Did the Irish benefit at all from English/British rule?

Did the Irish benefit at all from English/British rule?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Every hospital and railway and jobs to build them

    • 2 years ago

      >Every hospital

      What hospitals? Hospitals in Ireland were built by the Irish people and run by the Catholic church.

      You'll be the judge. The Irish language did not have words for toothbrush, shoes and hygiene. Unknown concepts to the Irish man before they were forcefully civilized

      The only thing to judge from your post is you're a seething lying homosexual. The mere mention of Ireland triggers you.

      >sláinteachas » Hygiene.
      sláinteolaíocht » (Science of) hygiene

      Broga is shoes

      By the time tooth brushes were invented most people spoke English. Tooth brushes are a modern invention.

      • 2 years ago

        You'll be the judge. The Irish language did not have words for toothbrush, shoes and hygiene. Unknown concepts to the Irish man before they were forcefully civilized

        This guy shows up in Ireland-bashing threads and claims "Irish has no word for X" despite obviously having zero knowledge of the language at all

      • 2 years ago

        From English..

        • 2 years ago

          >brogue, the shoe, which comes from the Irish word bróg and probably derives from an Old Norse term meaning "leg covering." Brogue, the accent, comes from a different Irish word, barróg, which means "accent" or "speech impediment."

          It seems the English word comes from Irish not the other way round.

        • 2 years ago

          Hygiene etymology - late 16th century: via French from modern Latin hygieina,

      • 2 years ago

        This guy shows up in Ireland-bashing threads and claims "Irish has no word for X" despite obviously having zero knowledge of the language at all

        Does the Irish "language" have a word for seething homosexual? Might come in handy

        • 2 years ago

          Look in the mirror and you'll see a seething homosexual.

          • 2 years ago

            Oh what a great comeback paddy

      • 2 years ago

        Literally made up. Your argument is completely worthless, just like your nation. Linguists observe this process in many minority languages, they either get oppressed or more or less naturally forgotten, so they lack terminology for many things that were newly introduced to their culture from the outside. The Kurdish language for example completely lacked the possibilty to describe certain technical topics. And the Irish language did not have words for concepts foreign to them, like hygiene or footwear. There's two solutions to this, one would be to just use foreign words to help out. The other is literally making up new words.

    • 2 years ago

      More like Scottish rule

      You'll be the judge. The Irish language did not have words for toothbrush, shoes and hygiene. Unknown concepts to the Irish man before they were forcefully civilized

      >Every hospital

      What hospitals? Hospitals in Ireland were built by the Irish people and run by the Catholic church.
      The only thing to judge from your post is you're a seething lying homosexual. The mere mention of Ireland triggers you.

      >sláinteachas » Hygiene.
      sláinteolaíocht » (Science of) hygiene

      Broga is shoes

      By the time tooth brushes were invented most people spoke English. Tooth brushes are a modern invention.

      Why does she look middle eastern?

      Ireland is a middle eastern country

      why didnt they fish?

      • 2 years ago

        Because fishing is for losers

      • 2 years ago

        Irish people did fish. The famine most prominently affected inland farmers who relied on potato crops for sustenance, who did not live close enough to water nor could afford the means to buy the necessary fishing equipment especially after their crops had failed.

        • 2 years ago

          why didnt they rebel?

          • 2 years ago

            similar to why Ukrainians didn't rebel during Holodomor, they didn't have any hope of winning and a significant portion of their able-bodied men were starving

          • 2 years ago
          • 2 years ago

            >everybody in your village starts starving
            >before you all fall to starvation, riot, raid an armory and loot food and inspire revolution through the country
            its not that hard
            why didnt they do it

    • 2 years ago

      Because they would have never been able to do any of that.

      • 2 years ago

        Every hospital in Ireland was built by and for Irish people and staffed by Irish people even during British rule. There was a bit of an economic boom in the latter decades of the 1800s and most of what's built in Ireland is from around then and there was a well established Catholic middle class and powerful church by then which is when the older hospitals were built.

  2. 2 years ago

    More like Scottish rule

  3. 2 years ago

    You'll be the judge. The Irish language did not have words for toothbrush, shoes and hygiene. Unknown concepts to the Irish man before they were forcefully civilized

    • 2 years ago

      >they didn’t have a word for it
      >implying they weren’t hygienic because there was no word for it
      So the Japanese don’t actually love anyone?

      • 2 years ago

        They most likely don't, yes.

    • 2 years ago

      The english imported toothbrushes from china until a factory in scotland opened up in the mid 20th century, the gaelic word was akin to "toothsticks", the precursor to brushes and the called them this long after bristle brushes were used.

      >Every hospital

      What hospitals? Hospitals in Ireland were built by the Irish people and run by the Catholic church.
      The only thing to judge from your post is you're a seething lying homosexual. The mere mention of Ireland triggers you.

      >sláinteachas » Hygiene.
      sláinteolaíocht » (Science of) hygiene

      Broga is shoes

      By the time tooth brushes were invented most people spoke English. Tooth brushes are a modern invention.

      Invented in the song dynasty a long fricking time ago.

    • 2 years ago

      Yet the British are the ones infamous for their yellow teeth and bad odor

    • 2 years ago

      Ancient Irish shoe... VGH...

      • 2 years ago

        That thing was made in 1975, who the frick are they kidding

        There's photographs of riots during the troubles where some of the I*rish are wearing these

        • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago


          >The only other good reference to specific Irish exports at this time comes from the seventh-century Life of Philabert of Noirmoutier, the emporium/trading post at the mouth of the Loire River mentioned above. This text describes:
          >Scottorum navis diversis mercimoniis plenus ad litus affuit, quae calciamenta ac vestimenta fratribus larga copia ministravit §42. (Krusch and Levison 1910, 603).
          >‘The arrival of Irish ships with various goods aboard which supplied the brethren with ample quantity of shoes and clothes’ (translation by T. Kerr)

          • 2 years ago

            How did the wicked Saxons manage to destroy the thriving Irish footwear industry? Anglo devils, curse them

  4. 2 years ago

    Why does she look middle eastern?

    • 2 years ago

      Ireland is a middle eastern country

    • 2 years ago

      Some Irish have Med blood. See people like Colin Farrell. He can practically pass as a Spaniard.

      • 2 years ago

        >Some Irish have Med blood
        Not really, they just say that to make themselves sound interesting as they've never really been part of Europe in a meaningful way

      • 2 years ago

        >Some Irish have Med blood.
        No they don't.
        >like Colin Farrell
        He's 98% Irish on an Ancestry test according to him. He only looks Med because he loves in LA and has a tan.

        >Some Irish have Med blood
        Not really, they just say that to make themselves sound interesting as they've never really been part of Europe in a meaningful way

        >Not really, they just say that to make themselves sound interesting

        Never heard any Irish person make that claim.

        • 2 years ago

          >Never heard any Irish person make that claim
          The Irish promote the idea that they're "Iberian", and love talking about that one ship that washed ashore there centuries ago as an explanation for their black hair

  5. 2 years ago

    Yes, Germanic bulls thought them how to read, and without the kindness of the anglo saxon race it would probably look like Afghanistan.

    • 2 years ago

      It's the other way around buddy.

      • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      > it would probably look like Afghanistan
      An Ireland with her forests teeming with wildlife, lakes, and the occasional Celtic village would be pretty based

      • 2 years ago

        >teeming with wildlife
        squirrels and a few red deer, maybe
        ireland never had deer, only one species of reptile, no bears since the celts arrived in 500 bc and wiped them out
        I get the anti-english sentiment from some irish and scotch people but this idea they'd be living in an edenic paradise without them is absurd, they're not the Amazon rainforest

        • 2 years ago

          >ireland never had deer
          *ireland never had boar

        • 2 years ago

          True, the depopulation of Ireland ironically may have preserved more of Irish heritage lol

      • 2 years ago

        Ireland is a proof that poor doesn't imply soul.

        • 2 years ago

          Irish invented organized spirituality.

  6. 2 years ago

    Of course they did. The most powerful man in the world right now is an Irishman squatting in the white house. The Irish can b***h and moan all they want, but in the long run, Britain secured the existence of the dumb, suicidal Irish.

    • 2 years ago

      >Irishman squatting in the white house.

      He's as much English as he is Irish, but there's no English lobby to pander to for votes.

      • 2 years ago

        WASPs should start acting like blacks or Irish. Vote for whichever party panders to you more, only live around other WASPs, and terrorize innocents with riots and rampant crime whenever your community is slighted. Before you know it, English Americans will be back in charge

    • 2 years ago

      Biden is an English surname lol. He's a Mutt who identifies with his most recent immigrant grandparent, the standard for New Worlders

  7. 2 years ago

    Finns and Poles and Gayreeks are genetically and racially superior to the Irish.

    • 2 years ago

      Its sort of amusing to see Great Britain being unable to have good relations with its own vassals/regional powers.

  8. 2 years ago

    Northern Ireland did

    • 2 years ago

      Northern Ireland didn't.

      Northern Ireland is the result of an abortive attempt to strongarm Home Rule into existence in 1920. Remember; the Ulster Unionists wanted Westminster rule for one reason only-they wanted supremacy over Catholics.

      They suggested things like "economic issues" or "constitutional problems", but in reality all they wanted was to keep Irish Catholics under their boot. The form of Home Rule they received in 1921 as a result of partition was more severe than anything ever proposed by the Home Rule campaign-only it included the loss of all Unionist areas in the 3 counties of Ulster that were not included in Northern Ireland. Northern Ireland was in full blown economic collapse by the 1930s, briefly saved by the WW2 economy only to be blitzed near into oblivion.

      While the Ulster Unionists *did* enjoy a few decades of running their play-pretend democracy in the north, their abject failure to actually govern meant that the very large Irish Catholic minority felt no loyalty to them-and no real attempt was made by Britain to prevent this. When it inevitably imploded, Britain did (as usual) try to side with the supremacist morons over sincere reformers such as the SDLP-only to eventually shrug and help bring about the Good Friday Agreement, perhaps the most paralysing defeat that Ulster Unionism suffered since partition itself-arguably an even greater one. While those first 50 years or so may have felt like a victory, in the context of the 20th century itself it was a slow decline marked with instability and violence until eventual collapse.

  9. 2 years ago

    No, they did not.
    >Norman Invasion
    Ireland had just crowned a High King that was not contested in his claim to the throne by any other king-a rarity, but one that was now backed by the King controlling both the largest armies and the wealth.
    >Lordship of Ireland
    Laws restricting Irish language/culture, and the confiscation of land to be granted to Norman barons.
    >Kingdom of Ireland
    More anti-Irish laws, religious persecution. Ruthless plantations, violent sectarian oppression, countless wars, the shattering of any remaining Irish nobility or landed classes that might have cultivated any loyalty or goodwill between the Irish population and English/British rule.
    Act of Union had to be bribed/coerced into existence and was immediately opposed. Within 50 years of it, millions of Irish people had died or been forced to emigrate due to the devastation caused by the Potato Blight, which was a direct result of British colonial policy. Widespread political and religious discrimination continued, with the main boon being that Irish people were permitted to be cannon fodder in the army if they wanted.
    >Late Union
    Sincere attempts to actual secure self-governance and improve Ireland within the UK+Empire were met with opposition and with underhanded/corrupt plotting to keep even the most moderate of Irish Nationalists far from Westminster.
    >Early 20th Century
    Overwhelming majority support being in the UK with limited self-governance in Dublin. Within roughly 15 years, British incompetence and malice resulted in the same population being overwhelmingly in favour of independence and Republicanism.

    Any and all infostructure or "services" were created either for the exclusive use of the colonial elite, for the exploitation of the land, or for more efficient colonisation-and by extension, oppression of the majority. At no stage did Ireland benefit from English/British rule, outside of when England tried (half-heartedly) to solve the problems that *it* created in Ireland.

    • 2 years ago

      Northern Ireland didn't.

      Northern Ireland is the result of an abortive attempt to strongarm Home Rule into existence in 1920. Remember; the Ulster Unionists wanted Westminster rule for one reason only-they wanted supremacy over Catholics.

      They suggested things like "economic issues" or "constitutional problems", but in reality all they wanted was to keep Irish Catholics under their boot. The form of Home Rule they received in 1921 as a result of partition was more severe than anything ever proposed by the Home Rule campaign-only it included the loss of all Unionist areas in the 3 counties of Ulster that were not included in Northern Ireland. Northern Ireland was in full blown economic collapse by the 1930s, briefly saved by the WW2 economy only to be blitzed near into oblivion.

      While the Ulster Unionists *did* enjoy a few decades of running their play-pretend democracy in the north, their abject failure to actually govern meant that the very large Irish Catholic minority felt no loyalty to them-and no real attempt was made by Britain to prevent this. When it inevitably imploded, Britain did (as usual) try to side with the supremacist morons over sincere reformers such as the SDLP-only to eventually shrug and help bring about the Good Friday Agreement, perhaps the most paralysing defeat that Ulster Unionism suffered since partition itself-arguably an even greater one. While those first 50 years or so may have felt like a victory, in the context of the 20th century itself it was a slow decline marked with instability and violence until eventual collapse.

      The mere existence of Irish people/Ireland creates a deep insecurity in many British people-particularly the sorts that browse a website like this one.

      For them, they allow "British Patriotism" to fill the voids in their personality, meaning that an attack on Britain is an attack on them personally. It is necessary for their mental wellbeing that Ireland and the Irish are perceived as downtrodden and defeated by their own hand-even if it's by confused shitposts on an imageboard.

      That is why you see so many threads on IQfy about Ireland; so many shitposts, so many Oliver Cromwell dindu nuffin threads, so many gormless and confused turdposts about this event or that event. These people are deranged, and the notion that any Irish person lives with agency in a state of content wellbeing is poison to their worldview. They need to feel superior, they need to play-pretend that they're some grand Imperial patriot. While the British Tory party steals their future from them, they take to the internet in their parents house, or their student gaff, or wherever they may be. In their part time jobs in shitty shops, in their group chats with the lads, in their politics discords and mundane everyday pockets of socialisation. Every corner of their life is coated in a greasy layer of delusion, that allows them to withdraw from their life to pretend for a while that they embody Britain, and are fighting on its behalf. A new thread is made. Why didn't they fish?

      Goodnight Britishgays. If you are reading this in the morning I hope you have a nice day, despite it all.


    • 2 years ago

      They British found this and turned it into civilization.

      >Ireland had just crowned a High King that was not contested in his claim to the throne by any other king
      Refugees asked the Normans for help, Irish clans were constantly warring and cattle raiding each other, Anglo-Norman knights defeated the barbarians and put order in the areas that were not misty peat bogs or ragged mountains.

      Not much different from the rest of the world at the time with the peasants toiling in the fields, better than being pillaged and raped by a neighboring clan.

      Infrequent compared to endemic cattle raiding and iron age celt internecine warfare, often limited to a few small regions, also the rebellions were started by the Irish which were always pointless and soundly defeated. Ireland didn't win its freedom, it was the changes of the modern world that caused Britain to release it.

      >Kingdom of Ireland
      Culture is superficial and meaningless. While it is still arbitrary and oppressive to try and forcibly change someone's culture, it is understandable. Take the example of Silken Thomas who was protesting his father being placed in the tower of London, he marched to Dublin to protest but while others counselled against it, the wailing of a Celtic poet sorceror cast an incantation on him inducing him to rebel against Henry VIII. The King had until then been content with Irish autonomy and allegiance, which adequately fulfilled England's strategic needs against foreign invasion, and Ireland's, however this event proved Ireland was unstable and it became necessary for national security to seize control. England was never frothing at the mouth with a desire to oppress Ireland like a dog salivating over a piece of beef, it is more complicated than that, but I guess any nuance is lost on you.

      >the Potato Blight, which was a direct result of British colonial policy
      How did the British create phytophthora infestans before modern genetics?

  10. 2 years ago

    The mere existence of Irish people/Ireland creates a deep insecurity in many British people-particularly the sorts that browse a website like this one.

    For them, they allow "British Patriotism" to fill the voids in their personality, meaning that an attack on Britain is an attack on them personally. It is necessary for their mental wellbeing that Ireland and the Irish are perceived as downtrodden and defeated by their own hand-even if it's by confused shitposts on an imageboard.

    That is why you see so many threads on IQfy about Ireland; so many shitposts, so many Oliver Cromwell dindu nuffin threads, so many gormless and confused turdposts about this event or that event. These people are deranged, and the notion that any Irish person lives with agency in a state of content wellbeing is poison to their worldview. They need to feel superior, they need to play-pretend that they're some grand Imperial patriot. While the British Tory party steals their future from them, they take to the internet in their parents house, or their student gaff, or wherever they may be. In their part time jobs in shitty shops, in their group chats with the lads, in their politics discords and mundane everyday pockets of socialisation. Every corner of their life is coated in a greasy layer of delusion, that allows them to withdraw from their life to pretend for a while that they embody Britain, and are fighting on its behalf. A new thread is made. Why didn't they fish?

    Goodnight Britishgays. If you are reading this in the morning I hope you have a nice day, despite it all.

    • 2 years ago

      please cope harder.

      >The Belfast man laughs most heartily at himself: the Dubliner never laughs at himself; he laughs only at other people. He’ll laugh himself sore at an Englishman, but if an Englishman laughs back at him, he’ll sulk for a century. The measure of the Southern Irishman’s lack of humour is his assumption that he, the spoiled child of the British Commonwealth, is oppressed, and that he can only liberate himself by depositing bombs in railway cloakrooms. Ulstermen are adult: they do no behave like overgrown infants. - St. John Greer Ervine

      Irish have always been a bunch of moaners who like to delude themselves that the british care so much about them but truth is that we are not taught any irish history at school. We do not learn about the famine, cromwell or any of this. We know ireland as that funny little country where they film mrs browns boys and that's about it. no one gives a shit about your history, you are not important and your tv shows objectively suck.

      • 2 years ago

        That entire paragraph and idea is complete nonsense, though. Outrage politics is the culture and theme of Ulster Unionism and always has been. The spluttering rage of Ulster Unionists is one of the most well established tropes in history.

        The myth of the crying Irish is perpetuated through an insecure need to portray the Irish as feeble and sensitive, despite the fact that the Irish Free State/Republic of Ireland did a better job of culling and suppressing the IRA in about 10 years than the Ulster Unionists did in a century. The Republic of Ireland defines itself confidently as a successful nation, one borne of its own merit and with its own beauty and talent. It shouldn't-but it does.

        Northern Ireland defines itself as constantly on the back foot due to the scheming and plotting of the eternal Republican enemy, which it has failed for 100 years to defeat or even damage. As I said in prior posts (which are validated by your off the cuff and clumsy reply) it is an immense need for Britons to insulate their insecurities from exposure by portraying the Irish as weak, defeated, feeble and sensitive crybabies. In practice the opposite is true.

        • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            >BLACK PEOPLE:(

          • 2 years ago
          • 2 years ago

            Seething bong got btfo and has to resort to posting pics of Sf being gay and cringe.

          • 2 years ago
          • 2 years ago
          • 2 years ago
          • 2 years ago

            >I live rent free in their minds
            >I also think about them so much I decide to make wojak memes about them

          • 2 years ago

            Shouldn't Mexico be Argentina? Why would Mexicans care?

          • 2 years ago

            Based. That's called being consequent, fighting oppression and injustice wherever it can be fought

        • 2 years ago

          >tried to disprove crying irish
          >posts three paragraphs of salty tears.

          Maybe don't be such a bunch of blabbering sobbers if you don't like to be portrayed as such. Can't me ye selves, can you?

        • 2 years ago

          >despite the fact that the Irish Free State/Republic of Ireland did a better job of culling and suppressing the IRA in about 10 years than the Ulster Unionists did in a century
          Because the anti-Treatyites were a meme splinter faction and most of the Free State didn't want *another* war with the UK to forcefully drag a bunch of Unionists kicking and screaming into the Free State.

          • 2 years ago

            Also helped that the Irish free state forces contained a lot of Ex-IRA who knew the tactics, hideouts etc of the IRA.

      • 2 years ago

        An Anglo laughing at anything is invariably dripping with condescending, degrading venom.

        • 2 years ago

          It's hard not to be condescending when you rule the planet. We are conversing in english here, you lost.

    • 2 years ago

      >IQfy users are mentally ill and badly socialized
      Shocking revelations

  11. 2 years ago

    Most of the people in the East India Company were actually Irish and Scots. Funny how these trash b***h and moan about English colonialism

    • 2 years ago

      "Irish" pre independence can mean anything ranging from Gaelic Catholic peasant to Dublin Protestant Merchant or Aristocrat.
      Gaelic plebs were obviously never in charge, they were just soldiers who fought for money and some adventure abroad. Sikhs were also loyal British foot soldiers but nobody would realistically accuse Punjabis of being in control of British Imperial Policies.

      • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          I'm not coping you mong, my family are Scottish Protestants and I'm a Unionist. I'm simply stating the facts as they are. The average Gaelic speaking Irishman didn't run jack shit in the empire, they were servants to the Protestant Ascendancy. Irish Catholics in the UK were like the Poles within Prussia or the Finns within Sweden.

          • 2 years ago

            sounds like hibernian cope about their evil past

  12. 2 years ago

    literally everything that you think of as being irish or that was of note from ireland was achieved by anglo-irish prots. they were like the prussian junker class except more well-rounded and not just autistic milgays.

    irish catholics may as well have never existed. total historical irrelevance.

    • 2 years ago

      >they were like the prussian junker class except more well-rounded and not just autistic milgays.

      • 2 years ago

        >Members of this ruling class self-identified as Irish (Maguire, 2016) but retained English cultural, commercial and political tastes and habits. This led to the comparison between the Anglo-Irish and the Prussian Junker class (e.g. Barnett, 1970, in Bowen and Bowen, 2005).

  13. 2 years ago

    Why is this one English sperg so obsessed with the Irish?

    • 2 years ago

      He loves the attention and is a narcissist. Someone mentioned the Anglo Autist last week here and that he was a troony who edits wiki ages or something. Anyone have a qrd?

  14. 2 years ago

    why do the basedrish who squat on this board think that anyone who disagrees with them is one (1) poster

    • 2 years ago

      Mild psychosis. Considering the topic it's probably induced by a lifetime of heavy substance abuse

  15. 2 years ago

    >another Irish cope thread

  16. 2 years ago

    Ignoring the seething fenian for a moment, I can name at least one thing that the Irish benefited from and it was their proximity to the British Empire. The wealth of the British empire spilled over into Ireland and by the 19th century, Irish living standards and quality of life were on the rise and were similar to their English counterparts.
    >inb4 muh famine
    3 million Irishmen were fed every day by British, government sponsored soup kitchens and then some more were fed by charity. The British didn’t just stand by and do nothing. The only thing that could have made people, like the seething fenian this thread, happy is if the government uprooted all of British law and started confiscating all the food everywhere specifically for the Irish. Now watch as he ignores the soup kitchens.

  17. 2 years ago

    Angloids are foaming at the mouth at that Celtic truth bomb. Can't even hide their impotent fury.

  18. 2 years ago

    She doesn't have red hair so she isn't Irish.

  19. 2 years ago

    Ireland threads are always a riot.

  20. 2 years ago

    the Irish along with the israelites and Slavs and Romanians need to have their pride broken. This amount of ethnonarcissism destroys a person.

    • 2 years ago

      > oy vey, those Irish along with the israelites and Slavs and Romanians goys need to have their pride broken.

      • 2 years ago

        nah israelites need to have their pride broken more than anyone

  21. 2 years ago

    Not a single invention or patent has come from Ireland in the 20th century. That's literally Albania tier. How can Irish men come online knowing this but still act like they're some kind of masterrace

    • 2 years ago

      >How can Irish men come online knowing this but still act like they're some kind of masterrace

      We don't care though so what are you gonna do now?

      • 2 years ago

        I know you don't care paddy, about anything. I think that's the core of the Irish problem

  22. 2 years ago

    Well, we stopped them fighting each other. Drive around ireland today and you will find the countryside scattered with countless ruined stone forts, from which each family fought constantly against everyone else, a bit like afganistan in the 1930s. That's an improvement, surely? It's the same reason why we pacified the Welsh and the scots.

    • 2 years ago

      >we stopped them fighting each other
      When? Last time I checked they're still at it

  23. 2 years ago

    >Did the Irish benefit at all from English/British rule?

    Learning English was the only real benefit. Maybe being accidentally encouraged to leave and go to America?

  24. 2 years ago

    The Irish need to accept the English as a contributing ancestral group, as they do the Milesians, Vikings and Normans. Their schizophrenia would disappear overnight, and they'd look far less stupid when claiming all of the contributions of Unionists, Anglicans and ethnic Englishmen as wholly-Gaelic

  25. 2 years ago

    You have no idea what you're typing.

  26. 2 years ago

    We got too wienery Anglobros......

    • 2 years ago

      Oirish wuzzery is quite bizarre

    • 2 years ago

      the irish were monks preserving the glory of rome and greece while anglos were naked pagan savages

      • 2 years ago

        >we wuz rome and shit
        romans never set foot on your bogs

        • 2 years ago

          And WHY do you think that is, dickface?

          • 2 years ago

            because there was nothing there of worth and no honor to be gained in conquering it, unlike britain

          • 2 years ago

            Lol, you don't know, the Irish invented the concept of "honor." A certain class of Irish were welcomed into the patriciate, and presided over the Office of Pontifex Maximus being the true spiritual power of the Senate. I don't expect you to know any of this because how could you? But if you believed Wikipedia's cookie-cutter version of history, then you wouldn't be here. Hate if you will, Ireland 's the source of ALL Western civilization.

      • 2 years ago

        >the irish were monks preserving the glory of rome and greece while anglos were naked pagan savages
        ireland was still in the iron age in the 11th century
        anglo-saxon england surpassed it centuries before lol

        • 2 years ago

          The Anglo-Saxons 're the Franks, and the Franks invented the Catholic Church to honor the Irish. Surprise!

        • 2 years ago

          Anglo Saxon England would have been on par with Ireland. Saying Ireland was stuck in the Iron age is ridiculous. Some Anglo larpers are just too Autistic to comprehend people doing things different to them so they label them primitive or savage.

          • 2 years ago

            Ireland had a few architecturally-basic monastic sites where monks translated pages of the Bible. It had no coinage, no roads, no settlements that could be considered towns (basically just hillforts), no architecture of note, nothing.

            When the Vikings unironically improve your civilisation, you know you've been in a pretty backwards state.

          • 2 years ago

            There was roads. There was towns but they didn't have cobbled streets and most didn't have walls so Anglo autism will disregard it all. Hill forts are from an earlier age. The vikings set Irish civilization back not improved it.

          • 2 years ago

            He ignores the fact that the Irish eventually defeated those searaiding Black folk.

          • 2 years ago

            The oldest structure at Cashel dates to 1100 AD

            the cultured irish were building huge round towers while anglos and nords were living in mud hovels

            The oldest surviving round towers date to the mid-11th century. Saxons built round tower churches too. Ireland's architecture, at all stages of the Anglo-Saxon period in England, is inferior in size and complexity to what the English were building.

          • 2 years ago

            Clonmacnoise had cobbled streets. There were also paved country roads like the one excavated at Bloomhill Bog.

          • 2 years ago

            There's evidence of rudimentary 'paving' around Palaeolithic settlements in France from around 30,000 years ago. That's quite different from having proper roads between settlements many miles apart

          • 2 years ago

            Did anywhere in medieval Europe have paved roads extending for many miles, aside from what Rome left behind? The bog road I mentioned was paved for about a kilometer, but there are known to have been unpaved roads suitable for carts and chariots across the country. There are accounts of how kings organised their subjects to build roads and causeways, and law texts categorizing different types of roads by size.

            >An Old Irish law tract suggests that there are five different grades of road, ranging from the slige, or highway, which is wide enough that two chariots can meet, to the bóthar, or cowtrack, which is the width of two cows ‘one sideways, the other lengthways’ (see Kelly 1997, 538).

          • 2 years ago

            >he lied in English

          • 2 years ago

            There was roads. There was towns but they didn't have cobbled streets and most didn't have walls so Anglo autism will disregard it all. Hill forts are from an earlier age. The vikings set Irish civilization back not improved it.

            He ignores the fact that the Irish eventually defeated those searaiding Black folk.

            the cultured irish were building huge round towers while anglos and nords were living in mud hovels

          • 2 years ago

            Irish monks preserved Graeco-Roman texts, but that Scottish spastic will hear none of it.

        • 2 years ago

          If Anglos were so great then how did the Norman's rout them in a day and no Anglo Saxon army ever beat a Norman army or took any of their castles or towns an exact tribute on them lile the Irish were able to do. There was no Anglo Saxon reconquest of territory like the Irish managed to pull off. It took 500 years from the Normans from Britain landing here until Ireland was finally conquered.

    • 2 years ago

      >Irish monks roaming medieval Europe, trying to sell the old books they have lying around in their filthy monasteries for booze and a bit of food
      Saviors of civilization

    • 2 years ago

      >Saved civilization
      >Didn't even know what a fishing pole is

  27. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      >that lad on the right

  28. 2 years ago

    Despite the famine, plantations, voting rights persecution, persecutory employment laws, eradication of the Gaelic language, inability to be a true sovereign people, and oftentimes unjust treatment by local garrisons.
    There were in fact glimmers of gold to British rule for that of Irish at times, which even I can't deny as one myself.
    Most notably would be.
    >Steady employment with prospects of advancement in social mobility, for hundreds of thousands of Irishmen who served in the crown's army aside honour, glory, renknown, plunder, wanderlust and all that jazz fighting abroad.
    >Millions of economic opportunities to facilite the advent of modernization, with positions as labourers, civil engineers, shipbuilders, miners and factory workers at home and abroad for Irishmen.
    >Increased standard of living with high investment in better infrastructure, healthcare, education and transportation.
    >A far greater access and expansion of consumer markets, that fulfilled the needs and happiness of countless irish.
    >Massive economic booms within coastal regions like Belfast, Dublin, Wexford, Cork, Killarney that saw massive amounts of trade and booms in industry so much so that at one point Wexford was the busiest port in the world.
    >The ability to partake in the prestige of facilitating the largest empire on earth, which for the most part improved the life of hundreds of millions spreading modern ideals of enlightenment, order, justice, medicine, literacy and progress in the grandest humanitarian effort the world has ever seen.

    • 2 years ago

      The fact remains that the only time the Irish have ever enjoyed prosperity was when they were independent, they were still dirt-poor when they were in the empire.

      • 2 years ago

        it's run-of-the-mill at best

      • 2 years ago

        Just because da anglo man is keeping da paddy down

      • 2 years ago

        They were dirt poor for decades after independence too. It was only in the 90s that they came up with the bright idea of becoming a tax haven for corporations, which was about the only way they were going to achieve prosperity.

  29. 2 years ago

    Nowadays they basically indirectly benefit from being an English speaking country with a Common Law system, thereby making it attractive to American money investment.
    The British Empire also lowkey is why the Irish diaspora is as widespread as it is, thereby giving Ireland armies of fanboys abroad who will support them diplomatically and economically.
    That's probably about it.

    • 2 years ago

      >The British Empire also lowkey is why the Irish diaspora is as widespread as it is
      I'd say it's one of the main reasons, the British aristocracy fricked generations of Irish people and committed literal genocide, and I say that as a Brit.
      Also iirc - people of Irish descent, at least certain groups, are able to survive off of less food due to the genetic impact of The Famine on their ancestors.

  30. 2 years ago

    What the frick is wrong with this thread? Why is internet discourse so God awful and autistic?
    I'm from the UK, never once dedicated this much thought to Irish-British relations nor have I ever come across anyone IRL who would dare speak and act like this. You're all a bunch of fricking lunatics who live in a parallel online world.
    In real life, a normal Briton should be hating Americans, like everyone else in Europe does.

    • 2 years ago

      >In real life, a normal Briton should be hating Americans, like everyone else in Europe does.
      They are attempting to divide us.

  31. 2 years ago

    Did Irish girls really go about their day without wearing shoes? Lewd as frick

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