Historical examples of Japan or Japanese being anti-Indonesian

I love Japan and hate Indonesian. Seeing Japanese blindly love Indonesia and Indonesians makes me sad, simple as.

While a lot is discussed about the Imperial Japanese Army deserters who joined the Indonesian 'revolutionaries,' there were also a significant number of Imperial Japanese Army soldiers who fought against them on their own accord. Pic related is one of the largest incidents.

There also was apparently a Japan-led anti-Indonesian organization called "Joint Organization of Defense
by Asian Nations" (JODAN) that was made in response to Indonesian expansion
However I can't find any more information about it outside this paper... any help in that field would be appreciated, as would any other instances or recommendations.

I'd be particularly interested in any positive relations between Japan and the Dutch East Indies between the 1870s and 1930s. Japanese military attaches to KNIL, for example.

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  1. 2 years ago

    >Seeing Japanese blindly love Indonesia
    what? what possible reason could they have to love indonesia? Stray groups of left-behind Japanese troops were everywhere in Asia. There were also Jap troops in Vietnam and China on both sides of their civil war in the late 1940s

    • 2 years ago

      Modern Japan and Indonesia are super close, sadly.
      However, most times when Japanese end up actually traveling there, they're quickly disillusioned.

  2. 2 years ago

    Why do you hate Indonesia?

    • 2 years ago

      Indonesia raped Han Chinese in the war.

      • 2 years ago

        What war? The one against the non Han Yuan?

    • 2 years ago

      Most Indonesian cultures are predisposed to violence. The Dutch had to intervene to prevent them from genociding each other (the Balinese wiping out the Sassak of Lombok in 1894), and after their 'revolution' they went about on one of the most despicable mass killings after WWII between '65-'66. Real Misc Pot level shit, watch The Act of Killing.
      Not to mention their national identity is heavily anti-colonialist, yet they've consistently invaded and genocided their neighboring nations and peoples since independence. The East Timorese genocide, for example, as well as West Papua. West Papuans continue to be oppressed to this day, with massacres having happened as of recent.
      It's really a fricking disgustingly hypocritical and violent nationality and culture, made even worse that the European 'oppressors' they loathe so much are easily the most civilized and humanitarian nation in Europe.

      • 2 years ago

        Lol wut, every culture does genocide and bad shit. Europeans literally genocided an entire continent and comitted massacres around the world. Indonesians aren't even the worst Asians in that regard, the Japanese raped and killed so much of East Asia.

      • 2 years ago

        Fine but why simp for Japan and pout that they won't notice your Dutch ass? They were vicious savages back them themselves and they subjected your people in particular along with tens of thousands of other Europeans in the Far East to rape torture mass murder and cannibalism both because they were barbarians generally but also out of a pathetic aznidentity-style racial insecurity complex and ooga booga desire to feel power by causing mass suffering

        Honestly Changoids suck most of the time but they along with asiatics are right about Imperial Japan 200%

        It must have been hard to be a WW2 veteran and go through all that bullshit at the hands of the Japs and just a few decades later your weeb grandson is defending Japan's record because of /misc/ memes about how they're totally based honourable samurai or whatever and pornographic cartoons

        • 2 years ago

          >It must have been hard to be a WW2 veteran and go through all that bullshit at the hands of the Japs and just a few decades later your weeb grandson is defending Japan's record because of
          This is where I stop reading moron post.

          • 2 years ago

            So you read more than 2/3?

        • 2 years ago

          >your Dutch ass?
          I'm not Dutch.
          I just love the Japanese and the Dutch. They're two of my favorite foreign nationalities.
          >They were vicious savages back them themselves
          Everyone were savages in WWII.
          >Honestly Changoids suck most of the time but they along with asiatics are right about Imperial Japan 200%
          Strongly disagree.
          >/misc/ memes
          Frick /misc/

          You got your answer the first time you made this thread OP.


          I didn't really get any satisfactory answers, though.
          As mentioned I've found at least two other examples in this OP.

          OP sounds like a deranged Imperial Japan apologist. Can't possibility think of a reason as to why one would shit on Indonesia of all countries.

          >Imperial Japan apologist
          What am I apologizing for?
          >Can't possibility think of a reason as to why one would shit on Indonesia of all countries.

          Most Indonesian cultures are predisposed to violence. The Dutch had to intervene to prevent them from genociding each other (the Balinese wiping out the Sassak of Lombok in 1894), and after their 'revolution' they went about on one of the most despicable mass killings after WWII between '65-'66. Real Misc Pot level shit, watch The Act of Killing.
          Not to mention their national identity is heavily anti-colonialist, yet they've consistently invaded and genocided their neighboring nations and peoples since independence. The East Timorese genocide, for example, as well as West Papua. West Papuans continue to be oppressed to this day, with massacres having happened as of recent.
          It's really a fricking disgustingly hypocritical and violent nationality and culture, made even worse that the European 'oppressors' they loathe so much are easily the most civilized and humanitarian nation in Europe.

          why are incels so neurotic? Even seeing people unrelated to them get along makes them seethe

          I'm a vocel if anything.

          • 2 years ago

            >What am I apologizing for?
            Imperial Japan's colonization
            Again, its nothing unique. Literally every country does genocides. Do you even know anything about Indonesia's history to judge them as violent savages? I mean Japan was literally invading their neighbors in the 16th century and generally acting like c**ts while Indonesia was doing nothing of the sort.

          • 2 years ago

            >Imperial Japan's colonization
            No apologies here; Japan's colonialism objectively had good aspects. One need only look at Mengjiang as an example; before and after Japanese control the Mongolian culture was being eradicated, and has since been.
            >its nothing unique. Literally every country does genocides
            It's the hypocrisy of it; a key tenant of Indonesian national identity is anti-colonialism, yet they were among the most aggressive expansionist colonialist nations of Southeast Asia.
            The only real comparison would be Vietnam with it's genocide of the Montagnards, Cham, and Khmer Khrom. The Vietnamese and Japanese however aren't buddy buddy on a national level.
            >Do you even know anything about Indonesia's history to judge them as violent savages?
            Did you even know anything about the Balinese forced famine against the Sasak of Lombok before I brought it up?
            >while Indonesia was doing nothing of the sort
            'Indonesia' was not a nation but various tribes and fiefdoms at this point, most of which were at violent war with each other. In the 16th century the Aceh Sultanate was conquering Sumatra, Pajang was at war with Mataram, etc.

          • 2 years ago

            >One need only look at Mengjiang as an example;
            Seriously? How does that make up for the shit they did in China, Korea, and Philippines?
            >a key tenant of Indonesian national identity is anti-colonialism
            So what? Many post-colonial identities were originally based on anti-colonialism too.
            >yet they were among the most aggressive expansionist colonialist nations of Southeast Asia.
            How were they any more aggressive or expansionist than other nations like China, India, or more importantly, Japan? States like Majapahit weren't the aggresive expansionist empire like the Mongols were.
            >Did you even know anything about the Balinese forced famine against the Sasak of Lombok before I brought it up?
            And did you forget about the fact that literally every country has committed atrocities including your precious Japanese?
            >'Indonesia' was not a nation but various tribes and fiefdoms at this point,
            Not quite. While "Indonesia" is a modern concept. there were already major states that encompassed modern day Indonesia's borders.
            >most of which were at violent war with each other.
            Like the rest of the fricking world. Once again, Japan was no exception to this.
            >In the 16th century the Aceh Sultanate was conquering Sumatra, Pajang was at war with Mataram, etc.
            See above. Not comparable to the Mongols or Japanese empires. To even compare Indonesian conquests with those actual brutal ones outs you as a biased homosexual.

  3. 2 years ago

    You got your answer the first time you made this thread OP.


    • 2 years ago

      OP sounds like a deranged Imperial Japan apologist. Can't possibility think of a reason as to why one would shit on Indonesia of all countries.

  4. 2 years ago

    why are incels so neurotic? Even seeing people unrelated to them get along makes them seethe

  5. 2 years ago

    >nothing of the sort

    • 2 years ago

      >muh innocent japan

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