how the flip has life not been able to adapt in the dead sea. it's literally devoid of all life.

how the flip has life not been able to adapt in the dead sea. it's literally devoid of all life.

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  1. 2 years ago

    Osmotic pressure. Cells will simply burst if there is too much salt in the medium, because water is pulled away from the cell faster than it can keep it in.

    Basically, when two liquids are separated by a membrane, in this case a cellular membrane, the liquid tends to be pulled by the side that has more electrolytes, to equilibrate the electrolyte concentration on both sides of the membrane.

    There are biological mechanism to regulate this, but they require energy to work against a gradient of different pressure. If the gradient is to wide and energy is too scarce you can't have life.

    So basically, there is not enough raw energy like sunlight and CO2 to sustain and reproduce the cellular machinery needed to keep osmotic pressure in check

    I used electrolyte in the sense of solute elements that contribute to osmotic pressure. This includes all ions, glucose and alcohol.

    Sports drink contain electrolytes because they help retaining water. If you don't have enough electrolytes because you sweat too much or if you have disentry or cholera you won't rehydrate properly. You need to get some electrolytes, to allow your cells to retain water.
    Its also why we don't inject straight distilled water with a central line drug, but rather an isotonic saline that is set to the osmolarity of your blood. Central lines make you piss a lot because it adds water to your body continually. If you piss out all your electrolytes you will have a bad day.

    NaCl, table salt, is composed of two one charge ion, Na+ and Cl-
    The charge of an ion is representative of its osmotic pull. 1 charge ion will have an osmotic pressure of 1 osmole(an unit of osmotic pressure) per mole of solute in 1 liter of water (1mol/L =1 osml/L)
    The osmolarity of plasma is 290mili osmole/L, so to make an isotonic pure salt sport drink, you add 9g, (which is 145mMole of salt) of salt to water.

    Don't drink isotonic drink if you don't have a very demanding activity, it will both tire you and make you fat.

    • 2 years ago

      cant cells just adapt by having a lot of salt inside the cell?

      • 2 years ago

        Too high of an ion concentration will disturb the proteins. Some enzymes need some very narrow range of ions concentrations, be it k+, Ca2+ or Na+, to function properly. No enzyme, no energy being produced and no reproduction. Having too much of an ion will make it almost impossible to regulate down, and the necessary protein won't work, even if the cell doesn't burst. Maybe the dead sea goes beyond what can be achieved in terms of optimization in that domain.

    • 2 years ago

      Thank you bro

      • 2 years ago

        Thanks for not making another schizo thread, without you this conversation wouldn't exist

        • 2 years ago

          I'm OP. Thanks, I never make shizo threads, only submachine threads. There was a previous discussion of the possibility of inorganic lifeforms (think of crystals) and why every lifeform is somehow tied to organic matter. This one somehow came as a follow-up.

    • 2 years ago

      Electrostatic interactions are more powerful than gravity or our normal atmospheric pressure. Therefore we can see a rise in pressure in the more ionic compartments and a flow of water molecules from high concentration to low.

    • 2 years ago

      >Cells will simply burst if there is too much salt in the medium
      Is that why people who try to swim in the Dead Sea spontaneously explode?? stupid gaygit

      • 2 years ago

        That's what your skin is for homosexual. Try drinking that water and see how long you last. Or better yet, inject it into your intersticial space.
        Seriously, why are there so many morons with zero scientific background on IQfy?

        • 2 years ago

          It's funny that we've got people b***hing that IQfy is full of mathlets calling biology a meme, meanwhile posters come in not even knowing the very basics of 5th grade human anatomy.

          • 2 years ago

            Yeah, i think many people suffer from tunnel vision. They may be geniouses at mathetmatics or physics, but they know nothing of other fields.
            One of the reasons i really like biology is that it requires atleast partial knowledge of physics, chemistry and mathematics, as well as geology and even a bit of psychology.
            I also like how it has a lot of theory but we still get to do some practical real measurable and even visible stuff. I work on anti ageing, and it always amazes me when after reading all the theory and mixing the right colourless liqids and applying the right ammount of heat in the right places, i actually get worms that live longer.

            I didn't know that, I should have done more research on the core subject. Still, i guess that this will be useful for explaining why these environements are so extremes.

            Thanks for correcting me anons

            It's still a really interesting question though. Why if extremophiles have managed to take a foothold, how come multicellular organisms didn't. In evolution which is stochastic the answer may be 'just because it didn't happen', but it also may be the case that some aspect of multicellular life is not possible in those conditions.

          • 2 years ago

            How much do you run into endocrinology and microbiology within your field? I would imagine the two fields would have a significant impact on aging, but I'm not well versed enough specifically in anti-aging.

    • 2 years ago

      some archaea can survive in the dead sea. they can do that by using solutes other than salt

      • 2 years ago

        It has though.
        "The Dead Sea is not completely dead. The most saline lake on Earth (more than 10 times saltier than sea water) is a harsh environment where only salt-loving microbes from the Archaea domain, known as extreme halophiles, are able to survive. Geologists are interested in the evolution of this lake and have been investigating its subsurface to reconstruct its biological and geological history."
        Virgin salt water can't stop chad Archaea.

        I didn't know that, I should have done more research on the core subject. Still, i guess that this will be useful for explaining why these environements are so extremes.

        Thanks for correcting me anons

        • 2 years ago

          It looks like we both made a mistake. You thought life in saturated salt lakes was impossible, and my mistake was believing you

    • 2 years ago

      >Don't drink isotonic drink if you don't have a very demanding activity, it will both tire you and make you fat.
      This will happen if I put electrolyte mix into my water and don't move around or exercise?

      • 2 years ago

        >Imagine being this moronic

        • 2 years ago

          Nice answer homosexual
          You sound smart

          • 2 years ago

            You sound moronic. Fix that and then come back.

          • 2 years ago

            If you don't know, then stop being afraid to say so.

      • 2 years ago

        Just drink water, isotonics are good for diarrhea and very high physical activity. Using them while sitting around is just making your kidney more tired. Using gatorade and other sweet iso is even worse for that and it is a good way to get fat.

    • 2 years ago

      >Writing half an essay in response to OP's shitpost
      Thank you for the effort.

      • 2 years ago

        I always appreciate it.rjxn0

      • 2 years ago

        >Still got memed
        Oh well, better get memed now than in academia. Im a word pisser and I want to get back into biology, writing about it makes me remember why I like it in the first place.

        I wonder what would happen if anyone tried these out of dead sea water.

    • 2 years ago

      damn, a good post

  2. 2 years ago

    It's all the salt crystals.
    Crystals are a competing life form.
    They absorb all the nutrients, preventing other forms of life from thriving.

    • 2 years ago

      Subtle bait

  3. 2 years ago

    not my heckin salty osmosis-orinos chud

  4. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      u ok? the dead sea definitely doesn't talk like this

    • 2 years ago


  5. 2 years ago

    It has though.
    "The Dead Sea is not completely dead. The most saline lake on Earth (more than 10 times saltier than sea water) is a harsh environment where only salt-loving microbes from the Archaea domain, known as extreme halophiles, are able to survive. Geologists are interested in the evolution of this lake and have been investigating its subsurface to reconstruct its biological and geological history."
    Virgin salt water can't stop chad Archaea.

    • 2 years ago

      Bless microgays. There's a bliss in experiencing the autism secondhand.

  6. 2 years ago

    "You can survive anything, except tears of bitter salt."

  7. 2 years ago

    >it's literally devoid of all life.
    Why are you ignoring the floating israelites?

  8. 2 years ago

    Can I swim in it?

  9. 2 years ago

    >how the flip

    • 2 years ago

      >le soi


  10. 2 years ago

    why does EVERY article about extremophiles have an obligatory AND MAYBE MARS ALIENS GUYS MARS ALIENS section

  11. 2 years ago

    Why would life develop in a place literally callled the dead sea?

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