Historically was rape always irredeemably bad and caused trauma?

Was rape always deemed something irredeemably bad and did it always cause trauma? I just don't understand why people suddenly think it's the worst thing ever and being raped is like a loved one dying. It's just sex bro

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  1. 4 years ago

    >be woman
    > get raped in medieval times
    > no longer have any marital value
    > might even be stoned (see Pakistan, Afghanistan, honor killings)

  2. 4 years ago

    yea rape is bad dude. dont be fooled by 100iq shills on anime boards stroking nostalgic about the past
    greeks didnt accept little boy fricking
    rape wasnt normal
    neither was e-girl marriage
    and every other bullshit you read online is 99% a lie

  3. 4 years ago

    So I can brutally rape you and you'll be completely fine with it? because it's just sex bro

    • 4 years ago

      tbh I wouldn't like it (or maybe I would) but yes I would move on with my life

      • 4 years ago

        It's assault + huge disrespect, plus the additional possibility of unwanted pregnancy if you're a woman. It just depends on how much you value your sexual freedom, I guess, which you should realize most people do value it

        • 4 years ago

          I do value it, but I might not dislike it if the person doing the sexual assault was hot. I just think rape is a bit overrated. there are worse things that could happen to a person

          • 4 years ago

            Yes and everyone agrees which is why there are much higher penalties for those other things. I have never even heard a women say that rape is the worst like everyone knows murder is worse just to take the obvious.

          • 4 years ago

            This why ugly creeps are more likely to have the book thrown at them for any and all kinds of sex crime charges, everyone is 99% sure the chick didn’t like it which is the unofficial definition of a sex crime

      • 4 years ago

        Doubt, you would be fine after having your pride annihilated. Rape is pretty bad yo.

  4. 4 years ago


  5. 4 years ago

    bro wat

  6. 4 years ago

    Cool, so i can Rape you now.

    • 4 years ago

      Yes but to make it fair, you have to be the opposite sex as me.

      • 4 years ago

        That is not how Rape works

  7. 4 years ago

    St. Augustine wrote about it around 420 AD and said it was fine. Like yeah it sucked but it's not your fault or anything.

  8. 4 years ago

    Rape in the past was ok when you did it to your enemy's women and not ok when it happened to your women.

    • 4 years ago

      basically this

  9. 4 years ago

    Rape literally started as a crime against the woman’s father/family or husband and his honour.

    tbh >historically speaking, there was no particular assumption that women hated being raped, on the contrary it was often assumed they moderately enjoyed or even loved it. This attitude still persists to an extent everywhere but particularly in the Middle East.

    It just didn’t even figure into the equation as to why rape was considered bad, women were for fricking and no-one cared about the woman liking it or not.

    It was more like how a Ferrari dealership today reacts to a Black person stealing a car and going on a joyride around the city even if he brings it back. It’s like, if you can’t afford to pay for it it’s really rude to use it and depreciate its marketability by at least 1/3.

    • 4 years ago

      When you travel and come to some
      understanding in life. You’d realize rape is perceived very different around the world than it is in Europe or America. Most of our education is to keep westerners safe, a courtesy call. In other areas around the world especially the pacific regions rape is a norm. Women expect guys to make the move. Whereas in the west guys tend to think women should initiate. Analyzing the pacific cultures there is no love without rape. If you don’t rape them you don’t love them. The sole act of rape is forcing them to motherhood which is mankind’s sole greatest achievement. It means you love them and there is no harm. There’s also cultures where women must kill the guy that didn’t rape them as a tribute to marriage. Because it’s the same thing as them accepting someone spiritually as their children’s father. So they must make spiritual cleansing to their new husband not necessarily the one she wanted. This is why in pacific culture polygamy is the norm and a wife must accept the new wives because otherwise it becomes a burden.

      • 4 years ago

        The idea is in other cultures women can’t be with guys. The simple act of attentiveness is a marriage. So if you rape an attentive woman it’s not rape at all but your sole duty. Again you might get killed otherwise if you don’t by ceremony.

  10. 4 years ago

    It was treated like a serious assault.

    In all times, people used the excuse 'she really wanted it, she just didn't give any of our cultures signs'.

    Today that means you have to get consent from her directly, the most simple and straightforward signal.

    • 4 years ago
      • 4 years ago

        That's the alternative to the 'informed consent' model, the 'state must approve of your sex contract' model was much more common and was about as ridiculous as the video suggests.

  11. 4 years ago

    my victims seem to like it

  12. 4 years ago

    Black person, Rape touched off clan wars between Tribal Societies.

  13. 4 years ago

    yes, because unlike killing of someone (which is usually worse) it can't be justified unless in an incredibly contrived circumstance that would never happen irl
    seriously name one scenario that'd actualy happen irl where rape was used for the greater good

  14. 4 years ago

    It was seen as a crime, but only to a certain extent. For instance, in most tribal culture it was seen as perfectly valid to enslave and rape the woman of a rival tribe/city you conquered. Also marriage was pretty much a form of legalized rape about half of the time.

    What I find more interesting however is that it was usually seen as a sign of immaturity rather than irredeemably evil behavior. It's something you wanted to do when you were young and stupid, and getting over it was necessary to become a proper adult.

    While the influence of civilization has probably somewhat decreased the severity of that. I do think there is probably more truth in that than people want to admit. Boys, when left to their own devices, are prone to self destructive and cruel behavior. This was as true in ancient Mesopotamia as it is now.

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