Hadden Clark, a cross-dressing cannibal, was convicted of two murders and claimed to have done multiple ones across the eastern US but definitive evid...

Hadden Clark, a cross-dressing cannibal, was convicted of two murders and claimed to have done multiple ones across the eastern US but definitive evidence of these was lacking. While serial killers are often the result of poverty and broken homes, Clark came from a prominent old-line WASP family. His mother Flavia traced her lineage back to the Pilgrims and some of her ancestors had fought in the Revolutionary War. His paternal grandfather had served as mayor of White Plains, New York and his father had helped invent clear plastic wrap and fire moronent carpeting. Hadden was the Clarks' second son, born in Troy, Connecticut in April 1951. His brother Bradfield had been born a year earlier. Another son, Geoffrey, arrived in 1955 and a daughter, Allison, in 1959.

The Clarks spent much of their time commuting between Connecticut and New Jersey; his father, despite his MBA and degree in chemistry, was always unsatisfied with his work and looking for different jobs. Flavia had been disappointed that Hadden was a boy; she wanted a daughter and took to dressing him in girls' clothing and referring to him as Kristen. Her and her husband also drank heavily and quarreled violently.

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  1. 2 years ago

    Bradfield was always a hard child to handle and got into drug abuse as a teen. Although he obtained degrees in engineering and computer science and moved to California, where he was well-regarded in the blossoming computer industry there, he threw away a promising life when he was having an affair with a married woman named Patricia Mak and murdered her one summer evening in 1984 in a drug and alcohol-fueled frenzy. Bradfield bashed her head against some cinder blocks, strangled her, and dismembered her body. He cooked her breasts on a barbecue grille and ate them, then put the rest of the body in plastic bags. Although he was going to dispose of the remains, he became despondent at realizing what he'd done to Patricia and after initially considering suicide, he called police to turn himself in. He received 15 to life and is still in prison in California as of 2022.

    Geoff, the youngest brother, went to Ohio State University, got a degree in microbiology, married his high school sweetheart Marcia, and moved to Maryland where he settled in the suburbs of Washington D.C. and got a job in the FDA. After having three children, they quarreled and got an ugly divorce where Marcia accused Geoff of beating her--he got a suspended sentence.

    Allison, the youngest Clark child, ran away from home at 17 and would have nothing to do with her parents. During the investigations into Hadden's murders, she told detectives "I have no family."

    • 2 years ago

      But none of these peccadillos compared to what Hadden did. From the time he started school, he had antisocial and psychopathic tendencies. Neighborhood kids learned to stay out of his way or they might find their dog or cat decapitated on their doorstep. Once, Geoff recalled, he was riding a bicycle when Hadden snuck up from behind and shoved him off of it. He tumbled to the ground and received a nasty cut on his forehead. Hadden ran home and told their mother "Mom, Geoff's been in an accident. But don't worry, at least the bike is ok." Flavia thought Hadden's issues were the result of a difficult birth that had involved the obstetrician having to use forceps to deliver him. A doctor thought he had mild brain damage and his father just called him "the moron."

      Hadden was far from moronic however, he was actually a very intelligent child. But he had a terrible temper and could not stand criticism. He only felt at ease visiting his grandparents' luxury home on Cape Cod. Geoff recalled that those visits were the happiest memories of their childhoods and Hadden always looked forward to them.

      Makes you wonder nature vs nurture. Broken families to that extent are exceptionally rare from the upper-class, especially in New England. Reminds me of John Adams' family; he was obviously a genius from a great family, and John Quincy Adams was also a genius and another success, but the mother was a crazy alcoholic socialite type. JQA and his two brothers all dated a female cousin, but she chose JQA and the two brothers died of alcohol-fueled self-destruction. It would continue generationally, with more children that were either resounding successes or died in their 20s/30s of suicide/cirrhosis.

      In this particular case it seems more like schizophrenia than alcoholism, which is definitely heritable, but the mother being manipulative and the father being uncaring and abusive had to hurt things as well.

      • 2 years ago

        Holy frick, just found this. I take it back, maybe the dad was the lead psychopath all along. That entire family needs to have its genome sequenced for eugenic studies.

        • 2 years ago

          Found the name of the mayor and grandfather. Interesting to me personally because he was from White Springs, where a branch of my family comes from with unusual political connections, broken families, and premature deaths as well. Seems like a glowie kind of area.

  2. 2 years ago

    But none of these peccadillos compared to what Hadden did. From the time he started school, he had antisocial and psychopathic tendencies. Neighborhood kids learned to stay out of his way or they might find their dog or cat decapitated on their doorstep. Once, Geoff recalled, he was riding a bicycle when Hadden snuck up from behind and shoved him off of it. He tumbled to the ground and received a nasty cut on his forehead. Hadden ran home and told their mother "Mom, Geoff's been in an accident. But don't worry, at least the bike is ok." Flavia thought Hadden's issues were the result of a difficult birth that had involved the obstetrician having to use forceps to deliver him. A doctor thought he had mild brain damage and his father just called him "the moron."

    Hadden was far from moronic however, he was actually a very intelligent child. But he had a terrible temper and could not stand criticism. He only felt at ease visiting his grandparents' luxury home on Cape Cod. Geoff recalled that those visits were the happiest memories of their childhoods and Hadden always looked forward to them.

    • 2 years ago

      >his father just called him "the moron."

  3. 2 years ago

    Held back repeatedly, Hadden was unable to finish high school until 1972, when he was 21. Flavia wanted him to learn a trade so she enrolled him in the prestigious Culinary Institute of America. There, he demonstrated a gift for carving ice and tallow sculptures. He still had issues with hating criticism and would retaliate by urinating in cooking vats when no one was looking, but he completed the courses and graduated in 1974, the entire Clark family attending the graduation. With his culinary degree, Hadden had his pick of jobs in the restaurant world but his strange behavior, such as drinking bottles of raw beef blood in front of co-workers ensured that he rarely held a job for more than a few months at a time. The first jobs he held were in Provincetown on Cape Cod, where he claimed to have committed his first murders against several young women. One victim he supposedly buried under a sand dune, chopped off her hands, and used her fingers as fishing bait.

    Having alienated most of the restaurants on the Massachusetts shoreline, Hadden spent a year on the cruise ship SS Norway. In an eight year period, he went through no less than 14 different jobs, including a stint catering for the 1980 Winter Olympics in Lake Placid. His family was also crumbling during this time. As was already mentioned, his sister ran away from home in her teens, his parents divorced and his father died of cancer soon afterwards, his grandfather died, and his grandmother moved into an elder care facility.

    • 2 years ago

      >Held back repeatedly, Hadden was unable to finish high school until 1972, when he was 21
      nowadays they don't really do this anymore you pretty much pass school no matter what your grades.

    • 2 years ago

      The gig at the Lake Placid Olympics was actually to carve ice sculptures. Hadden was a pro at that and in between restaurant jobs he did extremely profitable contract work making ice sculptures. He made a good $10,000 just for his three weeks of work at the Olympics.

  4. 2 years ago

    In 1984, Hadden joined the Navy as a ship's cook. However, shipmates quickly discovered his habit of wearing women's underwear and he got into physical fights over it. He was harrassed and threatened multiple times and once stuffed into a meat locker. The Navy reassigned him to other vessels but he continued to have problems and after having his head bashed into the deck of the carrier USS Lexington, he was given a medical discharge on May 22, 1985 and diagnosed with schizophrenia. He went to live with his brother Geoff in Maryland, which set the stage for the tragic events to follow.

    It was the last day of May 1986. The first heat wave of the season had hit the mid-Atlantic and the mercury topped 90F. Hadden was in a bad mood. Geoff had kicked him out of the house after he jerk offd in front of his nieces and nephews. A few months earlier, he had been arrested for shoplifting after he tried to steal women's underwear from a K-Mart. Not for a lady friend of course, for himself. His 7 year old niece Eliza had called him a moron last week. Hadden was upset about that and wanted to kill her. Geoff and the family weren't home, they had driven down to the shore and Hadden was alone gathering up his belongings and putting them in the back of his Datsun truck.

    While Hadden was working outside, he was surprised when a little girl in a pink one piece swimsuit walked up to him and asked "Where's Eliza?" Hadden thought he'd seen the freckled, brown-haired girl before and then he remembered. She was Michele Dorr, a neighborhood playmate of Eliza's. Hadden realized that he had a chance to get back at Eliza by proxy, so he replied that she was inside the house. Michele, her swimsuit still dripping water, disappeared into the house. Hadden then took out a toolbox. It was filled with knives of all kinds--as a trained chef, he had a huge range of them for all different uses, and all extremely sharp. He pulled out a large 12" chef's knife and proceed to follow after Michele...

    • 2 years ago

      >In 1984, Hadden joined the Navy as a ship's cook. However, shipmates quickly discovered his habit of wearing women's underwear and he got into physical fights over it. He was harrassed and threatened multiple times and once stuffed into a meat locker. The Navy reassigned him to other vessels but he continued to have problems and after having his head bashed into the deck of the carrier USS Lexington, he was given a medical discharge on May 22, 1985 and diagnosed with schizophrenia.
      If you join the Navy in 2022 cross dressing and HRT injections are actually mandatory. He was 30+ years ahead of his time.

      • 2 years ago

        >cross dressing and HRT injections are actually mandatory
        That is so hot

    • 2 years ago

      the disturbing part here is that i'm on a website full of deranged schizophrenics just like this guy. i hope none of you are ever outside and a random e-girl in a swimsuit comes up and asks you something because i know one of you would do something similar.

      • 2 years ago

        Nobody on IQfy should ever be allowed in the vicinity of a little girl who isn't related to them.

        • 2 years ago

          The majority on IQfy are not insane. Just massive spergs.

    • 2 years ago

      >navy beats his ass for acting like a sperg

      • 2 years ago

        In Joe Biden's Navy he'd get a medal of honor for cross-dressing.

        • 2 years ago

          Trump lost

          • 2 years ago

            You're mad because that anon is saying the truth

    • 2 years ago

      oh boy that wasn't smart of them. god only knows what he did to the food of the guys who kicked his ass on ship.

    • 2 years ago

      >It was the last day of May 1986. The first heat wave of the season had hit the mid-Atlantic and
      the #1 song on the Billboard was Greatest Love of All. blech.

  5. 2 years ago

    Michele Dorr was the unfortunate product of a broken home. Her father Carl had degrees in economics and psychology but had been unable to find a job with them and ended up doing commission work custom painting cars. He'd also violently quarreled with Michele's mother Dorothy and sometimes beat her in front of the child. They separated and on Valentine's Day 1986, Carl went to Dorothy's home and told her if she filed for divorce he would lie and claim she cheated on him, was a bad mother, and he would kidnap Michele to take her away from her. He then beat and threw Dorothy into a wall. Michele had PTSD issues from watching her parents' feuds and had a habit of grinding her teeth.

    During the last week of May 1986, Michele, who spent about half her time with each parent, was at her father's house playing in an inflatable swimming pool in the backyard while Carl was inside watching the Indy 500 on TV. He became too fixated on the race to notice that his 6 year old daughter had wandered off. With no one else to play with, Michele was bored and went down the street to look for Eliza.

    • 2 years ago

      >Her father Carl had degrees in economics and psychology but had been unable to find a job with them and ended up doing commission work custom painting cars
      why does this sound a lot more fun than sitting in a boring office making charts about GDP growth?

  6. 2 years ago

    Anyway, Hadden, clutching a monster-sized culinary knife, approached Michele as she was searching through Eliza's room. In the blink of an eye, he slammed her to the ground and carved a Z in her chest, cutting through the front of her swimsuit. It happened so fast that Michele didn't have time to react. She stumbled over and Hadden clasped his hand over her mouth. To his surprise, she bit his thumb so he simply stabbed her in the throat with the knife. Now Hadden was in big trouble. Michele's blood was running all over the hardwood floor of Eliza's bedroom and his brother and his family would be home some time later that day. He figured he'd better clean up this mess before it was too late. But first he tried having sex with the dead little girl. When that didn't work, he decided to just concentrate on what actually mattered. He tossed Michele into a trash bag and furiously mopped up the blood from the floor, just like how he'd seen sailors mop the decks in the Navy. Then he gathered up anything in the room with blood on it and put it in trash bags, put the body in his pickup truck, and got to work at his shift in the kitchen of a local country club.

    Meanwhile, Carl Dorr had noticed Michele wasn't in the backyard. Not a big deal; she was probably just down the street with Eliza. What was there to worry about? Silver Spring was a very safe middle class neighborhood where people didn't bother locking their doors at night. He walked down to the Clarks' house and saw Geoff and his kids outside, including Eliza. But Michele wasn't with them. The Clarks said they hadn't been home and none of them had seen Michele that day. Carl, getting increasingly worried, walked around and asked other people in the neighborhood but they hadn't seen anything either. Finally he called police. He had no idea that by reporting his child missing, he had become their prime suspect.

  7. 2 years ago

    After finishing his shift at the country club, Hadden went to Bethesda Naval Hospital to have the bite mark on his thumb treated--he got free medical care as part of his Navy benefits. Then he drove to some woods along Columbia Pike, dug a 4 foot deep pit next to a tree, and tossed Michele's body inside, after first cutting out a chunk of her flesh to taste. He threw an old mattress over the hole and left.

    By now, poor Carl Dorr was believed by Baltimore police to have abducted his own daughter and given the horrible divorce battle he'd had with his wife, why wouldn't anyone think that? He failed a polygraph test and one cop said menacingly "We know you did it. We'll find her and when we do, we're coming for you." His ex-wife certainly believed it too since Carl would be now relieved of paying $400 in monthly child support. Carl's mind was breaking down. He went to his father's grave to pray and started thinking he was Jesus. BPD detectives recommended he be put under psychiatric evaluation for 72 hours. This done, they resumed interrogating him. Carl may have not killed his daughter, but he was at least slightly negligent in allowing a 6 year old outside unsupervised for hours and didn't want to admit that, so he fudged the time of her disappearance, which unfortunately gave Hadden Clark the perfect alibi.

    • 2 years ago

      Apparently Carl Dorr had last seen his daughter around noon and it was a NASCAR race not Indy 500 he was watching (the good ol' days when NASCAR races started at noon before the networks decided that was unfair to Cuckifornia and moved them to 3:00 PM).. He didn't check on her until it was past 4:00 PM. So yeah, pretty fricking irresponsible to let your 6 year old outside unsupervised for four hours.

  8. 2 years ago

    Detective Wayne Farrell, desperate for any clue he could get, had spotted Hadden working on his truck the day after Michele disappeared and asked "Sir, were you here yesterday?" "For a few minutes," was the reply. Upon asking around, Farrell found that Hadden had a reputation in the neighborhood as being a pretty weird guy so they brought him in for questioning. Hadden told them he'd punched into work at the country club around 2:46 in the afternoon, well after Carl said he last saw his daughter. He couldn't have murdered Michele and disposed of her body in just 36 minutes. Still, the detectives pressed further by asking him a little about his life and then about the neighborhood kids.

    Hadden claimed a little boy had kicked him in the crotch while they were playing in a group and then he added that he'd once playfully pinned a little girl to the ground. "Is that what you did with Michele?" detective Mike Garvey asked. He took out a picture of the brown-haired little girl. Hadden looked worried. The detectives continued to hammer him. "What did you do with her? Her parents need to know what happened. They need to bury their child. Was it an accident of some kind? You have to tell us." "I may have done something," Hadden said nervously. He went to the bathroom in the police station to vomit.

    But in the end, although the police were this close, Hadden eluded their grasp simply because he had punched into work at 2:46 PM and Carl Dorr claimed Michele disappeared at 2:10. Simple logic dictated that there wasn't enough time in 36 minutes to murder her and hide the body. All because of Carl's false testimony, Hadden got away to kill again and Michele would not be found for another 14 years.

  9. 2 years ago

    During the next several years after Michele's murder, Hadden became more and more deranged, although he still looked outwardly normal enough. Having been kicked out of his brother's house, he eventually grew tired of renting places or staying in hotels so he decided to live out of his truck. His reputation had gotten around Baltimore and he couldn't find work as a chef anymore. He made an income by working various minimum wage jobs. Hadden was hardly destitute however, he had $40,000 in life savings--living out of a pickup truck wasn't exactly expensive.

    While visiting his mother in Rhode Island in September 1988, Hadden was caught trying to steal some of her israeliteelry and other valuables. When Flavia angrily confronted him, he shoved her to the driveway and kicked her. Then he tried to run him over with his truck but she got out of the way. Flavia called police and he got a year's probation for assault and battery. By this point, Flavia was despondent. Of her four children, three had been a total disaster. One was in prison for murder, another had just tried to kill her and unbeknownst to anyone, had committed at least one and perhaps more murders, and a third had broken off all contact with her. Flavia wrote Hadden to inform him she wouldn't talk to him again unless he got psychiatric help. "Always remember that your mother and father loved you," she wrote (note the explicit "loved" instead of "love").

    On Christmas Day 1988, Hadden was pulled over for speeding and a highway patrol officer found a .38 handgun under the seat of his truck. He was charged with possession of an unregistered firearm, but the charge was dropped in exchange for his pleading guilty to a destruction of property charge in Bethesda earlier in the year. That incident was straight out of the Simpsons or Family Guy.

    • 2 years ago

      >By this point, Flavia was despondent. Of her four children, three had been a total disaster. One was in prison for murder, another had just tried to kill her and unbeknownst to anyone, had committed at least one and perhaps more murders, and a third had broken off all contact with her.
      you got no one to blame but yourself, lady

  10. 2 years ago

    The last landlord Hadden had had before he lived out of his truck evicted him because he thought he was psychotic and dangerous to have around. Before leaving, he boobytrapped the rental house. He balanced a 10 gallon oil can so it would spill when the door was pushed open. After spraying black dye on living room carpet, he hid rotting fish heads inside the family’s piano, chimney, and stove. As a final act of revenge, he killed both the family cats, placing one dead feline on the front door welcome mat and the other inside the refrigerator. Finally he stole several inconsequential items that ranged from books to tools--even the family's vacuum cleaner.

    "The smell of decaying fish permeated the house and was extremely difficult to eradicate," the charging document read. Yet the combination of a gun possession charge and vandalism set off no alarm bells about the man the local cops had once--albeit briefly--suspected of killing a 6 year old. Hadden tried to get help from time to time but after briefly taking anti-psychotic drugs he would return to his old ways. A psychiatric report claimed he had a distorted view of reality and was a danger to those around him.

  11. 2 years ago

    He was arrested again in February 1989 after visiting a couple of area churches dressed in women's clothes and stealing purses and coats from the cloak room while their owners were busy at choir practice. The arrest happened almost by accident--he was working under the hood of his truck by the roadside when a cop drove up and asked if he needed help. Hadden panicked and tried to hide the stolen items but the cop had seen a gun holster in there. He asked what else was in the vehicle. They saw the women's purses and coats, which he said were his and he identified as a female. Wigs and two syringes were also found in the truck. Hadden was arrested and charged with 15 counts of theft and possession of drug paraphernelia. He did 45 days in jail, although he later claimed he wanted to deliberately get arrested so he wouldn't have to live in his truck during the middle of winter. The jail was much more comfortable and had cable TV and three meals a day; when he was released in April, he was reluctant to go.

    Ten miles from where Hadden killed Michele Dorr lived a woman in her 60s named Penelope "Penny" Houghteling. Penny was a South Carolina native and a professional psychotherapist. She had two children, Warren and Laura, both born when she was over the age of 40. Laura was a precocious child who grew into a tall, attractive blonde. Intellectually gifted, she gained admission to Harvard and nearly everyone who knew her expected she would go far in life. In a high school essay, Laura wrote "I once asked my mother if she believed in God and she said no. I asked 'What do you think happens to us when we die?' She said 'I don't know.' That sounded pretty ridiculous and lonely to me and I was scared because I didn’t want anyone to die anymore and I wished there was a God for my mom to believe in."

  12. 2 years ago

    >Flavia had been disappointed that Hadden was a boy; she wanted a daughter and took to dressing him in girls' clothing and referring to him as Kristen.
    Fricking women

    • 2 years ago

      More common than you think. This is why society is better off without women

  13. 2 years ago

    >Her and her husband also drank heavily and quarreled violently.

    This isn't a broken home?

    • 2 years ago

      Hadden Sr. was a contract worker and never really saw any money from his inventions due to bad business decisions, so he was pretty bitter about it and driven to drink as a result. He and Flavia would get sloshed and beat the shit out of each other in front of the kids.

  14. 2 years ago

    Penny liked to help the less fortunate, so in early 1992 she hired a homeless man from a local church organization. Hadden Clark proved to be a good gardener and she soon let him use her kitchen and bathroom. Her israeliteelry and underwear started disappearing but she didn't seem to notice. Hadden however came to like Penny and regard her as a surrogate mother. He was surprised and taken aback when Laura showed up that summer, after having graduated Harvard. Hadden was jealous of Laura for taking attention away from her and he wanted revenge.

    In the fall, Penny said she was going away for a week to an American Psychiatric Association conference, from October 17-25. Hadden visited a hardware store and purchased two rolls of duct tape, some braided rope, and some nylon cord. In the left hand corner of the check he used for his purchases--where the word Memo was printed--he wrote "Laura." Meanwhile, Laura spent Sunday, October 18 at her brother's house watching football with him. She went home to get some sleep and get ready for work the next morning, still unsure if she wanted to become a teacher or go on to law school. Hadden used a spare key he had to get into Penny's tool shed. Dressed in a wig, coat, and Penny's underwear, he took a .22 rifle. He entered the house.

  15. 2 years ago

    Sounds like a broken home life to me tbh. It's just not the usual type.

  16. 2 years ago

    Laura awoke to find a man in drag aiming a rifle at her. He told her he was really Laura and she had stolen his identity. In tears, she begged him not to hurt her. He instructed her to undress and shower, then lay down on the bed. Hadden bound her hands and feel and put duct tape over her nose and mouth, causing her to succumb to asphyxiation in minutes. He accidentally gouged her with scissors while removing the tape, causing blood to trickle onto the bedsheets. Hadden liked her earrings and wanted to keep them, but had trouble removing them so he just cut off one ear lobe. He stared in fascination at her nude body for some time, but he later insisted he did not sexually molest or cannibalize her. He wrapped the body in sheets, tossed it in the back of his truck along with other bloodied items, and stole some of her israeliteelry and other valuables for keeps.

    Laura failed to show up for work the next day and none of her friends had seen her either. Warren Houghteling had passed Hadden on the road and remembered when the latter saw him, he floored it and sped off. But Warren knew Hadden was a little strange and didn't think much into it. Hadden however was slightly panicked and knew he had to get rid of Laura's remains fast. He drove to a spot along I270 and dragged out the body. It was tough--a full grown 23 year old woman was a lot bigger and heavier than a 6 year old girl. Hadden dug a shallow grave 20 feet from the road and tossed her in.

  17. 2 years ago

    Afterwards, Hadden drove up to New England, stopping in Providence to put Laura's bloodied sheets in a storage locker he sometimes rented. He kept her pillow case so he could relive the murder by burying his face in it--if he wanted an extra treat, he could go and get the bedsheets from the locker. He headed back to Maryland. The cops in Montgomery County were mighty suspicious of him by now, although the naive, trusting Penny Houghteling didn't think he'd done anything. But the cops hadn't forgotten his behavior when grilled about Michele Dorr six years ago and they were absolutely sure he'd done it and escaped their grasp. Hadden told them he'd talk to them...tomorrow, but now he needed sleep. He used this interlude to collect the pillow case from his truck and toss it into some woods.

    The Baltimore cops started the interview easy. Hadden wasn't under arrest, after all, or being charged with anything. He had answers for almost everything they asked except where he'd been when Laura vanished. He later said he felt bad for her mother and brother. The cops searched the area and found some of Penny's clothing items in the woods behind her house, and the pillow case. Blood on there would prove to be Laura's. They questioned Hadden again. The cops told him about the pillow case and said his prints were on it (partially true; a fingerprint was found but they hadn't yet identified it). They asked what had happened to Laura. Hadden said he had no idea. With nothing to hold him for, the cops had to let him go.

  18. 2 years ago

    They obtained several search warrants and found that he'd written a check to the hardware store to buy rope and duct tape. Soon afterwards, the fingerprint on the pillow case was definitely matched to Hadden. That was all they needed. Thec cops came to Hadden's camp site by I270 to arrest him. He was inside his truck curled up to a one-eyed teddy bear like a small child. Faced with overwhelming evidence, Hadden was charged with second degree murder (he could not be charged with first degree murder due to the lack of a body). He pled guilty to the charges and was sentenced to 30 years in prison. In June 1993, he led police to where he'd buried Laura.

    In prison, Hadden talked freely and boasted that he'd killed Laura, Michele, and others. The other inmates were disgusted by his crimes and hoped to get their own sentences reduced so they ratted on him. He was tried again on charges related to the damage done to the rental unit back in 1988 and for Michele's murder, where his defense tried unsuccessfully to pin the murder on her father. In January 2000, Hadden led police to the site where he had buried Michele 14 years ago. Her skeletal remains were retrieved from underneath the old mattress. Examination of the floorboards in the house where Geoff Clark had lived in 1986 found that traces of Michele's blood were still present. He also led them to the edge of his grandfather's former estate where he had buried a large bucket containing 200 pieces of israeliteelry, which he claimed was from his assorted victims. But other attempts to find alleged victims were unsuccessful. Sand dunes had shifted over time, some locations were now parking lots or had buildings on top of them. Near the top of the bucket was an exquisite silver wood nymph pin. Hadden Clark told detectives that the pin was his "angel of death" and that it had been taken from his first victim. He claimed to have worn it, pinned to Penny’s clothing, the night he killed Laura Houghteling.

  19. 2 years ago

    During all these searches, Hadden told police he could only find the bodies if he was dressed in women's clothing. They had to buy some women's undergarments and a skirt from a local department store for him to wear. There was also a certain fellow inmate Hadden referred to as "Jesus" due to his long hair and beard and whom he'd often told about his crimes. He also insisted this man accompany them on searches as his "spirit guide."

    Charged with Michele's murder plus the destruction of property charge, he received a grand total of 70 years in prison. He remains incarcerated in the Maryland State Penitentary as of 2022.

  20. 2 years ago

    undoubtedly Mom is to blame for this disaster. probably also the fact that they were always moving around when he was a kid. children who grow up that way have a hard time adjusting normally.

  21. 2 years ago

    WASPs are violent animal. Nothing new

    • 2 years ago

      >at a time when 90% of the white adult population was WASP, WASPs made up a majority of serial killers
      huh, intriguing

  22. 2 years ago


    damn. her mother was 43 when she had her. i'm surprised she became an attractive intelligent Stacy and not a deformed potato. also it seems her brother died at only 50. whether there was any correlation between that and his mother's age is unknown.

    • 2 years ago

      She was 6 feet tall as well. The world was robbed of a potential creator of gigachads.

    • 2 years ago

      Cute but if she'd lived she would probably be a horrible boss b***h Hillary Clinton worshipping feminist like any Harvard grad Stacy.

      • 2 years ago

        The perfect woman

    • 2 years ago

      Wait a second.
      >Frederic Adrian Delano II (September 10, 1863 – March 28, 1953) was an American railroad president[1] who served as the first Vice Chair of the Federal Reserve from 1914 to 1916. After his term as vice chairman, Delano continued to serve as a member of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors until 1918.
      >Delano was born in Hong Kong on September 10, 1863.[2][1] He was a member of the Delano family as a son of Warren Delano Jr. and Catherine Robbins Lyman. He was a brother of Warren Delano IV and Sara Ann Delano, and uncle of U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.[2]
      >Like his older brother Warren, he graduated from Harvard University in 1885.[2]
      >Acquisition Method: The "Algonac" Diaries were received at the Library in 1950 from Catherine Delano Grant and Laura Delano Houghteling, daughters of Frederic A. Delano. In August 1950 Catherine Delano Grant also gave the Library a volume of condolences received by the Delano family on the death of Laura F. Delano, Mr. Delano's sister, in 1884. The remainder was given to the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library by Laura Delano Houghteling in July 1953 and October 1964.
      Had to be a different Frederic since the famous one died of old age 16 years before the victim's death, but there's no way this is just coincidence either. Seems to imply that either the Delano and Houghteling families married at multiple branches, or that there was some kind of cousin-marriage stuff going on. Old money WASPs are so fricking weird.

      • 2 years ago

        That's really an eerie coincidence

        • 2 years ago

          Not a coincidence, as it turns out

  23. 2 years ago

    >Hadden was the Clarks' second son
    There you have it

  24. 2 years ago

    >Hadden Clark, a cross-dressing cannibal
    Honestly OP, I got this far and just filled in the blanks. I can't read shit like this so early.

    Still the best poster on this board though. Thank you crimeposter.

    • 2 years ago

      you weren't prepared for the fact that a 6 year old dies in this story

      • 2 years ago

        OP has posted much worse shit but the fact that this one started off with that sentence actually me kek.

        • 2 years ago

          you weren't prepared for the fact that a 6 year old dies in this story


          aw that sucks. she was cute too.

          i mean, at least she didn't get cooked into stew and served to people like that boy Nathaniel Bar-Jonah killed

  25. 2 years ago

    Yamnaya energy

    • 2 years ago

      What do you think is his haplogroup

  26. 2 years ago


    aw that sucks. she was cute too.

  27. 2 years ago

    yeah the little girl's dad was at fault too. they could have taken this guy off the street 6 years early and spare at least one more life. all because he didn't want to admit he was watching sports on TV while his child was wandering off down the street.

  28. 2 years ago

    >woman forces her son to crossdress all while she gets into arguments with an unsatisfied drunk
    >end result in another sadistic murder
    thank god this fricker didn't commit his killing spree in the 70s

    • 2 years ago

      Not one but two sons who became deranged cannibal murders.

      • 2 years ago

        at least the other one still had some sembalence of sanity and turned himself in after he fully realized what he did

  29. 2 years ago

    at least he didn't serve multiple sentences for murder and rape and get out in 5 years or have a psychiatrist claim he was rehabilitated like some cases

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah by this time they had learned a thing or two about criminal psychopathology. I bet all the psycho killers from the past 20 years provided some case studies.

  30. 2 years ago

    so anyway, his mother claimed something got fricked up from his forceps birth. he was very slow to develop; he was in the 1st grade before he learned how to say complete sentences and he had trouble navigating floors with patterns on them--for some reason he would become spatially disoriented. Flavia would (I kid you not) "solve" this by wrapping a layer of bubble wrap around his head.

  31. 2 years ago

    >Hadden's penchant for cross-dressing and stealing women's clothes started in his teens. Once when he was 15, he was hired to mow a neighbor's lawn. The woman left him alone while going out to do an errand and came back to find him in her bedroom wearing her nightgown. During this time he would also steal his mother's underwear and his sister's dolls.

  32. 2 years ago

    >...during a period between jobs in 1982, Hadden went back to live with his mother. He camped in a barn out back where he developed a habit of catching and killing turtles and keeping their shells as ornaments which he arranged around the barn in a circle. However, he didn't bother cleaning the shells and instead just left the decomposing turtle remains inside. The smell soon became overpowering and even neighbors started complaining.

    • 2 years ago

      >Geoff Clark was not a whole lot better than his brothers. Aside from divorcing his wife due to repeated violent domestic abuse, he reportedly molested one or more of his three children. His custody rights were partially revoked after an arrest for marijuana possession.

      Probably 100 years from now we're going to have genealogy evidence showing that the Biden family was the same way

  33. 2 years ago

    >Geoff Clark was not a whole lot better than his brothers. Aside from divorcing his wife due to repeated violent domestic abuse, he reportedly molested one or more of his three children. His custody rights were partially revoked after an arrest for marijuana possession.

    • 2 years ago

      And here I thought he's the most sane one. I guess it's actually the sister, huh

      • 2 years ago

        She had the right idea ditching these freaks and not looking back

      • 2 years ago

        She had the right idea ditching these freaks and not looking back

        Lmao yeah. I wonder how good is having contact with the extended family when mitigating the effects of abusive or mentally ill parents on children.
        I'm reminded of our own case.
        >Me, youngest brother
        >Mom had first daughter at 17.
        >Dad was addicted to porn.
        >Tried (or suceeded) raping stepdaughter.
        >Apparently all day at work.
        >Somehow managed to have two children.
        >Both spent evenings alone
        >They even ate lunch each in their room after school.
        >Elder sister maried a man older than parents (one year, but still) at the ripe old age of 21.
        >Prolly has some more issues related to rape incident and general upbringing.
        >Youngest sister has control issues or something, thanks to strained relationship with mom.
        >Both sons "inherited" porn habit.
        >Brother's marriage jeopardized by it.
        And so on. Sister is taking therapy, and when recounting her experience she highlighted that in the evenings she visited our aunt. Our cousins see her like a sister. If our cousins weren't there, she'd probably take to the streets and end up pregnant at 16 or something.
        My parents hadn't changed when it was my turn. Thankfully, elder sister was pregnant at the same time, so I ended up with a sister-mother.
        We are holding on. Clannish families are just more mentally stable I guess.

        • 2 years ago

          this is really for /LULZ/ not IQfy

          • 2 years ago

            Nah, this is psychology. Frick those whiney b***hes.

  34. 2 years ago

    >Hadden at times lapsed into a woman's voice, saying his name was "Hadeen," and at times he babbled like an infant.
    Stop misgendering her, chuds

  35. 2 years ago

    I wonder what the relationship between Bradfield and Hadden was like. What if Bradfield was highly abusive of Hadden which imparted the worst tendencies, but because of a larger age gap, Geoff and Allison were less affected?

  36. 2 years ago

    >As for Bradfield Clark, he had a successful career at a Silicon Valley company called Time Share, Inc when he seduced a married co-worker, 29 year old Patricia Mak. They went back to his place the evening of July 20, 1984, had dinner and drinks, and started making out. Patricia started to remove her blouse. Bradfield then tried to bite her breasts but she protested that he was going to leave marks her husband would see and told him to stop. However he instead chomped her left breast so hard he bit her nipple right off. He then slammed her head into a makeshift bookshelf consisting of concrete blocks and choked her. Bradfield went out for a walk and a cigarette break, leaving Patricia slowly bleeding out in the living room. When he came back, she was dead or close to it from exsanguination, so he cut her breasts off and cooked them on his barbecue grille, then poured lighter fluid on her genitals and lit them on fire. He dragged the body into the bathroom, chopped it into 11 pieces, and put them in trash bags.

    >The next night, he had two other women over to his place. One noticed the blood stains on the carpet, but he said it was just some spilled wine. His dates left shortly afterwards because he felt nauseated and excused himself to the bathroom, where his loud vomiting sounds grossed them out. Soon afterwards, two police officers arrived at his door and asked if he knew anything about Patricia Mak since she hadn't been seen since the previous day and co-workers had said she was planning to go to his place after work. He said he hadn't seen Patricia and the cops left. Bradfield got scared and tried to kill himself by stabbing himself with a knife, but it wasn't successful so he instead called 911 and was treated at an area hospital.

    • 2 years ago

      Patrick Bateman-tier

  37. 2 years ago

    >After Bradfield checked into the hospital, the police came back to question him since it seemed extremely suspicious that he would attempt suicide right after Patricia went missing. He broke down and admitted everything, and that Patricia's remains were in his car trunk.

  38. 2 years ago

    >Geoff claimed Hadden's mental state got worse after his Navy stint, perhaps due to being beaten up by his shipmates and sustaining a concussion. He had about the awareness and intelligence of an 8 year old, which made him a perfect fit for his nieces and nephews and the neighborhood kids, all of whom Hadden was fond of and often played with. One time he went to pick up Eliza from school. The school staff didn't know who he was so they called Geoff on the phone, who reassured them that he was just Eliza's "moronic uncle." This led to Eliza calling him "moron." Just like his father had once done. Hadden didn't like that nickname and got PTSD flashbacks to his childhood from it. He wanted to get back at his niece for this slight.

    • 2 years ago

      I can only imagine how he would handle the internet before corps tried to sanitize it hard

    • 2 years ago

      This maybe the only instance that I'd feel bad for him personally. I do feel bad about all Clarks child had to be raised by such shitty parents

  39. 2 years ago

    One of the best IQfy posters tbh, thanks again OP.

  40. 2 years ago

    >Accordingly, Mr. Dorr was subjected to frequent and extremely intense questioning by the police. The lead investigator, Lieutenant Michael Garvey, later admitted that he "played on [Mr. Dorr's] emotions" and was

    >[e]xtremely aggressive to the point where we would yell and scream. I would yell and scream at him. I would use profanity. I would accuse him of things [such as killing Michele and being a negligent father]. Basically just to break him down as best I could, get him emotionally upset and then come back and ask questions of what he did or what he thought. I would use the tactic of just suppose something happened and tell me how you think it would happen .

    >In addition to conducting such interrogations, police kept Mr. Dorr under surveillance, tapped his phone, reviewed his bank and video rental records, questioned his employers, co-workers, friends, neighbors and family, and used "outside private search agencies."

    >During the weeks and months following Michele's disappearance, Mr. Dorr had a series of nervous breakdowns. He had delusions that he was Jesus Christ and was capable of bringing Michele back to life. He was hospitalized, and when he was released, the police continued to investigate him. He then suffered another mental breakdown.

    • 2 years ago

      these cops were indefensible dickwads, but still, it didn't have to be this way. if he'd just told the truth about the last time he'd seen his daughter.

  41. 2 years ago

    >True Crime bullshit

    • 2 years ago

      So, what would you prefer instead, anon? Could we make another "herp Hitler would have won if he wasn't fricking moronic" thread? How about a haploautism thread? Maybe a Christianity versus atheism thread. We don't have many of those. A thread about Emmit Till or the Tulsa Massacre? Those are other interesting events rarely brought up on IQfy.

    • 2 years ago

      better than
      >GDP schizo rant
      >haploautism thread with schizo gibberish
      >x radical ideaology will work this time thread
      >some religious larper posting his blog for the 50th time this day thread
      >nord v med thread made up of posters that are neither nords nor meds
      >more random IQfy seething over x country
      >namegays shit
      at least in these threads you can get some sort of insight into how the justice system worked at the time, hell one of the biggest topics to come up is how fricked the 70s were in terms of jailing people which led to the tough on crime crackdown seen later on

      • 2 years ago

        >at least in these threads you can get some sort of insight into how the justice system worked at the time, hell one of the biggest topics to come up is how fricked the 70s were in terms of jailing people which led to the tough on crime crackdown seen later on
        Wait until you get a load of the thread we have lined up for tomorrow if you want to see how moronic the laws and police were in days of old. At least the guy is caught almost immediately in this story.

    • 2 years ago

      Historical true crime and justice is fascinating

  42. 2 years ago

    When they examined Elizabeth Clark's bedroom in 1999, thirteen years after the murder of Michele, there were still traces of blood everywhere, far too much to have come from normal events like accidentally cutting oneself or nosebleeds but the blood could not be definitively linked to either Michele or Hadden. It was impressive that Hadden had cleaned up everything as well as he did (an average 6 year old has about 50 or 51 ounces of blood), which was why police speculated that he'd killed before--the nature of the crime seemed like that of a fairly experienced killer, not a first-timer. The same could also be said of his brother Bradfield.

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