How did Hittites replace the Hellenes in Greece

And why didn't they just keep speaking Anatolian languages?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Roman Empire and Byzantium. Maybe also Hellenistic period.

    • 2 years ago

      And why didn't they just keep speaking Anatolian languages?

      Hitties were Cypriot-like and didn't have any EHG.

  2. 2 years ago

    horrible non-sense model. The Tur_k is the old shared Barcin neolithic that simply flows between components. Similar with the 'early slav'

  3. 2 years ago

    Try to model greeks for once with proper models

    • 2 years ago

      This doesn't say anything anbout post bronze age admixtures. Greeks clearly have predominatly post-mycenaean ancestry from iron age Anatolia

      • 2 years ago

        Your model doesn´t say anything either about post bronze age admixtures, since it slides the ancestral components inside the new sampling. All we can do is to model the differences between ancestral and distant components along the ages, and not sample a new one that has DNA that was already there before and it's being simply intermediated by a new sample

    • 2 years ago

      horrible non-sense model. The Tur_k is the old shared Barcin neolithic that simply flows between components. Similar with the 'early slav'

      Fits worse than

      And why didn't they just keep speaking Anatolian languages?

      • 2 years ago

        irrelevant, this fit is way better and the model is horrible

        • 2 years ago

          It's not lol, Swedes have some Finnish/Baltic ancestry.

          • 2 years ago

            That fit is better, but the model is bad, fit is almost irrelevant if you have bad sampling. Do you think Swedes are zero % yamanya? are you moronic?

          • 2 years ago

            >Do you think Swedes are zero % yamanya? are you moronic?
            Are YOU moronic? The yamnaya is in the 3 proxy populations.

            It's like saying you can't be your father's son because you have genes from your paternal grandfather.

          • 2 years ago

            You are the moronic, if you don´t understand that, it's exactly because of that the model is wrong. OP is using an intermdiate population rich in an ancestral component shared, that pops up, because the ancestral source is not there, and if it was would be cannibalized Swedes were not created by the migration of danes to sweden:

            irrelevant, this fit is way better and the model is horrible

            This pops up, becaue of shared ancestral dna between both populations.

    • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      Can there be the mistake with CHG and Yamnaya? As when we try to model Eastern Europeans with EHG and Yamnaya both, EHG incorrectly decrease the Yamnaya percent.

      • 2 years ago

        Exactly, they cannibalize eachother.

    • 2 years ago

      speak for yourself.

      • 2 years ago

        wtf is this

        • 2 years ago

          They're modern greek populations modeled with a neolithic ancient populations. They show a large contribution from the Southern Caucasus.

          • 2 years ago

            speak for yourself.

            Jokes on you moron, you have no ideia what the hell you are modelling, for example germans and english by your own model are above 1/4 "Southern Caucasus."

          • 2 years ago

            Steppe theory has been debunked chud, we all descend from Azerbaijan or something

          • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            >using 3 populations

            This is the most dishonest garbage I've read in a long time. Try using more than 3 sources.

          • 2 years ago

            Try harder gay, i've used the exact same sources used by you achmed:

            speak for yourself.

            just not printed the zeros
            You are the one changing, that you now included RUS_Volga that broke everyone's AZ evidently assblasting you again.

          • 2 years ago

            RUS_Volga is just pure or near pure EHG source. It does not change much for greeks, and is only more relevent for N. europeans. I'm not sure why you think it "broke everyone's AZ" considering ancestry from this region still makes up at bare minimum 34% of greek populations.

            I'm not sure if you're blind or just moronic but all europeans have non-negligible ancestry from the caucasus. Southern europeans have more of it but germans and english still have it too. You're gonna have to accept this.

          • 2 years ago

            >It does not change much for greeks

            How it does not? if it literally breaks components that were bad modeled from AZ from 45% to 35%
            AZ is a mixed component post EN and N, already part Barcin. Ofc you get mixed values, even from Northern Europeans.

            >Southern europeans have more

            No they have not. as you may look:

            and one for spain as well

            some do have, others have even less.

          • 2 years ago

            >"How it does not? if it literally breaks components that were bad modeled from AZ from 45% to 35%"

            Which is nowhere near zero percent like you suggested.

            >"No they have not."

            On the whole, they do by every conceivable metric. That doesn't mean that there aren't exceptions, like in sardinia or for instance, but if you want to average northern europe and compare it to an average in southern europe you will find more neolithic caucasus ancestry in southern europe. This really is not even debatable. I'm not sure why you are so horrified at the prospect of Caucasian ancestry in a European population.

          • 2 years ago

            Jesus you are beyond stupid

          • 2 years ago

            CHG/Kotias from georgia is not the same as the azeri/armenian neolithic. Try to be honest for once. We are discussing neolithic populations here not hunter gatherers.

          • 2 years ago

            AZE_LN is a mixed sample from a mixed source, that's why you see the shift btween the components. AZE_LN is part CHG Even the Yamanya were 1/5 of it. Why do you think it's found all over europe:

            wtf are you even talking about? your model says nothing besides an component that is broken from an older lineage and present all over Europe

          • 2 years ago

            wtf are you even talking about? your model says nothing besides an component that is broken from an older lineage and present all over Europe

          • 2 years ago

            The model specifies Caucasian ancestry in europe quite well. I do wish we had a neolithic sample from the northern caucasus too so we could get a better fit for northern euros, but it will come in time.

  4. 2 years ago

    There are no confirmed Hittite burials or remains.

  5. 2 years ago

    they didn't, g25 has difficulty sometimes with extremely finescale ancestry differences

  6. 2 years ago

    How do they know that's a Hittite?

  7. 2 years ago

    same reason as always, moronic model (oh, and yes the fit being good is irrelevant)

    also half of those are greek islanders, that are only 5% of the population of greece
    you omitted a lot of mainland greek samples, that should be the ones you shouldn't omit since they make up 95% of greece

    • 2 years ago

      It doesn't matter. Greeks clearly have a lot of this Anatolian ancestry. It was there already by the time of Romans. Original ancient Greeks don't really cluster with modern ones.

      • 2 years ago

        modern greeks are the closest population to ancient greeks , and cluster in the same close region, they are more steppe tho.

        • 2 years ago

          They are not and you should kys

          • 2 years ago

            You sound mad? Does the idea of genetic continuity hurt your nonwhite brain? The closest populations to ancient greeks today are literally greeks and southern italians. Same goes for the romans.

            Why don't you just be honest and say that you hate S. euros and be done with it.

        • 2 years ago

          They are not and you should kys

          • 2 years ago

            Closest distance is 0.43, that's like the distance from Dutch people to like middle of France.

          • 2 years ago

            Not true. Closest distance is 0.2 which indicates they are effectively identical as far as populations go.

            They're not terribly different. Most cluster with logkas very closely, while the islanders cluster with fairly close to other bronze and iron age Greeks.

            The error here is assuming all ancient greeks had a fully homogenized genetic profile. They did not.

    • 2 years ago

      This is also the truth. The most populated greek regions (pic related) that have 90% of the greek population (central greece thessaly, peloponnese, and macedonia).
      they are even closer to the french and germans and english or scottish than they are to any levantine or arab. So it's all quite non-sense

      • 2 years ago

        Include all Levantine samples you have, dishonest shitter. Druze have extra CHG and are generally outliers.

        • 2 years ago

          They are all there moron, show me one that is missing (that is closest to any sample there) and point it out where is the disonesty, i will wait.

          • 2 years ago

            You only included Druze. Include Lebanese, Christians and Muslims, Palestinian Christians, Syrians, etc.

          • 2 years ago

            Is anyone missing moron? what changed? nothing changed, so sfu

          • 2 years ago

            You are so dumb it's even laughable just to read. Those are even far away.

      • 2 years ago

        >The most populated greek regions (pic related) that have 90% of the greek population (central greece thessaly, peloponnese, and macedonia).
        >they are even closer to the french and germans and english or scottish

        >central greece thessaly, peloponnese, and macedonia
        Okay, lets try it. Also cute how your Peloponnesian chart got suddenly smaller and missing some populations.

        Distance to: Greek_Peloponnese
        0.08772428 Druze
        0.09064799 Lebanese_Muslim
        0.09303122 Lebanese_Christian
        0.09784174 German
        0.11042072 English
        0.11378930 Scottish
        0.12635857 Swedish

        Distance to: Greek_Central_Greece
        0.08834542 Druze
        0.09155727 Lebanese_Muslim
        0.09456513 Lebanese_Christian
        0.09711114 German
        0.10940289 English
        0.11256531 Scottish
        0.12548397 Swedish

        Distance to: Greek_Thessaly
        0.08608859 German
        0.09935818 English
        0.10097871 Druze
        0.10275825 Scottish
        0.10347275 Lebanese_Muslim
        0.10675966 Lebanese_Christian
        0.11443033 Swedish

        Distance to: Greek_Macedonia
        0.08534104 German
        0.09869223 English
        0.10068742 Druze
        0.10196905 Scottish
        0.10273164 Lebanese_Muslim
        0.10681856 Lebanese_Christian
        0.11364390 Swedish

        • 2 years ago

          you should use syrians, paestinians and jordanians instead of meme druze populations

          greekbros... they're our racial brothers... we need more slavic rape to get bigger distances

          Distance to: Greek_Central_Greece
          0.08682703 Turkish_Istanbul
          0.09384621 Turkish_West_Anatolian
          0.09711114 German
          0.10940289 English
          0.11256531 Scottish
          0.12548397 Swedish

          Distance to: Greek_Peloponnese
          0.09150308 Turkish_Istanbul
          0.09722355 Turkish_West_Anatolian
          0.09784174 German
          0.11042072 English
          0.11378930 Scottish
          0.12635857 Swedish

          Distance to: Greek_Thessaly
          0.08608859 German
          0.09744514 Turkish_Istanbul
          0.09935818 English
          0.10201989 Turkish_West_Anatolian
          0.10275825 Scottish
          0.11443033 Swedish

          Distance to: Greek_Macedonia
          0.08534104 German
          0.09510281 Turkish_Istanbul
          0.09869223 English
          0.09890586 Turkish_West_Anatolian
          0.10196905 Scottish
          0.11364390 Swedish

          you should use anatolian turks instead of istanbul turks

          stop being dishonest guy

          • 2 years ago

            What's wrong with Lebanese Arabs, too close? Are Syrians good for you?

            Distance to: Greek_Central_Greece
            0.08682703 Turkish_Istanbul
            0.09205309 Syrian_West
            0.09384621 Turkish_West_Anatolian
            0.09711114 German
            0.10940289 English
            0.11256531 Scottish
            0.12548397 Swedish

            >you should use anatolian turks instead of istanbul turks
            Why? Turkish Istanbul plots with central Turks, do you think they're Balkan Turks? lol

            0.01297113 Turkish_Central

            Dude he has:[...] away more populations than you, you have missed all southern european samples, all of them (from France to Spain, from Italy to Portugal) and even central european ones like Belgium, Swizerland or Austria you have missed, i will not even into the ones of Bulgaria, Serbia, Romania, Croatia, Albania and so on because all of them are closer.
            Greeks from any of those regions are closer to other europeans than to any non-european population, and in some cases even closer to English or Germans than to any Lebanese, or Arab. Absolute fact

            I just used the populations he mentioned +Swedish (master race) -French (too diverse, some are pretty much white, some are non-white like Iberians and Italians. His quote:
            >they are even closer to the french and germans and english or scottish than they are to any levantine or arab.
            Peloponnesian and Central Greeks are closer to Lebanese Arabs than to North Euro whites.

            You have to cherry more northern european populations and miss half of Europe to make your imaginary world alive Mohammed. But at the end of the day, it's quite evident where they are.

            Nice arbitrary circle Iberberian, you have included some israelites and excluded a few of your southron brothers from Sardinia, Greece and Malta. Here's mine arbitrary circle.

          • 2 years ago

            Oh it's the mental Argentinian mongrel ladies and gentlemen.

          • 2 years ago

            I'm not Argentinian and that destroyer of brown southrons is actually a Bolivian from Argentina. This

            You have to cherry more northern european populations and miss half of Europe to make your imaginary world alive Mohammed. But at the end of the day, it's quite evident where they are.

            on the other hand is a nazi portuguese who likes to bleach his hair and deletes israelites from PCAs to push his "white" agenda filled with brown southrons (but no israelites because he's a brown nazi)


            here comes the croatian troony

            Is this "croatian troony" in the room with us now? Also stop projecting and don't forget to dilate.

            >What's wrong with Lebanese Arabs, too close? Are Syrians good for you?
            >Why? Turkish Istanbul plots with central Turks, do you think they're Balkan Turks? lol
            stop being dishonest
            this is what you should have done from the very beginning

            >The most populated greek regions (pic related) that have 90% of the greek population (central greece thessaly, peloponnese, and macedonia).
            >they are even closer to the french and germans and english or scottish than they are to any levantine or arab.
            Then I compare central greece, thessaly, peloponnese, and macedonia to germans and english or scottish and levantines. Couldn't care less if they're very close to other non-whites like Spaniards and Italians. Thanks for the easy W.

          • 2 years ago

            >is a nazi portuguese who likes to bleach his hair

            Nice mental trip you have there nog, it was from a schizo outbreak you had recently? Your obsession with south europeans is actually funny to watch, why would a shitskin like you spend days and days claiming europeans are non-whites like you

          • 2 years ago

            >Then I compare central greece, thessaly, peloponnese, and macedonia to germans and english or scottish and levantines.

            And there you have lost moron, because thessaly, macedonia are close to french and germans and english than to any levantine:

            This is also the truth. The most populated greek regions (pic related) that have 90% of the greek population (central greece thessaly, peloponnese, and macedonia).
            they are even closer to the french and germans and english or scottish than they are to any levantine or arab. So it's all quite non-sense

            Is anyone missing moron? what changed? nothing changed, so sfu

            and peloponnese are closer to almost all europeans than to any levantine

          • 2 years ago

            >Then I compare central greece, thessaly, peloponnese, and macedonia to germans and english or scottish and levantines. Couldn't care less if they're very close to other non-whites like Spaniards and Italians. Thanks for the easy W.
            i don't see the win

            >I'm not Argentinian and that destroyer of brown southrons is actually a Bolivian from Argentina
            you're argentinian

            >Is this "croatian troony" in the room with us now? Also stop projecting and don't forget to dilate.
            yes, here

            Native Palestinians

            Distance to: Greek_Central_Greece
            0.04079155 Turkish_Istanbul_(Balkan_Profile)
            0.08682703 Turkish_Istanbul
            0.09205309 Syrian_West
            0.09384621 Turkish_West_Anatolian
            0.09711114 German
            0.10284266 Palestinian_Christian
            0.10940289 English
            0.11256531 Scottish
            0.12548397 Swedish

          • 2 years ago

            An new world mixed raced, trying to claim what is white, kek what's gonna be next, a syrian doing it? lmao

            On that debate you have already lost
            First because Greeks are closer to other europeans than they are to any non-european, like seen above and second because 90% of Greek population; Thessaly, Peloponnese and Macedonia are even closer to someone in France or Germany or England than they are to any Lebanese or Arab and that's a fact:

            This is also the truth. The most populated greek regions (pic related) that have 90% of the greek population (central greece thessaly, peloponnese, and macedonia).
            they are even closer to the french and germans and english or scottish than they are to any levantine or arab. So it's all quite non-sense

          • 2 years ago

            >What's wrong with Lebanese Arabs, too close? Are Syrians good for you?
            >Why? Turkish Istanbul plots with central Turks, do you think they're Balkan Turks? lol
            stop being dishonest
            this is what you should have done from the very beginning

          • 2 years ago

            How is this even possible? Greeks are closer genetically to Germans than to Turks that are right next to them.

          • 2 years ago

            Turks have Asiatic, han-like influx where greeks do not. Greeks fairly closely resemble their predecessors. The same is not true for turks, which is why we call them turks and not greeks or lydians or phyrgians and so on.

          • 2 years ago

            >Greeks are closer genetically to Germans than to Turks that are right next to them.
            The ones with Slavic BVLL rape genes are.

            Distance to: Greek_Central_Greece
            0.08682703 Turkish_Istanbul
            0.09711114 German

          • 2 years ago

            Nice cherry you have there Mohammed, the other anon posted almost all Greece:

            >What's wrong with Lebanese Arabs, too close? Are Syrians good for you?
            >Why? Turkish Istanbul plots with central Turks, do you think they're Balkan Turks? lol
            stop being dishonest
            this is what you should have done from the very beginning

            And it was not from the slavics either:

            horrible non-sense model. The Tur_k is the old shared Barcin neolithic that simply flows between components. Similar with the 'early slav'

          • 2 years ago

            racist (but brown) southrons seething and coping above and below


            Distance to: Greek_Central_Greece
            0.08682703 Turkish_Istanbul
            0.09711114 German

            Distance to: Greek_Cyprus
            0.07932923 Turkish_Istanbul
            0.16056066 German

            Distance to: Greek_West_Taygetos
            0.09056435 German
            0.09136224 Turkish_Istanbul

            Distance to: Greek_Trabzon
            0.06699305 Turkish_Istanbul
            0.17696834 German

            Distance to: Greek_Thessaly
            0.08694292 German
            0.09576843 Turkish_Istanbul

            Distance to: Greek_South_Tsakonia
            0.08342746 Turkish_Istanbul
            0.11019330 German

            Distance to: Greek_Peloponnese
            0.09150308 Turkish_Istanbul
            0.09784174 German

            Distance to: Greek_North_Tsakonia
            0.08620635 Turkish_Istanbul
            0.10390514 German

            Distance to: Greek_Messenia
            0.09168045 Turkish_Istanbul
            0.09427294 German

            Distance to: Greek_Macedonia
            0.08534104 German
            0.09510281 Turkish_Istanbul

            Distance to: Greek_Laconia
            0.09020719 Turkish_Istanbul
            0.10164214 German

            Distance to: Greek_Kos
            0.07554728 Turkish_Istanbul
            0.13857988 German

            Distance to: Greek_Izmir
            0.08306363 Turkish_Istanbul
            0.10901984 German

            Distance to: Greek_Elis
            0.09013554 Turkish_Istanbul
            0.09641384 German

            Distance to: Greek_East_Taygetos
            0.08917691 Turkish_Istanbul
            0.09959815 German

            Distance to: Greek_Dodecanese
            0.07564517 Turkish_Istanbul
            0.14257963 German

            Distance to: Greek_Deep_Mani
            0.08368430 Turkish_Istanbul
            0.12339434 German

            Distance to: Greek_Crete
            0.07537981 Turkish_Istanbul
            0.12603688 German

            Distance to: Greek_Corinthia
            0.09208968 Turkish_Istanbul
            0.09765517 German

            Distance to: Greek_Central_Macedonia
            0.08386123 German
            0.09703843 Turkish_Istanbul

            Distance to: Greek_Argolis
            0.09114524 Turkish_Istanbul
            0.09737171 German

            Distance to: Greek_Arcadia
            0.09163092 Turkish_Istanbul
            0.09595853 German

            Distance to: Greek_Achaea
            0.09257647 Turkish_Istanbul
            0.09485994 German

          • 2 years ago

            >keep cherrying made up samples that are not in g25 argentinian mongrel

            And at the end of the day. All Greeks are closer to other european populations than to any turk, arab or leb:

            okay let's make some things clear first
            >here's no "Greek_Central_Greece" on the official chart of g25
            there's no "Turkish_Istanbul" on the official chart of g25
            no one cares about your amateur non verified samples

            Distance to: Greek_Thessaly
            0.08694292 German
            0.09297766 Turkish_Kayseri
            0.09562009 Turkish_Adana
            0.09730369 Turkish_Central
            0.10139115 Turkish_East
            0.10233525 Turkish_Trabzon
            0.10257920 Turkish_Balikesir
            0.10257920 Turkish_Balikesir
            0.10503457 Turkish_North
            0.10503457 Turkish_North
            0.10543463 Turkish_Aydin
            0.10543463 Turkish_Aydin
            0.10586384 Turkish_Northwest
            0.10586384 Turkish_Northwest
            0.10907328 Turkish_Southwest
            0.10907328 Turkish_Southwest

            according to the official g25 samples, thessaly greeks, aka "central greeks", are closer to germans than to all non balkan turks

            >What's wrong with Lebanese Arabs, too close? Are Syrians good for you?
            >Why? Turkish Istanbul plots with central Turks, do you think they're Balkan Turks? lol
            stop being dishonest
            this is what you should have done from the very beginning

            This is also the truth. The most populated greek regions (pic related) that have 90% of the greek population (central greece thessaly, peloponnese, and macedonia).
            they are even closer to the french and germans and english or scottish than they are to any levantine or arab. So it's all quite non-sense

          • 2 years ago

            Nice headcanon rapebaby, at the end of the day most Greeks are closer to Turks from Istanbul (not even Turks with a Balkan profile) than to Germans, except for the Slavic BVLL rapebabies who call Macedonians larpers, but plot like them, Bulgarians and Albanians.

            Distance to: Greek_Central_Macedonia
            0.01172523 Albanian
            0.01233927 Greek_Macedonia
            0.02848578 Bulgarian
            0.03134797 Macedonian
            0.07658673 GRC_Mycenaean

            Distance to: Greek_Macedonia
            0.01233927 Greek_Central_Macedonia
            0.01398776 Albanian
            0.03006134 Bulgarian
            0.03377084 Macedonian
            0.07719764 GRC_Mycenaean

          • 2 years ago

            half of greeks are northern greeks, and peloponnesian greeks are closer to white austrians than to turks

            Distance to: Greek_Peloponnese
            0.08690553 Austrian
            0.08733413 Turkish_Kayseri
            0.09014351 Turkish_Adana
            0.09238197 Turkish_Central
            0.09613560 Turkish_East
            0.10084616 Turkish_Balikesir
            0.10169898 Turkish_North
            0.10188758 Turkish_Aydin
            0.10320318 Turkish_Northwest
            0.10529544 Turkish_Southwest
            0.11396904 Turkish_South

          • 2 years ago

            the austrians aren't white

          • 2 years ago

            if austrians aren't white, croatians aren't white either

            Distance to: German
            0.01699574 BelgianA
            0.01735744 Austrian
            0.02140839 BelgianB
            0.02655746 BelgianC
            0.02674749 Hungarian
            0.03283050 Croatian

          • 2 years ago

            the croat troon is killing himself as we speak

          • 2 years ago

            austrians are white like croatians, but both are on the southern part of the white cline. iberians, italians and greeks are straight up non-white

          • 2 years ago

            says the actual non-white projecting. All europeans are white, the same can´t be said about you for sure south american goblin

          • 2 years ago

            moving goalposts much?

          • 2 years ago

            >Greeks are closer genetically to Germans than to Turks that are right next to them.
            The ones with Slavic BVLL rape genes are.

            Distance to: Greek_Central_Greece
            0.08682703 Turkish_Istanbul
            0.09711114 German

            What's wrong with Lebanese Arabs, too close? Are Syrians good for you?

            Distance to: Greek_Central_Greece
            0.08682703 Turkish_Istanbul
            0.09205309 Syrian_West
            0.09384621 Turkish_West_Anatolian
            0.09711114 German
            0.10940289 English
            0.11256531 Scottish
            0.12548397 Swedish

            >you should use anatolian turks instead of istanbul turks
            Why? Turkish Istanbul plots with central Turks, do you think they're Balkan Turks? lol

            0.01297113 Turkish_Central

            I just used the populations he mentioned +Swedish (master race) -French (too diverse, some are pretty much white, some are non-white like Iberians and Italians. His quote:
            >they are even closer to the french and germans and english or scottish than they are to any levantine or arab.
            Peloponnesian and Central Greeks are closer to Lebanese Arabs than to North Euro whites.

            Nice arbitrary circle Iberberian, you have included some israelites and excluded a few of your southron brothers from Sardinia, Greece and Malta. Here's mine arbitrary circle.

            There is no Greek_Central_Greece or Turkish_Istanbul samples in the GLOBAL25 database schizo. You have to lie a lil better the next time..

          • 2 years ago

            okay let's make some things clear first
            >here's no "Greek_Central_Greece" on the official chart of g25
            there's no "Turkish_Istanbul" on the official chart of g25
            no one cares about your amateur non verified samples

            Distance to: Greek_Thessaly
            0.08694292 German
            0.09297766 Turkish_Kayseri
            0.09562009 Turkish_Adana
            0.09730369 Turkish_Central
            0.10139115 Turkish_East
            0.10233525 Turkish_Trabzon
            0.10257920 Turkish_Balikesir
            0.10257920 Turkish_Balikesir
            0.10503457 Turkish_North
            0.10503457 Turkish_North
            0.10543463 Turkish_Aydin
            0.10543463 Turkish_Aydin
            0.10586384 Turkish_Northwest
            0.10586384 Turkish_Northwest
            0.10907328 Turkish_Southwest
            0.10907328 Turkish_Southwest

            according to the official g25 samples, thessaly greeks, aka "central greeks", are closer to germans than to all non balkan turks

          • 2 years ago

            It's not that strange, because turks are really mixed

          • 2 years ago

            >I just used the populations he mentioned +Swedish (master race) -French (too diverse, some are pretty much white, some are non-white like Iberians and Italians.

            You just know, brownoid hands from outside of europe wrote this post, always

          • 2 years ago

            This. This thread is crawling with mutts, globalists and brown people who desperately want greeks to think they're nothing like their ancestors. It's pathetic.

          • 2 years ago

            It's always that way. Non-euros envy to dead europeans and usually tend to project their insecurities and their own condition into Europe.

          • 2 years ago

            Don't be fooled. Some of them are probably brown, but a lot of these people are northern european multiculturalist losers who are trying to undermine a sense of identity in other european populations.

            Even david reich one of the leading geneaologists in this field specifically wrote a book claiming this to be his end goal. My point being is that you cannot trust these cretins and their models are typically garbage.

          • 2 years ago

            reich and lazaridis don't care about that.
            Lazaridis is politically conservative

            Both do believe in ex oriente lux. Which is why you see them clinging to weird things like any ounce of southern ancestry in yamnaya signalling language shift (even though all the CHG appears to be local don/volga).

          • 2 years ago

            You're wrong. Both of those individuals are staunchly liberal and are interested in undermining notions of identity or continuity. This is what reich himself wrote.

        • 2 years ago

          Dude he has:

          This is also the truth. The most populated greek regions (pic related) that have 90% of the greek population (central greece thessaly, peloponnese, and macedonia).
          they are even closer to the french and germans and english or scottish than they are to any levantine or arab. So it's all quite non-sense

          away more populations than you, you have missed all southern european samples, all of them (from France to Spain, from Italy to Portugal) and even central european ones like Belgium, Swizerland or Austria you have missed, i will not even into the ones of Bulgaria, Serbia, Romania, Croatia, Albania and so on because all of them are closer.
          Greeks from any of those regions are closer to other europeans than to any non-european population, and in some cases even closer to English or Germans than to any Lebanese, or Arab. Absolute fact

  8. 2 years ago

    Ancient Greek samples + Sicilian Greek soldiers from Himera.

  9. 2 years ago

    Modern Greeks are mostly on a cline from Anatolians to Slavs.

    • 2 years ago

      Na, they are a cline from the farmer europe, in this case minoan related to mycenean and greek, a cline to the steppe input, that was surely not from the slavs of the middle ages:

      horrible non-sense model. The Tur_k is the old shared Barcin neolithic that simply flows between components. Similar with the 'early slav'

  10. 2 years ago

    I think the terrone from Anthrogenica is here

    • 2 years ago

      but at the end of the day you are the shitskin in here

    • 2 years ago

      The only people attracted to anthroforums are terroni and other medshits, nafris, poojeets, and sudacas and amermutts.
      Superior races don't post there.

  11. 2 years ago

    Anatolia was the most urbanized place in the world for a while , if you look at intellectuals in the Imperial or Late antiquity period, most of them came from some town in Asia Minor

    People don’t get that to get a shift THIS DETECTABLE they must have been a frickload of them, these isn’t a few of Greece or Italy’s ancestors, its fricking HALF of them, a single individual DNA gets completely washed up after 6-8 generations (roughly 200 years), and after 8 generations or is more likely that you will pass ZERO genes to a descendent, so to be still fricking 1/2 or 1/4 of Italian or Greek DNA, there must have been TENS OF THOUSANDS of these Anatolian frickers miximg with the locals, so continuity my ass, if it were just a few chance encounter you would NOT detectes after 8 generations, let alone after 80 geberations, EIGHTY, like It’s detected now

    • 2 years ago

      >Anatolia was the most urbanized place in the world for a while
      Not true, the biggest Roman cities were outside of Anatolia, of course Rome, Antioch, Alexandria, Carthage, Corinth.

      Anatolia had a lot of people in general, but was less urbanized than Italy, Sicily, Egypt, Greece and some other small regions.

      >People don’t get that to get a shift THIS DETECTABLE they must have been a frickload of them, these isn’t a few of Greece or Italy’s ancestors, its fricking HALF of them, a single individual DNA gets completely washed up after 6-8 generations (roughly 200 years), and after 8 generations or is more likely that you will pass ZERO genes to a descendent, so to be still fricking 1/2 or 1/4 of Italian or Greek DNA, there must have been TENS OF THOUSANDS of these Anatolian frickers miximg with the locals, so continuity my ass, if it were just a few chance encounter you would NOT detectes after 8 generations, let alone after 80 geberations, EIGHTY, like It’s detected now
      This is self evident, not sure why you spent a paragraph writing this.

      • 2 years ago

        >his is self evident, not sure why you spent a paragraph writing this.
        Maybe you don't post here a lot, most people here believe that people who share the same Y DNA look exactly the same and behave the same way, posters here definitely do not understand how fast DNA gets washed up over time

        • 2 years ago

          DNA doesn't get washed up though, at least not when you look at ALL descendants of a single individuals.

          Sure the chance of you personally leaving any genes to someone 10 generations apart is already low, but you will have 1000 descendants even if the population stays relatively constant.

          • 2 years ago

            >DNA doesn't get washed up though
            If you look at single descendant it does, especially if you don't have a high number of sons

          • 2 years ago

            Sure but mathematically the average result would be that you pass around the same amount of genes as you currenlty have.

            A 100% Anatolian man entering a 1000 Greek community would leave in the very long term 0.1% Anatolian ancestry.

          • 2 years ago

            >A 100% Anatolian man entering a 1000 Greek community would leave in the very long term 0.1% Anatolian ancestry.
            After 6 generations yes, after 9 or 10 generations he will most likely leave literally zero genes

          • 2 years ago

            No this is dumb, he would have so many descendants that on average he should leave some genes some of the time.

            It could be that the chances are something like him leaving 1% of ancestry 10% of the time and 0% of ancestry 90% but it would still average at 0.1%

            I think you are misunderstanding how the math OR the way genes are passed works.

          • 2 years ago

            No, I'm not, you are. After just 14-15 generations you have 99% chance of NOT passing ANY of your genes to any of your given ancestors

          • 2 years ago

            You have no idea how to interpret your graph.

          • 2 years ago

            Sure but you will have enough descendants to make the expected amount to still be around the share of ancestors you compromise for the descendants.

          • 2 years ago

            You're stupid and can't into math.

          • 2 years ago

            You're dumb. Like really dumb:




          • 2 years ago

            Your 10 generation away ancestor has 1024 descendants on average in an idealized constant population, meaning he will have 430-ish descendants with his genes on average.

          • 2 years ago

            >the average result would be that you pass around the same amount of genes as you currenlty have.

            What? No.

          • 2 years ago

            Why not?

          • 2 years ago

            After 4 generations they get diluted to oblivion unless a large numbers of people from x population are mating with 7 population

          • 2 years ago

            Oh for frick's sake.

            If you have 1000 people breeding in an idealized environment where each couple has 2 descendants, with balanced gender ratios then everyone would have leave the same amount of ancestry in the long run.

            If you deny this you essentially saying that somehow there is some sort of cosmic bias against specific people which is just moronic

          • 2 years ago

            If you had 1000 Anatolians reproducing in 50 AD Italy you would not have detecte dtheir DNA today, they must've been at least around 50-100,000 to get the amounf of Anatolian DNA you see in modern Italians

          • 2 years ago

            >you would not have detecte dtheir DNA today
            True, but that has nothing to do with them passing 0 genes, it's just too low to detect.

            Too low to detect =/= Zero

    • 2 years ago

      If it were actually the case you would see it in the uniparentals (Anatolian vs Greek). On ftdna you can see that it's mostly local Greek+Slavic.
      In other words the farmer source is just an artifact of g25.

      • 2 years ago

        The reason is because they need ppn/something more natufian rich than bronze age Greece. A lot of this will have come from Anatolia but also the Levant. I imagine a model with ppn will prefer more of a mycaenaen donation. You need some Anatolia either way but it shouldn't be wholly preferred.

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah even if you literally exclude all samples from modern Turkey it's still hard to get very high Mycenean/Greek IA results.

    • 2 years ago

      You are absolutely delirious and dumb. The opposite happened, minoans were much more south:

      Na, they are a cline from the farmer europe, in this case minoan related to mycenean and greek, a cline to the steppe input, that was surely not from the slavs of the middle ages:[...]

      The shift was to north.

      • 2 years ago

        Don't reply to me you're very dumb sir.

    • 2 years ago

      The mixing happened over a very long period of time - we're talking thousands of years. Ultimately italy and greece were downstream from anatolia yes, but we're talking a continuous influx and persistent replacement by anatolian populations from the neolithic to roman era (6000 years!) which included anatolia's massive genetic shift to being more Neolithic lowland caucasus like. It wasn't as abrupt as you make it seem.

      • 2 years ago

        The Anatolian shift happened during the Late Roman Republic and especially during the Imperial Roman/Late antiquity, yes there were significant migrations through Asia Minor before: the famous Neolithic one, later another one that took place in the third millennium bc and this one we're talking about that took place as I said around 100 bc - 400 ad (almost certainly there were other smaller scale movements of population between these three great migrations)

        • 2 years ago

          No. The anatolian shift started in the neolithic and never stopped during the copper and bronze age. It is undeniable that mycenaeans are not pure continuations of early european farmers. Bronze age sicilians and and bronze age northern balkan populations also show an influx of ancestry from these people too. It was not as simple as a flicking a switch from 100bc - 400 ad. Even early iron age greeks average more caucasus related ancestry than mycenaeans as a result of further kaman kalehoyuk like ancestral impact. It was a gradual process.

          • 2 years ago

            Re-read my post again.

    • 2 years ago

      >and after 8 generations or is more likely that you will pass ZERO genes to a descendent,
      Not true.
      In fact, what we see is that some people will be carrying a gene from homosexual habilis where their sibling is carrying a gene from 2kya.

      • 2 years ago

        Re-write this in English, and indeed it is true that among your 256 genealogical ancestor from 8 generations ago (so 200 generations roughly), you will not inherite ANY genes from 36 of them on average

        • 2 years ago

          Start at 10:40

          • 2 years ago

            That does not disprove what I said

          • 2 years ago

            Except it absolutely does.
            You're carrying genes from homosexual habilis... we all are.
            You're sure as shit carrying genes from your 8x great grandparent.

  12. 2 years ago

    Anatolian populations such as a kaman kalehoyuk had been continually impacting greece without stop since the copper age onward. The reason the minoans and mycenaeans have lowland caucuses related ancestry is because of this in the first place.

    Mycenaean are simply neolithic farmers who began to take on more and more copper age anatolian like ancestry. Greeks get impacted even more by them during the iron age when they hellenize anatolia.

    The type of ancestry that impacted neolithic anatolians to make copper age anatolians comes from the S. Caucasus and Armenian highlands.

    • 2 years ago

      Modern Greeks are very different from ancient ones.

      • 2 years ago

        Meant for

        They're modern greek populations modeled with a neolithic ancient populations. They show a large contribution from the Southern Caucasus.

      • 2 years ago

        They're not terribly different. Most cluster with logkas very closely, while the islanders cluster with fairly close to other bronze and iron age Greeks.

        The error here is assuming all ancient greeks had a fully homogenized genetic profile. They did not.

        • 2 years ago

          They indeed did cretin, Logkas was not a Greek but some proto-Armeno/Greek speaker from the North, nothing to do with Mycenaeans or Classical Greeks in the proper sense

          • 2 years ago

            >They're not terribly different
            Yes they are, many distant European populations are closer than the 2 groups are..

            It's so dishonest to pretend Logkas is in anwyway what anyone would define as an ancient Greek or even a Mycenaean

            1)It's so old it's PRE-Mycenaean in the proper sense, being contemporary to Early Helladic, note that at the time Early Helladics living in the Peloponnesus bared a Neolithic Greek profile (slightly shifted towards Minoans), as the Perachora EHelladic samples proved, ergo the ethnogenesis of the Mycenaeans, who would later make the Peloponnesus their core area, had NOT TAKEN PLACE YET

            Cope and seethe. Logkas is quite literally greek and you guys are just butthurt that it happened to have higher levels of EHG like ancestry than the mycanaeans found in the southern peloponese.

            The profile was not homogenous and you're going to have to accept that there were some bronze age greeks that were more EHG shifted while there were some that were more caucasus shifted.

          • 2 years ago

            Indeed somehow all the middle Greeks disappeared and the Logkas Greeks and Anatolian Greeks replaced them.

            You didn't change anything other call everyone involved "Greek"

          • 2 years ago

            They didn't disappear, nor were they replaced. Northern populations were impacted more heavily by EHG like populations than southern. It's really not that hard to grasp. We have a distinct lack of northern greek population samples. As a matter of fact, the two logkas samples were the latest ones we've dug up and they cluster the most northerly.

            Also, they are greek. Get bent.

            There are zero Mycenaean sites from where Logkas lived, read a book and stop being a moron

            Not true. The logkas samples are within the mycenaean sphere of territories. This is simply false.

          • 2 years ago

            Show me one Mycenaean site from where Logkas is, moron

          • 2 years ago

            There are zero Mycenaean sites from where Logkas lived, read a book and stop being a moron

        • 2 years ago

          >They're not terribly different
          Yes they are, many distant European populations are closer than the 2 groups are..

        • 2 years ago

          It's so dishonest to pretend Logkas is in anwyway what anyone would define as an ancient Greek or even a Mycenaean

          1)It's so old it's PRE-Mycenaean in the proper sense, being contemporary to Early Helladic, note that at the time Early Helladics living in the Peloponnesus bared a Neolithic Greek profile (slightly shifted towards Minoans), as the Perachora EHelladic samples proved, ergo the ethnogenesis of the Mycenaeans, who would later make the Peloponnesus their core area, had NOT TAKEN PLACE YET

      • 2 years ago

        They are not very different, on the contrary, the only actual difference is they are more Steppe and therefore less farmer, like it was posted above:

        Try to model greeks for once with proper models

        And the fact that the closest population to ancient greeks are modern greeks is something you don´t find much all over europe, sometimes even in relation to the middle ages (germany example is the most knowed)

        • 2 years ago

          >is they are more Steppe
          They have less "Azeri" admixture as well, 10-15% more Levant+Iranian ancestry in that model.
          This is huge, seeing even a 5-10% Steppe difference in much of Europe moves you from Sweden to Austria or from Austria to Andalucia or Albania.

          • 2 years ago

            If it was huge, they would not be their closest population dummy.

          • 2 years ago

            Who should be the closest then? This is fallacious logic.

          • 2 years ago

            No, that's false. There is no levantine ancestry in S. europe and the proposition of there being iranian ancestry is dubious at best.

            Nearly all of it comes from the S. Caucasus and Armenian highlands.

          • 2 years ago

            Here's the same chart for italians.

          • 2 years ago

            Here's the same chart for italians.

            and one for spain as well

          • 2 years ago

            >Nearly all of it comes from the S. Caucasus and Armenian highlands.
            Same shit moron.

          • 2 years ago

            Actually, no it's not.

          • 2 years ago

            >There is no Levantine ancestry in South Europe (a lie btw, at least for South Italy and Greek Islanders) because I can model southrons with a South Caucasian proxy (that is certainly hiding some Levantine)
            Are you on the spectrum, Ahuwarhd?

          • 2 years ago

            there is a lot of basal eurasian ancestry in AZE LN

        • 2 years ago

          Yep, exactly. Overall greeks are incredibly close still. And assuming samples like logkas continue to show continuity in greece they will actually end up being effectively identical.

  13. 2 years ago

    >if you try to model Greeks using Logkas, Cinamak and Kaman-Kalehoyuk and Empuries it literally gives 0 Empuries

  14. 2 years ago

    The number of indo-europeans coming into Greece was never large to begin with in comparison to western and eastern europe. So your question is false to start with.

    Also a Dorian invasion never happened. So ancient Anatolia being a largely contiguous demographic mix with Greece is normal. Furthermore we are talking about an area that was culturaly unified for more than 2000 years, thats more than the entire history of europe. Most of Anatolias demographics only really changed with direct interventions by the late Ottoman empire/Turkic republic with the genocides, internal migrations from the middle-east and population echanges and ethnic replacement practices.

  15. 2 years ago

    Hellenistic and Roman era migrations, Italy and Greece are filled with Anatolian and Levantine introgression. Modern Greeks are on a cline from Near Easterners to Albanians and Macedonians / Bulgarians.

  16. 2 years ago

    greekbros... they're our racial brothers... we need more slavic rape to get bigger distances

    Distance to: Greek_Central_Greece
    0.08682703 Turkish_Istanbul
    0.09384621 Turkish_West_Anatolian
    0.09711114 German
    0.10940289 English
    0.11256531 Scottish
    0.12548397 Swedish

    Distance to: Greek_Peloponnese
    0.09150308 Turkish_Istanbul
    0.09722355 Turkish_West_Anatolian
    0.09784174 German
    0.11042072 English
    0.11378930 Scottish
    0.12635857 Swedish

    Distance to: Greek_Thessaly
    0.08608859 German
    0.09744514 Turkish_Istanbul
    0.09935818 English
    0.10201989 Turkish_West_Anatolian
    0.10275825 Scottish
    0.11443033 Swedish

    Distance to: Greek_Macedonia
    0.08534104 German
    0.09510281 Turkish_Istanbul
    0.09869223 English
    0.09890586 Turkish_West_Anatolian
    0.10196905 Scottish
    0.11364390 Swedish

    • 2 years ago

      You have to cherry more northern european populations and miss half of Europe to make your imaginary world alive Mohammed. But at the end of the day, it's quite evident where they are.

  17. 2 years ago

    Native Palestinians

    Distance to: Greek_Central_Greece
    0.04079155 Turkish_Istanbul_(Balkan_Profile)
    0.08682703 Turkish_Istanbul
    0.09205309 Syrian_West
    0.09384621 Turkish_West_Anatolian
    0.09711114 German
    0.10284266 Palestinian_Christian
    0.10940289 English
    0.11256531 Scottish
    0.12548397 Swedish

    • 2 years ago

      ah, it's the dishonest croatian troon

  18. 2 years ago

    here comes the croatian troony

  19. 2 years ago


    A: This is not Kotias or what you refer to as CHG. Europe has Kotias like admixture as well but it's more prominent in northern populations and this is a neolithic based model so it uses the neolithic southern caucasus (which fit better with the thread topic of greeks anyways).

    B: Calling me stupid will not change the fact that all europeans have huge sums of ancestry from the caucasus. You're going to have to accept it.

  20. 2 years ago

    these threads are fricking stupid, with the usual people posting these idiotic distance charts using some specific populations from the middle east (99% of the times being the closest possible to europe like those druze samples) and the closest possible populations to the middle east from some european nation (like the southernmost greeks). now these morons also use the amateur samples from that collection of that anthrogenica user that has all kinds of fricked up non verified samples to cherrypick

    like this is not arguing, this is just a shitflinging contest

  21. 2 years ago

    Mental illness

  22. 2 years ago

    In 50 A.D you have 100000000000 billion ancestors, to get 50% Anatolian dna there must have been billions and billions of Anatolians in Greece

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