How to accept an ascetic life?

I have a deep admiration for the men who dedicate their lives to the pursuit of intellectual and spiritual development in detriment of their own sensual desires. But at the same time my heart longs for a woman to love and to build a family with. Is it possible to find happiness by supressing those feelings and following the ascetic way or should I just accept that I wasn't born for a life of loneliness?

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  1. 12 months ago

    step one delete four chan

    • 12 months ago

      how do you uninstall it

      • 12 months ago

        9mm should do the trick


    • 12 months ago

      9mm should do the trick

  2. 12 months ago

    You don't "accept" an ascetic life. It's one which must be actively pursued.

    • 12 months ago

      This. One doesn't actively attain accomplishment in some pursuit before rather one day realizing your accomplishment in a said pursuit.

  3. 12 months ago

    Just apply for missionary work in South America and dedicate yourself to God.

    • 12 months ago

      Why South America?

      • 12 months ago

        Hot nuns. Italy is also a possible candidate. Avoid Anglo and North African countries like the plague, the former are all old and the latter won't put out.

      • 12 months ago

        brown b***hes

        • 12 months ago

          whos the character on the right?
          from atlantis?

          • 12 months ago

            It's Chell from Portal

      • 12 months ago

        so your dedication to god can truly be test once the cartel chops your limbs and skins your face while keeping you fully conscious

  4. 12 months ago

    >but at the same time my heart longs for a woman to love and to build a family with.
    >find happiness
    >supressing those feelings
    I don't think so, this is probably the kind of thing that is a call, you just think that it is cool, but it is not for you.

  5. 12 months ago

    You can't have one and desire the other, you can't live a more spiritual and moral life and still desire external things outside the will, this includes people you love. You must get rid of desire altogether and be averse to things only within the sphere of choice.

  6. 12 months ago

    if you have to try, you already failed

    so first of all, you gotta tell me if i even qualify as ascetic because i practically live in a small room that has nothing but a barbell bench, pc and bed
    that's it
    i eat protein powder, mixed with milk, this is 90% of my diet (occasionally i also eat eggs, cow liver, fish, chicken etc)
    i have a lot of money, 90% of which i have earned myself, but i am not buying helicopters or boats, i dont even own a car..

    women hit on me, but i am single because i find it more interesting to read about propeller cavitation and gas cores and reaction masses than i find talking to a woman
    i dont have to try
    i am in my late 20ies and i consider myself semi retired, not because i cant work, but because i dont feel like i need to
    i run 130km a week (ok not every week, i dont wanna injure myself) not because i have an instagram influencer clickview thing, i dont even have social media, i do it because it feeds my soul, it makes me feel great
    same with my benching and pull ups

    a dog must live the life of a dog
    if you are a horny dog, if your life is dominated by animalistic instinct, the correct move for you is to be 'wow dude bro, pussy weed dude' and live your whole life like that
    i was this too
    i thought life was weed and pussy until i was 15
    i was living that life until my early 20ies

    now, in my late 20ies, i live in material poverty but i have never been richer
    i pursue collatz conjecture and goldbachs and twin primes because they feel better to me than going out and pussy
    i dont have to try

    riemann zeta is to me what vegana is for you, or popular clothes, or large cars, or alcohol or whatever the frick morons out there are chasing all day

    • 12 months ago

      >I'm a really disciplined big brain dude
      >writes like a moron
      nice LARP

    • 12 months ago

      Good luck, but remember that IQfy is also social media.

    • 12 months ago

      >i dont have to try
      >entire post is a mega try

    • 12 months ago

      Based post. Others will seethe because your grammar but anyone who is not an autist knows that high iq / powerful people write like you normally.

    • 12 months ago

      how did you make your monies? crypto?

      • 12 months ago

        no one with a triple digit iq can go into currency speculation
        you are not an insider, that shit is absolutely never going to work out for you, you are not soros otherwise you wouldnt even be asking me this
        just focus on the fundamentals
        start with etfs and large index type stuff
        and DONT take financial advice from online anonymous sources jesus fricking christ man you are beyond not gonna make it, you are in the high orbit of absolutely fricking never gonna make it

        and naturally, have a marketable skill if you dont have a rich daddy
        i dont know your talents, maybe you can be a welder, an electrician, a dentist, electronic engineer, i dont know you
        but get yourself a marketable skill
        go slow and steady, invest your income into reasonable stuff with strong fundamentals, none of the 'get rich quick' 80 iq / crypto / moron stuff / stuff you dont personally understand / stuff you heard about online

        never go against fundamentals, if you are starting out broke 'time is money', play the long game, leverage your youth, youth compounds

        • 12 months ago

          thank you

    • 12 months ago

      >i eat protein powder, mixed with milk, this is 90% of my diet
      Yeah i can tell

    • 12 months ago

      >at 15
      Thats when it starts moron
      >posting on IQfy

    • 12 months ago

      >i pursue collatz conjecture and goldbachs and twin primes because they feel better to me than going out and pussy
      that's still hedonism. entertainment comes from maths too

      • 12 months ago

        No, it doesn't. Mathematics is as much of an art as music or literature.

        • 12 months ago

          Anon, art and music are still hedonistic pursuits

    • 12 months ago

      >i eat protein powder, mixed with milk, this is 90% of my diet (occasionally i also eat eggs, cow liver, fish, chicken etc)
      >I'm basically Patrick Bateman mixed with Superman, and I frick 100 women per week and kill terrorists in Iraq, and I do all that WHILE GETTING ZERO CARBS
      This is where I knew you're fricking larper. No rice? No buckwheat? Frick off, kid. You must've zero gains with such shit diet. Post body or frick off.

      • 12 months ago

        ..why would you need carbs for muscle?

        • 12 months ago

          You need carbs for energy, dumbo. A person who eats protein shakes only is an DYEL twink.

    • 12 months ago

      >i eat protein powder, mixed with milk, this is 90% of my diet
      You are going to die by your mid 30s if you keep this up lol

  7. 12 months ago

    Try looking into Islam. Priests can marry, have familles and still live full spiritual lives. The whole point of the human experience is to live it and get above it. I get that being an ermit is kind of cool but you don't have to have a nice day in the foot and limit yourself that much.

    • 12 months ago

      That feels like cheating. If yiu're gonna dedicate yourself to ascesticism you shouldn't try to look for a convenient middle-ground when the whole point is about self-sacrifice...

      • 12 months ago

        this is why you cant take islam seriously
        the whole cult got invented by a desert pedo bandit
        who is the loudest about moralhomosexualry in your average multicult city? local group of feral muslims
        who is the biggest rapist in your average multiculty city? local group of feral muslims

        • 12 months ago

          Funny of you to employ the word homosexual when everyone around you in the west is losing faith and turning gay. Guessing you don't realize how rabid you seem when writing these kind of messages.

          • 12 months ago

            these insect tier instincts dont matter
            imagine thinking all powerful god is fixating on what you do with your genitalia, this is like me being in europe and caring about sex habits of ants somewhere in the middle of the fricking congo

            loud muslims are the most rapey, most feral, most animalistic rabid bunch of morons on every continent
            they have the iq of a horny dog, and rape is all they think about, and like dogs they bark, they bark about morals and they are responsible for 90% of all immoral crimes in society

          • 12 months ago

            he is all powerful, so it costs him nothing to fixate on what you do with your genitalia, so its better to ask why wouldn't he

      • 12 months ago

        >you shouldn't try to look for a convenient middle-ground when the whole point is about self-sacrifice...
        I'm pretty sure this is a better path than turning mad from loneliness and possibly assaulting kids. When did self sacrifice become a requirement? Why would this be the point of religion? Isn't religion supposed to help us live a good life under God? I'm not here to debate, I was just answering OP. It's kind of crazy that Christians are the only ones making their lives harder on purpose. We're literally all taught to reproduce... Life itself and resisting the urge to sin is already hard. Even rabbis can marry and studies show that people are at their overall happiest when they're surrounded by family. How can you not feel blessed when surrounded by your wife and kids and living as a pious, benevolent man?

        • 12 months ago

          > When did self sacrifice become a requirement? Why would this be the point of religion?
          The absolute state of le based Islam

    • 12 months ago

      There are no priests in Islam because it has no concept of a priesthood. In Orthodox Christianity a priest can be married if he was married before his ordination. There too you can have a fulfilling spiritual and family life, as well as not eternally condemn yourself for being Muslim. Anyway, the married life is blessed by God and is a legitimate path to Heaven because of the martyrdom it brings when approached correctly. The higher life is monasticism. But both paths are holy and pleasing to God

    • 12 months ago

      Orthodox Clergy can marry too, that's not the point of OP's post

  8. 12 months ago


    you are not only writing like a moron
    but you are also saying a bunch of crap
    that is why i said that you write like a moron
    otherwise i would just ask
    what is wrong with you?

  9. 12 months ago

    Take notes from monks. They have figured this shit out long time ago. tldr: move out from city with your bros and start farming and making beer

    • 12 months ago

      i am from an orthodox country where we still have monasteries in the mountains and the issue with this is that monks, who are volcels, have to do with incels who larp as volcels
      or in non buzzword terms, you get these monastery scandals where these monasteries become plague nests of prostitution, heroin and pedo parties

      • 12 months ago

        >become plague nests of prostitution, heroin and pedo parties
        Why would people choose to become monks in order to engage in sensual pleasure like that?

        • 12 months ago

          its the sour grapes mentality of your average incel
          bitter incel becomes a monk to 'own the normies' and in doing so, he is not the bitter beta loser anymore, haha heh he totally doesnt even care lol, he even became a monk to prove it to the normies!
          real monks have to deal with these types
          its bizarre, but it is what it is

      • 12 months ago

        its the sour grapes mentality of your average incel
        bitter incel becomes a monk to 'own the normies' and in doing so, he is not the bitter beta loser anymore, haha heh he totally doesnt even care lol, he even became a monk to prove it to the normies!
        real monks have to deal with these types
        its bizarre, but it is what it is

        Your mind is rotten. Shit like this doesn't happen. Depravity in holy places happen through the fall of sincere men. No one who seeks ascetism through resentment is able to handle it in sincerity, at an isolated place, for more than a week.

        • 12 months ago

          shut up gaylord

  10. 12 months ago

    IQfy is for literature

  11. 12 months ago

    You can be a digital ascetic. Procure enough offline media to last a lifetime, make sure to only connect to the Internet when absolutely necessary and avoid all social media at all costs.

  12. 12 months ago

    It's not as black and white as you make it out to be - a dilemma of either/or, choosing between this or that - but a question of heart, integrity and character and how to live the best possible life being true to yourself.

    Asceticism should not be confused with melancholic isolation or as a form of escapism fueled by bitter resignation and worldly despair. It is rather an aspiration towards a rich inner life that beautifies the soul. The pursuit of these activities (studying, reflecting, meditating, praying and so forth) does give way to a solitary lifestyle and as such it is a basic prerequisite that you enjoy your own company.
    However, many people have this goofy, almost cartoonish conception of asceticism, where the pragmatic nature of life is missing entirely from the equation. An ascetic lifestyle should not be in conflict with the pragmatic aspects of life (nor can it negate them); the fruits of your studies should give rise to the virtue of Temperance and make for a smoother, easier ride through life.

    If your heart longs to marry a good woman and have a family, so be it. That is self-knowledge, but self-knowledge is fundamentally useless if you don't act out on it

    • 12 months ago

      Great post. Actual monks are full of grace and peace and exude that

  13. 12 months ago

    Seek a life of quiet simplicity

  14. 12 months ago

    it's a vocation.
    If you have the desire for marriage, you should probably pursue it.
    It has its own admirable qualities, just like the ones you see in asceticism.
    Perhaps the same, and even more in self-sacrifice.
    True love for one's spouse has nothing to do with sensual, bodily desires. It perhaps even purifies that desire, through marriage. Barring degeneracy, of course.

    • 12 months ago

      To clarify, the self-sacrifice here pertains to maintaining and bringing up a family correctly.
      In, as the Bible says, giving yourself to each other.

  15. 12 months ago


    you know that each and every person thinks the same exact thing about their lifestyle as you do?

  16. 12 months ago

    Do you have a lover's lips with a perfectly shaped cupid's bow? Then get married. If not, start begging for alms whenever.

  17. 12 months ago

    I hate asceticism so much

    • 12 months ago


  18. 12 months ago

    spiritual direction, do a consciousness exam, examine yourself and know yourself, confess your sins, talk to a priest and ask him to be your spiritual director.

  19. 12 months ago

    the child is the father of the man

  20. 12 months ago

    Read Kokoro by Sōseki Natsume

    • 12 months ago

      It's out of print in my country.

  21. 12 months ago

    For me, I feel such a dee obligation to my siblings, their children if they have any, my own children if I have any. That’s what really stops me. Not a partner.

  22. 12 months ago

  23. 12 months ago

    Why try to force yourself to be something you're not? I don't believe happiness is achievable through asceticism, sounds like it's all a massive cope and a fleeing from emotions

  24. 12 months ago

    Look at your wallet
    That does it for me
    Buddhist monks called me an extremist
    homie I just have hard times here harder than a hobo. Sorry I read so much scripture and Euclid

  25. 12 months ago

  26. 12 months ago

    Even among monks, it can take many years of prayer and contemplation before one can move into the ascetic life of solitude. The Fathers warn us that if one enters into the life of asceticism without first being purified through the trials and annoyances of living the common life, it can be a great danger to our soul.

  27. 12 months ago

    You are probably just a lonely incel with intellectual aspirations. Sinking further into your loneliness won't help; you will become depressed and tormented. Just find some friends in order to beat the loneliness and wake up very early in the morning to devote yourself to whatever it is that you want to puruse — philosophy, math, writing, etc.

  28. 12 months ago

    >But at the same time my heart longs for a woman to love and to build a family with. Is it possible to find happiness by supressing those feelings and following the ascetic way or should I just accept that I wasn't born for a life of loneliness?
    The apostle Paul only recommended the life of celibacy for those with an aptitude of it. If you long for the eros and the family life, you should probably get married.

    • 12 months ago

      >If you long for the eros and the family life, you should probably get married.
      I don't think people who keep saying this understand why so many want to become monks today. The dating market is shit. It's impossible to find women and even more so for an ugly incel, hence why so many of them want to become monks.

      • 12 months ago

        That's not the right motive for asceticism. That sort of spiteful monasticism is how we get scandals of prostitute-parties, orgies, and pedo rings among the clergy. Besides, church and church-related communal activities are a great place to meet women that men can pursue with the goal of marriage.

  29. 12 months ago

    You are confusing the desire to master your drives with the desire to eliminate those drives entirely. Your drive to sensuality is at base the same as your drive to knowledge or achievement. You can tame and transmute that drive into something more productive if you put in the work but it's futile to attempt to destroy it, and an error to think it's "bad" to feel "base" desire.

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