I think I may know how to build a time machine but I need assistance.

I think I may know how to build a time machine but I need assistance.

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  1. 2 years ago

    have a (you)

  2. 2 years ago

    How many billions do you need anon?

  3. 2 years ago

    as someone that has time traveled, it doesn't work like you think it will

    And you don't need a machine so much as a way to manifest your intentions.

    • 2 years ago

      >manifest your intentions
      Manifesting isn't real. Quantum physics disproved it, we were able to isolate the mechanism of random chance in the universe and it's unrelated to conscious will. The double slit experiment proved a tree still falls in the forest even if no one's around to hear it, as long as any*thing* else is around to hear it, even if not some*one*.
      Do you have an explanation for how the occult phenomenon known as manifesting could be real, if the closest hypothesis we have is quantum mind, and we've already disproved it by the fact that the instrument which observed the eigenstate's interference pattern was not conscious?
      How can your formulation of manifesting account for this?

      • 2 years ago

        Humanities use of electricity to compute data and communicate is an example of manifestation. It doest have to be as far fetched as you think.
        >the instrument observed an eigenstates interference pattern
        lmao, youre either a bot or moronic

        • 2 years ago

          I'll elaborate for your simple minds

          Imagine you want to time travel back and kill hitler right? Unless you are totally and utterly prepared for the actions of actually assassinating a politician, mentally prepared for murder even at the smallest scale, unless you are ready for every smallest detail, it will never work.

          • 2 years ago

            When people say they would go back in time and kill hitler they're talking about killing him before he's a politician dumb frog

          • 2 years ago

            That's irrelevant to what you're talking about.
            You said to begin with that you don't need a time machine, you can just manifest time travel.
            Now you're implying this has anything to do with being completely and totally prepared to face the consequences of your impending time travel.
            This doesn't prove manifestation is real. On the contrary, the implicit claim that preparing yourself for something will cause it to happen, is nothing more than a *reiteration* of the premise that manifestation is real.

        • 2 years ago

          >lmao, youre either a bot or moronic
          but that's what happened anon.
          with the detector: eigenstate collapses, single random result as expected.
          without detector: instead of a single random result, they got the stochastic distribution of possible results, but as a result itself. as if the particle had taken all possible paths, each to extents proportional to their respective likelihoods.
          this is proof that non-conscious observer entities, which by definition cannot have a will, are just as capable of collapsing reality to a single possibility as are conscious beings.
          which in turn strongly indicates that will plays no role in determining the outcome of the collapse

          • 2 years ago

            literal word salad, there are studies that use observers and coincidence counters, but your are using a fantastical interpretation of those terms in the most out of context way; you are literally talking about the behavior of photons/and or electrons as they pass through very specific sized slits with and without polarizers. Then you are extrapolateing that onto your own personal theology

          • 2 years ago

            >using a fantastical interpretation
            >extrapolateing that onto your own personal theology
            There's no accepted interpretation, so you can't really not do this

          • 2 years ago

            no anon thats really not how it works

            no matter how your schodingers cat experiment goes, there always will be a 'cat' in the box when you go check

    • 2 years ago

      >anon posts about having a time travel theory

      >another anon posts that they are actually a time traveler

      >manifest your intentions
      Manifesting isn't real. Quantum physics disproved it, we were able to isolate the mechanism of random chance in the universe and it's unrelated to conscious will. The double slit experiment proved a tree still falls in the forest even if no one's around to hear it, as long as any*thing* else is around to hear it, even if not some*one*.
      Do you have an explanation for how the occult phenomenon known as manifesting could be real, if the closest hypothesis we have is quantum mind, and we've already disproved it by the fact that the instrument which observed the eigenstate's interference pattern was not conscious?
      How can your formulation of manifesting account for this?

      >another anon effortposts about how this is scientifically impossible
      This is just like steins gate. Now all we need is for to post about a quantum physics breakthrough from the future that btfo's

      >manifest your intentions
      Manifesting isn't real. Quantum physics disproved it, we were able to isolate the mechanism of random chance in the universe and it's unrelated to conscious will. The double slit experiment proved a tree still falls in the forest even if no one's around to hear it, as long as any*thing* else is around to hear it, even if not some*one*.
      Do you have an explanation for how the occult phenomenon known as manifesting could be real, if the closest hypothesis we have is quantum mind, and we've already disproved it by the fact that the instrument which observed the eigenstate's interference pattern was not conscious?
      How can your formulation of manifesting account for this?

      's skepticism

      • 2 years ago

        Is that a good show? I torrented it and it had a troony character so now its just sitting on my hdd for the last 8 months

        • 2 years ago

          First of all, yeah, it's pretty good. One of the best in the genre imo, but, granted, the genre (anime) is shit.
          Secondly: Like most anime traps, Ruka is not trans, but rather an effeminate crossdressing cis male.

          • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            Yeah whatever, you're probably a disinfo shill from CERN

          • 2 years ago

            i could overhead press you, kid. i'm no damn glowie

          • 2 years ago

            >literally wants to be a girl
            >literally gets to be a girl
            >literally has to give it up to save the universe

  4. 2 years ago


  5. 2 years ago

    I'll read this later

  6. 2 years ago

    Come to Idaho, my machine is being built as we speak. Picrel is power control
    I will need help to get to 100%

  7. 2 years ago

    good luck anon. use your powers well

  8. 2 years ago

    What u need cute little girl

  9. 2 years ago

    Time travel is impossible anon. It breaks too much laws and messes with reality.

  10. 2 years ago

    I'll make the logo

  11. 2 years ago

    i actually time travel quite regularly

    >forward, at a rate of 1 second per second

  12. 2 years ago

    OP you are already in the past your body know what going happen in the future every 8 seconds. Now if you want build a time machine for your body you need to freeze your body to be in state at -250K temp just right before the jump to go time travel past or future. Max Planck Time tell us that time around us is always changing in and out of body which also say you pause time by freeze it to -250K, but it didn't take in that your mind changing the matrix of your world or realm you are living in Sin-wave which is your heart is making all the time in and out remember you are born in Sine or Sin. The Matrix that we call Earth is just that idea that you believe is real. If you do build a time machine remember once you do make it work for you to time travel every time to travel in time your original time is deleted by you because you just changed the timeline matrix of the system we call the Earth Realm so what happen is the system see you the Sine-Wave body just gone so it make new timeline for you when you re-enter the matrix timeline.

    • 2 years ago

      literally not possible because of how kelvin works
      0 Kelvin is the absence of all energy from a system, you can't have less than nothing

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