I think I'm just gonna pretend Stephen King is dead and ignore his future books from now on. I just can't anymore. What the hell.

I think I'm just gonna pretend Stephen King is dead and ignore his future books from now on. It's sad, because he used to be a really enjoyable dirty pleasure, but he's been writing exclusively shit for the last 20 years. I just can't anymore. What the hell.

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  1. 2 years ago

    Okay which are the good ones. Also how the frick does he push out so many books? He must use ghost writers by now.

    • 2 years ago

      >the great ones
      The Stand
      Wizard and Glass
      >the good ones
      Needful Things
      The first 3 books in the Dark Tower series
      The Shining
      The Dead Zone
      >complete shit
      Everything else he's written.

      Stephen King was always a shit writer. Even his "good" books like The Stand, The Shining, etc are shit.

      Shitwit take of a coping, jealous talentless little hack. It's a fact that the guy had an amazing talent for writing pageturners, which is an invaluable ability you'll never have, because instead of studying how he did it, you prefer to dismiss it in an attempt to feel and look superior. Failing spectacularly.

      • 2 years ago

        >if someone doesn't like stephen king, they're just jealous and insecure
        Really? Maybe some people just genuinely doesn't like his writing. King is more of a page-turner than Tolstoy, that doesn't make him a better writer.

        • 2 years ago

          No, people who refuse to recognize talent and automatically shit on everything popular even when it happens to have value are jealous and insecure. And talentless.

          • 2 years ago

            Do you think EL James has talent?

          • 2 years ago

            No, she's an example of an author both popular and shit. Doesn't mean there can't be authors popular and good.

            I read The Institute not long ago and I am not exaggerating when I say it was the worst book I've ever read.

            Read "The Outsider" and change your rankings.

            What? It's one of the better stories about hauntings and possession I've read. The first half of the book, where Arnie starts slowly transforming into Roland LeBay and losing his own identity is creepy and effective, and the whole third act, where the car goes murderous, is so hysterically over the top its awesome.

            Plus, I love the themes of the books. What teenage boy hasn't thought "if I just had a cool car, I'd be cool?" And he gets the cool car, he starts becoming more cool, and then slowly comes to understand how being cool -- that is, being a jaded, disaffected loner with no real connections to others -- is not all its cracked up to be.

            It's a fricksite better than Cujo. The only thing I remember from that book is the weird digression about the kid's cereal that makes parents think their kids are puking up blood.

            Fair enough, but you're doing Cujo a disservice. There's a lot more to it.


            This anon has a good list but I'd also like to add Pet semetary to the good list along with Salem's lot. A lot of his earlier ones are great, he has some genuinely good ideas for stories but a lot of the time the ending would suck (the stand)

            >Pet semetary
            Yes. How did I forget that? It's great.

          • 2 years ago

            >Read "The Outsider" and change your rankings
            Nah, I'm good. I don't read trash at all, Stephen King was always the worst I ever read, and I read almost everything pre 2000 of him, because I read only classics and philosophy. I'm not trying to be pretentious about it, it's just what I enjoy and what I want out of reading. That said, at least I found King enjoyable in a pulp fiction sort of way; It, The Shining, The Dark Tower, The Stand, etc. but The Institute is just utter garbage, shit not worth anyone's time. I'd imagine The Outsider is much the same and I'd rather not waste my time like this.

          • 2 years ago

            >I read only classics and philosophy

          • 2 years ago

            Like I said, I'm not pretentious about it, frick off. I enjoy what I enjoy.

            >The Institute
            So bland, unoriginal and boring I abandoned after forcing myself to read about 150 pages.

            >I'd imagine The Outsider is much the same
            No, it's WAY worse. Where The Institute is just boring, The Outsider is aggressively bad. Definitely his shittiest book, bar none, and by a wide margin. One of the worst things I've ever read in general.

            Well I had no intention of reading King again after the institute anyway, but you just confirm my decision.

          • 2 years ago

            >I'm not pretentious about it, frick off

          • 2 years ago

            >The Institute
            So bland, unoriginal and boring I abandoned after forcing myself to read about 150 pages.

            >I'd imagine The Outsider is much the same
            No, it's WAY worse. Where The Institute is just boring, The Outsider is aggressively bad. Definitely his shittiest book, bar none, and by a wide margin. One of the worst things I've ever read in general.

          • 2 years ago

            >No, she's an example of an author both popular and shit
            Oof, sounds like you're a talentless hack who's jealous of her success. Might wanna think about that, sweety.

          • 2 years ago

            Sigh... of course you'd resort to the most obvious, stupidest reply.
            We really need a separate IQfy to contain shitwits and kids below 20-23 years of age.

          • 2 years ago

            Reddit is that way, friendo. Not my fault you can't defend anything you say. Obviously SK is a marginally better writer than EL James, point is that if your only response to SK criticism is "you're a jealous talentless hack," then ofc you're gonna get equal treatment. Use your brain.

          • 2 years ago

            kek you're the one who got ultra triggered when the other anon said stephen king is shit, has some self awareness anon

      • 2 years ago

        SK is the lit equivalent of fast food. That's not an insult, he's said so himself. If you're only after gourmet food (serious lit) then of course he's going to be shit.

      • 2 years ago

        Okay which are the good ones. Also how the frick does he push out so many books? He must use ghost writers by now.

        This anon has a good list but I'd also like to add Pet semetary to the good list along with Salem's lot. A lot of his earlier ones are great, he has some genuinely good ideas for stories but a lot of the time the ending would suck (the stand)

        • 2 years ago

          >Salem's lot
          I knew I forgot one on my list, Salem's Lot is one of the best vampire stories I've read.

      • 2 years ago

        Salem's lot is pretty good too, as are his early short stories in Night Shift (which hail from the very tail end of the age when you could make money flogging pulp fiction to popular magazines). I also enjoyed his discussion of horror fiction, films and radio-plays in Danse Macabre, even if the affected folksiness got rather grating.

        • 2 years ago

          >Salem's lot
          It's good, yes, but reading I sometimes had the distinct impression that I was reading an immature author still learning. Which he was, of course, it's his 2nd book.

      • 2 years ago

        The Waste Lands is a million times better than Wizard and Glass

      • 2 years ago

        Different Seasons and his short story collections a pretty good.

    • 2 years ago

      >Also how the frick does he push out so many books?

      >Okay which are the good ones.
      Everything before Madder Rose is worth reading, it gets pretty hit or miss after that. The best are:
      >The Stand (Unabridged)
      >The Tommyknockers
      >Needful Things
      >Different Seasons
      >The Bachman Books
      >The Dead Zone

      • 2 years ago

        Come on.

        • 2 years ago

          What? It's one of the better stories about hauntings and possession I've read. The first half of the book, where Arnie starts slowly transforming into Roland LeBay and losing his own identity is creepy and effective, and the whole third act, where the car goes murderous, is so hysterically over the top its awesome.

          Plus, I love the themes of the books. What teenage boy hasn't thought "if I just had a cool car, I'd be cool?" And he gets the cool car, he starts becoming more cool, and then slowly comes to understand how being cool -- that is, being a jaded, disaffected loner with no real connections to others -- is not all its cracked up to be.

          It's a fricksite better than Cujo. The only thing I remember from that book is the weird digression about the kid's cereal that makes parents think their kids are puking up blood.

    • 2 years ago

      Joyland is kind of comfy. It's got some stupid ghost shit in it, but most of it is just about a young man working at a carnival.
      I also like The Long Walk. It's not particularly good but when I read it I think a lot about being on the Long Walk and that's pretty fun.

  2. 2 years ago

    Stephen King was always a shit writer. Even his "good" books like The Stand, The Shining, etc are shit.

    • 2 years ago

      Wasn’t the movie so much better because it was drastically different from the book

      • 2 years ago

        The film was great because Stanley Kubrick is one of the greatest to ever Direct moving pictures, Jack Nicholson killed it, and oh yeah, Stanley Kubrick drove his actors insane. This is like blaming PKD for the first Total Recall movie being better than his novella: in both instances we saw directors with vision (Kubrick and Paul Verhoeven) coupled with great (in their ways) actors in Arnold and Jack. The authors function as basically idea machines, their ideas inspired other artists to do what they do.

  3. 2 years ago

    I read The Institute not long ago and I am not exaggerating when I say it was the worst book I've ever read.

  4. 2 years ago

    his new books are great.

    • 2 years ago

      Weak bait. Nobody can be this tasteless. His new books read like stuff written by a lazy ghost writer who has read a couple of King's novels and now tries to imitate his style without really understanding what made it work.

  5. 2 years ago

    >no one mentioning this
    It was peak atmospheric cozy, I was unironically sad when I finished it
    >the tv show
    Lemme stop you right there, we pretend that never happened

    • 2 years ago

      This book meanders for way too long on characters that are just not that interesting. King acts like plots like the monarch butterfly are actually meaningful but then the end is so terribly written.

      It's like King had half an idea and instead of actually building it out until there was something worthwhile, King just went ahead and wrote 700 pages.

      Serious, people shouldn't waste their time with this piece of shit.

      • 2 years ago

        >people shouldn't waste their time with this piece of shit
        You're being a bit of dramatic homosexual as per usual, but but you are close to the truth about the book. It was my first King book and I can at least appreciate how cool the concept is and how well he described his standard Maine town setup. As I said, maximal cozy.

        I dont remember how exactly the book ends so it was probably shit, but I do know it was some crazy shit. It does feel like he just shat out a good concept and not finish it.

  6. 2 years ago

    11/22/63 is so fricking good I have a hard time believing King actually wrote it.

  7. 2 years ago

    Everyone gets old

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