I fell in love with Hayde. How could i get my own Greek slave girl?

I fell in love with Haydée.
How could i get my own Greek slave girl?

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  1. 5 months ago

    Convince a bipolar girl to stop taking her medication then begin brainwashing her.

  2. 5 months ago

    Haydee is the best girl by far. Genuinely good, caring, absolutely loyal, and in love with Edmond. I loved that at the end he decided to be with her.

    • 5 months ago

      to get a girl so obsessed with you that she will kill herself if you leave her. If only

  3. 5 months ago

    I need to reread monte cristo so badly. It's my favorite novel but last time I read it in 2021.

    • 5 months ago

      Do it, anon. Last time I read it was last year and I flew through the book in like 3 weeks. Definitely one of the best novels of all time.
      My suggestion: read it during the summertime. Makes reading it even more comfy

      • 5 months ago

        homie it's like 1200 pages, you call reading 50 pages a day flying through?

        • 5 months ago

          Hop off my dick homie. I'm not a shut-in who reads and jerks off all day, I gots shit to do

          • 5 months ago

            Stop being a pretentious homosexual then, If taking 3 weeks to read 1200 pages is flying through then I don't even want to know what a normal readthrough is for you

          • 5 months ago

            Huh? If you think recommending someone a book by explaining your good experience with it is somehow trying to impress them, then you are a socially inept moron.

          • 5 months ago

            homie you type like a woman, every single one of your retorts is capped off by some homosexual mention of society

          • 5 months ago

            Not him but you're the biggest loser in this thread

          • 5 months ago

            nice life dude go read the dong de ching chong and chill out

      • 5 months ago

        That's what I'm going to do. When I have more free time I'll start sessions of X chapters pro day. I love the Count so much it's unreal.

  4. 5 months ago

    that sounds nice even as purely platonic
    imagine someone actually liking you

  5. 5 months ago

    lmao alexander dumbass

  6. 5 months ago

    I liked this book when I was younger, but re-reading it a couple years ago I found it cringe inducing.

    • 5 months ago

      I can't imagine anything being cringe in the count tbh, it's a good book

      • 5 months ago

        that book is full of cringe. It has a good plot but you have to push through some really cringe writing to get through it

        Being that Carnival ended yesterday, I re-read the part describing the Carnival at Rome, and it wasn't that bad:

        Imagine the large and splendid Corso, bordered from one end to the other with lofty palaces, with their balconies hung with carpets, and their windows with flags. At these balconies are three hundred thousand spectators—Romans, Italians, strangers from all parts of the world, the united aristocracy of birth, wealth, and genius. Lovely women, yielding to the influence of the scene, bend over their balconies, or lean from their windows, and shower down confetti, which are returned by bouquets; the air seems darkened with the falling confetti and flying flowers. In the streets the lively crowd is dressed in the most fantastic costumes—gigantic cabbages walk gravely about, buffaloes’ heads bellow from men’s shoulders, dogs walk on their hind legs; in the midst of all this a mask is lifted, and, as in Callot’s Temptation of St. Anthony, a lovely face is exhibited, which we would fain follow, but from which we are separated by troops of fiends. This will give a faint idea of the Carnival at Rome.

  7. 5 months ago

    "I was taken to the bazaar. A rich Armenian bought me, educated me, gave me teachers and, when I was thirteen, sold me to Sultan Mahmoud."

    Count of Monte Cristo was finished in 1844. The Sultan of the Ottoman Empire from 1808-1839 was Mahmud II

    one of his slaves saved him from assasination
    >one of his slaves, a Georgian girl named Cevri, gathered ashes when she heard the commotion... When the assassins approached the harem chambers where Mahmud was staying, she was able to keep them away for a while by throwing ashes into their faces, temporarily blinding them. This allowed Mahmud to escape through a window and climb onto the roof of the harem.

    He had at least nineteen consorts, with whom he had at least 37 children (18 sons and 19 daughters)

    Hacıye Pertevpiyale - Mahmud's concubine already when he was a prince (conceived their first daughter, Fatma Sultan, born six months after her father's accession to the throne, in this period, thus violating the rules of the harem that forbade the princes to have children until the eventual ascent al tronk), became BaşKadin after Alicenab's death. She was the mother of at least one son and four daughters, and she also raised Adile Sultan when she was orphaned on 1830.

    Hüsnimelek - a great musical talent, she did not live in the harem but in a separate wing of the palace. After Mahmud's death she became a dance teacher in the harem of his heir and son Abdülmecid I
    Hacıye Hoşyar - Mother of two daughters
    Dilseza - Mother of at least two sons.
    Aşubcan - Mother of at least three daughters.
    Pertevniyal - Mother of two sons
    Pervizfekek - Mother of at least three daughters

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