How did the Irish manage to starve while surrounded by fish?

>live on an island
no really, what the FRICK was their problem?

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  1. 3 years ago

    something something they lived on an island

  2. 3 years ago

    Why would living on an island stop you from starving if you're a sick/crippled/old beggar with no money and no ability to work?

    • 3 years ago

      Nothing wrong with the fishiys

      • 3 years ago

        Except the fact that they still cost money to buy, anon

        • 3 years ago

          If you really were starving you'd just steal them

          • 3 years ago

            >implying that's not exactly what people did
            It's almost like you can't feed an entire population of unable bodies on thievery

        • 3 years ago

          homie take a branch and some string and go sit by a like lmao how tf you gon starve on an island homie

      • 3 years ago


      • 3 years ago

        Except the fact that they still cost money to buy, anon

        homie take a branch and some string and go sit by a like lmao how tf you gon starve on an island homie

        The result of a lack of self-sufficiency. Imagine all the people who would starve if farms shut down due to how domesticated and dependent they are.

        Why didn't they all just go fishing?

        tbf most of ireland has pretty steep cliff faces and wouldn't be safe for amateur anglers.
        however, why they didn't fish in gentle waters and transport it inland i have no idea.

        dude just go fishing when you are enslaved to the land and expected to meet a quota by working said land for crops during the daylight hours lmao?
        dude everyone lives on the coast lmao?
        dude when the landlord asks for more food than you're producing, including what would feed you and your family just give him a firm handshake and say no lmao?

        Ireland was a net exporter of food during the famine

        • 3 years ago

          >dude just go fishing when you are enslaved to the land and expected to meet a quota by working said land for crops during the daylight hours lmao?
          The Irish have never been enslaved by the English

          >dude everyone lives on the coast lmao?

          >dude when the landlord asks for more food than you're producing, including what would feed you and your family just give him a firm handshake and say no lmao?
          Just because you work at Walmart, why should you get to ransack the shelves whenever you get a bit peckish?

          • 3 years ago

            You're trying to be clever here but you are only showing how little you know.

            Yet again; the issue isn't that there was no food, it's that the only food the majority of people had access to was a single strain of potato-the Irish Lumper. Yes, people did fish and farm and herd cattle-in fact the Cattle farmers did fine. The problem is that they couldn't just eat the food they harvested or caught; it was exported. They also didn't choose to rely on the potato, it was in fact shilled en masse by the British aristocracy for years until they started doing everything including replacing wages with it.

            Single strain goes bad, the horribly inefficient British farming systems in Ireland go to shit and there you have it. No, you can't just go and start fishing because you still have work to do and if you don't do your work you get thrown out of your home; there were many evictions at that stage. If you get thrown out of your home you have nothing, and absolutely cannot just kickstart your own existence by stealing from other people's farms.

            LULZ is full of morons.

          • 3 years ago

            Why is LULZ so full of genocidal libertarian-left yankee anglophiles who also hate the South anyway?

          • 3 years ago

            Where do you get the impression that the South is hated here? I'm pretty sure the only board that supports the CSA more is /misc/.

          • 3 years ago

            >libertarian-left yankee anglophiles
            What the frick are you talking about

          • 3 years ago

            >horribly inefficient British farming systems
            Oh yeah, it's not like 'the Famine' was preceded by a quadrupling of Ireland's population due to the brilliance of Britain's Agricultural Revolution... lmao

          • 3 years ago

            Except the problem was that Britain implemented a horrendously inept and inefficient situation in Ireland despite demonstrably being able to implement better systems elsewhere. The "brilliance" of said Agricultural Revolution did not cause any reforms or changes to the spiralling situation in Ireland despite the fact that there was literally a famine in the 1700s that highlighted how severe the problem was. Despite this, the Anglo-Irish and British landlords/politicians refused to reform or change the situation and instead worsened it by the mass-promotion of the potato by the aristocracy, leading to eventual dependency. Worse still, a failure to achieve genetic variability combined with the said dependency-all existing in the perfect storm of inefficient and fragile nonsense that was the Irish Land and Agriculture Laws in the 1800s-and you have the Great Irish Famine.

            The whole "Famine was a Genocide" is not true, but that doesn't mean that the widespread starvation and suffering isn't absolutely and entirely the fault of British policy.

            cool, so whats the story about Muckross Lake. Been there many times but never heard any conspiracy about it

            I believe solar scans on the lake in 2003 returned a report of a very large moving object within the lake. None of the monitoring equipment was found to be malfunctioning nor was there any error in the logging. The fish within the lake are a very old and rare breed (is that the right word for fish?) and so I believe the rumours are that there resides within the Lake some sort of ancient creature. Keep in mind that the lake itself is very, very old too.

          • 3 years ago

            Whats the meaning behind the "Irish Morrocan Nobility"

          • 3 years ago

            That one is very obscure-the source is a 19th Century book called "Souvenirs of Irish footprints over Europe." It's a book that-as the title says-describes Irish people across Europe throughout history.

            One of said people is an elderly woman in Madrid. She was extremely well known, and owned property herself-she was from the southern coast of Ireland, originally. In her youth she was named Sheedy/(or something similar, I think) but later changed it to Thompson. Anyway, at one stage a merchant-Mr O'Shea-was a Merchant from Cadiz. He was descended from Irish nobility who fled to Spain during the Nine Years War. He proposed to her, but while travelling to Cadiz she is kidnapped by Barbary Pirates. She was taken to a slave market to be sold in Fez, but was then sought by the Sultan (Mulay Slimane I think). According to an article in the New Yorker at the time, she became his favourite among his wives-or something to that affect.

            She'd go on to gain a great deal of influence, power and wealth before eventually ending up back in Madrid where she settled. Some speculate that for a roughly 40 year period she had a large amount of influence upon the Sultan of Morocco.

          • 3 years ago

            >The whole "Famine was a Genocide" is not true, but that doesn't mean that the widespread starvation and suffering isn't absolutely and entirely the fault of British policy.

            The fact that this is pretty much as accurate as you can get with this many words, since you can point to Ulster policies to show they could do better even on Ireland or point out things that aren't English fault but made their policies more dangerous, tells me this is either someone who actually studied history in their nation or a fellow also from the Isle of "Get fricked".

            Since the amount of "Irish Americans" who make the mistake of calling it a genocide due not knowing the qualifications of that word are fricking annoying, even telling people that inform them the British system education admits to "Fricking over the Irish" but says Genocide isn't the correct word that it's an attempt at brainwashing and white washing.

            Yanks who don't understand the actual situation during the time no matter their feelings, "LMAO just fish", are tards who must be shot.

          • 3 years ago

            I am indeed from Ireland, Ulster of all places. I've studied the Famine quite a bit, in particular in Ulster where it did indeed frick up the Protestant population a lot-but it was covered up.

            Fricked over politics in NI for the rest of time.

            The only real way it could have been avoided is if Ulster Loyalists had been dealt with prior to their instigation of the conflict. The whole mess can be traced back to that. People make the mistake of blaming the IRA or even blaming the Irish Government of all people.

            In reality though, NI was doomed from the start. It was never meant to last, and all the pre-troubles years were essentially just Unionists using stickytape to keep the car going-it was going to have to be massively reformed or collapsed eventually. But instead of one or the other, we managed to get both!

      • 3 years ago

        "Oi paddy, you have a loicense for that fish? Gonna have ta confiscate that."

  3. 3 years ago

    The result of a lack of self-sufficiency. Imagine all the people who would starve if farms shut down due to how domesticated and dependent they are.

    • 3 years ago

      I imagine it every day with great joy and anticipation.

  4. 3 years ago

    ireland is really just a small landmass surrounded by water

    • 3 years ago

      As is Iceland yet all their famines were from the nature fighting against them.

  5. 3 years ago

    Why didn't they all just go fishing?

    • 3 years ago

      How fricking dare you?

    • 3 years ago

      That would require honest work and some degree of patience and discipline. Irish would rather turn to crime.

  6. 3 years ago

    potatoes are racist

  7. 3 years ago

    tbf most of ireland has pretty steep cliff faces and wouldn't be safe for amateur anglers.
    however, why they didn't fish in gentle waters and transport it inland i have no idea.

  8. 3 years ago

    bruh everything is green there just eat the plants lmao it's nutritious enough.

  9. 3 years ago


  10. 3 years ago

    Potatoes were a monoculture because the ones transported from South America were all cloned from each other, 1 variety. Then the Britons didn't want to aid and kept more eland and resources away from the Irish because of early survival of the fittest, lesser race nonsense and population balancing itself out naturally.

    If early Irish nobles didn't side with the Britons and they transported more than 1 of the potato types (Like thousands of varieties in south America) and their population increase dependent on a monoculture crop didn't happen they wouldn't have starved.

  11. 3 years ago

    >still asking why they didn't fish
    >not asking the REAL questions about Ireland

    • 3 years ago

      >Irish American
      Why are they so absolutely cringe and lacking in self-awareness?

      • 3 years ago

        What's wrong with labelling themselves as Irish American?

        • 3 years ago

          It's moronic and only we wuzzing mutts do it. Actual Irish people fricking loathe "Irish-Americans"

    • 3 years ago

      This is a fricking treasure trove
      Where in gods name did you get it

      • 3 years ago

        I made it! Feel free to ask about any of the contents.

        • 3 years ago

          cool, so whats the story about Muckross Lake. Been there many times but never heard any conspiracy about it

        • 3 years ago

          pls explain Irish-Moroccan nobility

        • 3 years ago

          Does the Irish Parliamentary Sex Scandal refer to the fall of Charles Parnell?

    • 3 years ago

      Irish Americans know literally nothing about Ireland. They just assume they do cause they think memories pass through the DNA. Even The Troubles is too much for them.

      • 3 years ago

        I put the Troubles there because it's usually what they refer to when they say stuff like the IRA, car bombs and so on. Arguably the Troubles fits on about 5 different levels of convoluted shithousery.

        • 3 years ago

          Fricked over politics in NI for the rest of time.

    • 3 years ago

      explain Irish crown israeliteels

      • 3 years ago

        I made a thread about it quite some time ago!
        It 404'd. But maybe it'll get some use now.

        Basically, the Irish Crown israeliteels vanished in July 1907 from a safe in Dublin Castle. There are several suspects, but there's no proof pointing to anyone.

        One of the most widely accepted theories is that the true fate of the israeliteels was covered up, because revealing what happened would also reveal a massive homosexual orgy ring that was active within Dublin Castle at the time.

  12. 3 years ago

    read up about the ancient celts. They are literally wild animals who can't into dignity.

    ancient celts were cucks who raised all their children in common. there was no concept of paternity. They lacked any sort of roads or walls in their villages, (despite the fact that northern Germanics possessed these)

    They were adapted to going long periods of time without food, and hiding out in holes full of mud. Basically they are adapted to a low-resource lifestyle where paternity/calories/competence is of lower importance.

  13. 3 years ago

    Irish Famine reminds me of this video for some reason. Sound warning.


  14. 3 years ago
    • 3 years ago

      Isn't that about Britons?

      What did the Irish eat before potato arrived from the Americas?

      Lots of things. Grain products and butter were staples. Fish for fishing communities of course, but grain crops remained enormously important. The potato became commonplace in Ireland toward the end of the 1600s, but was mostly just a side rather than a staple. It was a massive campaign by the landowners and members of the aristocracy that caused to be used to the point of dependency.

  15. 3 years ago

    What did the Irish eat before potato arrived from the Americas?

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