Gay people having children is the most natural thing in the world, actually

The fact that we can even have a conversation about whether human beings should have basic civil rights that other human beings have based on whom they love is pretty fricking depressing. There really is no place in a modern, secular society for homophobia. I think Morgan Freeman has it just right: "I hate the word homophobia. It's not a phobia. You are not scared. You are an butthole".

Just so. And you don't mess with Morgan Freeman! Damn, that man is hot!

The whole idea that homosexuality is somehow "unnatural" pisses me off. Anyone with half a goddamn brain who stops to think for one bloody second ought to be able to perceive that there is a completely natural role for gay people in any society and that having gay relatives, historically, would have been a HUGE advantage.

Gay people are NATURAL ADOPTIVE PARENTS. In the event that mommy and daddy both take a dirt nap (not that unusual in the near recent past), the most natural adoptive parents would be gay couples within a family, who share a portion of genes with the surviving children. The fact is that step-children don't do very well, particularly when one parent survives and remarries. It's called the Cinderella effect.

You can read more about it here:

Humans are powerfully inclined to protect their own genetic offspring first. Sucks for orphans, but there you have it. But orphans who go to gay parents (who are unlikely to have their own offspring), it's a winning situation. I don't know the statistics for gay men, but the incidence of gay women abusing children in one study is ZERO. I'm guessing gay men have exceptionally low rates of child abuse, too. It's pretty much impossible for gay couples to have UNWANTED children, leading to much lower rates of abuse and neglect.

Look at this family! They are beautiful, and it's impossible to even imagine those babies are unwanted.

This is why abortion must be available and pretty much a free for all. Unwanted children lead lives of misery and grow up to be anti-social little frickers who make sure the rest of us lead lives of misery, too.

Unwanted children who are born and in need of adoptive parents are BLESSED to have gay parents. The fact that we have technology to allow gay couples to conceive their own genetic children (well, half of their own genes) is a POSITIVE. It increases the likelihood that those children will grow up in a stable, loving, caring family. Plus, two daddies, two mommies – it's just so damn cute! A situation that calls for love, acceptance, equal rights and MATCHING SWEATER VESTS!

So for all the "homosexuality is unnatural blah blah blah" buttholes in the world, frick off. Gay people raising children could not be any MORE natural.

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  1. 11 years ago

    Love this. I just need to find a nice girl who wants be my husband, now, and raise some babies with her.

  2. 11 years ago

    Lol really? They cannot reproduce naturally end of discussion. If mankid was left with a gay couple we are done for. Stop trying to make reasons for it to be ok. People can be gay but it doesnt mean its right.

  3. 10 years ago
    Arien Thain

    OK! Hands up all those, who the moment they saw Morgan Freeman's picture, immediately began reading the rest of the article as if Morgan Freeman was narrating it. lol

  4. 9 years ago

    Agree, also if some people claim gays having kids is unnatural, what about heterosexuals who cannot have kids? Shut up and let gays and kids be happy

    • 4 years ago

      If heterosexual cannot have kids, it's because there is something wrong with their reproductive systems. Gay people with fully functional reproductive systems cannot have children,. no matter how often they try. That is not an opinion. That is biological science.

  5. 4 years ago

    Two things--

    1. Gay people cannot "have children." That's biologically impossible.

    2. Most child abuse cases happen to children who were in fact "planned and wanted."

  6. 4 years ago

    Janet comes off as extremely defensive here, I don't think she has much conviction in what she's saying. Anyone "with half a goddamn brain who stops to think for one bloody second would be able to perceive" that for most of human history your choice of partners was fairly limited as you lived in a small town or village, and there's a good chance a gay man would not be able to find a mate even in a society where homosexaulity was acceptable, so if mom and dad died, that kid was passed onto the mom's gay brother, he would probably be in a single-parent household

    Further, if you want gays to be around to adopt children, why the living frick would you celebrate gay people creating kids with their own DNA?

    I swear, MRAs use gays to fill a void since they can't White Knight for women.

  7. 4 years ago
    J J

    First, homosexuals are about 40x more likely to molest children. Comparing the percentage of child molesters who are homosexuals with their percentage of the population isn't hard.
    Second, something being natural isn't an argument for its goodness. Sickle cell, the plague, and death by bear mauling are all perfectly natural too.
    Third, people lived in small tribes that were usually one big extended family for almost all of human existence. Caring for the children of deceased relatives has never had anything to do with sexual orientation.

  8. 3 years ago
    Male Pisschamp

    This one of the most disgusting things I have read. The damage to a child growing up in a fricked up environment with two dads or two moms should be considered child abuse. You people are a cancer to society and need to be shut down.

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