History & Humanities question

Is gender a completely made up social construct? What does history tell us?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Social roles are fluid but the biology doesn't change. Biology often affected social roles

  2. 2 years ago

    troony has the physionomy of the israelite

  3. 2 years ago

    Take two sperm cells and see how many embryos you get. This is another example of the vile tentacles of idealism trying to infect the collective subconceusnes with their rancid ideas like body mind duality. Saying that there is a social gender is as obscene as saying that chemical compounds have a social melting point that is different from their real melting point.

    • 2 years ago

      What is intrinsically male for example? Or intrinsically female?

      • 2 years ago

        Organisms which reproduce sexually have genders. The gender which provides the smaller sex cell is male, and the one which provides the larger cell is female.

        • 2 years ago

          Ok, but that tells me of sex, not of gender. If we take what is generally accepted as traditionally masculine in western society for example, is it something intrinsical to the male sex or is it purely cultural? Is 'man', not the male sex, a social construct or a biological reality?

          • 2 years ago

            No such thing as difference between gender and sex. You might as well be asking me what is the social density of copper in contrast to its physical density.

          • 2 years ago

            According to many people in academia today there is a difference, that's why I'm asking, the difference is explained here:

            What is intrinsically male for example? Or intrinsically female?

            Is wearing a dress intrinsically feminine or purely a social construct?

          • 2 years ago

            Many people in the academia are idealists since they need idealism to justify why they deserve a pay check for smelling their own farts. Wearing a dress is just that, putting on a dress. Some people might have an opinion about that, but wearing a dress does not summon some phantom of "femininity" or change the wearer's "essence".

            This is relativism, and dualism says there's a duality not idealism

            All vile spawn of idealism.

          • 2 years ago

            I've been told many don't really believe their sex has changed because of the differentiation between sex and gender, so they know they are male but still identify as a woman

            Gender is part social construct AND part biological construct, or trannies wouldnt want to get breasts or fake vegana. Changing gender is meaningless and impossible. Its a dead end. Sry for all the mentally ill people but you are stuck with your gender.

            >or trannies wouldnt want to get breasts or fake vegana.
            To this they say that that's because society associates the female body with being a woman, although the two things, according to them, are not related. How would you respond to that and what would you say is intrinsical to womanhood?

          • 2 years ago

            > society associates the female body with being a woman
            So they agree it is part biological then if it is body based. I dont get their point.

          • 2 years ago

            Yeah, the mental gymnastics are not easy to follow, but basically if we disassociated the female body with womanhood, trannies wouldn't chop their dicks off anymore, which obviously false. But anyway, what about 'gender' is related to biological sex?

          • 2 years ago

            > But anyway, what about 'gender' is related to biological sex?
            Almost everything if you think about it, all social stereotypes about gender comes down from the biological differences between men and women. Men are stronger => men are brutes, warriors, protectors of the family, workers, providers, hunters, rulers. Women give birth (pregnant 9 monthes) and are weaker => fragile, need to be protected, motherhood, house chores while the man is working etc..
            Basically all the social constructs about genders results from men being stronger than women, and women gaving birth. Its quite basic really.
            I mean why would there be genders if all humans were sexless to begin with. Gender exists solely because of the biological differences between men and women. It is inextricable, no matter how much they cope.

          • 2 years ago

            No relativism is closer to materialism if anything, and idealism is just the opposite of materialism

          • 2 years ago

            I suppose that depends on what kind of relativism you're talking about. However, body mind dualism absolutely is closer to idealism than materialism.

            Stop scapegoating unwisely. Were you not to be an idealist you would still believe in the mind, you would just not attribute metaphysical properties to reasons and idea. You can very well make do to push these things with only the first mindset.

            I mean sure you could subscribe to a materialist worldview and think that some properties arise from cultural norms or what have you, but at that point you'd be assigning the ability to shape reality to the minds of people, i.e. believe in a form of idealism.

          • 2 years ago

            Dualism is usually formulated in a manner that makes the mental secondary to the physical, so it's often closer to materialism, but at best it's equally far from idealism as it is materialism since it's just a compromise

          • 2 years ago

            I was talking about body mind dualism, not philosophical dualism.

          • 2 years ago

            What does that have to do with troondom? They don't posit that they can change reality, on the contrary they posit that the whole of reality is rigged against them and has to be changed. If they could will things into existence they wouldn't bother doing that.

    • 2 years ago

      This is relativism, and dualism says there's a duality not idealism

    • 2 years ago

      Stop scapegoating unwisely. Were you not to be an idealist you would still believe in the mind, you would just not attribute metaphysical properties to reasons and idea. You can very well make do to push these things with only the first mindset.

  4. 2 years ago

    history teaches us that you will soon be history

    • 2 years ago

      I'm not a troony, I actually want to counter their arguments

  5. 2 years ago

    Gender is part social construct AND part biological construct, or trannies wouldnt want to get breasts or fake vegana. Changing gender is meaningless and impossible. Its a dead end. Sry for all the mentally ill people but you are stuck with your gender.

    • 2 years ago

      sometimes dysmorphia can be stopped at the gender level, like how you dress, talk, perform socially, etc. while other times dysmorphia is deeper than that and requires change on the sex level to stop the dysmorphia, like breast reduction, sex change, hormone therapy etc. There are cosmetic surgeries that cis people sometimes get that combat dysmorphia, hair plugs, breast implants, BBL, lip injections and sometimes even liposuction. Then finally there are things cis people do at the gender level to rectify dysmorphia, performing socially their genders, like lifting, baking, knitting, cooking, wearing a dress or makeup to feel more feminine, or even growing a beard if they're a man. I don't feel like it's really that complicated, but I understand that if it's wholly foreign to you it might not seem so simple. I've even personally experienced dysmorphia despite being "cishet" in that I gained around 50 pounds at one point and then even after losing that weight I was experiencing body dysmorphia where I was perceiving myself as significantly fatter, the way I combatted that was to lift, and grow a beard so I don't have to worry about having a double chin.

  6. 2 years ago

    Gender is grammar and speciation. No more hebrew nonsense.

  7. 2 years ago

    Social roles seem to descend from biology. With technology and affluent, safe societies people are attempting to emancipate themselves both from their biology and social roles because these roles are now "useless". Men don't need to be warriors if there are no wars. Women don't need to be demure and pure if they are fully enfranchised members of the economy. That's the boring explanation.

    Beyond that, almost all complex animals have two biological sexes so the idea that biological sex is something random or arbitrary that can easily be overcome is fairly ridiculous. Abrahamic religions and especially reformed Christianity however strongly encourage people to see themselves as Individual Souls on a Pilgrimage rather than animals. Since Individual Souls have no sex (or race, or nationality, or class etc etc.) and all soul matter is equal and interchangeable, Westerners especially have the idea that "the real them" is not biologically determined. Their body is an accident of birth, so their self-concept should override the fact that they were "randomly born with this set of genitalia". This is the theological-moral foundation of the sort of deconstructionism you're referring to OP

  8. 2 years ago

    Gender doesn't mean anything. The marxist trannies just play word games and jump back and forth between gender being biological and being a construct when it suits them.

  9. 2 years ago

    gender is the collection of social functions assigned to one sex or the other within a culture. They are fundamentally based upon, and linked to, sexual differences, such as the role in reproduction, differences in physical capabilities, and innate psychological characteristics. As such, while a male can take on some of the trappings of the opposite gender, such as wearing skirts or lipstick, he cannot fundamentally become a woman as he is incapable of fulfilling their social roles (i.e. wife, mother, daughter).

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