How come other 3rd world shit holes like Thailand look nice but Phillipines looks like a horrible dystopian hell that people don't want to visit.

How come other 3rd world shit holes like Thailand look nice but Phillipines looks like a horrible dystopian hell that people don't want to visit.

Generally speaking of course.

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  1. 2 years ago

    Spanish influence

    • 2 years ago

      How can that be when Spanish architecture is beautiful and people like to visit Spain?

    • 2 years ago

      The reason is gdp=tourism, which comes back to density. The rest of the thread and every post below is spam.

      • 2 years ago

        funny gdp=tourism guy back at it again

    • 2 years ago

      What would Philippines look like without Spanish influence?

  2. 2 years ago

    Thailand is probably more of a middle development country like China or Argentina. The Phillipines is a lot less developed, way more populated and doesn’t have a lucrative tourism industry and is synonymous with crime and disease.

  3. 2 years ago

    Spanish colonies are shit because spanish culture is shit for anything beyond aesthetics.

  4. 2 years ago

    Lack of culture. Even poorer shitholes like Cambodia or Myanmar felt like it has some hidden beauty or sort of civilizational potential in them. While Philippines just felt like discount Latin America.

    • 2 years ago

      it's why i think we should just reform and go back to having an Austronesian identity, but first we will have to get rid of the colonial mentality

  5. 2 years ago

    people have slave mentality and vote for corrupt politicans, jesus christ we are probably the most self hating nation/people in the world

    • 2 years ago

      Even mexico isn't as horrible and ugly.

      Even India has a lot of pretty and nice stuff besides being poor...

      Phillipines is just dystopian.

  6. 2 years ago

    The same reason Latin America is so relatively corrupt, backward, and crime-ridden. The Spanish encomienda and hacienda systems vaporized any possibility of liberal development.

  7. 2 years ago

    Filipinos are just really dim-witted in general.

    • 2 years ago

      Been living in this shithole for the past six years so I 100% agree with you but this choice isn't as moronic as it might seem at first

      The election this year while there were a multitude of candidates this year it was practically down to Robredo and Marcos Jr (BBM)

      Robredo when campaigning made no real efforts to detail what she was planning for the country other than "everything will be better". I mean look at her so-called "economic recovery plan"
      >If you cannot find a job the government will give you one
      >give every family "free" access to a doctor
      >we will shift to a digital economy
      >kept everyone in the dark on how she was going to address agriculture and fisheries, tourism, transportation, manufacturing, and infrastructure

      It just seemed like she had no idea what she was doing.
      Combine that with her supporters online being uptight snobby c**ts who alienated potential on-the-fence voters,
      Duterte (our previous president our most popular and honestly the best one we've had post-EDSA) making a political alliance with him to get his daughter to be VP,
      and a massive nostalgia wave for the Marcos Dictatorship, it really was no surprise she got BTFO'd.

      Wasn't expecting much from him, but after watching his SONA, there is a sense of good things to come.
      Would have loved to see him continue the absolute strongmanning Duterte did with the PNP to crack down on everything as it made everything much safer
      but I get why he isn't, people will point and shout increasing the paranoia from opponents that "martial law is returning"

      • 2 years ago

        >>give every family "free" access to a doctor
        >filipino healthcare/infrastructure
        >trying to implement socialized medical access
        you know what, i take it back. Robredo deserved to lose. What nonsense.
        At least Marcos made a statement during his inaugural speech warning that the Ukraine tragedy could spread to Asia if the major powers didn't get their shit together. That was nice of him i guess.

        There's also the fact that the Phillipines is paid spam-bot troll farm central due to the population being both poor and poorly educated and being constantly online. IIRC flips spend a huge amount of time on social media. Prime pickings for an in-your face populist like Duterte or Marcos.

      • 2 years ago
        A chang

        >Been living in this shithole for the past six years
        where'd you live before that, flipbro

      • 2 years ago

        >Duterte (our previous president our most popular and honestly the best one we've had post-EDSA)

        Imagine saying this with a straight face after tanking the economy with Promdi Economics (muh debts).

        >Been living in this shithole for the past six years
        Filams don't deserve opinions.

  8. 2 years ago

    The amount of Chinese in a SEAsian country is proportionate to the success of said SEAsian country.

    Thailand has more Chinese than the Philippines, hence they're more successful. The Philippines also ruined their Chinese by assimilating them unlike Thailand.

    • 2 years ago

      >by assimilating them unlike Thailand.

      • 2 years ago

        Besides forced name changes, Thai Chinese pretty much remain Chinese.

        Filipino Chinese in comparison are utterly swallowed by Native Pinoy bullshit. To say nothing of Catholicism.

        • 2 years ago

          The Chinese Filipinos I have met.. you wouldn't even think they're Chinese.

        • 2 years ago

          The opposite; Thai Chinese are the most assimilated Chinese in all of SEA they don't even consider themselves Chinese anymore, if you want to see perfectly unmixed, segregated Chinese go to Singapore or Malaysia

          Thais literally ARE Chinese, morons. Thailand was fricking founded by Chinese migrants. native Thai are literally Changs mutted with like 25-33% brown admixture

          Thais are Austro Tai-Kradais they're different to your average Sino-Tibetan Chinese, using this logic all of SEA are Chinese just because their ancestors came from modern China

          • 2 years ago

            Singapore is the most successful yes because it is primarily a Chinese operation.

      • 2 years ago

        The amount of Chinese in a SEAsian country is proportionate to the success of said SEAsian country.

        Thailand has more Chinese than the Philippines, hence they're more successful. The Philippines also ruined their Chinese by assimilating them unlike Thailand.

        Thais literally ARE Chinese, morons. Thailand was fricking founded by Chinese migrants. native Thai are literally Changs mutted with like 25-33% brown admixture

        • 2 years ago

          You're moronic. Just because the modern borders of China includes the ancestral homeland of the Thais doesn't make them "Chinese" you moron.

          • 2 years ago

            >You're moronic. Just because the modern borders of China includes the ancestral homeland of the Thais doesn't make them "Chinese" you moron.

            Yep. Han Chinese are native to Central-East China only. That entire South-Central and South-East region were non-Han peoples

    • 2 years ago

      Basically this. Malaysia has the most Chinese so they’re the most successful south East Asian country besides Singapore despite being muzzles.

  9. 2 years ago

    genetics are destiny and thailand has monster amounts of o2a

  10. 2 years ago

    Funny you say that, because I seriously want to visit and am even considering relocating there.
    Lot of nice looking places and even in the shithole areas, people seem to be a lot more optimistic and positive than what I'm used to in the "first world".

    Food's got me worried though. If I go over there, I'll likely either become a vegetarian or start making my own meals from scratch.

  11. 2 years ago

    Their large diaspora and migrant labor population means that instead of Filipinos fixing their country out of necessity, the money just feeds the ineptitude, corruption and props up a borderline failed state.

    Pakistan and Bangladesh have the same problem. There is not a single country that relies on remittance for a large chunk of its GDP that ever amounted to shit.

    • 2 years ago

      This is why I encourage discrimination on migrant labors at all times.

      • 2 years ago

        >This is why I encourage discrimination on migrant labors at all times.
        That doesn't fix anything either.

        It only creates a more perverted atmosphere by increasing disregard for human life globally and corruption and ineptitude back home. There are travel/employment agencies and human traffickers that send people overseas only to end up with the people either working for little or nor wages in horrible conditions, or being dumped in random parts of the world.

        This has been going on for decades, it doesn't discourage people from traveling overseas. The countries that rely on remittance actively downplay the negative affects inflicted towards legal and illegal migrant laborers.

    • 2 years ago

      >There is not a single country that relies on remittance for a large chunk of its GDP that ever amounted to shit.
      Many states did rely on remmitance. No one really counts those because they became successful and do not fit the stereotypical image of it. Even within a state, remmitance is not at all uncommon such as with the USA.

      • 2 years ago

        People forget that "go abroad and help the family" has been a thing for ages at this point.

        • 2 years ago

          But with the Philippine's it was started by the Marcos Administration to facilitate economic growth as the Economy of the Philippines was grindind to a halt in the late 70s.
          The next generation of administrations slowly enshrined it and ingrained this idea that for a Filipino, their main goal in life is to frick off from the country and work overseas to earn money

  12. 2 years ago

    Being a christcuck is curse , thailand is just a philippines but buddhism

  13. 2 years ago

    Thailand is a dead country though. They can’t get anymore rich. They’re now stuck where they are because of their low birth rates.

    • 2 years ago

      Thailand is also ruled by a military junta, the people have no political say, and their economy produces nothing besides food exports and tourism. It's also becoming a puppet to China.

      Then again, the Philippines has also been turning into a puppet to China.

      • 2 years ago

        I’ve been checking on the Thai economy and it seems nothing but continuous stagnation. Their GDP has barely improved in a decade and their birth rate has literally been below replacement level since 1991 (so for three decades).

        They’ve become so desperate now they’re trying to rely on LGBT for tourism to make money.

        I’m not sure to what extent each of them are dependent on China though. I’m not sure about Phillipines’ future either.

        • 2 years ago

          >They’ve become so desperate now they’re trying to rely on LGBT for tourism to make money.
          That's true. It's a gay party location.

        • 2 years ago

          >I’m not sure to what extent each of them are dependent on China though
          If China actually collapses the entire Southeast Asia region will collapse with it. The region's economy is intimately tied with China in some way in almost every aspect.

      • 2 years ago

        >military junta
        I thought they were a monarchy?

        • 2 years ago

          Thailand current politics is like spain under franco but in bad way

          • 2 years ago

            >military junta
            I thought they were a monarchy?

            >I thought they were a monarchy?

            Thailand stopped being an absolute monarchy in 1932, itself a result of a military coup. It's has been plagued by repeated military coups ever since.


          • 2 years ago

            They should eliminated all royals since then like russia did

  14. 2 years ago

    Cause Thailand was able to rely on oil and gas to better improve their economy. Something Phillipines didn’t have.

    • 2 years ago

      >too dumb to googling
      Thailand is net importer oil and gas

      • 2 years ago

        It initially relied on oil and gas but that has now declined along with their economy

        • 2 years ago

          Thailand is not natural resources export driven economy

    • 2 years ago

      >Cause Thailand was able to rely on oil and gas to better improve their economy. Something Phillipines didn’t have.

      Oil and gas doesn't magically make your economy better if the underlying moving parts are inept or corrupt. Nigeria, Angola, Gabon, Myanmar, Mexico, Brazil and countless others have varying degrees of problems, and many oil/gas producers are borderline failed states.

      The Philippines with oil/gas would likely be worse than it is today. Open civil war because the government would have had more funds to buy weapons and crack down on opposition. Basically the Marcos regime would have never ended.

  15. 2 years ago

    Honestly, I don’t think so. Despite Phillipines being unable to rely on tourism and oil and gas unlike other south East Asian countries, its economy is actually still doing better than expected. Not only that, but its high birth rate (still above replacement level) means it has a more promising future.

    • 2 years ago

      Birth rates and remittances lead to high GDP but that has nothing to do with actual quality of life. Nigeria and Bangladesh are two of the fastest growing economics in their respective continents.
      In the former 2/3 of the country is either at war, starving or resorting to banditry to make ends meet. In the latter the country has become a dump and has a government that's completely hands-off about everything except for the most basic food staples.

      • 2 years ago

        Their GDP per capita seems to be improving though

        • 2 years ago

          GDP does not correlate to quality of life. That's my point. It only looks at what the nation as a whole is doing economically.
          You could have a type of feudalism where most people are literally indentured servants but it has high GDP.

  16. 2 years ago

    the philipines is the only former usa colony
    and going by that track record we should be happy the usa never got any more

  17. 2 years ago

    1)Horrible Corruption/Mismanagement mainly due to history of patronism where you need to know someone upstairs to get far

    2)Lack of Economic Opportunities due to the country being highly centralized and revolving around Manila

    3)An overwhelming reliance on exporting skilled manpower and using overseas remittance to keep the country afloat

    4)Poor quality of education where teachers can get away with passing room temp IQ morons because their salary depends on it

    Only frickups from IQfy or /misc/ are moronic enough to come up with "le more chinks in Asia = more richer" to justify something they can't even understand

    • 2 years ago

      But it’s true. Malaysia is the richest country in south east Asia and it also has the biggest Chinese population.

      • 2 years ago

        Malaysia and Singapore are strategically located in the Malacca Strait. They were prosperous before colonialism, which has stayed constant because they haven't suffered any wars and civil wars in recent memory.

      • 2 years ago

        Malaysia and Singapore are strategically located in the Malacca Strait. They were prosperous before colonialism, which has stayed constant because they haven't suffered any wars and civil wars in recent memory.

        Indonesia completely mogged Malaysia in terms of GDP followed by Thailand and Vietnam and it has nothing to do with having Chinese people in SEA

        • 2 years ago

          Indonesia is far larger than Malaysia, so obviously their GDP is going to be higher.
          Malaysia has 33M people, while Indonesia has 275M people.

          GDP per capita:
          Malaysia's is $10.4k
          Indonesia's is $3.9k.
          Vietnam's is $2.8k
          Thailand's is $7.2k.

          • 2 years ago

            The reason is gdp=tourism. Everything after 292 is spam. All your posts are spam.

          • 2 years ago


            So how does having more Chinks make Malaysia richer than Indonesia

          • 2 years ago

            Chinese make up 22% of Malaysia’s population

          • 2 years ago

            So? How does that make Malaysia richer than Indonesia? You couldn't even answer it but you sure like to parrot meme tier takes from moronic IQfygays or /misc/tards

  18. 2 years ago


    My question still stands irregardless. How does having a high Chinese population make Malaysia richer than countries like Indonesia/Thailand/Vietnam/Philippines/Myanmar?

    • 2 years ago

      You dumb mother fricker. My posts said nothing about Chinese people.
      They're not the sole factor behind whether a country is successful or not. China itself was a shithole for many centuries until the turn of the century.

      • 2 years ago

        Well now we know better than misattributing a country's success to an ethnic group
        Good job anon you made this shitpile of a thread better

    • 2 years ago

      Let me reiterate what I wrote before:
      >Malaysia and Singapore are strategically located in the Malacca Strait. They were prosperous even before colonialism, and which has stayed constant because they haven't suffered any wars and civil wars in recent memory.


      >The entire thread is spam and will continue to be spam.
      Yes, because you're spamming it.

  19. 2 years ago


    If you really want to be anal about it then its my bad. It was meant for

    Indonesia is far larger than Malaysia, so obviously their GDP is going to be higher.
    Malaysia has 33M people, while Indonesia has 275M people.

    GDP per capita:
    Malaysia's is $10.4k
    Indonesia's is $3.9k.
    Vietnam's is $2.8k
    Thailand's is $7.2k.


    But it’s true. Malaysia is the richest country in south east Asia and it also has the biggest Chinese population.

    • 2 years ago

      That first post was indeed me, but I responded because you quoted my unrelated post (which has nothing to do with Chinese).

      You pointing out Indonesia has higher GDP than Malaysia is pointless since Per Capita-wise Malaysia's is much higher, and I needed to point that out as well. Indonesia's is higher because their population is 5x larger.

  20. 2 years ago

    GDP per capita:
    Malaysia's is $10.4k
    Thailand's is $7.2k.
    Indonesia's is $3.9k.
    Vietnam's is $2.8k.

    Tourism per 1k
    Malaysia 1000
    Thailand 1000
    Indonesia 100
    Vietnam 200

    • 2 years ago


      >It's gdp=tourism. It's unstoppable.

      Let's say that it is. Is someone preventing the Philippines or even Indonesia and Vietnam from having higher tourism? No.
      They aren't sanctioned or demonized countries.

      The fact that some countries have higher tourism and others don't directly relates to the fact that some of these same countries have underlying problems socially which makes them unattractive for tourism.

      >There is not a single country that relies on remittance for a large chunk of its GDP that ever amounted to shit.
      Many states did rely on remmitance. No one really counts those because they became successful and do not fit the stereotypical image of it. Even within a state, remmitance is not at all uncommon such as with the USA.

      People forget that "go abroad and help the family" has been a thing for ages at this point.

      Nice fallacy. First of all, remittance within a country exists in literally every country, so that's not even what i was talking about.

      Secondly, most countries in the Old World have had migration and with it remittance, but how much of that made up a large chunk of GDP??

      Emigration from Italy and Japan was huge in the early 20th century, but those peoples likely didn't send money to the degree that people do today from Third World countries. They didn't have paypal, and I assume international bank transfers were limited in scope compared to how accessible they are today.

      Not to mention that the regions that did see emigration to the US, which was First World (as opposed to South America which had already fell behind economically by then), were Southern Italy, and in Japan's case Okinawa and parts of Southern Japan, which are still behind economically compared to their northern counterparts.

      South Korea had many emigrants in the decades following the Korean War and the country wasn't shit economically. It's only in the 90s when they looked inward and changed their entire sociopolitical model that they started prospering. Same story with Taiwan.

      • 2 years ago

        >Let's say that it is. Is someone preventing the Philippines or even Indonesia and Vietnam from having higher tourism? No.
        It's a gravity model, Philippines is farther away and has no ocean currents. Physically impossible for Philippines to have tourism.

        • 2 years ago

          Phillipines has ocean currents you spastic moron

      • 2 years ago

        >how much of that made up a large chunk of GDP?
        Hard to tell with how limited old data is.

        • 2 years ago

          Anecdotes tell me that it was nowhere near the GDP chunks that some countries have today.

          Bangladesh: 5.8% in 2020

          Philippines: 9.6% in 2020

          Pakistan: 8.7% in 2020

          South Korea:
          0.2% in 1976
          1% in 1983
          1.5% in 1986
          0.9% in 1989
          0.5% in 1996
          1.3% in 1998 (Asian financial crisis)
          0.8% in 2000
          0.5% in 2010
          0.5% in 2020

      • 2 years ago

        >the country wasn't shit economically.
        Korea was a backwater until the 80s for Italy the flow of remmitances from the diaspora helped several areas out.

        • 2 years ago

          The entire thread is spam, the reality is gdp=Tourism.

  21. 2 years ago

    >How come other 3rd world shit holes like Thailand look nice
    In the nice parts, just like every other tourist centered state.

  22. 2 years ago

    Chinese is basically israelites to them , without chinese they'll more prosperous because most of rich chinese family molopolies all business and using nepotism for prevent local competitors so most of SEA countries suffer from economic inequality and poverty

    • 2 years ago

      The Chinese perhaps are the only thing keeping the Philippine economy afloat lmao.

    • 2 years ago

      You can't hate israelites when they are basically your ancestors.

  23. 2 years ago

    Christcuck shitholes are always the worst
    the worst SEA country being christcuck is the same as the worst part of Africa being christcuck too

  24. 2 years ago

    Thailand (and the other parts of mainland southeast asia) have very long histories of statehood, with all that implies for building big monuments tourists want to visit.
    Philippines was very divided in the pre-Spanish period and none of its barangays were as wealthy as, say, Pagan or Ayutthaya.

  25. 2 years ago

    It's a really oversimplified analogy, but you can sort of think of the Philippines as a country where the Vietnam War was won.

    That is to say, the Hukbalahap, a guerrilla resistance force against the Japanese occupation, metamorphosed into the Huks, an orthodox Marxist-Leninist insurgency after 1945, and since the Philippines is an island chain and the Huks could not flee over the border into China to regroup the way the Viet Minh could, they were eventually crushed by succeeding Philippine presidents, with a final victory in 1954 led by Ramon Magsaysay (with the usual vast amounts of U.S. arms and CIA involvement, naturally).

    To wit, Ferdinand Marcos Sr. didn't ascend to the presidency on the back of a coup, as so many dictators did, but rather, he was elected [resident twice under the constitutional process, and simply overturned the liberal status quo before his second term was up. That the Philippines is a "kleptocracy" has its roots in the extinguishing of the left and the restriction of the political spectrum to just conservatism and liberalism.

    If you dig a little deeper than that, Spanish colonialism imposed a feudal social order on the islands for centuries, followed by about five minutes of independence under a 19th century nationalist movement, followed by half-a-century of American colonialism that simply replaced the Spanish order with one that taught folks to speak English, three years of military occupation under Imperial Japan, and then finally an American-style constitution imposed on the country by American "liberators." There was never any real reckoning with the legacy of Spain, and the latent consequences of that are still felt today when one of the attack lines against the Liberal Party is the massacre of militant farmers at Hacienda Luisita -- there are still haciendas in the Philippines!

  26. 2 years ago

    Phillipines have more bastard children than basically any other country in Asia. They are the Mexicans of Asia. So of course their country is a terrible place to live.

  27. 2 years ago

    Geography; You have to build water systems, electrical systems and infrastructure on every island an maintain them. Culture; Philippines isn't a single unified culture. A homogeneous state that of japan. Philippines is divided into many ethnic groups (Tagalogs, Bisaya, Ilocano) and these ethnic groups have different views thus raise ethnic tensions (Also Ilocanos fricked the nation). Industry; In Philippines, Most of the labor force are low skilled workers, We import more goods than we export and the value of the exports is such of a low value compared to that of vietnam because vietnam had reforms and industrialized in 90s and 00s. Excess labor caused by lack of jobs, undeveloped industry, and low skilled/wagie jobs forces most to move out of the country causing brain drain (lowest ranking in reading and writing in asia)

  28. 2 years ago

    >no historical identity to cling to (Majapahit, Khmer, Dai Viet, Srivijaya etc)
    >Colonised by Spaniards
    >Then by Americans
    >somehow gets a Communist insurrection movement and a Muslim one at the same time
    >still can't resolve either one to this day
    The game was rigged from the start

  29. 2 years ago

    schizoanglo are a gene moron metastasis cancer tumor on space time 1700-

  30. 2 years ago

    Thats what being American colony does to you

  31. 2 years ago

    Thailand is much richer. The real comparsion would be Vietnam, which only recently surpassed it in gdp per capita but has never had as disgusting of slums and shantytowns.

  32. 2 years ago

    idk but i will creampie pinay cath girls

  33. 2 years ago

    Thailand switching from import substitution early on to an export driven one, not relying on state industries, and it openness to foreign investors made it prime for industrializing and growth in the second half of the 20th century, while the Philippines isolating it self economically from the world never completely industrialized before trying to move to a service economy. There is also that fact that substance rice farming have always made up the majority of Thailand agrarian population while Filipinos were tenants on cash crop plantation, one of the biggest being sugar which suffered when it was expelled from the US market, forcing people into cities with little economic opportunity leading to slums.

    • 2 years ago

      These are all easy to point out 20 to 50 years after the fact. But the decision making *today* impacts what happens 20 to 50 years from now.
      Most developing countries just don't want to make those decisions that actually lead to meaningful change.
      And a few countries make too many drastic changes and that backfires too when the rug gets pulled or they anger global powers.

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