>he doesen't read the horus heresy for test boost

>he doesen't read the horus heresy for test boost

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  1. 5 months ago

    Reccommend me your top 5 warhammersloppa

    • 5 months ago

      First 5 books in the series + Master of mankind + Nemesis + Perturabo: The Hammer of Olympia

    • 5 months ago

      In total, from what I've read (i.e. also outside of the Horus Heresy series):
      1: Eisenhorn Omnibus
      2: Necropolis
      3: Bequin 1
      4: Bequin 2 (idk the names right now, Pariah and something else)
      5: The First Heretic

  2. 5 months ago

    Wtf that IT book is frickimg massive

  3. 5 months ago

    based but where is Siege which is the best 40k to have ever been written?

    • 5 months ago

      Is it really that good? Haven't read it yet.

      • 5 months ago

        yes, read it

        Does the heresy get revealed in the third novel?
        I thought they were trying to hide it for a long time
        Did any of the marines suspect their fellow marines of losing it? Did nobody hear their brother whisper a prayer to chaos and wonder what the hell that was about?

        it starts out way differently than you would think
        one of the insidious things that happens that isn't immediately bad is fraternity lodges become a thing in many of the legions where the marines first gather to just shoot the shit

  4. 5 months ago

    Does the heresy get revealed in the third novel?
    I thought they were trying to hide it for a long time
    Did any of the marines suspect their fellow marines of losing it? Did nobody hear their brother whisper a prayer to chaos and wonder what the hell that was about?

    • 5 months ago

      Fish rots from the head and then loyalist marines usually get killed in some kind of ambush.

      • 5 months ago

        How do they establish who is loyalist and who is not?

        • 5 months ago

          They basically just seem to select the most generally virtuous officers and their units.
          The issue is very much the fact that Astartes are loyal first to their Primarch, for whom they feel a sort of genetic devotion and will to obey, and only as a distant second to the Emperor/Imperium. So this creates a sort of crisis of the third century-esque loyalty problem. Unfortunately, Primarchs are generally shitheads with very few exceptions.

  5. 5 months ago

    >test boost from reading basedhammer novels about how gay pride and diversity will save humanity

    • 5 months ago

      You must never have read any of them to come up with this demented take


      >he doesen't read the horus heresy for test boost

      I've been going through them recently. The Angron short stories were surprisingly good. I liked The First Heretic as well, I feel like it manages to ascribe much more powerful and reasonable motivations to the Word Bearers for falling to Chaos than the first few books do to the Luna Wolves. The usual "hah I'm evil! bloody anus!" thing is very much missing. Argel Tal even still has believable motivations while he's possessed by a demon whereas Abaddon from the Luna Wolves is just a frickhead and Horus is an angsty teenager who feels abandoned by his daddy because he had to step away to save the universe for a few years after having babysat him for the previous 200.
      The confusing/badly-written part is that everyone is smitten with Horus, even diligent and emotionally stable (scant few) primarchs, despite the fact that he is never actually shown to be anything but a charismatic high school ringleader with a self-esteem problem. Why would anyone look up to Horus?

  6. 5 months ago

    All those books are surprisingly long for sloppa.

  7. 5 months ago

    It is not a good sign when King is the best thing on your shelf.
    >inverted world
    So far the only NYRB release I have not been able to find any worth in, such an intriguing premise wasted on a cut rate Flatland ripoff.

  8. 5 months ago

    If you had male testosterone levels you wouldn't sit at home collecting fetish objects like some maiden spinster
    And you know it

  9. 5 months ago

    There are 60 fricking books in the series, I thought it was like a 5-10 prequel series. How the frick am I meant to read all of them?

  10. 5 months ago

    The vast majority of HH is side stories so you can see what your favorite guys got up to.

    The speed runners list would be first 5 Horus Heresy books, plus 5 essential books from the series like First Heretic, Unmembered Empire, Slaves To Darkness ect, that lead directly into the Siege of Terra which is another like 8 or 10 books that form a direct, concluding, narrative like the first 5 books.

    If you read a book a week you could knock it out in a third of a year and then spend the next 3 thirds on other stuff.

    • 5 months ago

      meant for

      There are 60 fricking books in the series, I thought it was like a 5-10 prequel series. How the frick am I meant to read all of them?

    • 5 months ago

      I'll give the first five a go. I've Never been a warhammer fan but a guy I watch on YouTube is always bringing up Horus Heresy from a right-wing perspective.

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