as defined by Catholic theology, and I don't identify as Catholic".

        • 2 years ago

          >united christendom
          It's always peak brainlet to think the future will just be more and more centralization of power and reduction of everything into big hegemonic blocks. Navel gazing theories of the future do this because it's easier and comprehendible to think of some "CAM (Canada America mexico) Union" than it is to think of a bunch of patchwork of American successor states or god forbid the status quo.

          I had heard religious rates were declining in parts of the Arab world. I doubt what I say will happen but I wondered about a phenomenon a bit like the migration of Christians to the New World whereby outside of certain backwaters the Arab world secularizes or moderates to where religion is more or less just an identifier (European Christendom in the 1800s and 1900s) and their relatives who migrated to a new world get all the fricking crazy shit (American in the same period).

  8. 2 years ago

    It is a latin american cult at this point. Burgers tried to spread their heretic apocalyptic evangelical trash and failed because the ethnogenesis of our people is linked to Catholicism. The faster US decline the faster evangelical sects will decline.

    My perspective for future is that the Church will move to American continent if muzzies became to strong in Italy in future.

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      It took a century for Protestantism to take a hold in the Protestant strongholds northern Europe, American Hispanics went from 100% Catholic to 55% Catholic in the space of two generations lol

      • 2 years ago

        There were political incentives to do so. Not seeing ruling classes changing to protestantism.

        • 2 years ago

          >Not seeing ruling classes changing to protestantism.
          Bolsenaro is Evangelical.

          • 2 years ago

            His prostitute wife is. He is catholic, though a very lukewarm one.

  9. 2 years ago

    With acces to education all over the planet, all religions will die in the near future.
    Only a minority of autistic morons will believe and follow religions and cults.

    • 2 years ago

      We already went through this once. Atheists don't reproduce and will die out and be replaced by non-atheists who do actually reproduce above replacement rate.

      • 2 years ago

        why is this something that happens "once" ?

  10. 2 years ago

    The future in the third world you mean.

  11. 2 years ago

    >What do you think Christianity will look like the coming centuries?
    Same as it ever was. People go for the major events of their lives; fewer churches to attend to more people.

    Probably less overall though; irreligion is on the rise.

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