Happy birthday, Ayn Rand! Thanks for writing great books.

Happy birthday, Ayn Rand! Thanks for writing great books.

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  1. 5 months ago

    What year did she qualify for social security and medicaid?

    • 5 months ago

      I don't care

      • 5 months ago

        With regard to Any Rand's bday you're in the same boat as the vast majority of people who make fun of your homosexual little self-help cult.

        • 5 months ago

          The "self-help cult" cope is always pathetic. You could characterize fans of any philosophy like that and make about as much sense. You either haven't read her work, or you have read it but you're so dumb that most of the content went over your head. Sorry about that, anon.

          • 5 months ago

            >Thank you, Ayn Rand, for giving me permission to be excellent. (

            Thank you, Ayn Rand, for giving me permission to be excellent. Most people wanted me to go with the flow, to become well-adjusted, and other things that would have absolutely destroyed me. Thank goodness I encountered her work in my teens.

            See. Self-help cult.

          • 5 months ago

            "Self help cult" implies I associated with other like-minded people (I didn't and haven't) and that there was some downside to reading her books. I figure buttholes were gonna hate me anyway, so you can't even blame that on reading Rand. What's the basis for your charge?

            She was threatened with bankruptcy due to her and her husband's medical bills and a friend (who later became a social worker) convinced her to access the social safety net.

            She was a hypocrite, anon.

            So you're going to fault her for not living up to her ideals? Does anyone? How are you doing on that metric?

          • 5 months ago

            her work is built on flat characters with overly didactic plots.

            and her philosophy is gay as frick

    • 5 months ago

      She lived under a system where such things were functions of the government. She didn't think they should have been, but she still lived under that system. That she collected Social Security says nothing of the validity of her ideas, you absolute simpleton.

      • 5 months ago

        Delicious cope. You should have went with "IT DOESN'T MEAN HER IDEAS WERE WRONG" as it makes it harder to point out how your reaction indicates protecting your cult leader.

        The "self-help cult" cope is always pathetic. You could characterize fans of any philosophy like that and make about as much sense. You either haven't read her work, or you have read it but you're so dumb that most of the content went over your head. Sorry about that, anon.

        Randianism is a self-help cult though. You can look at how ARI operates (e.g. "closed system") and the fact Nathaniel Brandon eventually went on to produce academic work relating to the subject.

        • 5 months ago

          She died a millionaire you stupid nig

          • 5 months ago

            She was threatened with bankruptcy due to her and her husband's medical bills and a friend (who later became a social worker) convinced her to access the social safety net.

            She was a hypocrite, anon.

          • 5 months ago

            Delicious cope. You should have went with "IT DOESN'T MEAN HER IDEAS WERE WRONG" as it makes it harder to point out how your reaction indicates protecting your cult leader.
            Randianism is a self-help cult though. You can look at how ARI operates (e.g. "closed system") and the fact Nathaniel Brandon eventually went on to produce academic work relating to the subject.

            It's just a complete misunderstanding of the actual events. She received Social Security, but in comparison to the amount she was making from book royalties and speaking gigs that money was completely inconsequential. She was paying at least 3x as much in taxes as she was getting in Social Security, and you are a lying homosexual.

          • 5 months ago

            Why lie, anon? Here's what actually happened:
            >after writing essays literally characterizing smoking as a symbol of freedom, Rand gets lung cancer
            >her husband is also very sick at the time
            >Rand over extended her self-help cult and didn't have liquidity needed to cover medical payments and keep herself afloat
            >facing bankruptcy, a woman who worked for her publisher and befriended her convinced her to apply for social security and medicaid
            >Rand knew this was against the principles she spent her life espousing but realized the situation and accepted
            >Rand had the woman apply for access to the social safety net on her and her husband's behalf (using a different name)
            >years later the woman, who went on to become a social worker (lol) was interviewed for a book for ARI
            >she said the above
            >ARI attempted to bury the interview and denied it when it was brought up
            >when a journalist got records that proved Rand and her husband had applied for and received the money ARI shifted to "SHE PAID TAXES AND WAS JUST GETTING HER MONEY BACK"
            >(note this sidesteps the issues that Rand and her husband were saved by a social safety net)

          • 5 months ago

            Saved by a social safety net that only needed to be in place because of government involvement driving up the price of medicine by regulating production and a doctors union, checkmate

          • 5 months ago


          • 5 months ago

            It really just sounds like a smear tactic too, lefties are just making themselves look bad trying to take it so seriously. Then again looking bad is just the left wing life, they must not notice it anymore.

          • 5 months ago

            Friendly reminder that her lawyer literally stated she was going to be wiped out by medical bills unless she took government assistance because doctors charge a lot of money, more money than book sales brought in. She was going to live penniless on the street without government help; the ultimate refutation of her life's doctrine.

          • 5 months ago

            They'll never accept it, anon. These "individuals" are so lacking in self-awareness that they don't even realize their own emotionally rooted reaction to criticism against their leader.

          • 5 months ago

            I personally love the cope that greed means taking whatever you can get, which includes government money (in the ultimate act of irony, it removes any basis for condemnation of those putting these policies in place since they are just pursuing their own greed). Basically "it's okay when I'm greedy and take money, but it's not okay when you're greedy and take money". This isn't a moral philosophy, it's the mindset of a 3 year old.

          • 5 months ago

            Randianism is a really simplistic worldview and Randtards mistake their denial of complexity for clarity of "thought."

            What even is your argument lmao mr. you will never be a ms. self awareness? That every single person will go on welfare? That welfare is an unavoidable fact of life for everyone? Seems more like you are justifying your own failure in life than anything else.

            >What even is your argument
            Ayn Rand was a hypocrite. Objectivism is a self-help cult. Randtards are idiots.

            Exactly...I could probably meet more Objectivists by being a joiner, but I've never been a joiner.
            >Romantic Manifesto
            No, just "Fountainhead", "Atlas Shrugged", "Anthem", and "We The Living".
            I called you a collectivist because you keep assuming people that read Rand want to join an organization and be surrounded by like-minded individuals. I could care less about that. But you're such a dyed-in-the-wool joiner that you can't even conceive of not wanting to join.
            I don't consider Ayn Rand to be any sort of leader. Again, you betray your "joiner" mindset, and mindlessly project it onto others.

            >I called you a collectivist because
            ...you're an idiot who has self-indoctrinated into a self-help cult that teaches you to deflect criticism by predefining those that offer it according to simplistic (and predictable) caricatures.
            >I don't consider Ayn Rand to be any sort of leader
            Yet you can't take it when she's criticized by a stranger on the internet. Curious.

          • 5 months ago

            >Ayn Rand was a hypocrite. Objectivism is a self-help cult. Randtards are idiots.
            None of these are arguments

          • 5 months ago

            You're grossly overstating the amount of passion I'm putting into this discussion. Again, you're projecting your own seething. I'm fine with you not wanting to take advantage of her wisdom. You do you. I'm comfortable with my decisions.

            You do realize that business requires the combined efforts of many people to succeed, right? If you insist on a solo business, you'll never succeed in any meaningful way, you'll never expand and grow. Human beings are group orientated, it's a fundamental aspect of our existence, to eschew it is just bizarre and counterproductive.

            Never said I was a businessperson. Why are you assuming I have any pretentions in that direction?

            >"Fountainhead", "Atlas Shrugged", "Anthem", and "We The Living".
            Good stuff, man! You should check out some of the unpublished fiction works that have been released posthumously. I enjoyed "Ideal" quite a bit.

            I'm reading other stuff at the moment, but I will consider it.

          • 5 months ago

            Objectivism is laughably inconsistent, and even in Rand's own book her principles are incoherent. How is a railroad company meant to operate without workers to lay tracks or conduct the trains? What market to participate in for revenue and to buy operational necessities? Rand was a cheap hack who couldn't comprehend how human civilization works and pretended that a person could isolate themselves from society and yet still secure all the benefits which are taken for granted when living in a society.

          • 5 months ago

            >How is a railroad company meant to operate without workers to lay tracks or conduct the trains?

            Black person what do you even think you're saying here. Employing people or being an employee is contradictory to Objectivist principles? Excuse me? How are you this fricking dumb?

          • 5 months ago

            You haven't read the books, have you?

          • 5 months ago

            I've read her books, so I know she never once advocated for isolating yourself from society. In fact, she explicitly states on multiple occasions that it would not be in your rational self-interest to do so. Are you actually familiar with the principles of Objectivism?

          • 5 months ago

            kek, try reading Atlas Shrugged again but very carefully, there's a very subtle point that you may have missed!

          • 5 months ago

            You missed the entire point of the book if this is what you took from it. God DAMN are you dumb.

          • 5 months ago

            seethe and cope, you have nothing meaningful to say about the fact that Rand's ultimate fantasy was abandoning society to start a new cult instead

          • 5 months ago

            They left to create something new because what was there was too far gone. It's not too hard to figure out, and it doesn't mean that "isolating yourself from society" was ever something she held as being in someone's interest to do.

          • 5 months ago

            Was that really her "ultimate fantasy"? What's your source on that? I hope it's not the Colorado outpost in "Atlas Shrugged", given that by the end of the book, they had left it to interact once again with society at large.
            It seems to me that your understanding of Rand's philosophy is paper-thin, and that you've simplified it into some sort of ridiculous melodrama, and are presenting that distorted view as fact, which is nothing more than a colossal strawman argument.

          • 5 months ago

            He probably hasn't read the book. This is just parroting the typical "I watched that one John Oliver bit" r/philosophy user's understanding of her work. He's moronic.

            >The vast majority of your "arguments" is that it doesn't live up to a standard of divine perfection.
            No one is arguing that you absolute moron. The fact is that Randianism is diametrically opposed to social safety nets but Rand herself was saved by one. Randtards are upset by this fact because she's actually a cult leader who seduced them into her laughably simplistic worldview by way of self-help and Cold War era sci-fi. Randtards are idiots.

            More babble based on nothing. I'm sorry that you lost an argument online, but you don't need to compensate for it so much.

          • 5 months ago

            That wouldn't surprise me. The online discussions I remember having about Rand were usually with people that hadn't actually read anything she wrote, and seemed to think she was Patrick Bateman from American Psycho. Present seether appears to be in that mold.

          • 5 months ago

            >I cannot meet your arguments
            I accept your concession.

            "Randianism" is a strawman that you made up just to knock it over, and has little or nothing to do with Rand's philosophy. I'm not sure why you think her philosophy is diametrically opposed to social safety nets; I seem to remember her not being thrilled with parasites, but those two positions are not equivalent.
            Saying "Randtards" implies a legion of mindless followers who'll do anything she says, which in my experience is not borne out by anything in the real world.
            And now, the 5th time I've asked you this...so you're going to fault her for not living up to her ideals? Does anyone? How are you personally doing on that metric?

            Randianism is what I call "Objectivism." It irritates Randtards who are too dumb to recognize "Objectivism" is already pretty fricking hilarious. Scientology was already taken....
            >And now, the 5th time I've asked you this
            You're speaking to more than one person, moron. I haven't read the other guy's posts but I answered this already. If you spend your life advocating against something only to be saved by it, try to obscure the fact you did by using a different name, and the "institution" you helped set up with your "intellectual heir" lie about it... Yeah, moron. I'd say you should pay more attention to where you're getting "your" ideas from.

          • 5 months ago

            >Randianism is what I call "Objectivism." It irritates Randtards who are too dumb to recognize "Objectivism" is already pretty fricking hilarious.
            It irritates literally no one, which is why no one has pointed it out to you.
            > If you spend your life advocating against something only to be saved by it, try to obscure the fact you did by using a different name, and the "institution" you helped set up with your "intellectual heir" lie about it... Yeah, moron. I'd say you should pay more attention to where you're getting "your" ideas from.
            She literally encouraged people to take advantage of government programs all throughout her life. She simply said they should not exist to be taken advantage of. If they do exist however, you are one of the people supporting their existence through paying taxes. You'd be stupid and irrational not to take advantage of them.

          • 5 months ago

            No, there's only one flaming seether in this thread. And you still didn't answer the question; you simply deflected, assuming that anyone that doesn't live up to their ideals 100% must be condemned 100%. Life isn't as black and white as you claim, and you don't live up to your own ideals either.

            >you're allowed to help people you care about
            No shit. What you're too dumb to realize is that Rand's notion of "self-interest" is nebulous to the point that you can associate anything "good" with it and anything "bad" as opposed to it. Don't project the simplistic ideation you've internalized onto others, moron.

            The point you're ignoring is that Rand was saved by a social safety net functioning as a social safety net. Simple as. Rand was lucky it exists and all anyone can say is "RAND DIDN'T LIVE IN REAL CAPITALISM" while ignoring the fact that: 1) she not only made but advocated poor life decisions that lead to her poor health, 2) she didn't want to accept social security/medicaid and had to be talked into it, 3) she tried to hide this by using a different name and ARI lied about it, 4) she was saved by the very thing she spent her life trying to take out.
            Lol, you're such a homosexual it's almost unbelievable.

            >ad hominem attack
            A mind is a terrible thing to waste.

          • 5 months ago

            >and you don't live up to your own ideals either.
            He has none. He is yet another morally dead moron who doesn't even have the capability to discuss ideals, which is why he's falling back on this dishonest nonsense. It's completely typical, and that's why it's sad.

          • 5 months ago

            >And you still didn't answer the question
            I gave you reasons why Rand's conduct is troubling and weakens the credibility of her project (i.e. building a self-help cult, lol).
            >assuming that anyone that doesn't live up to their ideals 100% must be condemned 100%.
            No one argued that you absolute moron.
            >Life isn't as black and white as you claim
            Projection. Why can't you admit that Rand's conduct was hypocritical (she herself knew it was so as per the fact she didn't want to accept the money and had to be talked into it)? The fact is so damaging, Rand was saved by a social safety net, ARI lied about the fact she accepted the money and then came out with editorials justifying it when a journalist found documentation that proved she received welfare.

            >Like I said: it's nebulous.
            >Yeah, that's why she had to be talked into it (by a future social worker), used a different name on the applications, ARI lied about it, and people (who totally aren't in a self-help cult) can directly address it without seeming like morons.
            Read homie read

            "The term “interests” is a wide abstraction that covers the entire field of ethics..." You seriously can't reflect and pick up on it? I don't think giving you an example is going to help. Randtards are automatically filtered by anything that criticizes the simplistic worldview they've internalized.

            >and you don't live up to your own ideals either.
            He has none. He is yet another morally dead moron who doesn't even have the capability to discuss ideals, which is why he's falling back on this dishonest nonsense. It's completely typical, and that's why it's sad.

            >He has none.
            Says the moronic homosexual who self-indoctrinated into a Cold War era self-help cult. At least it's cheaper than Scientology.

          • 5 months ago

            >You seriously can't reflect and pick up on it? I don't think giving you an example is going to help.
            Read the rest of the thing idiot
            >Says the moronic homosexual who self-indoctrinated into a Cold War era self-help cult. At least it's cheaper than Scientology.
            More seething babble

          • 5 months ago

            >I'm too stupid to extrapolate
            It's nebulous because you can literally attribute any "good" to adhering to the system and any "bad" to going against the system. Can you think of something that can't be reformulated into Randian terminology? You can't because that's not the way the cult is designed, moron. What it Objectivism does is shoehorn everything according to simplistic caricatures (e.g. "collectivists") representative of the Cold War sensibilities in which Rand worked. Objectivism isn't that much different from Scientology and other self-help cults that arose around the same period.

          • 5 months ago

            So, according to you, Objectivism = simple caricatures = Cold War thinking. Scientology would call this "reactive mind computations". You're dramatizing your case, and blissfully unaware of it.

          • 5 months ago

            >no you
            I know the conversation is above your intelligence but projecting gets you nowhere.

          • 5 months ago

            You assume her project is building a self-help cult, which is a strawman argument, then you posit that her government-assistance-accepting conduct weakens the credibility of that totally invented project, thereby jumping to conclusions and adding another strawman argument. You're completely deranged, and can't figure it out...which puts you into a downward spiral. All the while, you totally lack self awareness. In short, you've cheered me up greatly with your presence...I'm very happy that I'm not you. I don't know what philosophies you subscribe to (since you've carefully avoided discussing that), but I feel confident stating that the philosophies that inspire me and guide my life are doing a far better job than whatever you're into.

          • 5 months ago

            >You assume her project is building a self-help cult, which is a strawman argument
            It's not a strawman, moron. I'll point out that you're crying about nonexistent informal fallacies instead of arguing against this idea, or any of the points raised for that matter.
            >then you posit that her government-assistance-accepting conduct weakens the credibility of that totally invented project
            I pointed out that being saved by a social safety net undermines the idea that social safety nets are, how would Rand hyperbolically put it, "anti-life." Lol.
            >thereby jumping to conclusions
            Failing to address arguments because you're a filtered moron who can't understand criticism of his homosexual self-help cult can't be brushed off by asserting I'm jumping to conclusions, moron.
            >You're completely deranged, and can't figure it out..
            You're projecting, anon. Stopped reading there.

          • 5 months ago

            The truly sad thing is, you're worse than wrong...you're boring.

          • 5 months ago

            Imagine plagiarizing a shit movie like American Beauty and thinking it's a mic drop. Lol, never change Randtards.

            How do you type this much without actually addressing anything? All you do is type around shit and regurgitate the same lies that have already been shown to be lies earlier on in the thread. Stop panicking.

            >How do you type this much without actually addressing anything?
            Again, I've made several points and you continuously fail to address them. This is because you're a moron who is automatically filtered by any criticism of your homosexual self-help cult.
            >All you do is type around shit and regurgitate the same lies that have already been shown to be lies earlier on in the thread
            Which lies? The best you morons have offered is uncritically posting excerpts from a blogpost which I was nice enough to address point by point.

          • 5 months ago

            >American Beauty
            Never saw that movie. What are you even on about?
            And people who are sure of their facts don't continuously spew the word "moron" during their "arguments".

          • 5 months ago

            I've been calling him a moron and I'm very sure of my facts.

          • 5 months ago

            I guess talking down to the seether's level is worth a try.

          • 5 months ago

            >What's it about
            Kevin Spacy pretending he's not a homosexual while failing to bang the good girl broad from American Beauty because he finds out she's a virgin.
            >'continuously spew the word "moron" during their "arguments"
            If you could address arguments I wouldn't have to continuously point out you're moronic. The insults are for entertainment value.

            She wrote it in 1966, which destroys your claim that she "retconned it as consistent with Objectivism" after the fact. You are a fricking dunce who's panicking about getting raped in a IQfy argument to the point where you can barely even read what's being posted.

            >which destroys your claim that she "retconned it as consistent with Objectivism"
            I said that ARI retconned their position that she never accepted social security and Medicaid (not her). I also pointed out that Rand didn't want to accept it but had to do so because he and her husband had extensive medical bills that were only going to grow. As an aside, I brought up how Randianism attempts to rationalize according to the idea of a "closed system" and how this exemplifies such.

            Now, look at pic-related and go back to

            Since you can't read I'm just gonna start copy pasting:

            >A woman who worked for her publisher's law firm and became a personal friend of the Rands. She's the one who drew up the applications.
            "Pryor was NOT a social worker. She worked for the law firm of Ernst, Crane Gitlin & Winick which handled all legal matters for Rand. Nor was Rand penniless or in need. She was penniless when she arrived in America but during this period she had cash reserves of a few hundred thousand dollars and a steady income from book royalties.

            Pryor argued with Rand because Ayn did not want Social Security, nor did Rand go out and seek it, or Medicare, even though doing so was entirely consistent with her own ethics. What Pryor said was that she tried to convince Rand to sign up and they argued. Pryor says Rand "was never involved other than to sign the power of attorney. I did the rest." Beyond that Pryor said nothing else. There is no indication whether Pryor used the power of attorney to apply for benefits, or whether Rand knew about it. There is no indication that such benefits were ever used. There is simply no evidence to show Rand "Grabbed Social Security and Medicare When She Needed Them."

            Pryor's full interview in 100 Voices: Oral History of Ayn Rand, indicates the opposite. It shows Rand fighting with her attorneys and telling them that she didn't want to do this. She signed a power of attorney and Pryor said that she acted "whether [Ayn] agreed or not." Pryor never actually says what actions she (Pryor) took in spite of whether Ayn "agreed or not." What we have is the rabid Left jumping to numerous conclusions not warranted by the evidence."

            >When you wrote a rambling paragraph about "Randianism" being a strawman. Too bad you didn't take the time to acknowledge ARI.
            That wasn't me, and he was talking about your conception of what Objectivism is. No one in this thread gives a frick about the label.
            >You went from strawmanning the argument as being about not living up to perfect ideals (instead of addressing the facts presented) to some really pathetic mental gymnastics trying to square the circle of Rand being saved by a social safety net without acknowledging she was saved by a social safety net.
            Again, you are just wrong about it being a hypocrisy, AND you are wrong about her "being saved" by SS. How is your brain this broken?
            >Not an argument.
            >She applied under that name to obfuscate the fact Ayn Rand was applying for welfare
            Dumbass her real name was never "Ayn Rand" what the frick. Do you think George Orwell signed official documents with that name? NO BECAUSE IT WASN'T HIS REAL NAME.
            >ARI used the fact Rand's name couldn't be found in documentation to lie about it
            Source: Your ass

            (i.e. the moron who can't think for himself copy/pasting). Notice how the excerpts don't actually address the context of the interview and rely on the idea of vagaries? Notice how it brushes over the idea of "power of attorney" as if this person wouldn't know Rand's financial situation? This was one argument I made that you homosexuals were able to address. Go ahead and cherry-pick just like the shitty blog post you morons put forward instead of thinking for yourselves. Some individuals you are! Lol

          • 5 months ago

            >the good girl broad from American Beauty
            Sorry, American Pie. Anyway, the main idea is Kevin Spacy is a gay.

          • 5 months ago

            Probably should have underlined this part too. Again, the point is that she didn't want to take it and did so out of necessity (i.e. she acknowledged the moral hazard and the social safety net functioned as a social safety net).

          • 5 months ago

            You are giving them too much credit, the real question is why are doctors expensive (because social safety nets)

          • 5 months ago

            Why didn't Rand plan adequately for her financial future? Also, Rand made the personal choice to smoke and developed lung cancer (she actually advocated smoking in her writing and, I have to check but I'm pretty sure, spoke out against research that linked smoking to respiratory disease). It seems as though Rand made some bad choices, for which she bears personal responsibility, and was saved by a social safety net functioning as a social safety net.

          • 5 months ago

            I didn't ask what American Beauty was about...I asked what you were going on about. Not that it's a surprise that you're illiterate.
            I already knew American Beauty was about some pedo shit, which is why I never wanted to watch it, plus it explains why you know so much about it, pedo. What I don't know is why you thought I was plagiarizing it.

          • 5 months ago

            >slides about American Beauty
            I didn't think you were so dumb that you'd be completely distracted by a shitpost. This is why I should keep repeating you're moronic.

            >I said that ARI retconned their position that she never accepted social security and Medicaid (not her).
            >She argued because it wasn't consistent with Objectivism. Again, ARI originally denied Rand accepted social security/Medicaid and then retconned this in order to make it acceptable within Objectivism. (I brought up "closed system" earlier...you see Randtards do this a lot).
            The obvious implication of this is that it wasn't "consistent with Objectivism" and that it being philosophically consistent somehow needed to be "retconned." That article she wrote prior to any of what we're talking about thoroughly debunks that.
            >I also pointed out that Rand didn't want to accept it but had to do so because he and her husband had extensive medical bills that were only going to grow.
            2 grand a year in retirement benefits covering "extensive medical bills" is interesting. Also why'd she have so much money when she died again? Still no answer? Alright
            >As an aside, I brought up how Randianism attempts to rationalize according to the idea of a "closed system" and how this exemplifies such.
            Objectivism is a closed system and taking public subsidies being acceptable under the previously outlined conditions is a part of that system, as is proven by that excerpt I posted.
            >Notice how the excerpts don't actually address the context of the interview and rely on the idea of vagaries? Notice how it brushes over the idea of "power of attorney" as if this person wouldn't know Rand's financial situation?
            This person thought Ayn Rand should accept SS because of medical bills that may be high sometime in the future. That situation ended up not coming to fruition, hence rand not needing to rely on SS. You're talking around the actual facts of how much money she had because you're desperately clinging to this as a point of contention on the philosophy itself, because discussing ideals is too hard for you.

            Yes, anon. I specifically said that ARI retconned their position that Rand had never accepted social security and Medicaid. I pointed out that they recharacterized it as entitlement for having paid into it (and referenced the "closed system" cult shit as an aside). Ayn Rand herself never addressed it. Perhaps she was leaving it up to "Anne O'Conner" (i.e. the name which helped obfuscate the fact Rand had applied for and received benefits)
            >The obvious implication of this is that it wasn't "consistent with Objectivism"
            My argument was that Rand didn't want to take social security and Medicaid. This was clearly stated by the woman to whom Rand signed over her power of attorney (see picture


            >What's it about
            Kevin Spacy pretending he's not a homosexual while failing to bang the good girl broad from American Beauty because he finds out she's a virgin.
            >'continuously spew the word "moron" during their "arguments"
            If you could address arguments I wouldn't have to continuously point out you're moronic. The insults are for entertainment value.
            >which destroys your claim that she "retconned it as consistent with Objectivism"
            I said that ARI retconned their position that she never accepted social security and Medicaid (not her). I also pointed out that Rand didn't want to accept it but had to do so because he and her husband had extensive medical bills that were only going to grow. As an aside, I brought up how Randianism attempts to rationalize according to the idea of a "closed system" and how this exemplifies such.

            Now, look at pic-related and go back to [...] (i.e. the moron who can't think for himself copy/pasting). Notice how the excerpts don't actually address the context of the interview and rely on the idea of vagaries? Notice how it brushes over the idea of "power of attorney" as if this person wouldn't know Rand's financial situation? This was one argument I made that you homosexuals were able to address. Go ahead and cherry-pick just like the shitty blog post you morons put forward instead of thinking for yourselves. Some individuals you are! Lol

            ). Pryor also states that Rand saw the "necessity" of taking the money while indicating she "didn't agree with it."
            >2 grand a year in retirement benefits covering "extensive medical bills"
            That's the social security, moron. I know you're a moron but I didn't think I'd have to point out MEDIC-AID is what covers medical bills.
            >Also why'd she have so much money when she died again?
            Why did the person who had power of attorney, you know the person with full knowledge of their financials, say that Rand and her husband needed Medicaid out of financial necessity? Still can't address this fact? Ok.
            >Objectivism is a closed system and taking public subsidies being acceptable
            It's funny to me that you're too dumb to make the connection between how ARI quotes Rand's writings like scripture and cult-like ideation.
            >This person thought Ayn Rand should accept SS because of medical bills that may be high sometime in the future.
            You mean the person with power of attorney and full knowledge of Rand's finances? The one who specifically said that "it didn't matter if Rand agreed" because she "recognized the necessity?" Are you seriously trying to argue that "might need it due to future necessity" is that difference in the current context than "does need it?" Frick you're an idiot, lol. Besides, we don't know what Rand's medical bills were but seeing as she had terminal lung cancer for like 6 years and her husband died of his illness after a couple years my guess is that they were pretty high.

          • 5 months ago

            >American Beauty hurr durr trolled
            You are a dishonest debater. I'm glad you have some beef with Ayn Rand; if you didn't, I would think I was doing something wrong.

          • 5 months ago

            >still sperging about American Beauty
            I've addressed every single point directed toward me while clearly reiterating my actual arguments when they've been mischaracterized by other anons. This is a fact, moron.

          • 5 months ago

            >I said that ARI retconned their position that she never accepted social security and Medicaid (not her).
            >She argued because it wasn't consistent with Objectivism. Again, ARI originally denied Rand accepted social security/Medicaid and then retconned this in order to make it acceptable within Objectivism. (I brought up "closed system" earlier...you see Randtards do this a lot).
            The obvious implication of this is that it wasn't "consistent with Objectivism" and that it being philosophically consistent somehow needed to be "retconned." That article she wrote prior to any of what we're talking about thoroughly debunks that.
            >I also pointed out that Rand didn't want to accept it but had to do so because he and her husband had extensive medical bills that were only going to grow.
            2 grand a year in retirement benefits covering "extensive medical bills" is interesting. Also why'd she have so much money when she died again? Still no answer? Alright
            >As an aside, I brought up how Randianism attempts to rationalize according to the idea of a "closed system" and how this exemplifies such.
            Objectivism is a closed system and taking public subsidies being acceptable under the previously outlined conditions is a part of that system, as is proven by that excerpt I posted.
            >Notice how the excerpts don't actually address the context of the interview and rely on the idea of vagaries? Notice how it brushes over the idea of "power of attorney" as if this person wouldn't know Rand's financial situation?
            This person thought Ayn Rand should accept SS because of medical bills that may be high sometime in the future. That situation ended up not coming to fruition, hence rand not needing to rely on SS. You're talking around the actual facts of how much money she had because you're desperately clinging to this as a point of contention on the philosophy itself, because discussing ideals is too hard for you.

          • 5 months ago

            How do you type this much without actually addressing anything? All you do is type around shit and regurgitate the same lies that have already been shown to be lies earlier on in the thread. Stop panicking.

          • 5 months ago

            >pretended that a person could isolate themselves from society

          • 5 months ago

            So? You think that just because I enjoyed reading Rand that I somehow buy into every last thing she thought and feel the need to defend it against all detractors? I can't even imagine being that much of a follower. Once again, you're projecting your willingness to join and conform, making your "arguments" pointless for anyone without your sheep mentality.

          • 5 months ago

            Objectivism is moronic, I can see why you would want to instantly distance yourself from it

          • 5 months ago

            Not at all. I just don't ascribe some sort of divine perfection to it. The vast majority of your "arguments" is that it doesn't live up to a standard of divine perfection. Neither does any of mankind's work. So what exactly is your point? And now, the 4th time I've asked you this...so you're going to fault her for not living up to her ideals? Does anyone? How are you personally doing on that metric?

          • 5 months ago

            >The vast majority of your "arguments" is that it doesn't live up to a standard of divine perfection.
            No one is arguing that you absolute moron. The fact is that Randianism is diametrically opposed to social safety nets but Rand herself was saved by one. Randtards are upset by this fact because she's actually a cult leader who seduced them into her laughably simplistic worldview by way of self-help and Cold War era sci-fi. Randtards are idiots.

          • 5 months ago

            "Randianism" is a strawman that you made up just to knock it over, and has little or nothing to do with Rand's philosophy. I'm not sure why you think her philosophy is diametrically opposed to social safety nets; I seem to remember her not being thrilled with parasites, but those two positions are not equivalent.
            Saying "Randtards" implies a legion of mindless followers who'll do anything she says, which in my experience is not borne out by anything in the real world.
            And now, the 5th time I've asked you this...so you're going to fault her for not living up to her ideals? Does anyone? How are you personally doing on that metric?

          • 5 months ago

            >I'm not sure why you think her philosophy is diametrically opposed to social safety nets

            Because he doesn't understand that she isn't against helping people who are of value to you, whether that value be spiritual or material. She was against forcing people to support others irrespective of their own values. She was against enslaving people to each other.

          • 5 months ago

            Well, YOU understand that, but I was hoping to guide the seether to a place of increased awareness and knowledge using the Socratic method, or, failing that, get him to realize it was in his interest to stop acting out in public.

          • 5 months ago

            >you're allowed to help people you care about
            No shit. What you're too dumb to realize is that Rand's notion of "self-interest" is nebulous to the point that you can associate anything "good" with it and anything "bad" as opposed to it. Don't project the simplistic ideation you've internalized onto others, moron.

            The point you're ignoring is that Rand was saved by a social safety net functioning as a social safety net. Simple as. Rand was lucky it exists and all anyone can say is "RAND DIDN'T LIVE IN REAL CAPITALISM" while ignoring the fact that: 1) she not only made but advocated poor life decisions that lead to her poor health, 2) she didn't want to accept social security/medicaid and had to be talked into it, 3) she tried to hide this by using a different name and ARI lied about it, 4) she was saved by the very thing she spent her life trying to take out.

            Well, YOU understand that, but I was hoping to guide the seether to a place of increased awareness and knowledge using the Socratic method, or, failing that, get him to realize it was in his interest to stop acting out in public.

            Lol, you're such a homosexual it's almost unbelievable.

          • 5 months ago

            >Rand's notion of "self-interest" is nebulous to the point that you can associate anything "good" with it and anything "bad" as opposed to it.

            "The term “interests” is a wide abstraction that covers the entire field of ethics. It includes the issues of: man’s values, his desires, his goals and their actual achievement in reality. A man’s “interests” depend on the kind of goals he chooses to pursue, his choice of goals depends on his desires, his desires depend on his values—and, for a rational man, his values depend on the judgment of his mind.

            Desires (or feelings or emotions or wishes or whims) are not tools of cognition; they are not a valid standard of value, nor a valid criterion of man’s interests. The mere fact that a man desires something does not constitute a proof that the object of his desire is good, nor that its achievement is actually to his interest.

            To claim that a man’s interests are sacrificed whenever a desire of his is frustrated—is to hold a subjectivist view of man’s values and interests. Which means: to believe that it is proper, moral and possible for man to achieve his goals, regardless of whether they contradict the facts of reality or not. Which means: to hold an irrational or mystical view of existence. Which means: to deserve no further consideration."

            >The point you're ignoring is that Rand was saved by a social safety net functioning as a social safety net
            She wasn't. Simple as.

          • 5 months ago

            >"The term “interests” is a wide abstraction that covers the entire field of ethics. It includes the issues of: man’s values, his desires, his goals and their actual achievement in reality. A man’s “interests” depend on the kind of goals he chooses to pursue, his choice of goals depends on his desires, his desires depend on his values—and, for a rational man, his values depend on the judgment of his mind.
            Like I said: it's nebulous.
            >She wasn't
            Yeah, that's why she had to be talked into it (by a future social worker), used a different name on the applications, ARI lied about it, and people (who totally aren't in a self-help cult) can directly address it without seeming like morons.

          • 5 months ago

            >Like I said: it's nebulous.
            >Yeah, that's why she had to be talked into it (by a future social worker), used a different name on the applications, ARI lied about it, and people (who totally aren't in a self-help cult) can directly address it without seeming like morons.
            Read homie read

          • 5 months ago

            What even is your argument lmao mr. you will never be a ms. self awareness? That every single person will go on welfare? That welfare is an unavoidable fact of life for everyone? Seems more like you are justifying your own failure in life than anything else.

          • 5 months ago

            Society is a joint operation, a synergistic endeavor where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. If you have too many selfish greedy misers who insist on taking for themselves and never contributing to the whole, your society breaks down and everyone is worse off. Rand seems to ignore the fact that railroad tycoons require workers to lay track and conduct the trains, and they need citizens to populate the marketplace to keep the whole thing going. You can't isolate yourself or your industry from the rest of the populace, it's a recipe for disaster and ultimately culminates in bitter old women who die in the street. Only through the principles of common good was she saved from the proper outcome that she deserved on her own worldview, proving her to be both a hypocrite and morally bankrupt herself.

          • 5 months ago

            >She was a hypocrite, anon.

            Oh no! Anyway…

          • 5 months ago

            Yes, she didn't fully live up to her ideals. Which gives her something in common with every other human being in existence. You're holding her to an impossible standard, postulating the existence of a cult surrounding her, and assuming her fans are quasi-religious. You're completely full of shit, and appear to be incapable of grasping that.

        • 5 months ago

          So you're going to fault her for not living up to her ideals? Does anyone? How are you doing on that metric?

          • 5 months ago

            See, that's the better option because it doesn't betray the sense of personal attachment one finds when it comes to a cult leader.

            Yes, anon. I fault a woman who spent her life arguing against the existence of social safety nets and took advantage of their existence because she made poor life decision. I also fault the institution she helped create for lying about it and then retconing the lie into "she paid into it" when journalists brought forth documentation.

            For those that don't know the story, there was an interview with the woman who convinced Rand to apply for and accept social security and medicaid. ARI covered it up and denied it. A journalist got documentation relating to the social security application and payments (which Rand took under a different name). ARI erased the stuff about it being untrue from their website and replaced it with "she was just taking back what was hers." You'll notice Randtards will regurgitate this fairly often).

          • 5 months ago

            >Yes, anon. I fault a woman who spent her life arguing against the existence of social safety nets and took advantage of their existence because she made poor life decision
            She got under two thousand dollars a year in social security and she had an estate worth millions. Again, you are a lying homosexual regurgitating misinformation.

          • 5 months ago

            Also, for context, I have some pretty well off family members and ALL OF THEM collect social security and medicare. These are not things that poor people use due to lack of options, they are simply retirement benefits.

            See, that's the better option because it doesn't betray the sense of personal attachment one finds when it comes to a cult leader.

            Yes, anon. I fault a woman who spent her life arguing against the existence of social safety nets and took advantage of their existence because she made poor life decision. I also fault the institution she helped create for lying about it and then retconing the lie into "she paid into it" when journalists brought forth documentation.

            For those that don't know the story, there was an interview with the woman who convinced Rand to apply for and accept social security and medicaid. ARI covered it up and denied it. A journalist got documentation relating to the social security application and payments (which Rand took under a different name). ARI erased the stuff about it being untrue from their website and replaced it with "she was just taking back what was hers." You'll notice Randtards will regurgitate this fairly often).

            is a disingenuous homosexual and he knows it. Ayn Rand retained a law firm, fully staffed living quarters complete with live-in maid and secretary, and an absolutely fricking massive inheritance, some of which was left to that maid because she liked her so much.

            Why lie, anon? Here's what actually happened:
            >after writing essays literally characterizing smoking as a symbol of freedom, Rand gets lung cancer
            >her husband is also very sick at the time
            >Rand over extended her self-help cult and didn't have liquidity needed to cover medical payments and keep herself afloat
            >facing bankruptcy, a woman who worked for her publisher and befriended her convinced her to apply for social security and medicaid
            >Rand knew this was against the principles she spent her life espousing but realized the situation and accepted
            >Rand had the woman apply for access to the social safety net on her and her husband's behalf (using a different name)
            >years later the woman, who went on to become a social worker (lol) was interviewed for a book for ARI
            >she said the above
            >ARI attempted to bury the interview and denied it when it was brought up
            >when a journalist got records that proved Rand and her husband had applied for and received the money ARI shifted to "SHE PAID TAXES AND WAS JUST GETTING HER MONEY BACK"
            >(note this sidesteps the issues that Rand and her husband were saved by a social safety net)

            Complete shit.

          • 5 months ago

            Why are you so mad? Such an extreme emotional reaction indicates a pretty strong attachment to a woman who has been dead for over 40 years (i.e. loyalty to a cult leader). Everything I wrote is true, anon. Cope.

            Saved by a social safety net that only needed to be in place because of government involvement driving up the price of medicine by regulating production and a doctors union, checkmate

            >IT'S THE SYSTEM'S FAULT!
            Sure there, moron. Too bad she had to be convinced into accepting it by a social worker. It's almost like she knew what she was doing was hypocritical...


            >blogpost by a Randtard
            Too bad your cult doesn't only tricks you into believing you think for yourself.

            It really just sounds like a smear tactic too, lefties are just making themselves look bad trying to take it so seriously. Then again looking bad is just the left wing life, they must not notice it anymore.

            Teachable moment: part of the way Randianism works is by teaching it's adherents to sublimate their confusion when confronted with inconvenient facts. One aspect of this is otherizing their opponent according to a simplistic preset and arguing against that (i.e. someone pointing out Rand was a hypocrite and Objectivism is a self-help cult is a "leftist" or a "collectivist").

          • 5 months ago

            >Why are you so mad?
            Alright I'll give you credit. Nice b8.

          • 5 months ago

            You're obviously taking criticism a Cold War era self-help cult rather personally, anon. Sorry you had to learn the world isn't as simple as your Dear Leader made it out to be in her shitty scifi. There's always her more successful contemporary: L. Ron Hubbard. Lol.

          • 5 months ago

            I mean I get that you're trolling right now, but you're barely even trying to address the points being made. Not very good at arguing, it seems.

          • 5 months ago

            >you're barely even trying to address the points being made
            You think this because you're filtered by the fact Ayn Rand was a hypocrite and Objectivism is a self-help cult. I've directly addressed everything you've said while all you've been able to do is deny fact.

            >desperate deflection
            I like how you assume that Rand's fans are somehow organized. That's such a collectivist mindset. I've never joined any Rand-oriented organization, nor will I ever. Do you even realize how much you're projecting here?

            >I like how you assume that Rand's fans are somehow organized.
            >That's such a collectivist mindset.
            Go back and reread what I wrote about how Randtards attempt to sidestep debate by predefining anyone who criticizes Randianism as "collectivist." You're a moron, anon.

          • 5 months ago

            >I've directly addressed everything you've said while all you've been able to do is deny fact
            Staffed house, secretary, live-in maid, massive estate, frickhuge inheritance of which the maid received a substantial amount.


            Friendly reminder that her lawyer literally stated she was going to be wiped out by medical bills unless she took government assistance because doctors charge a lot of money, more money than book sales brought in. She was going to live penniless on the street without government help; the ultimate refutation of her life's doctrine.

            $14,000 over the course of a decade in the 70s and 80s does not correspond to this, and it doesn't account for how well she lived. To claim that such a small amount of money over the course of a decade "saved her from being penniless and on the street" is absolutely fricking absurd and you're a moron for parroting it.

            Not to mention the fact that the quote from the lawyer is describing financial planning that took place BEFORE her husbands treatment. "She COULD be totally wiped out by medical bills IF she doesn't watch it." It's interesting that someone on IQfy has such shit reading comprehension, though I suppose I shouldn't be too surprised.

            They'll never accept it, anon. These "individuals" are so lacking in self-awareness that they don't even realize their own emotionally rooted reaction to criticism against their leader.

            Also the number of posters didn't change when you made this post, so nice replying to yourself, dummy.

          • 5 months ago

            Her husband also took government money until his death, so $14,000 is the minimum (interestingly all her financial documents were quickly destroyed upon her death, very curious, wouldn't you say?)

          • 5 months ago

            Not true that we don't know. The amount Rand AND her husband took in total is $14,000. Also, good job trying to avoid any facts brought up that don't fit within your narrative, moron.

          • 5 months ago

            Facts? You've just made some tepid assertions, and even these blow Rand's worldview out of the water and confirm her to be a hack, a fraud, and a hypocrite. Categorically.

          • 5 months ago

            >Facts? You've just made some tepid assertions
            >Proceeds to make nothing but tepid assertions
            Nice try, but those were the facts of her living situation at the time of her death. You are the one making baseless assertions that basically amount to urban legend. You even deliberately fabricated the the context for that quote from her lawyer, so again, you are a disingenuous homosexual who should commit seppuku posthaste.

            Also, I drive on public roads and receive mail from a public post office. Doesn't make me a hypocrite in thinking those things shouldn't exist.

          • 5 months ago

            >Public roads shouldn't exist
            Ah, so you are just a moron kek

          • 5 months ago

            >He's right, anon. You're just too indoctrinated to figure it out. Good thing you're moronic and probably won't have to deal with the realization you bought into being a ubermensch individualist by way of a self-help cult. Cry more, John Salt. Lol.
            This was meant for

            >Facts? You've just made some tepid assertions
            >Proceeds to make nothing but tepid assertions
            Nice try, but those were the facts of her living situation at the time of her death. You are the one making baseless assertions that basically amount to urban legend. You even deliberately fabricated the the context for that quote from her lawyer, so again, you are a disingenuous homosexual who should commit seppuku posthaste.

            Also, I drive on public roads and receive mail from a public post office. Doesn't make me a hypocrite in thinking those things shouldn't exist.


          • 5 months ago

            >Staffed house, secretary, live-in maid
            She was going to be wiped out by medical bills, moron. Both herself and Frank became sick at the same time and she wasn't taking in enough revenue in order to cover the cost (aside, I'd have to look it up but I'm pretty sure she tried to expand her brand and bought some real estate that didn't work out).

            My guess is you're a poorgay who knows nothing about managing finances.

            Facts? You've just made some tepid assertions, and even these blow Rand's worldview out of the water and confirm her to be a hack, a fraud, and a hypocrite. Categorically.

            He's right, anon. You're just too indoctrinated to figure it out. Good thing you're moronic and probably won't have to deal with the realization you bought into being a ubermensch individualist by way of a self-help cult. Cry more, John Salt. Lol.

          • 5 months ago


            The number of posters in the thread still has not changed, and you're still just asserting shit which I have already addressed.

          • 5 months ago

            You haven't addressed it at all. Rand and her husband were going to be wiped out by medical bills. You don't understand the difference between assets and liquidity because you're a poorgay who reads Cold War Era self-help Sci-Fi in order to convince yourself it's the world's fault you're a loser. Rand and her husband needed Medicaid because of poor life choices and financial missteps (i.e. her books weren't bringing in enough revenue and she tried to expand her self-help cult and failed).

          • 5 months ago

            >You haven't addressed it at all. Rand and her husband were going to be wiped out by medical bills
            No they were not. Again, the context of that quote from the lawyer is something you fabricated. Ayn Rand was making a whole lotta frickin money from speaking deals and book/movie royalties. You are a moron.
            >You haven't addressed it at all. Rand and her husband were going to be wiped out by medical bills
            Yes I do. She had a frickton of cash as well as assets at the time of her death.
            >her books weren't bringing in enough revenue and she tried to expand her self-help cult and failed
            Again, doesn't line up with how she was living and what she was able to leave behind money-wise. You are basing this shit off of nothing. Cry more.

          • 5 months ago

            >No they were not.
            They were. Simple as.
            >Again, the context of that quote from the lawyer is something you fabricated.
            He didn't fabricate frick all. A woman who worked for the publisher's law office talked Rand into accepting social security and Medicaid because she was going to be made bankrupt by medical bills. She became close friends with Rand and was herself interviewed for a book being put together by ARI (i.e. Rand's official intellectual heir). She talked about it in the interview, ARI tried to deny it, and a journalist got documentation proving Rand and her husband applied for and accepted social security and Medicaid (under a different name...I think she used Anne "whatever Frank's Surname was").
            >She had a frickton of cash as well as assets at the time of her death.
            She didn't have the liquidity to cover her and her husband's medical bills and would have ended up bankrupt. This is a fact, anon. Revenue from her books had died off by the 70s and she failed to grow her self-help cult (if I recall correctly she tried to sue Nathaniel Brandon while claiming his self-help shit was based on her intellectual property).
            >Again, doesn't line up with how she was living and what she was able to leave behind money-wise.
            It does, anon. Again, you don't know what a bonded asset is because you're a poorgay who had to read self-help Sci-Fi from the Cold War instead of a basic finance book.

          • 5 months ago

            homie they were simply not going bankrupt. The estate had a substantial sum of cash at the time of Rand's death. Her lawyer was concerned that health costs could bankrupt them, and that concern turned out to be unfounded. Rand continued to make a very substantial income from her movies, books, speeches, and law firm until the day she died, and you don't have a lick of evidence to the contrary.

            Read and fricking weep, you homosexual.

            >I cannot meet your arguments
            I accept your concession.
            Randianism is what I call "Objectivism." It irritates Randtards who are too dumb to recognize "Objectivism" is already pretty fricking hilarious. Scientology was already taken....
            >And now, the 5th time I've asked you this
            You're speaking to more than one person, moron. I haven't read the other guy's posts but I answered this already. If you spend your life advocating against something only to be saved by it, try to obscure the fact you did by using a different name, and the "institution" you helped set up with your "intellectual heir" lie about it... Yeah, moron. I'd say you should pay more attention to where you're getting "your" ideas from.

            >I accept your concession.
            Pathetic flailing

          • 5 months ago

            I swear I pressed enter

          • 5 months ago

            >homie they were simply not going bankrupt.
            They were though. You're just denying reality, anon. I accept you're a moron.

            >Randianism is what I call "Objectivism." It irritates Randtards who are too dumb to recognize "Objectivism" is already pretty fricking hilarious.
            It irritates literally no one, which is why no one has pointed it out to you.
            > If you spend your life advocating against something only to be saved by it, try to obscure the fact you did by using a different name, and the "institution" you helped set up with your "intellectual heir" lie about it... Yeah, moron. I'd say you should pay more attention to where you're getting "your" ideas from.
            She literally encouraged people to take advantage of government programs all throughout her life. She simply said they should not exist to be taken advantage of. If they do exist however, you are one of the people supporting their existence through paying taxes. You'd be stupid and irrational not to take advantage of them.

            >It irritates literally no one, which is why no one has pointed it out to you.
            If it didn't irritate you you wouldn't be crying about it (repeatedly as per your own admission).
            >She literally encouraged people to take advantage of government programs all throughout her life.
            Imaging trying to shift the goalposts while and scoring an own goal. Frick you're stupid. She had to be talked into accepting social security and Medicaid by a woman who worked for her publisher's law firm. She did so under a fake name and ARI later lied about it. When the truth came out they shifted to "it was morally acceptable because she paid taxes."

            These are the facts you absolute moron.

          • 5 months ago

            >They were though. You're just denying reality, anon. I accept you're a moron.
            Source: your ass.
            >If it didn't irritate you you wouldn't be crying about it
            When was I upset at the label "Randian"?
            >Imaging trying to shift the goalposts while and scoring an own goal
            I'm not even shifting the goalposts. You are just wrong about both things.
            >Frick you're stupid
            >She had to be talked into accepting social security and Medicaid by a woman who worked for her publisher's law firm
            >She did so under a fake name
            She didn't. Alice O'Conner was her married name, and that was the name she used to take them.
            >When the truth came out they shifted to "it was morally acceptable because she paid taxes."

          • 5 months ago

            A woman who worked for her publisher's law firm and became a personal friend of the Rands. She's the one who drew up the applications.
            >When was I upset at the label "Randian"?
            When you wrote a rambling paragraph about "Randianism" being a strawman. Too bad you didn't take the time to acknowledge ARI.
            >I'm not even shifting the goalposts.
            You went from strawmanning the argument as being about not living up to perfect ideals (instead of addressing the facts presented) to some really pathetic mental gymnastics trying to square the circle of Rand being saved by a social safety net without acknowledging she was saved by a social safety net.
            >You are just wrong about both things.
            Not an argument.
            As per the woman who filed the documents, Ayn Rand didn't want to accept social security and Medicaid and had to be talked into doing so. This reality is pretty inconvenient for your position.
            >She didn't. Alice O'Conner was her married name
            She applied under that name to obfuscate the fact Ayn Rand was applying for welfare. ARI used the fact Rand's name couldn't be found in documentation to lie about it before they shifted to the "she paid into it" argument.
            Yes, this is when ARI changed their tac from denial to justification.

          • 5 months ago

            Since you can't read I'm just gonna start copy pasting:

            >A woman who worked for her publisher's law firm and became a personal friend of the Rands. She's the one who drew up the applications.
            "Pryor was NOT a social worker. She worked for the law firm of Ernst, Crane Gitlin & Winick which handled all legal matters for Rand. Nor was Rand penniless or in need. She was penniless when she arrived in America but during this period she had cash reserves of a few hundred thousand dollars and a steady income from book royalties.

            Pryor argued with Rand because Ayn did not want Social Security, nor did Rand go out and seek it, or Medicare, even though doing so was entirely consistent with her own ethics. What Pryor said was that she tried to convince Rand to sign up and they argued. Pryor says Rand "was never involved other than to sign the power of attorney. I did the rest." Beyond that Pryor said nothing else. There is no indication whether Pryor used the power of attorney to apply for benefits, or whether Rand knew about it. There is no indication that such benefits were ever used. There is simply no evidence to show Rand "Grabbed Social Security and Medicare When She Needed Them."

            Pryor's full interview in 100 Voices: Oral History of Ayn Rand, indicates the opposite. It shows Rand fighting with her attorneys and telling them that she didn't want to do this. She signed a power of attorney and Pryor said that she acted "whether [Ayn] agreed or not." Pryor never actually says what actions she (Pryor) took in spite of whether Ayn "agreed or not." What we have is the rabid Left jumping to numerous conclusions not warranted by the evidence."

            >When you wrote a rambling paragraph about "Randianism" being a strawman. Too bad you didn't take the time to acknowledge ARI.
            That wasn't me, and he was talking about your conception of what Objectivism is. No one in this thread gives a frick about the label.
            >You went from strawmanning the argument as being about not living up to perfect ideals (instead of addressing the facts presented) to some really pathetic mental gymnastics trying to square the circle of Rand being saved by a social safety net without acknowledging she was saved by a social safety net.
            Again, you are just wrong about it being a hypocrisy, AND you are wrong about her "being saved" by SS. How is your brain this broken?
            >Not an argument.
            >She applied under that name to obfuscate the fact Ayn Rand was applying for welfare
            Dumbass her real name was never "Ayn Rand" what the frick. Do you think George Orwell signed official documents with that name? NO BECAUSE IT WASN'T HIS REAL NAME.
            >ARI used the fact Rand's name couldn't be found in documentation to lie about it
            Source: Your ass

          • 5 months ago

            >Pryor was NOT a social worker
            I said she later became a social worker, moron. She did.
            >Nor was Rand penniless or in need
            Never argued she was "penniless." She was "in need" as per the law firm.
            > she had cash reserves of a few hundred thousand dollars and a steady income from book royalties
            Again, not according to the publisher's law firm and the person who filled out the applications for her.
            >Pryor argued with Rand because Ayn did not want Social Security, nor did Rand go out and seek it, or Medicare, even though doing so was entirely consistent with her own ethics.
            She argued because it wasn't consistent with Objectivism. Again, ARI originally denied Rand accepted social security/Medicaid and then retconned this in order to make it acceptable within Objectivism. (I brought up "closed system" earlier...you see Randtards do this a lot).
            >What Pryor said was that she tried to convince Rand to sign up and they argued.
            Yes. Pretty funny the blogpost you're quoting from doesn't go into detail about the context brought up within the interview and has to fall back on vagaries.
            >There is no indication whether Pryor used the power of attorney to apply for benefits, or whether Rand knew about it.
            They have documentation that proves both Ayn and Frank received social security. The explicit reason Pryor was given power of attorney was to apply for it as well as Medicaid.
            >It shows Rand fighting with her attorneys and telling them that she didn't want to do this.
            "Even though it's totally consistent with Objectivism that she did!"

            Stopped reading there. Holy shit, if you can't see how full of shit the excerpts your posting are there's no way to help you, moron. Try thinking for yourself instead of indoctrinating yourself into a Cold War era self-help cult. Frick, lol.

          • 5 months ago

            >I said she later became a social worker, moron. She did.
            Ogey I'll take your word for it. So what? She later became a social worker. Good for her?
            >Never argued she was "penniless." She was "in need" as per the law firm.
            >Again, not according to the publisher's law firm and the person who filled out the applications for her.
            She was worth the equivalent of $3 million dollars in money today, and she had plenty of money in the bank. This is the fact of the matter, even according to the people you cited. There is not a single first hand source alleging that she was on the brink of bankruptcy.

          • 5 months ago

            First, I want to point out once more you're posting excerpts instead of forming your own arguments based on the article in direct reference to the context of this discussion. This indicates you're a moron who can't think for himself and benefits my argument that Randtards are cultists.
            >So what? She later became a social worker.
            It's funny that a close confidant to Ayn Rand transitioned into a career wherein she helps people apply for government benefits. It's also funny that she seems to have broken into this career path after helping Ayn Rand and Randtards attempt to deflect by saying "she wasn't a social worker" instead of acknowledging the above.
            >There is not a single first hand source alleging that she was on the brink of bankruptcy.
            The person who was given power of attorney specifically said that the reason Rand (and her husband Frank) applied for Medicare was because their medical bills would bankrupt their estate. Again, the person to whom Rand gave power of attorney, specifically to sign up for social security and Medicaid, said that they needed to access the social safety net because the estate did not have the financial ability to meet medical costs.

          • 5 months ago

            >First, I want to point out once more you're posting excerpts instead of forming your own arguments based on the article in direct reference to the context of this discussion. This indicates you're a moron who can't think for himself and benefits my argument that Randtards are cultists.
            It's literally all I need to do to address your points because you are blatantly lying.
            >It's funny that a close confidant to Ayn Rand transitioned into a career wherein she helps people apply for government benefits
            It's completely irrelevant and you bringing it up like it means anything just shows that you're too dumb to connect relevant things to each other mentally. You're a moron.
            >The person who was given power of attorney specifically said that the reason Rand (and her husband Frank) applied for Medicare was because their medical bills would bankrupt their estate.
            Simply not true. She was spoken to about the possibility of medical costs being too high for her to reasonably accommodate, and was encouraged to sign up for social security. These concerns ended up being unfounded, as is backed up by how much money Ayn Rand had when she died, and the fact that 2 grand a year in 1980 isn't going to save anyone from going bankrupt, you delusional moron.

          • 5 months ago

            >It's literally all I need to do to address your points because you are blatantly lying.
            About what? You're making assertions while failing to address arguments.
            >It's completely irrelevant and you bringing it up like it means anything
            I brought it up for the sake of irony. You were too dumb to present an argument of your own and mischaracterized my point (i.e. I never said she was a social worker when she helped Rand). Because you're an idiot who can't come up with his own ideas about anything you focused in on this and slide.
            >Simply not true.
            Wait for it...
            >She was spoken to about the possibility of medical costs being too high for her to reasonably accommodate, and was encouraged to sign up for social security.
            So the person with power of attorney (i.e. who had full understanding of Rand's finances) specifically said that Rand needed to apply for social security and Medicare because her and Frank's medical expenses could wreck her estate. How exactly is that last sentence not true?

            Holy shit you're moronic.

          • 5 months ago

            >She argued because it wasn't consistent with Objectivism. Again, ARI originally denied Rand accepted social security/Medicaid and then retconned this in order to make it acceptable within Objectivism. (I brought up "closed system" earlier...you see Randtards do this a lot).

            Many students of Objectivism are troubled by a certain kind of moral dilemma confronting them in today’s society. We are frequently asked the questions: “Is it morally proper to accept scholarships, private or public?” and: “Is it morally proper for an advocate of capitalism to accept a government research grant or a government job?”

            I shall hasten to answer: “Yes”—then proceed to explain and qualify it. There are many confusions on these issues, created by the influence and implications of the altruist morality.

            There is nothing wrong in accepting private scholarships. The fact that a man has no claim on others (i.e., that it is not their moral duty to help him and that he cannot demand their help as his right) does not preclude or prohibit good will among men and does not make it immoral to offer or to accept voluntary, non-sacrificial assistance.

            A different principle and different considerations are involved in the case of public (i.e., governmental) scholarships. The right to accept them rests on the right of the victims to the property (or some part of it) which was taken from them by force.

          • 5 months ago

            The recipient of a public scholarship is morally justified only so long as he regards it as restitution and opposes all forms of welfare statism. Those who advocate public scholarships, have no right to them; those who oppose them, have. If this sounds like a paradox, the fault lies in the moral contradictions of welfare statism, not in its victims.

            Since there is no such thing as the right of some men to vote away the rights of others, and no such thing as the right of the government to seize the property of some men for the unearned benefit of others—the advocates and supporters of the welfare state are morally guilty of robbing their opponents, and the fact that the robbery is legalized makes it morally worse, not better. The victims do not have to add self-inflicted martyrdom to the injury done to them by others; they do not have to let the looters profit doubly, by letting them distribute the money exclusively to the parasites who clamored for it. Whenever the welfare-state laws offer them some small restitution, the victims should take it . . . .

            The same moral principles and considerations apply to the issue of accepting social security, unemployment insurance or other payments of that kind. It is obvious, in such cases, that a man receives his own money which was taken from him by force, directly and specifically, without his consent, against his own choice. Those who advocated such laws are morally guilty, since they assumed the “right” to force employers and unwilling co-workers. But the victims, who opposed such laws, have a clear right to any refund of their own money—and they would not advance the cause of freedom if they left their money, unclaimed, for the benefit of the welfare-state administration.

            The same moral principles and considerations apply to the issue of government research grants.

            The growth of the welfare state is approaching the stage where virtually the only money available for scientific research will be government money. (The disastrous effects of this situation and the disgraceful state of government-sponsored science are apparent already, but that is a different subject. We are concerned here only with the moral dilemma of scientists.) Taxation is destroying private resources, while government money is flooding and taking over the field of research.

            In these conditions, a scientist is morally justified in accepting government grants—so long as he opposes all forms of welfare statism. As in the case of scholarship-recipients, a scientist does not have to add self-martyrdom to the injustices he suffers.
            - Ayn Ran, “The Question of Scholarships,” The Objectivist, June, 1966, 11

            READ AND WEEP homosexual

          • 5 months ago

            The funny thing is you wrote all that while thinking it was insightful.

          • 5 months ago

            She wrote it in 1966, which destroys your claim that she "retconned it as consistent with Objectivism" after the fact. You are a fricking dunce who's panicking about getting raped in a IQfy argument to the point where you can barely even read what's being posted.

          • 5 months ago

            Wait, you don't know that Ayn Rand is a pen name? That wasn't the name she used on government documents you fricking dunce.

          • 5 months ago


            Why lie, anon? Here's what actually happened:
            >after writing essays literally characterizing smoking as a symbol of freedom, Rand gets lung cancer
            >her husband is also very sick at the time
            >Rand over extended her self-help cult and didn't have liquidity needed to cover medical payments and keep herself afloat
            >facing bankruptcy, a woman who worked for her publisher and befriended her convinced her to apply for social security and medicaid
            >Rand knew this was against the principles she spent her life espousing but realized the situation and accepted
            >Rand had the woman apply for access to the social safety net on her and her husband's behalf (using a different name)
            >years later the woman, who went on to become a social worker (lol) was interviewed for a book for ARI
            >she said the above
            >ARI attempted to bury the interview and denied it when it was brought up
            >when a journalist got records that proved Rand and her husband had applied for and received the money ARI shifted to "SHE PAID TAXES AND WAS JUST GETTING HER MONEY BACK"
            >(note this sidesteps the issues that Rand and her husband were saved by a social safety net)


            "Self help cult" implies I associated with other like-minded people (I didn't and haven't) and that there was some downside to reading her books. I figure buttholes were gonna hate me anyway, so you can't even blame that on reading Rand. What's the basis for your charge?
            So you're going to fault her for not living up to her ideals? Does anyone? How are you doing on that metric?

            >I’M AN INDIVIDUAL
            Lol. Cool cult, bro.

          • 5 months ago

            >acts like a homosexual
            >gets called out for being a homosexual
            frick off moron

          • 5 months ago

            Why are you so mad? Such an extreme emotional reaction indicates a pretty strong attachment to a woman who has been dead for over 40 years (i.e. loyalty to a cult leader). Everything I wrote is true, anon. Cope.
            >IT'S THE SYSTEM'S FAULT!
            Sure there, moron. Too bad she had to be convinced into accepting it by a social worker. It's almost like she knew what she was doing was hypocritical...
            >blogpost by a Randtard
            Too bad your cult doesn't only tricks you into believing you think for yourself.
            Teachable moment: part of the way Randianism works is by teaching it's adherents to sublimate their confusion when confronted with inconvenient facts. One aspect of this is otherizing their opponent according to a simplistic preset and arguing against that (i.e. someone pointing out Rand was a hypocrite and Objectivism is a self-help cult is a "leftist" or a "collectivist").

            >desperate deflection
            I like how you assume that Rand's fans are somehow organized. That's such a collectivist mindset. I've never joined any Rand-oriented organization, nor will I ever. Do you even realize how much you're projecting here?

          • 5 months ago

            I mean really the only way you can meet Objectivists irl is by interning at some org, or just happening across them in the wild. It's happened to me a few times and it's always been really fun because we're both so relieved to have a conversation about ethics n shit.

            Have you read The Romantic Manifesto, anon? That's probably where the majority of my disagreements with her lie, especially as it relates to visual media.

          • 5 months ago

            Exactly...I could probably meet more Objectivists by being a joiner, but I've never been a joiner.
            >Romantic Manifesto
            No, just "Fountainhead", "Atlas Shrugged", "Anthem", and "We The Living".

            >you're barely even trying to address the points being made
            You think this because you're filtered by the fact Ayn Rand was a hypocrite and Objectivism is a self-help cult. I've directly addressed everything you've said while all you've been able to do is deny fact.[...]
            >I like how you assume that Rand's fans are somehow organized.
            >That's such a collectivist mindset.
            Go back and reread what I wrote about how Randtards attempt to sidestep debate by predefining anyone who criticizes Randianism as "collectivist." You're a moron, anon.

            I called you a collectivist because you keep assuming people that read Rand want to join an organization and be surrounded by like-minded individuals. I could care less about that. But you're such a dyed-in-the-wool joiner that you can't even conceive of not wanting to join.

            They'll never accept it, anon. These "individuals" are so lacking in self-awareness that they don't even realize their own emotionally rooted reaction to criticism against their leader.

            I don't consider Ayn Rand to be any sort of leader. Again, you betray your "joiner" mindset, and mindlessly project it onto others.

          • 5 months ago

            You do realize that business requires the combined efforts of many people to succeed, right? If you insist on a solo business, you'll never succeed in any meaningful way, you'll never expand and grow. Human beings are group orientated, it's a fundamental aspect of our existence, to eschew it is just bizarre and counterproductive.

          • 5 months ago

            >"Fountainhead", "Atlas Shrugged", "Anthem", and "We The Living".
            Good stuff, man! You should check out some of the unpublished fiction works that have been released posthumously. I enjoyed "Ideal" quite a bit.

        • 5 months ago

          >You can look at how ARI operates (e.g. "closed system")
          Calling "Objectivism" anything other than "the philosophy of Ayn Rand" is moronic and so is Atlas Society for doing just that.

          • 5 months ago

            >ARI IS RIGHT THOUGH
            >THE SYSTEM IS CLOSED!
            Remember when David Harriman wrote a book saying that Rand had solved the problem of induction? He had to say what he wrote was already in Ayn Rand's writing because of the whole "closed system" bullshit. Anyway, it ended up causing a huge stink because a Stanford professor associated with ARI gave the book a cautiously positive review--ARI made him an apostate and all the cult shit came to the fore.

    • 5 months ago

      >she took money from the government
      >that she paid the government
      >and this conflicts with her philosophy of radical selfishness?
      This is the "smart" board right?

    • 5 months ago

      The government stole her money, so it's only fair that she get some of it back.

  2. 5 months ago

    Thank you, Ayn Rand, for giving me permission to be excellent. Most people wanted me to go with the flow, to become well-adjusted, and other things that would have absolutely destroyed me. Thank goodness I encountered her work in my teens.

  3. 5 months ago

    To think a female and a israelite could become so based, truly a testament to the power to overcome adversity

  4. 5 months ago


    3rd time I've asked you this...so you're going to fault her for not living up to her ideals? Does anyone? How are you personally doing on that metric?

  5. 5 months ago

    Happy Birthday to my favorite toxic israeli bubby! Here's to your very typical feminine vice of fetishizing the domination and cuckolding of men! *raises mug* May your warnings at last be heeded by the irreverent cattle and the filthy Marxists perish under the governance they desire!

  6. 5 months ago

    I'm not a fan but I have a soft spot for her knowing how much she makes academics seethe

  7. 5 months ago


  8. 5 months ago

    Well, this thread went downhill quickly.

    • 5 months ago

      Go ahead and talk about something else Rand related if you want. This moron is just impotently seething at losing an argument online at this point. Objectivists stay winning as usual.

      • 5 months ago

        Keep coping, moron.

        • 5 months ago

          no u

  9. 5 months ago


    Only some of those are me...
    Ayn Rand used a fake name to sign up for SS

    >homie they were simply not going bankrupt.
    They were though. You're just denying reality, anon. I accept you're a moron.
    >It irritates literally no one, which is why no one has pointed it out to you.
    If it didn't irritate you you wouldn't be crying about it (repeatedly as per your own admission).
    >She literally encouraged people to take advantage of government programs all throughout her life.
    Imaging trying to shift the goalposts while and scoring an own goal. Frick you're stupid. She had to be talked into accepting social security and Medicaid by a woman who worked for her publisher's law firm. She did so under a fake name and ARI later lied about it. When the truth came out they shifted to "it was morally acceptable because she paid taxes."

    These are the facts you absolute moron.

    She did. I should have pointed out she signed up under Anne O'Conner and not "Alice" as you said.
    Ayn Rand taking SS is inconsistent with Objectivism

    >Pryor was NOT a social worker
    I said she later became a social worker, moron. She did.
    >Nor was Rand penniless or in need
    Never argued she was "penniless." She was "in need" as per the law firm.
    > she had cash reserves of a few hundred thousand dollars and a steady income from book royalties
    Again, not according to the publisher's law firm and the person who filled out the applications for her.
    >Pryor argued with Rand because Ayn did not want Social Security, nor did Rand go out and seek it, or Medicare, even though doing so was entirely consistent with her own ethics.
    She argued because it wasn't consistent with Objectivism. Again, ARI originally denied Rand accepted social security/Medicaid and then retconned this in order to make it acceptable within Objectivism. (I brought up "closed system" earlier...you see Randtards do this a lot).
    >What Pryor said was that she tried to convince Rand to sign up and they argued.
    Yes. Pretty funny the blogpost you're quoting from doesn't go into detail about the context brought up within the interview and has to fall back on vagaries.
    >There is no indication whether Pryor used the power of attorney to apply for benefits, or whether Rand knew about it.
    They have documentation that proves both Ayn and Frank received social security. The explicit reason Pryor was given power of attorney was to apply for it as well as Medicaid.
    >It shows Rand fighting with her attorneys and telling them that she didn't want to do this.
    "Even though it's totally consistent with Objectivism that she did!"

    Stopped reading there. Holy shit, if you can't see how full of shit the excerpts your posting are there's no way to help you, moron. Try thinking for yourself instead of indoctrinating yourself into a Cold War era self-help cult. Frick, lol.

    No. I claimed Rand was apprehensive and even hostile towards the idea of taking social security and medicaid as per the woman who she gave power of attorney (see pic-related in


    >What's it about
    Kevin Spacy pretending he's not a homosexual while failing to bang the good girl broad from American Beauty because he finds out she's a virgin.
    >'continuously spew the word "moron" during their "arguments"
    If you could address arguments I wouldn't have to continuously point out you're moronic. The insults are for entertainment value.
    >which destroys your claim that she "retconned it as consistent with Objectivism"
    I said that ARI retconned their position that she never accepted social security and Medicaid (not her). I also pointed out that Rand didn't want to accept it but had to do so because he and her husband had extensive medical bills that were only going to grow. As an aside, I brought up how Randianism attempts to rationalize according to the idea of a "closed system" and how this exemplifies such.

    Now, look at pic-related and go back to [...] (i.e. the moron who can't think for himself copy/pasting). Notice how the excerpts don't actually address the context of the interview and rely on the idea of vagaries? Notice how it brushes over the idea of "power of attorney" as if this person wouldn't know Rand's financial situation? This was one argument I made that you homosexuals were able to address. Go ahead and cherry-pick just like the shitty blog post you morons put forward instead of thinking for yourselves. Some individuals you are! Lol

    ). I also pointed out that ARI originally claimed that Rand had not taken those benefits while retconning it to be about "getting something she paid in for and was owed." I was well aware of this deflection and you're mischaracterizing my argument, anon.

    I'm not going to argue the points directed to the other anon but I'll say that you're probably misreading them while failing to address their actual content just as you did with those I've addressed above.

    • 5 months ago

      >No. I claimed Rand was apprehensive and even hostile towards the idea of taking social security and medicaid as per the woman who she gave power of attorney

      "She argued because it wasn't consistent with Objectivism"
      -This dishonest moron,

      >Pryor was NOT a social worker
      I said she later became a social worker, moron. She did.
      >Nor was Rand penniless or in need
      Never argued she was "penniless." She was "in need" as per the law firm.
      > she had cash reserves of a few hundred thousand dollars and a steady income from book royalties
      Again, not according to the publisher's law firm and the person who filled out the applications for her.
      >Pryor argued with Rand because Ayn did not want Social Security, nor did Rand go out and seek it, or Medicare, even though doing so was entirely consistent with her own ethics.
      She argued because it wasn't consistent with Objectivism. Again, ARI originally denied Rand accepted social security/Medicaid and then retconned this in order to make it acceptable within Objectivism. (I brought up "closed system" earlier...you see Randtards do this a lot).
      >What Pryor said was that she tried to convince Rand to sign up and they argued.
      Yes. Pretty funny the blogpost you're quoting from doesn't go into detail about the context brought up within the interview and has to fall back on vagaries.
      >There is no indication whether Pryor used the power of attorney to apply for benefits, or whether Rand knew about it.
      They have documentation that proves both Ayn and Frank received social security. The explicit reason Pryor was given power of attorney was to apply for it as well as Medicaid.
      >It shows Rand fighting with her attorneys and telling them that she didn't want to do this.
      "Even though it's totally consistent with Objectivism that she did!"

      Stopped reading there. Holy shit, if you can't see how full of shit the excerpts your posting are there's no way to help you, moron. Try thinking for yourself instead of indoctrinating yourself into a Cold War era self-help cult. Frick, lol.

      , February 2nd, 2024

      You are a terrible liar. Why you feel such a desire to win this that you'll be intentionally dishonest to such an extent is beyond me. It's an anonymous forum. Just admit that you were wrong and move on.

      • 5 months ago

        >"She argued because it wasn't consistent with Objectivism"
        Yes. Why do you think Rand argued with Pryor regarding taking social security and Medicaid? I'm well aware that ARI retconned their position from "Ayn Rand didn't take benefits" to "according to this essay she wrote 30 or so years before it's ok." I actually referenced this fact in a post before you predictable morons even brought it up (

        See, that's the better option because it doesn't betray the sense of personal attachment one finds when it comes to a cult leader.

        Yes, anon. I fault a woman who spent her life arguing against the existence of social safety nets and took advantage of their existence because she made poor life decision. I also fault the institution she helped create for lying about it and then retconing the lie into "she paid into it" when journalists brought forth documentation.

        For those that don't know the story, there was an interview with the woman who convinced Rand to apply for and accept social security and medicaid. ARI covered it up and denied it. A journalist got documentation relating to the social security application and payments (which Rand took under a different name). ARI erased the stuff about it being untrue from their website and replaced it with "she was just taking back what was hers." You'll notice Randtards will regurgitate this fairly often).

        ). It's not the gotcha you're trying to characterize it as, moron.

        Now, Pryor specifically said that Rand did not want to take the benefits because it conflicted with Objectivism and they had extensive conversations over a long period of time in regard to such. She specifically says that Rand "didn't agree" with taking the benefits but did so out of "necessity." Can you address this fact?
        >You are a terrible liar.
        Remember when you projected the idea that I ignored your point about "Alice O'Connor" taking benefits. Well, it was Anne O'Connor, moron.

      • 5 months ago

        Since you probably won't adequately address

        >"She argued because it wasn't consistent with Objectivism"
        Yes. Why do you think Rand argued with Pryor regarding taking social security and Medicaid? I'm well aware that ARI retconned their position from "Ayn Rand didn't take benefits" to "according to this essay she wrote 30 or so years before it's ok." I actually referenced this fact in a post before you predictable morons even brought it up ([...]). It's not the gotcha you're trying to characterize it as, moron.

        Now, Pryor specifically said that Rand did not want to take the benefits because it conflicted with Objectivism and they had extensive conversations over a long period of time in regard to such. She specifically says that Rand "didn't agree" with taking the benefits but did so out of "necessity." Can you address this fact?
        >You are a terrible liar.
        Remember when you projected the idea that I ignored your point about "Alice O'Connor" taking benefits. Well, it was Anne O'Connor, moron.

        I'll go back to a prior point that was made because I want to point something out about the nebulous nature of Randianism. You can see an example in regard to ARI using that essay as justification for Rand taking benefits.

        Rand's motivation for accepting social security and Medicaid was financial necessity. She wasn't trying to get back money that she had paid into the system, the justification as per the essay, but was in a position of necessity due to her and her husband's own poor life decisions and lack of financial planning. I fully understand that ARI changed gears once documentation was found proving Rand had taken social security and Medicaid but, as per the person who had power of attorney over Rand's person/estate, Rand had to be talked into applying for benefits through many discussions over a period of time. The conclusion of these conversations wasn't the thesis of the essay but Rand recognizing the necessity of accessing the programmes given her situation. The social safety net caught Rand. Simple as. Point A to Point B, no gymnastics needed.

        If you look into it you'll notice that ARI goes out of its way to deflect from the idea that things like Medicaid are social safety nets (e.g. they characterize Medicaid as a tax on the services of doctors). It's pretty ironic that Pryor, Rand's power of attorney and the woman who signed "Anne O'Connor" up for social security and Medicaid, had to convince Ayn that doctors were potentially greedy and that's why the safety net needed to exist. See, you can pick any target and label them as the meaningful part of the "collectivist" project but what you're really doing is oversimplifying the world in order to make it comport with ideological presets (which in this case is a laughable "good guys v. bad guys" narrative from a Sci-Fi writer who started a self-help cult).

        If it makes you feel better you can discuss the above instead of acknowledging the fact you were throttled by

        >"She argued because it wasn't consistent with Objectivism"
        Yes. Why do you think Rand argued with Pryor regarding taking social security and Medicaid? I'm well aware that ARI retconned their position from "Ayn Rand didn't take benefits" to "according to this essay she wrote 30 or so years before it's ok." I actually referenced this fact in a post before you predictable morons even brought it up ([...]). It's not the gotcha you're trying to characterize it as, moron.

        Now, Pryor specifically said that Rand did not want to take the benefits because it conflicted with Objectivism and they had extensive conversations over a long period of time in regard to such. She specifically says that Rand "didn't agree" with taking the benefits but did so out of "necessity." Can you address this fact?
        >You are a terrible liar.
        Remember when you projected the idea that I ignored your point about "Alice O'Connor" taking benefits. Well, it was Anne O'Connor, moron.

        . (But the part about ARI's justification not aligning Rand's actual reasoning in accepting the benefits damns your post as well).

    • 5 months ago

      >Why do you think Rand argued with Pryor regarding taking social security and Medicaid?
      Why did the couple only collect a grand total of $14,000 over the course of TEN YEARS? Less than two thousand dollars a year and you think this was life-saving money to people who retained a fully staffed New York penthouse in the heart of downtown the entire time? She died in that place, you know. You don't think that would have been liquidated if it was necessary? Frick off, dummy. You're ignoring half the evidence against your claim because it blows it out of the fricking water and you know it.
      >It's not the gotcha you're trying to characterize it as, moron.
      It absolutely is considering you cannot refute the implications of the article on the consistency of her actions, which is what you're trying to avoid right now out of pride. You claimed it is inconsistent with Objectivism, I refuted that notion completely and you've spent this entire argument dancing around that because you don't even know what is and isn't consistent with Objectivism.

      We're having two separate arguments right now and you're apparently too dumb to categorize which information belongs to which.

      >Was Ayn Rand in financial trouble?
      No. Literally every solid fact that we can see indicates that she was still a very wealthy woman. It was one of her PAID STAFF who had LIVING QUARTERS in the frickhuge DOWNTOWN NEW YORK APARTMENT she lived in that found her dead for fricks sake. Medicare doesn't cover that sort of thing, just to let you know. She and her husband collected a total of $14,000 from SS and to act like that being lifesaving money is even a possibility considering their lifestyle is completely fricking absurd. That's not even mentioning the inheritance Rand left behind which was massive.

      >Was taking retirement benefits consistent with the principles of Objectivism?
      Well, according to the reasoning laid out in that article written years prior, yes! Can you articulate why that reasoning is faulty? Do you know that she changed her mind past that point? Of course not.

      >Anne O'Connor
      Sure I'm willing to concede that. It's completely unimportant to what's listed above anyway.

      Since you probably won't adequately address [...] I'll go back to a prior point that was made because I want to point something out about the nebulous nature of Randianism. You can see an example in regard to ARI using that essay as justification for Rand taking benefits.

      Rand's motivation for accepting social security and Medicaid was financial necessity. She wasn't trying to get back money that she had paid into the system, the justification as per the essay, but was in a position of necessity due to her and her husband's own poor life decisions and lack of financial planning. I fully understand that ARI changed gears once documentation was found proving Rand had taken social security and Medicaid but, as per the person who had power of attorney over Rand's person/estate, Rand had to be talked into applying for benefits through many discussions over a period of time. The conclusion of these conversations wasn't the thesis of the essay but Rand recognizing the necessity of accessing the programmes given her situation. The social safety net caught Rand. Simple as. Point A to Point B, no gymnastics needed.

      If you look into it you'll notice that ARI goes out of its way to deflect from the idea that things like Medicaid are social safety nets (e.g. they characterize Medicaid as a tax on the services of doctors). It's pretty ironic that Pryor, Rand's power of attorney and the woman who signed "Anne O'Connor" up for social security and Medicaid, had to convince Ayn that doctors were potentially greedy and that's why the safety net needed to exist. See, you can pick any target and label them as the meaningful part of the "collectivist" project but what you're really doing is oversimplifying the world in order to make it comport with ideological presets (which in this case is a laughable "good guys v. bad guys" narrative from a Sci-Fi writer who started a self-help cult).

      If it makes you feel better you can discuss the above instead of acknowledging the fact you were throttled by [...]. (But the part about ARI's justification not aligning Rand's actual reasoning in accepting the benefits damns your post as well).

      Ayn Rand was broke [...] (and a bunch of other times)
      >>Gets proven wrong [...] (and a bunch of other times)
      The money you referenced is her social security payouts and not her medical expenses covered under Medicaid. As per the woman who had power of attorney over her person/estate, Rand begrudgingly took medical welfare due to financial "necessity" in spite of her philosophy.

      Addressed most of what's in here already, but also she was on MEDICARE and not MEDICAID, and there is a major difference there. The life she was living is not consistent with any of this being a necessity.

      • 5 months ago

        >Why did the couple only collect a grand total of $14,000 over the course of TEN YEARS?
        Again, you've ignored the point. I've told you already: this is SOCIAL SECURITY payout and not Medicaid, moron.
        >It absolutely is considering you cannot refute the implications of the article on the consistency of her actions
        Again, ignoring arguments. As per the person with power of attorney, Rand did not want to accept social security and Medicaid due to her beliefs. She specifically notes that she had extensive conversations with Rand regarding the implications of these beliefs re: welfare. As noted, Ayn Rand received these begrudgingly accepted these benefits in spite of her beliefs due to "necessity."

        Again, I am well aware of ARI changing their narrative from "Ayn didn't accept welfare" to "this essay we dug up from the 1960s makes it ok." The problem for your argument is that she didn't accept the benefits as per the thesis of the essay. As per Pryor, who again had power of attorney, Rand took the money in spite of he beliefs out of necessity.
        >We're having two separate arguments right now
        Only in the sense that you don't actually address my arguments and the facts I've brought up in relation to them. I thought it was because you were filtered by having your cult criticized but I think now you're actually just really dumb.
        >No. Literally every solid fact that we can see indicates that she was still a very wealthy woman
        It is a fact that the person who had power of attorney, and thereby knew the ins and outs of Rand's financial situation, convinced Rand to accept social security and Medicaid out of financial necessity. It is clear from


        >What's it about
        Kevin Spacy pretending he's not a homosexual while failing to bang the good girl broad from American Beauty because he finds out she's a virgin.
        >'continuously spew the word "moron" during their "arguments"
        If you could address arguments I wouldn't have to continuously point out you're moronic. The insults are for entertainment value.
        >which destroys your claim that she "retconned it as consistent with Objectivism"
        I said that ARI retconned their position that she never accepted social security and Medicaid (not her). I also pointed out that Rand didn't want to accept it but had to do so because he and her husband had extensive medical bills that were only going to grow. As an aside, I brought up how Randianism attempts to rationalize according to the idea of a "closed system" and how this exemplifies such.

        Now, look at pic-related and go back to [...] (i.e. the moron who can't think for himself copy/pasting). Notice how the excerpts don't actually address the context of the interview and rely on the idea of vagaries? Notice how it brushes over the idea of "power of attorney" as if this person wouldn't know Rand's financial situation? This was one argument I made that you homosexuals were able to address. Go ahead and cherry-pick just like the shitty blog post you morons put forward instead of thinking for yourselves. Some individuals you are! Lol

        . I'll point out now that no one has been able to address the fact that the excerpts you morons copy/pasted earlier cherry pick elements of this exchange and mischaracterize the facts. A person with power of attorney said that Rand needed welfare due to necessity and that Rand begrudgingly took the money out of necessity. This is a cold hard fact from the mouth of a person who regarded Rand as a friend and who literally had power of attorney and filed the actual documents.
        >She and her husband collected a total of $14,000 from SS and to act like that being lifesaving money
        Medical expenses you absolute moron. Rand had advanced lung cancer from smoking. Frank O'Connor had dementia and saw rapid physical decline starting in the 60s (he was also an alcoholic which didn't help).
        >Was taking retirement benefits consistent with the principles of Objectivism?
        This isn't what happened, anon. Again, Rand took Medicaid out of financial necessity.
        >Sure I'm willing to concede that. It's completely unimportant to what's listed above anyway.
        You sure made a big deal out of it when you thought it proved your entire argument. I want to say again that I believe you're not being disingenuous on purpose and are just incredibly stupid. Fake name.
        >Addressed most of what's in here
        Lol, no you didn't.

        • 5 months ago

          >Again, you've ignored the point. I've told you already: this is SOCIAL SECURITY payout and not Medicaid, moron.
          Do you seriously not know the difference between Medicare and Medicaid?
          >Again, ignoring arguments. As per the person with power of attorney, Rand did not want to accept social security and Medicaid due to her beliefs.
          That doesn't make sense considering her beliefs were contrary to that way of thinking, which is outlined in the article she wrote for her magazine years before. Have you read the article?
          >It is a fact that the person who had power of attorney, and thereby knew the ins and outs of Rand's financial situation, convinced Rand to accept social security and Medicaid out of financial necessity.
          It is a fact that it clearly was not a necessity considering how much money Ayn Rand had at the time and the lifestyle she was living, and this is something you have yet to find an explanation for. All that interview states is that Rand was convinced to take Medicare and Social Security as a precautionary measure in case medical expenses get out of hand. Also, again, NOT MEDICAID. She took MEDICARE which is something that all people over the age of 65 get along with Social Security. It's literally a part of social security.
          >Medical expenses you absolute moron
          So she was in such a desperate situation with medical expenses that she kept all her wildly expensive property, paid live-in staff, cars, etc. but NEEDED Social Security and Medicare lest she be on the street. Interesting.
          >This isn't what happened, anon. Again, Rand took Medicaid out of financial necessity.
          It quite literally is what happened. Rand was never on Medicaid, she got Medicare which is a retirement benefit. This is why Pryor says "she was coming to a point in her life where she was going to receive the very thing she didn't like, which was Medicare and Social Security." She said that because Rand was getting OLD and therefor qualified for those things. Pryor then convinced her to take it because it could save her headache with medical expenses, you mongoloid. How are you this dumb? Actually, you're just dishonest, which is why you avoided me pointing out the difference between Medicare and Medicaid. Interesting.
          >You sure made a big deal out of it when you thought it proved your entire argument.
          At what point was the name thing a central part of the argument? It was a once sentence deal.
          >Lol, no you didn't.
          I did and you provided very little that's new for me to address. You still haven't explained why it's inconsistent with Objectivism, you still haven't explained Rands immense wealth at that point in time, and you deliberately ignored me pointing out that it wasn't welfare that she was on, but retirement benefits.
          >I want to say again that I believe you're not being disingenuous on purpose and are just incredibly stupid
          You are disingenuous on purpose as well as incredibly stupid.

          • 5 months ago

            >Do you seriously not know the difference between Medicare and Medicaid?
            I'm not a poorgay so I honestly didn't. It's not important because either way it was social welfare.
            >That doesn't make sense considering her beliefs were contrary to that way of thinking,
            Well, its a fact as per a personal friend of Rand who was given power of attorney over her person and finances.
            >the article she wrote for her magazine years before
            ARI brought out that article after originally denying Rand received welfare. As per the person who had power of attorney (i.e. was familiar with Rand's finances) and filed the applications for welfare, extensive philosophical conversations regarding the implications of Rand accepting welfare took place. Rand's rationale for taking the welfare was not the thesis of that essay but rather due to financial necessity. Rand took the money in spite of her philosophy while ARI first lied about it then shifted to citing an essay from decades prior to Rand taking welfare payments. Again, there is evidence that Rand took the money out of financial necessity and against her beliefs as per a confidante who had power of attorney. ARI reconned a lie by appealing to a tangentially related essay of which there's no evidence it factored into Rand's decision. Rand argued with Pryor in multiple conversations over a period of time. Pryor said Rand was still against the idea and only took the money because she "saw the [financial] necessity" of doing so.
            >So she was in such a desperate situation with medical expenses that she kept all her wildly expensive property
            Neither of us know the details of Rand's financial situation in the late 1970s but do you know who did? The person who had power of attorney over her estate at that time. The person who had power of attorney over Rand's estate said that it was out of necessity. Can you refute this statement as untrue? No, you can't even address it.
            >It quite literally is what happened
            >"she was coming to a point in her life where she was going to receive the very thing she didn't like, which was Medicare and Social Security."
            Read the rest, moron. You're cherry-picking and out of context. Rand was against accepting the welfare but she did so begrudgingly after extensive philosophical debate at the behest of Pryor. If her rationale was based on the essay from the 60s why was it even a problem? You can't answer that question.
            >Pryor then convinced her to take it because it could save her headache
            No, it specifically says in that excerpt you yourself quoted (out of context) that Rand took the money out of financial necessity. A person with power of attorney is aware of the finances of the estate they're managing and Rand herself is stated to have taken the welfare against principle and due to necessity.

          • 5 months ago

            >I'm not a poorgay so I honestly didn't. It's not important because either way it was social welfare.
            You're just a moron if you didn't know that, which considering I had to call you out on ignoring it the first time for you to acknowledge it, I don't think you didn't. Another example of you being a dishonest moron. It has major differences in terms of coverage, as well. Medicaid = welfare, Medicare = retirement benefits.
            >Well, its a fact as per a personal friend of Rand who was given power of attorney over her person and finances.
            I like how you ignore the content of the article entirely because it's impossible for you to address even through your lens of omitting inconvenient shit. Read it.
            >ARI brought out that article after originally denying Rand received welfare
            No they didn't, it was published in the magazine in 1966.
            >Pryor said Rand was still against the idea and only took the money because she "saw the [financial] necessity" of doing so.
            She said she was going to sign her up for it whether she approved or not.
            >Neither of us know the details of Rand's financial situation in the late 1970s but do you know who did?
            Leonard Peikoff, who said she was quite wealthy.
            >Can you refute this statement as untrue?
            Yeah. Ayn Rand was extremely wealthy in the 70s and 80s. She had a consistent stable income from writing some of the best selling books of all time and being made god knows how much a night to make speeches. This is reflected in her living situation which remained quite lavish throughout.
            >If her rationale was based on the essay from the 60s why was it even a problem?
            Because like she said in the article that you didn't even read, it is a moral dilemma that needs certain considerations, and it's not a decision to be taken lightly because of the moral ramifications and how dependent they are on context. Read the article. It is explained quite plainly.
            >No, it specifically says in that excerpt you yourself quoted (out of context) that Rand took the money out of financial necessity
            No, it says that Pryor said things could at some point turn out a certain way, and that Pryor told Rand that taking retirement benefits would help mitigate that potentiality. There was no present financial crisis at the time. It was just a matter of that being a possibility, as is stated in the interview. We don't know to what extent it was taken advantage of, though it can be inferred that it wasn't much considering her apparent immense wealth, which you are willfully ignoring.

          • 5 months ago

            >You're just a moron if you didn't know that
            At the risk of you retreating to nationalism because you're BTFO, I'm not American and have no reason to distinguish between Medicare and Medicaid. They're both forms of welfare and Rand applied for and received Medicare due to financial necessity. Are you losing so badly that you really want to slide over this nitpick?
            >I like how you ignore the content of the article entirely because it's impossible for you to address
            This is projection, anon. Why wouldn't a trusted friend who acted with power of attorney not have a better understanding of Rand's finances than some homosexual on the internet (i.e. you) making shit up? You can't directly address the fact someone with power of attorney over Rand's estate specifically said that she needed to apply for welfare out of financial necessity.
            >No they didn't, it was published in the magazine in 1966.
            They did. I'm not going to skip ahead but I'm going to hazard a guess that you're not going to give a valid argument in response to the fact that the thesis of this essay played no demonstrable part in Rand's decision. All you can do is assert it did, because ARI referenced it after initially lying, and not answer to the following: Pryor specifically said she and Rand discussed the philosophical implications of Rand applying for and accepting welfare extensively multiple times and that Rand decided to take the welfare in spite of her supposed principles because she saw the necessity of doing do.
            >She said she was going to sign her up for it whether she approved or not.
            So which is it, anon? Did Rand have nothing to do with it or was it justified? You can't have your cake and eat it too you fricking moron, lol.

            Why are you mischaracterizing shit when anyone can look at it? "Whether she agreed or not is not the issue, she saw the necessity for both her and Frank." This isn't saying that she was going to do it no matter what but that Rand saw the financial necessity of accepting welfare, despite her philosophical principles, and signed power of attorney. Again, they discussed her philosophy in relation to her acceptance of welfare extensively and you continue to just ignore it.
            >Leonard Peikoff, who said she was quite wealthy.
            Her "intellectual heir" and head of ARI (i.e. the guy who originally said she didn't accept welfare). Did you know his wife said she saw the social security checks? Lol. Again, why is someone with power of attorney who was also a confidante and friend of Rand somehow not familiar with her finances? You can't answer this question. Neither of us know Rand's financial state. We have someone from ARI defensively projecting speculation back onto something that happened in the 70s versus the statement of someone who took part in the event and literally controlled her finances. You're an idiot.

          • 5 months ago

            >Are you losing so badly that you really want to slide over this nitpick?
            You refused to acknowledge it before I called you on ignoring my original distinction. Maybe you just can't read, that's a possibility too.
            >This is projection, anon. Why wouldn't a trusted friend who acted with power of attorney not have a better understanding of Rand's finances than some homosexual on the internet
            At what point did I not say that was the case, moron? You are deliberately misinterpreting what she said to make it fit your agenda. She said that Ayn Rand was getting old, and would soon be receiving social security as all people of that age do. She said that doctors bills could potentially be damaging to her financial situation in the future, and that those benefits could be a help with that. Not that Rand was destitute and needed the money. Anything else is just speculation on your part, and it's speculation that directly contradicts what is known about her lifestyle during that period, but more on that later.
            >the fact that the thesis of this essay played no demonstrable part in Rand's decision.
            The thesis of this essay which principally addresses issues of this exact nature through an Objectivist lens? That has no bearing on whether or not she thought it was consistent with Objectivism to take SS benefits? Lmao alright then. You're clearly avoiding the 1966 essay and its implications because it sinks your entire thing here. You're so transparent in how much of a worm you are that it's honestly kinda sad.
            >So which is it, anon? Did Rand have nothing to do with it or was it justified?
            Both? Why would it have to be one? I already explained to you why it needed convincing as well.
            >Neither of us know Rand's financial state.
            I get that basic inferences might be a bit too advanced for you to comprehend, but we sorta do. Judging by what is known about her during that period, her MONTHLY expenditures of travel, paying employees, lawyers, housing staff, publishers, editors, etc. is not at all representative of someone who is hurting for cash. Not to mention the payments she had to have been making on the unbelievably expensive houses she owned. Do you know how the IRS tracks unreported income a lot of the time? By observing spending that doesn't make sense in comparison to what that person has stated to be their income. You're saying she's broke, but then why is she spending like a rich person? Doesn't make a whole lotta sense.
            >Again, you keep asserting this but the person who was in control of her finances specifically said that she needed to take welfare due to financial necessity.
            Read above you bloviating tard.

          • 5 months ago

            >original distinction
            It isn't important because Rand didn't want to apply for it yet did so out of financial necessity according to the person who took part and had power of attorney over her estate.
            >deliberately misinterpreting what she said
            You're ignoring what she said according to the person who was there. Again, the person with power of attorney explicitly said Rand's finances required her to apply and Rand didn't want to do so because it conflicted with her beliefs.
            >The thesis of this essay which principally addresses issues
            Yet Rand didn't want to apply as per the extended philosophical conversations she had with Pryor who, again, was literally the one who participated in the event. You cannot address this fact because it proves you wrong. Also, ARI originally said she didn't take welfare. They dug up the essay decades after the event in order to protect Rand's image. You cannot address this fact either. All you can do is insist I accept the essay over what was said by Pryor while providing no actual argument as to the thesis playing into Rand's decision.
            You can't say she justified it via Objectivism and also had nothing to do with it, moron. We know she didn't justify it through Objectivism because of Pryor. The essay is a post-hoc justification that ARI presented when the facts came out. However, we know Rand took the money out of necessity and against her beliefs as per Pryor (who again was there and filled out the paperwork). Rand participated in philosophical conversations as to the implications of accepting welfare and still didn't want to do it. Does participating in these conversations constitute the fact she had something to do with what was going on? Yes. Do these conversations indicate that Rand thought her actions were justified? Absolutely not, she was arguing against taking the money you absolute moron.
            >I get that basic inferences
            The person with power of attorney knows Rand's finances. She said she needed to take the money out of NECESSITY and that Rand accepted the outcome based on this. You, a random homosexual on the internet over 40 years later, don't have the understanding of the situation that the person in control of Rand's finances did. You're making shit up and ignoring power of attorney, moron.
            >Read above
            You can't actually address why the person with power of attorney said Rand needed the money. All you can do is assert you know more about Rand's financial situation than the person with power of attorney, lol.
            >She didn't
            Rand had surgery for lung cancer in 1974 and eventually died from cardiopulmonary disease (which is related to lung function and smoking, moron). Just like your bullshit about "Alice O'Connor" you're lying about facts instead of addressing them.
            >Barbara Brandon
            This has nothing to do with the fact Rand and O'Connor were both sick and needed money because of it, moron.

          • 5 months ago

            >At what point was the name thing a central part of the argument?
            I knew you were wrong about it but you're an idiot so I dropped it. You tried to reintroduce it as a gotcha, and seeing as you're a disingenuous idiot would have likely brought it up repeatedly, so I slammed you on it. You've lost this argument in every possible way, anon.
            >I did and you provided very little that's new for me to address.
            No you didn't. For example, you've said nothing about the counterargument in regard to Rand's rationale for taking the money not being based on a paper ARI pulled out of their ass but explicitly, as per the person with power of attorney who was there and filed the documents, due to financial "necessity." Necessity is a direct quote you absolute moron. That's just one example.
            >You are disingenuous on purpose as well as incredibly stupid
            "N-n-no you!" Kek, you're an idiot, anon. Hopefully this beatdown with teach you not to follow idols like a weak and pathetic loser who can't take charge of their own life.


            >I knew you were wrong about it but you're an idiot so I dropped it. You tried to reintroduce it as a gotcha, and seeing as you're a disingenuous idiot would have likely brought it up repeatedly, so I slammed you on it. You've lost this argument in every possible way, anon.
            You didn't know I was wrong about it because you ignored it, and I assume you just looked it up. I was wrong about the name, but I will add that since Pryor had power of attorney, she would have been the one to file that application. According to the interview which you are taking as gospel, Rand herself had no input in that process.
            >counterargument in regard to Rand's rationale for taking the money not being based on a paper ARI pulled out of their ass but explicitly
            It wasn't. It was published in 1966 in the magazine, as well as deliberately given its own section in the lexicon in fricking 1988. I think it's safe to come to the conclusion that you have looked at zero of the firsthand sources yourself and are just parroting a mix of bullshit you heard somewhere else. Pathetic.
            >teach you not to follow idols like a weak and pathetic loser who can't take charge of their own life.
            Ayn Rand was a human with flaws, both philosophically and personally, notably as it relates to visual arts and romantic life respectively. Was she poor? No. She was quite wealthy. You are just a moron incapable of addressing anything on a conceptual level, so being a dishonest shithead about the minutia of her life is your one point of attack on her philosophy, because you are a fricking tool. Try reading the books you're talking about sometime so you can have an actual discussion about them on the literature board. As it is, you are a disingenuous, ignorant moron and everyone in the thread knows it. have a nice day.

            >verification not required

          • 5 months ago

            >Yeah. Ayn Rand was extremely wealthy in the 70s and 80s.
            Again, you keep asserting this but the person who was in control of her finances specifically said that she needed to take welfare due to financial necessity. Tell me why the person in control of her finances who participated in the event in question isn't reliable. You can't.
            >Because like she said in the article that you didn't even read
            Again, what evidence do you have that this factored into her decision. Absolutely none. I've addressed this point multiple times by pointing out that the rationale presented by Pryor doesn't line up with what was put out by ARI. I've also informed you that ARI originally lied about Rand accepting welfare and I'll now say that they have a vested interest in protecting their cult leader.
            >No, it says that Pryor said things could at some point turn out a certain way
            >There was no present financial crisis at the time
            Rand had terminal lung cancer and her husband was declining rapidly from dementia. The fact is: PRYOR SAID RAND SPECIFICALLY NEEDED THE MONEY AND THAT RAND TOOK IT AGAINST HER OWN PRINCIPLES FOR THIS REASON. Why do you keep mischaracterizing and lying while failing to actually address the facts at hand? Because you're a stupid loser who indoctrinated into a self-help cult from the Cold War.
            >You didn't know I was wrong about it because you ignored it,
            Yes I did. Hence why I corrected you on it when you brought it up again.
            >since Pryor had power of attorney, she would have been the one to file that application
            Yes. But Rand signed over power of attorney after extensive debate about the philosophical implications of accepting welfare and Pryor says she accepted the necessity of taking welfare.
            >It wasn't. It was published in 1966 in the magazine, as well as deliberately given its own section in the lexicon in fricking 1988.
            Again, you're not addressing the fact that Pryor's interview states the reasoning behind Rand taking welfare whereas the essay is a post-hoc justification from a bias actor with vested interest to maintain the image of their cult leader. You didn't address the fact that the thesis of the essay played no part in the decision as Rand did not want to accept the money. You're trying to argue Rand played no part at the same time you argue it was justified--it's really pathetic to see you flail like this instead of just accepting reality. You can't answer to the fact the thesis isn't implied in anyway by Pryor (who was actually there).
            >I think it's safe to come to the conclusion that you have looked at zero of the firsthand sources yourself and are just parroting a mix of bullshit
            Pure projection. You literally copy/pasted someone else's retorts and failed to address my counterarguments in regard to them you absolute moron.
            >Ayn Rand was a human with flaws
            Nice platitude, homosexual. No wonder you were duped into joining a self-help cult by a dead hypocrite.

          • 5 months ago

            >You're just a moron if you didn't know that
            At the risk of you retreating to nationalism because you're BTFO, I'm not American and have no reason to distinguish between Medicare and Medicaid. They're both forms of welfare and Rand applied for and received Medicare due to financial necessity. Are you losing so badly that you really want to slide over this nitpick?
            >I like how you ignore the content of the article entirely because it's impossible for you to address
            This is projection, anon. Why wouldn't a trusted friend who acted with power of attorney not have a better understanding of Rand's finances than some homosexual on the internet (i.e. you) making shit up? You can't directly address the fact someone with power of attorney over Rand's estate specifically said that she needed to apply for welfare out of financial necessity.
            >No they didn't, it was published in the magazine in 1966.
            They did. I'm not going to skip ahead but I'm going to hazard a guess that you're not going to give a valid argument in response to the fact that the thesis of this essay played no demonstrable part in Rand's decision. All you can do is assert it did, because ARI referenced it after initially lying, and not answer to the following: Pryor specifically said she and Rand discussed the philosophical implications of Rand applying for and accepting welfare extensively multiple times and that Rand decided to take the welfare in spite of her supposed principles because she saw the necessity of doing do.
            >She said she was going to sign her up for it whether she approved or not.
            So which is it, anon? Did Rand have nothing to do with it or was it justified? You can't have your cake and eat it too you fricking moron, lol.

            Why are you mischaracterizing shit when anyone can look at it? "Whether she agreed or not is not the issue, she saw the necessity for both her and Frank." This isn't saying that she was going to do it no matter what but that Rand saw the financial necessity of accepting welfare, despite her philosophical principles, and signed power of attorney. Again, they discussed her philosophy in relation to her acceptance of welfare extensively and you continue to just ignore it.
            >Leonard Peikoff, who said she was quite wealthy.
            Her "intellectual heir" and head of ARI (i.e. the guy who originally said she didn't accept welfare). Did you know his wife said she saw the social security checks? Lol. Again, why is someone with power of attorney who was also a confidante and friend of Rand somehow not familiar with her finances? You can't answer this question. Neither of us know Rand's financial state. We have someone from ARI defensively projecting speculation back onto something that happened in the 70s versus the statement of someone who took part in the event and literally controlled her finances. You're an idiot.

            >Are you losing so badly that you really want to slide over this nitpick?
            You refused to acknowledge it before I called you on ignoring my original distinction. Maybe you just can't read, that's a possibility too.
            >This is projection, anon. Why wouldn't a trusted friend who acted with power of attorney not have a better understanding of Rand's finances than some homosexual on the internet
            At what point did I not say that was the case, moron? You are deliberately misinterpreting what she said to make it fit your agenda. She said that Ayn Rand was getting old, and would soon be receiving social security as all people of that age do. She said that doctors bills could potentially be damaging to her financial situation in the future, and that those benefits could be a help with that. Not that Rand was destitute and needed the money. Anything else is just speculation on your part, and it's speculation that directly contradicts what is known about her lifestyle during that period, but more on that later.
            >the fact that the thesis of this essay played no demonstrable part in Rand's decision.
            The thesis of this essay which principally addresses issues of this exact nature through an Objectivist lens? That has no bearing on whether or not she thought it was consistent with Objectivism to take SS benefits? Lmao alright then. You're clearly avoiding the 1966 essay and its implications because it sinks your entire thing here. You're so transparent in how much of a worm you are that it's honestly kinda sad.
            >So which is it, anon? Did Rand have nothing to do with it or was it justified?
            Both? Why would it have to be one? I already explained to you why it needed convincing as well.
            >Neither of us know Rand's financial state.
            I get that basic inferences might be a bit too advanced for you to comprehend, but we sorta do. Judging by what is known about her during that period, her MONTHLY expenditures of travel, paying employees, lawyers, housing staff, publishers, editors, etc. is not at all representative of someone who is hurting for cash. Not to mention the payments she had to have been making on the unbelievably expensive houses she owned. Do you know how the IRS tracks unreported income a lot of the time? By observing spending that doesn't make sense in comparison to what that person has stated to be their income. You're saying she's broke, but then why is she spending like a rich person? Doesn't make a whole lotta sense.
            >Again, you keep asserting this but the person who was in control of her finances specifically said that she needed to take welfare due to financial necessity.
            Read above you bloviating tard.

            >Rand had terminal lung cancer
            She didn't and quick google search disproves this. You constantly get shit like this wrong. It's almost as if you don't know what you're talking about. Very interesting!
            >her husband was declining rapidly from dementia.
            Another thing alleged by Barbara Brandon because she was bitter that her husband dicked down an old Russian lady instead of her, divorced her, then married someone else. That entire book is made-up bullshit and it's been torn down on multiple occasions.
            >Why do you keep mischaracterizing and lying
            Literally what you're doing. She said things could happen, not that they are. She said this because during financial planning, you have contingencies set up for certain situations should they arise. How bad is your financial situation that you couldn't infer this?
            >Yes I did
            You're not addressing what I'm basing that inference off of so that just confirms you were being a disingenuous worm. Unsurprising.
            >Yes. But Rand signed over power of attorney after extensive debate about the philosophical implications of accepting welfare and Pryor says she accepted the necessity of taking welfare.
            HAHAHAAHAHAHA god damn. Evading the entire context of what I was saying because you know it was a good point. It was about the name, moron. Why even include this in your response if you're not actually going to respond to what was being said? Holy frick you're a weasel.
            >Again, you're not addressing the fact that Pryor's interview states the reasoning behind Rand taking welfare whereas the essay is a post-hoc justification from a bias actor with vested interest to maintain the image of their cult leader. You didn't address the fact that the thesis of the essay played no part in the decision as Rand did not want to accept the money.
            This is getting really sad. You claimed that ARI put out that 1966 essay as a justification for her taking SS, and when I definitively prove that they had already put out there in multiple different forms you reframe your argument and then try to pass it off as always being that way. Suck my wiener you lying homosexual.
            >Pure projection.
            No u. You're doing nothing to address any points being made, instead opting to fall back on the exact same two baseless assertions. You are getting fricking raped right now bro I'm sorry but it's happening.

          • 5 months ago

            >Are you losing so badly that you really want to slide over this nitpick?
            You refused to acknowledge it before I called you on ignoring my original distinction. Maybe you just can't read, that's a possibility too.
            >This is projection, anon. Why wouldn't a trusted friend who acted with power of attorney not have a better understanding of Rand's finances than some homosexual on the internet
            At what point did I not say that was the case, moron? You are deliberately misinterpreting what she said to make it fit your agenda. She said that Ayn Rand was getting old, and would soon be receiving social security as all people of that age do. She said that doctors bills could potentially be damaging to her financial situation in the future, and that those benefits could be a help with that. Not that Rand was destitute and needed the money. Anything else is just speculation on your part, and it's speculation that directly contradicts what is known about her lifestyle during that period, but more on that later.
            >the fact that the thesis of this essay played no demonstrable part in Rand's decision.
            The thesis of this essay which principally addresses issues of this exact nature through an Objectivist lens? That has no bearing on whether or not she thought it was consistent with Objectivism to take SS benefits? Lmao alright then. You're clearly avoiding the 1966 essay and its implications because it sinks your entire thing here. You're so transparent in how much of a worm you are that it's honestly kinda sad.
            >So which is it, anon? Did Rand have nothing to do with it or was it justified?
            Both? Why would it have to be one? I already explained to you why it needed convincing as well.
            >Neither of us know Rand's financial state.
            I get that basic inferences might be a bit too advanced for you to comprehend, but we sorta do. Judging by what is known about her during that period, her MONTHLY expenditures of travel, paying employees, lawyers, housing staff, publishers, editors, etc. is not at all representative of someone who is hurting for cash. Not to mention the payments she had to have been making on the unbelievably expensive houses she owned. Do you know how the IRS tracks unreported income a lot of the time? By observing spending that doesn't make sense in comparison to what that person has stated to be their income. You're saying she's broke, but then why is she spending like a rich person? Doesn't make a whole lotta sense.
            >Again, you keep asserting this but the person who was in control of her finances specifically said that she needed to take welfare due to financial necessity.
            Read above you bloviating tard.

            >Yeah. Ayn Rand was extremely wealthy in the 70s and 80s.
            Again, you keep asserting this but the person who was in control of her finances specifically said that she needed to take welfare due to financial necessity. Tell me why the person in control of her finances who participated in the event in question isn't reliable. You can't.
            >Because like she said in the article that you didn't even read
            Again, what evidence do you have that this factored into her decision. Absolutely none. I've addressed this point multiple times by pointing out that the rationale presented by Pryor doesn't line up with what was put out by ARI. I've also informed you that ARI originally lied about Rand accepting welfare and I'll now say that they have a vested interest in protecting their cult leader.
            >No, it says that Pryor said things could at some point turn out a certain way
            >There was no present financial crisis at the time
            Rand had terminal lung cancer and her husband was declining rapidly from dementia. The fact is: PRYOR SAID RAND SPECIFICALLY NEEDED THE MONEY AND THAT RAND TOOK IT AGAINST HER OWN PRINCIPLES FOR THIS REASON. Why do you keep mischaracterizing and lying while failing to actually address the facts at hand? Because you're a stupid loser who indoctrinated into a self-help cult from the Cold War.
            >You didn't know I was wrong about it because you ignored it,
            Yes I did. Hence why I corrected you on it when you brought it up again.
            >since Pryor had power of attorney, she would have been the one to file that application
            Yes. But Rand signed over power of attorney after extensive debate about the philosophical implications of accepting welfare and Pryor says she accepted the necessity of taking welfare.
            >It wasn't. It was published in 1966 in the magazine, as well as deliberately given its own section in the lexicon in fricking 1988.
            Again, you're not addressing the fact that Pryor's interview states the reasoning behind Rand taking welfare whereas the essay is a post-hoc justification from a bias actor with vested interest to maintain the image of their cult leader. You didn't address the fact that the thesis of the essay played no part in the decision as Rand did not want to accept the money. You're trying to argue Rand played no part at the same time you argue it was justified--it's really pathetic to see you flail like this instead of just accepting reality. You can't answer to the fact the thesis isn't implied in anyway by Pryor (who was actually there).
            >I think it's safe to come to the conclusion that you have looked at zero of the firsthand sources yourself and are just parroting a mix of bullshit
            Pure projection. You literally copy/pasted someone else's retorts and failed to address my counterarguments in regard to them you absolute moron.
            >Ayn Rand was a human with flaws
            Nice platitude, homosexual. No wonder you were duped into joining a self-help cult by a dead hypocrite.

            >You're just a moron if you didn't know that
            At the risk of you retreating to nationalism because you're BTFO, I'm not American and have no reason to distinguish between Medicare and Medicaid. They're both forms of welfare and Rand applied for and received Medicare due to financial necessity. Are you losing so badly that you really want to slide over this nitpick?
            >I like how you ignore the content of the article entirely because it's impossible for you to address
            This is projection, anon. Why wouldn't a trusted friend who acted with power of attorney not have a better understanding of Rand's finances than some homosexual on the internet (i.e. you) making shit up? You can't directly address the fact someone with power of attorney over Rand's estate specifically said that she needed to apply for welfare out of financial necessity.
            >No they didn't, it was published in the magazine in 1966.
            They did. I'm not going to skip ahead but I'm going to hazard a guess that you're not going to give a valid argument in response to the fact that the thesis of this essay played no demonstrable part in Rand's decision. All you can do is assert it did, because ARI referenced it after initially lying, and not answer to the following: Pryor specifically said she and Rand discussed the philosophical implications of Rand applying for and accepting welfare extensively multiple times and that Rand decided to take the welfare in spite of her supposed principles because she saw the necessity of doing do.
            >She said she was going to sign her up for it whether she approved or not.
            So which is it, anon? Did Rand have nothing to do with it or was it justified? You can't have your cake and eat it too you fricking moron, lol.

            Why are you mischaracterizing shit when anyone can look at it? "Whether she agreed or not is not the issue, she saw the necessity for both her and Frank." This isn't saying that she was going to do it no matter what but that Rand saw the financial necessity of accepting welfare, despite her philosophical principles, and signed power of attorney. Again, they discussed her philosophy in relation to her acceptance of welfare extensively and you continue to just ignore it.
            >Leonard Peikoff, who said she was quite wealthy.
            Her "intellectual heir" and head of ARI (i.e. the guy who originally said she didn't accept welfare). Did you know his wife said she saw the social security checks? Lol. Again, why is someone with power of attorney who was also a confidante and friend of Rand somehow not familiar with her finances? You can't answer this question. Neither of us know Rand's financial state. We have someone from ARI defensively projecting speculation back onto something that happened in the 70s versus the statement of someone who took part in the event and literally controlled her finances. You're an idiot.

            >Nice platitude, homosexual.
            You know I guess that would be a platitude if you removed it from its context, which is exactly what happened there. It's indicative of your larger mindset that you would rather pull that from its context for the sake of getting a quick jab than address the larger point it was building up to. That to some extent is what you've been doing throughout this entire argument. Just remove something from its context to make it easier to respond to, and leave everything else on the kitchen floor like no one's gonna notice. You're all tactics and no brains and it's transparent as frick. Read some Ayn Rand if you want to have this much of an opinion on her, but all you have right now is a few quotes missing their context and your moronic speculation on them. Stop trying to save your pride and frick off, idiot. You're only hurting your own cause.

          • 5 months ago

            >She said things could happen, not that they are
            If Rand was so rich what was there to worry about, moron? The fact is that it was out of FINANCIAL NECESSITY that Rand apply for welfare. This is clearly stated by the person who had control over Rand's finances. Simple as.
            >You're not addressing what I'm basing that inference off of
            She used a fake name to apply for welfare. It was "Anne" and not her real name "Alice," moron. You were BTFO on that slide just like every other you've attemped.
            > Evading the entire context of what I was saying
            Projection. You're pretending the conversations with Pryor never took place,
            >blah blah blah
            You're ignoring facts and failing to address counterarguments.

            Ok, enough. You can't address the fact that someone with power of attorney over Rand's finances said she took the money out of financial necessity. You can't address the fact Rand argued against taking the money based on her philosophical principles. All you can do is ignore these facts and insist you know more about Rand's finances than the person who was there. You're a complete idiot.

          • 5 months ago

            Let's recap again.
            This moron is
            >Lying about Ayn Rand being sick (she wasn't)
            >Lying about the 1966 article which outlines why taking benefits is consistent with objectivism being published after the fact (it was published numerous times before in major releases)
            >Lying about Ayn Rands financial situation, having no reasoning to back up the assertion that she was poor.
            >Lying about the message of Atlas Shrugged being "isolate yourself"
            >Lying about her husbands health
            >intentionally omitting shit I said from his responses because it makes him look dumb.
            What a complete waste of a person.

          • 5 months ago

            about Ayn Rand being sick (she wasn't)
            She was as per Pryor and the fact she had lung cancer.
            about the 1966 article which outlines why taking benefits is consistent with objectivism being published after the fact (it was published numerous times before in major releases)
            Not lying about it. I fully accept that it contains a thesis that is tangentially related to the subject at hand. What you fail to do is provide any evidence that it factored into Rand's decision making when the actual fact is Pryor discussed the philosophical implications extensively with Rand and stated that she remained philosophically opposed and acted out of necessity.
            about Ayn Rands financial situation, having no reasoning to back up the assertion that she was poor.
            Never said she was poor. You're unable to provide justification for dismissing the information given by the person who literally controlled Rand's finances. All you can do is speculate that Rand was rich and ignore the fact she needed the welfare due to the financial risk in which she found herself.
            about the message of Atlas Shrugged being "isolate yourself"
            Never said that.
            about her husbands health
            There are sources that say Frank was sick and the fact he was old and died of illness shortly after accessing medicare indicates this. Anyway, you seem to have no problem basing your entire assertions on something put forward by ARI (which obviously has a vested interest in protecting Rand's reputation).
            omitting shit I said from his responses because it makes him look dumb.
            I've directly addressed your points multiple times. For example, you say "Rand was rich because a,b,c, and d." Multiple retorts have been given to this assertion (e.g. the person in charge of Rand's finances contradicts the idea she didn't need the welfare, the motivating factor for accepting welfare was the financial danger in which Rand found herself) but instead of directly addressing this you simply restate "Rand was actually rich and didn't need the money." Are you too moronic to not see how this is deflection? Do you honestly not see how this is simply restating a conclusion instead of addressing established facts? Frick you're dumb.

          • 5 months ago

            >Do you seriously not know the difference between Medicare and Medicaid?
            I'm not a poorgay so I honestly didn't. It's not important because either way it was social welfare.
            >That doesn't make sense considering her beliefs were contrary to that way of thinking,
            Well, its a fact as per a personal friend of Rand who was given power of attorney over her person and finances.
            >the article she wrote for her magazine years before
            ARI brought out that article after originally denying Rand received welfare. As per the person who had power of attorney (i.e. was familiar with Rand's finances) and filed the applications for welfare, extensive philosophical conversations regarding the implications of Rand accepting welfare took place. Rand's rationale for taking the welfare was not the thesis of that essay but rather due to financial necessity. Rand took the money in spite of her philosophy while ARI first lied about it then shifted to citing an essay from decades prior to Rand taking welfare payments. Again, there is evidence that Rand took the money out of financial necessity and against her beliefs as per a confidante who had power of attorney. ARI reconned a lie by appealing to a tangentially related essay of which there's no evidence it factored into Rand's decision. Rand argued with Pryor in multiple conversations over a period of time. Pryor said Rand was still against the idea and only took the money because she "saw the [financial] necessity" of doing so.
            >So she was in such a desperate situation with medical expenses that she kept all her wildly expensive property
            Neither of us know the details of Rand's financial situation in the late 1970s but do you know who did? The person who had power of attorney over her estate at that time. The person who had power of attorney over Rand's estate said that it was out of necessity. Can you refute this statement as untrue? No, you can't even address it.
            >It quite literally is what happened
            >"she was coming to a point in her life where she was going to receive the very thing she didn't like, which was Medicare and Social Security."
            Read the rest, moron. You're cherry-picking and out of context. Rand was against accepting the welfare but she did so begrudgingly after extensive philosophical debate at the behest of Pryor. If her rationale was based on the essay from the 60s why was it even a problem? You can't answer that question.
            >Pryor then convinced her to take it because it could save her headache
            No, it specifically says in that excerpt you yourself quoted (out of context) that Rand took the money out of financial necessity. A person with power of attorney is aware of the finances of the estate they're managing and Rand herself is stated to have taken the welfare against principle and due to necessity.

            >At what point was the name thing a central part of the argument?
            I knew you were wrong about it but you're an idiot so I dropped it. You tried to reintroduce it as a gotcha, and seeing as you're a disingenuous idiot would have likely brought it up repeatedly, so I slammed you on it. You've lost this argument in every possible way, anon.
            >I did and you provided very little that's new for me to address.
            No you didn't. For example, you've said nothing about the counterargument in regard to Rand's rationale for taking the money not being based on a paper ARI pulled out of their ass but explicitly, as per the person with power of attorney who was there and filed the documents, due to financial "necessity." Necessity is a direct quote you absolute moron. That's just one example.
            >You are disingenuous on purpose as well as incredibly stupid
            "N-n-no you!" Kek, you're an idiot, anon. Hopefully this beatdown with teach you not to follow idols like a weak and pathetic loser who can't take charge of their own life.


  10. 5 months ago


    >So, let's recap for the people just joining us.

    Only some of those are me...
    Ayn Rand used a fake name to sign up for SS[...]
    She did. I should have pointed out she signed up under Anne O'Conner and not "Alice" as you said.
    Ayn Rand taking SS is inconsistent with Objectivism [...]
    No. I claimed Rand was apprehensive and even hostile towards the idea of taking social security and medicaid as per the woman who she gave power of attorney (see pic-related in [...]). I also pointed out that ARI originally claimed that Rand had not taken those benefits while retconning it to be about "getting something she paid in for and was owed." I was well aware of this deflection and you're mischaracterizing my argument, anon.

    I'm not going to argue the points directed to the other anon but I'll say that you're probably misreading them while failing to address their actual content just as you did with those I've addressed above.

    . It's sad that you're putting this much effort into your posts and still getting completely btfo.

  11. 5 months ago


    Ayn Rand was broke

    See, that's the better option because it doesn't betray the sense of personal attachment one finds when it comes to a cult leader.

    Yes, anon. I fault a woman who spent her life arguing against the existence of social safety nets and took advantage of their existence because she made poor life decision. I also fault the institution she helped create for lying about it and then retconing the lie into "she paid into it" when journalists brought forth documentation.

    For those that don't know the story, there was an interview with the woman who convinced Rand to apply for and accept social security and medicaid. ARI covered it up and denied it. A journalist got documentation relating to the social security application and payments (which Rand took under a different name). ARI erased the stuff about it being untrue from their website and replaced it with "she was just taking back what was hers." You'll notice Randtards will regurgitate this fairly often).

    (and a bunch of other times)
    >>Gets proven wrong

    >Yes, anon. I fault a woman who spent her life arguing against the existence of social safety nets and took advantage of their existence because she made poor life decision

    She got under two thousand dollars a year in social security and she had an estate worth millions. Again, you are a lying homosexual regurgitating misinformation. (and a bunch of other times)
    The money you referenced is her social security payouts and not her medical expenses covered under Medicaid. As per the woman who had power of attorney over her person/estate, Rand begrudgingly took medical welfare due to financial "necessity" in spite of her philosophy.

  12. 5 months ago

    she's not worse than the manga and anime i consumed because i haven't done a single cringy thing due to having read "the fountainhead". then again acting stupid and dickish are not memorable worthy.

  13. 5 months ago

    Why do some people think that a person's conduct is relevant to the validity of their ideas?

    • 5 months ago

      Because they're too lazy to actual learn what their ideas are.

      >BTFOs socialists
      >BTFOs christkeks
      >BTFOs theists of all sorts
      >BTFOs collectivists
      >BTFOs anarkiddies
      >BTFOs succdem Keynesians
      How did she do it?

      She did it by connecting all of them to the same set of roots and then digging them out. In explaining the flawed premises of one, she explained the flawed premises of them all. Brilliant woman.

    • 5 months ago

      If said person doesn't take their ideas seriously enough to live by them, why should we?

      • 5 months ago

        Because you might be inclined to use your own brain to discern what you should do and what you shouldn't, and the personal life of someone who made a good point shouldn't have any bearing on how it applies in the context of your life. Stop relying on prophets to tell you how to live and just look at philosophy for what it is, people analyzing and making points about something. The validity of those points are not contingent on that person being a role model. That only applies in religion.

      • 5 months ago

        The ideas are either true or not true. If they are true, you'll want to live according to them, no matter whether anyone else does. 2 + 2 does not stop being 4 because your math teacher is a c**t.

  14. 5 months ago

    I have never read a word of ayn rand but if she makes IQfy so mad she must be one of the greats

  15. 5 months ago

    >BTFOs socialists
    >BTFOs christkeks
    >BTFOs theists of all sorts
    >BTFOs collectivists
    >BTFOs anarkiddies
    >BTFOs succdem Keynesians
    How did she do it?

  16. 5 months ago

    why did atlas shrug?

    • 5 months ago

      Because the people he was holding weren't worth it to him anymore.

  17. 5 months ago

    where is cumgenius? he loves her books

  18. 5 months ago
  19. 5 months ago

    >reading israelites

    • 5 months ago


  20. 5 months ago

    Guys I am not reading all this, qrd?
    I didn't come to IQfy to read.

    • 5 months ago

      homosexual makes dishonest assertions about dead Russian lady instead of addressing her philosophy and gets BTFO

  21. 5 months ago

    Her books always omit any mention of the role of israelites in the events she depicts, which informs us that her entire oevre is simply yet another israeli exercise in divide and conquer.

  22. 5 months ago


    I will say about this that I accidentally deleted my original thing I wrote, so it's a bit lacking in vitriol.

  23. 5 months ago

    I've tried to get through this book & put it down cause after 30 h still nothing was happening. Could be cut down by 60% and still would be way too long

    • 5 months ago

      The first 3rd or so of the book, where Dagney is trying to built a rail line, is the best part. You wisely dropped it after that.

  24. 5 months ago


    >There is a distinction between medicare and medicaid
    The distinction doesn't matter because they're both welfare. Simple as.
    >I am not. I already explained that you are misinterpreting and speculating on what was said
    Pryor clearly says that she and Rand engaged in multiple discussions regarding the philosophical implications of Rand accepting welfare. She explicitly states that Rand maintained her reluctance but recognized the financial necessity. Simple as.
    >I already explained multiple times why this is bullshit in previous posts
    You did not. You avoided any direct reference to the fact that a) Rand discussed taking welfare at length and b) Rand did not want to accept welfare payments to the very end. These are facts expressly stated by Pryor. What you've done and have been called out on is selectively cherry-pick elements of the discussion while appealing to vagueness in order to interpret according to your bias. I've addressed your interpretation via providing a counter-argument that you have failed to address.

    Again, Pryor had power of attorney, meaning she had full awareness of Rand's finances, and was actively involved in what we're discussing. You will not acknowledge this because it completely destroys your argument.
    ARI originally said that Rand had never accepted welfare. However, my argument doesn't depend on this fact. Still, I'll provide you with a source when you directly address one of the arguments I've made. Start with why we should put more weight on a biased institution that has the express interest of maintaining the image of Ayn Rand than we do on the person who had power of attorney and actually participated in the event. You can't do this because a) it would mean acknowledging the fact Pryor specifically said she discussed the philosophical implications of accepting welfare with Rand multiple times over a prolonged period and b) Pryor specifically states that Rand did not conclude taking welfare was justified by the ethos she supposedly exemplifies. This is why you change gears from "Rand accepted welfare because it was justified by Objectivism" to "Rand did not participate in taking welfare." As per Pryor, she debated taking welfare and concluded it wasn't justified but she needed to do so. Therefore, the essay put forward by ARI does not represent Rand's belief in the context of what we're discussing as per the person who was actually there at the time and discussing the implications with Rand herself. Simple as.

  25. 5 months ago


    > Like I said, the essay was published multiple times in magazines and books before any news reports you're talking about here.
    The fact the essay was published does not prove that it factored into Rand's conclusions. As I wrote above, it is expressly stated that Rand both discussed the philosophical implications of her taking welfare and remained against it. If the essay applies to this discussion she would not have remained against taking the money after extensive conversations. You cannot address this fact and will deflect to the idea "Rand wasn't involved" because you're too much of a moron to realize how this is cognitive dissonance.
    >I can say that taking benefits would be consistent, and that according to the interview you yourself are citing, she didn't do it herself.
    Called it. Again, the problem is that there is no evidence indication that the essay factored into Rand's decision. There is direct testimony that Rand concluded, after extensive debate, that it was against her beliefs to accept the welfare. The reason you can't say "it wasn't against her beliefs" and "she wasn't involved" at the same time is because there is direct evidence given by the person who was literally involved saying that Rand a) debated receiving welfare and b) remained unconvinced that it didn't conflict with her beliefs. Simply put, Rand did not accept welfare to regain money she had paid into the system (which is the point of the essay). Rand accepted welfare out of financial necessity as per the person responsible for managing her finances. This is the fact you want to distract from.
    >Jesus fricking Christ make sure to avoid any points made.
    I've directly addressed you points. You have failed to justify why you, some random person on the internet, has more authority when it comes to the state of Rand's finances than the person who WAS LITERALLY IN CHARGE OF THEM. Pryor specifically says that Rand needed welfare due to the financial necessity brought on by the ill health of her and her husband. Frick, you're dumb enough to think "well, she didn't actually need it" is a retort? She took the money because of the financial danger her ill health put her in. This is 100% factual. Simple as.
    >I literally did exactly that.
    No, you ignore the fact the person in charge of Rand's finances says that Rand was against taking the money and did so out of financial necessity. You try to obscure this by pretending she didn't need the money (which doesn't matter because the fact is that financial necessity was the motivating factor). You're not addressing arguments, you're asserting conclusions that have been disproven.

  26. 5 months ago


    >No she didn't you dummy. Ayn Rand had surgery for cancer in 1974, got better, then died of heart failure that was ruled "natural causes" almost a decade later.
    You don't fully recover from lung cancer, moron. It permanently fricks your cardiovascular system up (Rand eventually died from this). Aside, the reason I deleted my post was to clarify that line is because I knew you're a moron who would slide about it. The fact she had lung cancer in 1974 indicates a prolonged period of ill health, moron. I knew someone who had lung cancer that was successfully treated with technology available in 2010 (not 1974). For the remainder of his life he wasn't able to exert; he eventually died from cardiovascular disease (like Rand). Dying of cancer is still dying of "natural causes" you complete and total moron.

    >The allegations about franks dementia and alcoholism come from Barb's book
    Don't fricking care. All that matters was Frank was very sick and that medical care costs money. As per Pryor, this is the reason Rand needed to apply for welfare. Simple as.
    >blah blah blah
    Not reading the rest until you aknowledge the basic facts that I've established, as per Pryor, and actually respond to counterarguments instead of dismissing them and restating your conclusion.

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