Historically speaking, is it appropriate to omit major world events from period pieces of media?

Historically speaking, is it appropriate to omit major world events from period pieces of media?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Get this goddamn Canadian asiatic pedophile bait off my board and take it back to that Communist shithole called IQfy

    • 2 years ago

      how is pregnant anne frank not pedophilia?

      • 2 years ago

        1. She's pregnant

        2. She was legal in most European countries

        Got what he deserved for being a terrorist. Don't care that he was tortured.


        He was a 15 year old boy staying in a house that was attacked in the middle of the night by masked gunmen (the US Army Special Forces soldiers were running around in civilian clothing, which is technically speaking, a violation of the laws of war) who as far as Khadr was aware, were out to kill him. What he did would be classified as self-defense in virtually every other circumstance.

  2. 2 years ago

    Are people seriously still losing their shit over one bad take?

    • 2 years ago

      It's less that people are still losing their shit over a bad take and more that so many people saw that bad take that now Turning Red is associated with 9/11 amongst weirdo internet users.

    • 2 years ago

      It's not even really that bad of a take. The guy's delivery is just fricking awful and his reaction to the inevitable criticism is even worse.

      Frankly, if you're gonna make a hot take like that. You should have had a counterargument video to the critics already prepared, preferably one that uses academic sources. But then again, the entire fanbase of this movie is comprised of pedophiles and the borderline infantile so you might be wasting your efforts.

  3. 2 years ago

    >is it appropriate to omit major world events from period pieces of media?
    >major world events
    As much as I know, the film was set in Canada, 2002. There's no reason to feature 9/11 narrative there. This is US narcissism and the guy who proposed it got rightly ridiculed.

    • 2 years ago

      I mean, Canada literally went to war for the first time since 1945 as a direct result of 9/11. JTF-2 operators were among the first NATO troops to be deployed to Afghanistan (without their own government's permission) where they managed to achieve the longest-range sniper kills in history, twice in one week. Then there's the matter of Omar Khadr, which is a massive shitstorm in its own right. Not that a bunch of bratty schoolgirls would have reason to care about the implications of a teenaged Canadian citizen being held by the US in secret prisons on dubious legal grounds or anything. Most adults don't.

      • 2 years ago

        Got what he deserved for being a terrorist. Don't care that he was tortured.

  4. 2 years ago

    >appropriate to omit major world events from period pieces of media
    I can't think of any films that do this. Unless you mean dumbing down and caricaturing, in which case you're low IQ for getting real history lessons from movies.

    • 2 years ago

      >I can't think of any films that do this.

      Backsearch the OP image

  5. 2 years ago

    isn't this movie essentially about a girl going through puberty, I don't really see how 9/11 would really be relevant overall to the plot, sure it was a major event that started to impact the world, but that doesn't mean its going be brought up by the average pre teen in their day to day life

  6. 2 years ago

    What is this autism? QRD?

    • 2 years ago

      >some literal autistic youtuber review said the movie needed a 9/11 reference since it took place within the time period
      >people shitted on him for it
      >eventually resulted in memes of the characters panicking over 9/11

      • 2 years ago

        Lmao wtf. Can you drop some of those memes or point me in the right direction? Maybe link the video?

        • 2 years ago
          • 2 years ago

            Say what you want, but Enter made more of a cultural impact than you or even the Turning Red crew themselves ever will

          • 2 years ago

            given the reason for it said impact, I think I am fine sticking with bieng a literal who, that and I am tempted to say pixar paid him to say that shit considering its the only reason people somewhat remember turning red

  7. 2 years ago

    I think you aren't considering the intent of the media. If it doesn't serve to be educational, then accuracy isn't important at all. As long as it isn't abhorrently anachronistic, then it isn't an issue. The picture you included is from a children's movie. I don't think it detracts from the movie at all....if it were a movie for adults, then it may be an appropriate topic because it would most likely affect the characters in a meaningful way. what the hell is a panda going to do with this information? join the army?

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