Just how degenerate were the Romans?

I just read Domitian attempted to pass a ban on prostituting children under 7. Does that mean having sex with children 7 and older was considered ok? Someone debunk this shit pls

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  1. 4 years ago

    >Just how degenerate were the Romans
    Ask Antinous.

    • 3 years ago

      At least he was a teen

      • 3 years ago

        maybe... I read they may have met in 120/1, when Antinous would be just 7/8-9/10

        Either way Hadrian was considered a dirty old man even for his time with his "excessive sensuality" and "malevolent rumors" that he even violated them sexually

  2. 4 years ago

    >In the course of time there were established special brothels in order to fulfill the most sophisticated needs. It is possible, that next to the brothels with men and women, there were also brothels providing services with children and animals. Martial praised Domitian for the fact that he had banned buying children for prostitution. Of course it did not solve the problem as the slaves were still being used. Also in this case sources are difficult to interpret.

    • 4 years ago

      so how socially accepted were they, would the average roman consider those brothels and sex with children under the age od 12 or so acceptable?

      A character in Satyricon has sex with a seven-year-old virgin.

      tbf, even the degenerate author or narrator describes her as "too young" so they must have had some standards. Right?

    • 3 years ago

      GOD i WISH

  3. 4 years ago

    It's hard to stop degeneracy, when a man wealthy enough was able to posses men, women and childrens as a litteraly legal comodity. If the law cant stop you from having sex with one of your slave, morality will not hold the line for very long, especially in a pre-christian virtues society

    • 4 years ago

      Y'know, I can honestly imagine some Roman dude inscribing this on whatever passed for their version of an ancient celtic centurion-cape weaving forum. True then, true now.

  4. 4 years ago

    I actually think by many of our modern metrics that Rome was a dystopia.
    Founded on Degeneracy and Greed

  5. 4 years ago

    Trying to fight pedophilia nowadays literally gets you censored by youtube and the like.

    • 4 years ago

      That's because pedophobes are mentally ill, horrible people.

  6. 4 years ago

    being a puer delicatus must have been hell on earth. your only purpose in life was to satisfy old senators
    what even happened to them after they became older?

    • 4 years ago

      They moved somewhere where nobody knew they used to please old men

      • 4 years ago

        or they killed themelves, like happened with the boy hadrian used to molest

    • 3 years ago

      In the islamic middle east dancing boys when reaching adulthood sometimes received help by their former wealthy lovers to start whatever activity they wanted to do as job, if they were lucky. Probably with the roman boys happened something similar

  7. 4 years ago

    A character in Satyricon has sex with a seven-year-old virgin.

    • 4 years ago

      She was still talking when Psyche, who was giggling, came to her side and whispered something in her ear. What it was, I did not catch. “By all means,” ejaculated Quartilla, “a brilliant idea! Why shouldn’t our pretty little Pannychis lose her maidenhead when the opportunity is so favorable?” A little girl, pretty enough, too, was led in at once; she looked to be not over seven years of age, and she was the same one who had before accompanied Quartilla to our room. Amidst universal applause, and in response to the demands of all, they made ready to perform the nuptial rites. I was completely out of countenance, and insisted that such a modest boy as Giton was entirely unfitted for such a wanton part, and moreover, that the child was not of an age at which she could receive that which a woman must take. “Is that so,” Quartilla scoffed, “is she any younger than I was, when I submitted to my first man? Juno, my patroness, curse me if I can remember the time when I ever was a virgin, for I diverted myself with others of my own age, as a child then as the years passed, I played with bigger boys, until at last I reached my present age. I suppose that this explains the origin of the proverb, ‘Who carried the calf may carry the bull,’ as they say.” As I feared that Giton might run greater risk if I were absent, I got up to take part in the ceremony.

      • 4 years ago

        At least it is depicted as degenerate and wrong here.

      • 4 years ago

        Psyche had already enveloped the child’s head in the bridal-veil, the catamite, holding a torch, led the long procession of drunken women which followed; they were clapping their hands, having previously decked out the bridal-bed with a suggestive drapery. Quartilla, spurred on by the wantonness of the others, seized hold of Giton and drew him into the bridal-chamber. There was no doubt of the boy’s perfect willingness to go, nor was the girl at all alarmed at the name of marriage. When they were finally in bed, and the door shut, we seated ourselves outside the door of the bridal-chamber, and Quartilla applied a curious eye to a chink, purposely made, watching their childish dalliance with lascivious attention. She then drew me gently over to her side that I might share the spectacle with her, and when we both attempted to peep our faces were pressed against each other; whenever she was not engrossed in the performance, she screwed up her lips to meet mine, and pecked at me continually with furtive kisses [...] While this was going on, Pannychis, unaccustomed at her tender years to the pastime of Venus, raised an outcry and attracted the attention of the soldier, by this unexpected howl of consternation, for this slip of a girl was being ravished, and Giton the victor, had won a not bloodless victory. Aroused by what he saw, the soldier rushed upon them, seizing Pannychis, then Giton, then both of them together, in a crushing embrace. The virgin burst into tears and plead with him to remember her age, but her prayers availed her nothing, the soldier only being fired the more by her childish charms.

  8. 4 years ago

    FTR plato said that the cretians made up the myth about zeus stealing ganymede to be his boy toy to justify their "perverse desires"

  9. 4 years ago

    >Tfw you will never frick a Roman prostitute

  10. 4 years ago

    Could people get away with rape and violence and other crimes on Saturnalia? Was it pretty much the Purge: Roman Style?

  11. 4 years ago

    So in short: I know they liked banging teenagers, but would the romans consider sex with pre-pubescents (say 11 and younger) fine?

    • 3 years ago

      You could do anything you wanted with your prepubescent slaves nobody cared.

      • 3 years ago

        wtf I hate romans now. Guess its back to the gayreeks, at least they had standards

        • 3 years ago

          greeks invented degeneracy, romans were just corrupted by them

        • 3 years ago

          The Greeks had brothels with children too.

    • 3 years ago

      Slaves were legally considered a property, not human beigns. You could do whatever you wantes with your slaves, sex included (but only if you were a man)

  12. 4 years ago

    It was a degenerate as how much the Senate decided to seethe at people they didn't like. Being 'degenerate' was extremely frowned upon and so was great for political character assassination which the Senators loved to do.

    • 4 years ago

      so why didn't they just make it illegal?

  13. 3 years ago

    I love it when Trvditionalists learn that Romans, Greeks, ancient barbarians etc were all degenerate as frick and that degeneracy IS the human condition


    • 3 years ago

      >read history
      >learn that in thousands of years human beings haven’t even remotely changed in any fricking way

      It’s kinda comforting tbh. There’s something nice about Greeks and Romans b***hing and moaning about the same things as me.

    • 3 years ago

      just untrue, most of the examples of greek and roman homosexuality or just plain degeneracy are either
      >outright false, no source given
      >completely mistranslated, im guessing on purpose
      >just misunderstanding the original meaning, like translating eros to love which is lmao and then translating eros between men to gay buttsex which is lmao x 10
      >cases of wretched figures which everyone at the time saw as evil men

      • 3 years ago

        by the way its not hard to figure this out, just read any classic reference someone will do when talking about homosexuality in ancient greece, the symposium? buy or download the greek text, search when the word eros is used, in the first half is by a know pedo and everyone hates him for saying this, even jokes are throwed, in the latter half just go and learn about the idea of eros in socrates plato and aristotle.

        • 3 years ago

          what about anabasis when one of the hoplites falls in love with a local boy who then follows them

          • 3 years ago

            also meant to say that the hoplite didn't face any jokes or disdain of his comrades

    • 3 years ago

      I am only more convinced Christianity was good for everyone

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