This is how women judge your dating profile

Men care little about what they write on their profiles, because they assume women make online dating decisions like they do: based primarily on photos. They couldn't be any wrong-er, and it's far from the only thing they are wrong about.

Consider the following women perspectives on online dating profiles:

We care about spelling -- A lot

“Bad spelling is just a deal breaker,” says Amy, 35. “We live in the era of spell check so if the guy is misspelling basic words, it means he’s really stupid or he just cared so little about what he’s writing that he couldn’t be bothered to correct it. And when someone cares that little about writing their profile, it’s like they’re asking me to not care at all either.”

We look at pictures—but not in the way that you think

Come on now, isn’t it a little early to send her that photo?

Women have very creative ideas about what we find attractive, and the je ne sais quoi required for us to want you physically is not always based on “good looks.” (“Hot men make me uncomfortable,” says one friend).

So instead of how you look, we process what your photos say about you. “If a guy has pictures of himself with his mother, that suggests he’s a mama’s boy,” says Lauren, 33. “But if he has photos where he’s holding, say, his brother’s baby—or an animal—I can’t help but think he’s kind of great.”

We’re not big shirtless photo fans

Have a great upper body? Please, please, please allow us to simply see how good you look in your clothes. No, it doesn’t matter if you happen to be on a beach. A quality woman isn’t going to be drawn to your upper body if you’re advertising it that hard. Take it from Maria, 29: “Oh God, selfies in the mirror where they’re showing their pecs? Please no!”

Like you, we disdain clichés

Don’t you hate when women write that they feel just as comfortable in their hiking boots as they do in formal wear? I don’t know the women behind those horrific lines, but I do know their male counterparts, because many have contacted me.

Cue the turned-off eye roll. “When a guy writes that he likes hiking and yoga and checking out new restaurants, I have to wonder if he even has a pulse,” says Jamie, 38. “Everyone loves traveling and eating, so saying those things is really just saying you’re boring.”

We don’t want to be propositioned

It may seem obvious, but you wouldn’t believe the men out there who are “just reaching out to see if you’re into” some pretty funky stuff.

News alert, men: women on traditional dating sites are, in all likelihood, not looking for threesomes or “just a random hookup since the wife’s out of town.” They’re not into “primarily gay” guys who want to try it with a woman now and again. There are plenty of sites out there for women into these specific things, and only about one in a thousand on Match will be. You wouldn’t bet on a horse with those odds, would you?

We’re not impressed by how much you can drink

So you drink a lot. Let’s not call that good or bad since you can find plenty of women who are completely fine with it, and some who will even like it.

But why lead with this information and risk having some women dismiss you out of hand? You have plenty of other interesting traits besides the fact that you can still handle yourself after six shots of tequila, right? (Right?) “It’s a bad sign when they list ‘beer’ under things they can’t live without,” adds Maria.

We expect you to stress your best and hide your worst

Some guys seem to think, a woman’s going to learn this secret someday, so why not now? I’m talking to you, men who stress that they have herpes but it hasn’t been active in a while, or who paste huge chunks of ALL CAPS text in their profiles sternly warning the dating site about reprinting their info in ads.

“If you’re that paranoid, you shouldn’t be on a dating site,” offers Jamie. “Whenever I see those weird ‘don’t invade my privacy’ notes on a profile, I just think, ‘Wow, you sound really laid-back and like you’re a lot of fun.’ ” As for the STD confessionals, she asks, “Don’t you want to give me a chance to like you before you give me reasons not to?”

We’re being bombarded, so try to stand out from the crowd

Women hold all the cards at first, and the competition for our attention can be fierce. The good news is, most of your competition sucks, so you can win with just a bit of flair. “Funny messages that show they responded to something—anything—in my profile make such a big difference,” Maria explains. “But men don’t seem to do that. Instead they ask these boring, broad questions like, ‘What are you holding in that photo?’ My feeling is, show me why you’re writing me instead of just peppering me with random questions.” Fun fact: that advice applies in the real world, too.

We don’t applaud your honesty when you “call us” on what we’re supposedly like

We’ve all been burned, and sometimes we think that we can avoid ever being hurt again if only we show up prepared. That, I can only imagine, is the thinking behind those profiles that pre-emptively relay a man’s bitterness about the women he believes will be judging him. “Guys who turn their profiles into opportunities to vent about the superficiality of women online are always the ones whose profiles will have the tag ‘No one’s reached out to him this week,’” says 33-year-old Lauren. “It’s like, no kidding—no one’s reached out to him any week.”

We want to like you, so just give us a chance

The truth is, online dating is your game to lose. Women join these sites with all the optimism in the world, hoping against hope that they’ll find their dream man. Unfortunately, profiles give both men and women many opportunities to hang themselves.

But if you just embrace your best self while keeping in mind the viewpoints above, that “online dream guy” role can be yours for the taking. The dates themselves, of course, are a story for another day.

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  1. 3 years ago

    "profiles sternly warning the dating site about reprinting their info in ads. “If you’re that paranoid, you shouldn’t be on a dating site,” offers Jamie. “Whenever I see those weird ‘don’t invade my privacy’ notes on a profile, I just think, ‘Wow, you sound really laid-back and like you’re a lot of fun.’"

    OR, reframing this: Women's ignorance of Privacy is enforced as a lowest-common-denominator social rule, no matter HOW much harm it does the world in the end.
    Why can't women, when they see something they don't understand, react with anything but FEAR? Rejection of something intelligent but un-"smooth" like that, is really all about fear of the unknown and the UNCONTROLLABLE in a proespective partner.
    When you get down to it, women are complete control freaks, and couch this tendency in many forms of sugar-coated language to disguise it.
    I think the people who are the problem in online AND offline dating, are actually the people who encourage dishonesty, don't you? Those who encourage hypocrisy are those who are artificially divisive and making dating really brutal and disgusting, rather than a fun game with up-sides and down-sides. Why is women's exaggerated negative perception (paranoia, for example) tolerated, when it helps no-one? Or to be realistic, why are cultural factors (propaganda, social media echo chambers etc) that exacerbate this side of female nature, tolerated?
    People are just too damned stupid to live in reality, they are seduced by the love of power and can't get over themselves. Then they point the finger at others doing better than that by speaking truth to power, because they "might" be boring at parties?
    Online dating IS NOT A PARTY, get it? That's half the damned problem!
    The pervasive, sexist behavioral double standards against men ESPECIALLY around "controlling" behavior like men don't have a right to self-defend too especially when the odds are against them because society favors women's unwritten rules and women's safety above all else... makes me demand the question: Do you expect to find love with a man, by being intolerant, perfectionist, refusing to encourage empathy for and ultimately, in effect, hating men?
    The loneliness would be your single brain cell missing having another to fire a decent logical thought into. Man up and face this reality. Ahem.

    NB: Incidentally the proportion of mansplaining in a society hypothetically might be directly-proportional to the amount of gaslighting of men by women as to the true nature of their behaviour, desires and motives. Don't point the finger until you've worked out who the real enemy is, which starts with knowing who "you" is well enough in the first place, to determine who is even against you. Now why would that even be necessary to spell-out, if people aren't running and hiding from whatever their snowflake selves can't handle - on a daily basis?
    If a woman is a better leader and thinker, let her do the job, sure, and with love, pride and respect all round, right? But if she isn't, don't lie about it to fit some unproven ideal. Just consider that millions have died serving such ideals, (of course, it was mostly men on the front line).

  2. 3 years ago
    come on

    Yeah if they like the guy all this goes out the window so yeah

  3. 2 years ago

    "It’s pretty obvious, isn’t it, that there are vast differences between the genders?"

    Sorry, I'm not a biologist, I have no idea what the author is talking about.

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