Do you think the RTX 4060 will be closer to a 3070 or a 3080 in terms of performance?

Do you think the RTX 4060 will be closer to a 3070 or a 3080 in terms of performance?

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  1. 2 years ago

    I don't care. Not buying an NVIDIA card until they respect the four essential freedoms.

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago


  2. 2 years ago

    It's a new fabrication process and new microarchitecture so we should see better gains than the 2000 series but we will have to wait and see how much. The 3000 series was a pretty big jump from 12nm to 7/8nm, now we're going to 5nm so it will probably be less impressive than the 3000 series gains but better than the 2000 series gains.

    • 2 years ago

      Ampere was also a new process and microarchitecture. Rumored tsmc 4 isn't a major improvement over samsung 8 despite being arguably two nodes smaller. Samsung 8 was a refresh of 10 nm, not a 7 nm process.

      I'm guessing they'll cut down on die size as much as possible and just up power draw as far as the cooler will allow. Pricing is probably going to be even worse thanks to inflation and no sign of shipping or supply shortages improving thanks to zero covid policy.

      • 2 years ago

        Die size for the 4000 series is going to be huge actually. The H100 came in a bit under 1000mm2.

        But Nividia is defintely going to try to get prices back down. Stimmies are over and they know they can't have a cash positive consumer GPU division by excluding 90% of the market.

      • 2 years ago

        >Ampere was also a new process and microarchitecture. Rumored tsmc 4 isn't a major improvement over samsung 8 despite being arguably two nodes smaller. Samsung 8 was a refresh of 10 nm, not a 7 nm process.

        None of this shit means anything because gate length is a meaningless measurement

    • 2 years ago

      Don't be fooled by "4nm." It's 5nm+. Barely better than AMD's. MCM could yield considerably better results than the single digit 4nm gives.

      • 2 years ago

        MCM is for yields. As in, economics. It's a performance malus that has to be handled with other innovations. You don't go MCM for per-mm2 performance, you do it so you can have cheaper GPUs at a given performance level. And given the state of mGPU right now, I expect AMD's first MCM GPU to be a Titan-type of thing, meant for production and small-time data work.

        I agree that process is slowing down though and full of bullshit.

        So is Nvidia's uarch designs. The 3090 has more than 4X the cores of the 2070, yet it's only 2X as fast. If we take those numbers and apply them to the 3090Ti/4090Ti numbers, it makes the 4090Ti +30-40% faster, basically in-line with history. AMD's done a much better job of scaling performance with core count. Maybe that's because of a simpler uarch, but Nvidia has clearly hit a wall with their architecture.

        • 2 years ago

          Lovelace is going to have increased cache though, which might have unforeseen consequences...

          • 2 years ago

            It could. We'll see. It will also have fully independent int/float piplines. Ampere's bifuricated compute cores didn't improve it's frames/cores compared to Turing though, although it did boost overall performance.

            IMO we're looking at a basic b***h gen upgrade.

          • 2 years ago

            Think it'll be worth it for me coming from a 1660S?

          • 2 years ago

            Depends what you play tbh, I put my 1650 back in because my room is too hot in the summer with the 30 series and it's running things fine

  3. 2 years ago

    A 3070, at best a 3070TI at high res and with RT.

    Forever now, Nvidia plans for it's (X+1)Y card to deliver the performance of it's previous gen X(Y+1) card. So, a GTX970 is about like a GTX 780, the RTX3070 is about like an RTX2080, for example. This is a basic fact in market segmentation that you don't want to blow out your previous customers with a new release.

    Nvidia also reliably delivers about +30% FPS within a segment; so a 3060 = 2060+30%. Or thereabouts. They never, NEVER do something like double performance in a segment (as is the rumour for 3090TI->4090TI).

    • 2 years ago

      >the RTX3070 is about like an RTX2080
      No it isn't. The 3070 is on par with (and often even faster than) the 2080 Ti.
      >Nvidia also reliably delivers about +30% FPS within a segment; so a 3060 = 2060+30%. Or thereabouts
      That's also bullshit. The 3060 is 20% faster than a 2060 at the absolute best.

      I'm not sure that some moron who can't even get the performance of existing cards with hard data available close to right should be offering their hot take on what's to come.

      • 2 years ago

        Not the person you replied to, but I think that this generation might break that convention and be a decent amount better because the competition from the AMD 6000 gpus was so extremely close. Normally, AMD has kinda competed in the low and mid range against Nvidia, but against the 3000s AMD was essentially tied (better at 1440p and below, worse at 4k) even at the highest end. I think each company might shoot above what they normally might in order to outdo each other

        Then again, that assumes they aren't communicating with each other behind the scenes and just normalizing performance with each other in order to avoid having to do that in the first place

      • 2 years ago

        >The 3070 is on par with (and often even faster than) the 2080 Ti.
        Lol no dude. That was the wish but the only way that works out is with DLSS+RT cranked, to take advantage of the higher tensor/rt core count. The reviews for the 3070 were full of cope when they realized it was just a 2080/S replacement.

        If you're looking at TPU, they forced the 2080TI on up to 4K, and everything below to 1080p, which really fricks the results, but the actual reviews were clearly disappointed that the 3070 wasn't the 2080Ti killer everyone wanted. Compare the 3070 vs 2080Ti in Toms's CB2077 review. The 3070 is solidly behind the 2080Ti everywhere, EXCEPT for Ultra RT+DLSS 1440p+.

        >The 3060 is 20% faster than a 2060 at the absolute best.
        That's why I said "or thereabouts". This is basic marketing and segmentation shit. It's a good bit faster than +30% with RT+DLSS, but unlike the 3070vs2080Ti comparison, the 3060 leads the 2060 in all examples.

  4. 2 years ago

    No way to tell until it's released, really. I think we'll be going back to a return to more incremental improvements as opposed to the huge leaps we saw from 20-series to 30-series. Need to bring overall pricing a little lower to encourage new buyers, since the used card market is going to explode later this year en lieu of crypto dipping again.

    On an unrelated note, why does every Pajeet/South American knock-up for future graphics cards look so awful? It's so obviously inauthentic -- it's like the person who designed OP's pic has never seen a graphics card in person before.

  5. 2 years ago

    nice designer radiator, is this from the new Bentley ?

  6. 2 years ago

    A hair better than a plain 3070, but it's still cucked by 8GB of VRAM. If the 7600 XT has 10 or 12 and costs the same or even a little less, we all know which one is the smart choice. But Nvidiots always go "the way we're meant to be played", while giving a bunch of made up reasons for why they do. The real reason is much the same thing people chose Apple for all those years they didn't offer anything over their competitors: brand recognition.

    • 2 years ago

      You have it backwards anon kun. Nvidia will offer 12gb on a 4060 housefire card with lower performance vs 8gb 7600xt

  7. 2 years ago

    All the recent leaks indicate that 4060 is 8GB. With its bus width there won't be a 16GB version because that would be too much even for Nvidia's emergency editions. AMD now has a good chance of having less israeliteed VRAM. The 6700 XT was already 12.

  8. 2 years ago

    Rtx 4070 = 192 bit bus

    $500 for a 192bit bus card.

  9. 2 years ago

    Rtx 4060 = 128 bit bus.


    $330 for a 128 bit bus card.

  10. 2 years ago

    >xx60 GPU from Nvidia
    Save your money holy frick. The last decent one was the 660ti and when in SLI it decimated the GTX 680.

    • 2 years ago

      1060 was objectively the best in its class. It had as much VRAM as the previous flagship.

  11. 2 years ago

    Don't care Gonna rock my 6900xt for a long time I don't play modern games and it murders old games from 4-10+ years ago with a 5900x x570 32gb cl16 dual rank 3200mhz 3440x1440p and vr

    Wunna get a 120hz 4k laser projector when they come out but those screens are too small and not imax

  12. 2 years ago

    It will not matter.

  13. 2 years ago

    It be priced at the 3070 level so should exceed that in performance. But it won't.

  14. 2 years ago

    frick jannies

  15. 2 years ago

    possibly 3070 Ti, maybe slightly less, for slightly less money because TSMC wafer prices increased and inflation. board partner 4060 cards for $550-600, and youtubers will say "actually nvidia is slashing prices! this is a great deal!! buy now!!".

  16. 2 years ago

    So from what I can gather in this thread you're better off going to AMD this gen?

    • 2 years ago

      There's literally nothing but rumors out right now. Ask that questions once the cards have been evaluated by independent reviewers.

  17. 2 years ago


  18. 2 years ago

    All the poor cope in this thread is amazing. I paid $629 AUD for my 12GB 3060 and I don't give a frick if something else is better. Every time I buy anything from AMD it has shit driver issues. Happened with my 6770 then my 7970. Never again

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