Im tired of pretending he wasnt great

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  1. 2 years ago

    mayonnaise chud of chuddonnaise

  2. 2 years ago

    Are we supposed to recognize this person?

    • 2 years ago

      >zoomers don’t know who John Tyler is
      God I hate this place

    • 2 years ago

      it was funny that he BTFOd the whigs, and his assertion that he WAS president set a very important precedent. the annexation of Texas was inevitable, and it was cool that he bit the bullet on that one. his foreign policy was also a W. however, joining the CSA was dumb and he was a shitty person morally, so that's a big detractor. yeah, yeah, states rights. also without him there would be know tippecanoe and tyler too.

      learn a little about history, moron. one of the most significant presidents in US history.

      • 2 years ago

        >however, joining the CSA was dumb
        He died in 1862. His “joining” of the Confederacy as a Virginian was the most inconsequential act of his life and that was *after* he tried to create convention to bring the states together to hash out their differences and forestall the war
        Based post, but the whole “he joined duh confedewacy” thing is pure bullshit

        • 2 years ago

          I'm 7035. I guess, yeah, the joining of the confederacy was not explicitly a significant move, but I think it is kind of like his decision to take Texas; it wouldn't have much practical impact directly on him (in other words, it's an 'easy' thing to do) but it'd be something to tack onto his legacy. imo it's the thought that counts, and I think he thought the south would remain independent and he'd be recognized as a hero for defying the north. also kms, just realized I said "know" instead of "no."

          • 2 years ago

            >and I think he thought the south would remain independent and he'd be recognized as a hero for defying the north
            Going with your native state regardless of the South’s long-term prospects was just the norm. Lee didn’t even support slavery and yet he chose to fight a losing war for it because his home state went the way of the rebels. Only Andrew Johnson really fought the tide and stuck to the Union cause

    • 2 years ago


  3. 2 years ago

    Based. Objectively one of the best foreign policy presidents.

  4. 2 years ago

    What did he do?

    • 2 years ago

      >he managed to sign a tariff bill that effectively ended the panic of 1838, successfully annex Texas, signed the Webster-Ashburton Treaty which settled disputes with England over (the now) Canadian border, which also gave us more land, he also prevented them from colonizing Hawaii, invoking the Monroe doctrine. Other positive accomplishments include opening trade to China, which diminished British dominance in the region, his refusal to squash the Dorr Rebellion, which led to no bloodshed and ultimately universal male suffrage in Rhode Island and officially ended the second Seminole war.

      • 2 years ago

        Don’t forget,
        >gave legitimacy to the title of VP by btfo’ing both parties since the Founders apparently forgot to detail what would happen should a sitting president croak a month into his term

      • 2 years ago

        It's no wonder that's he so often forgotten in the American presidential canon; his main accomplishments were peripheral to events more strongly associated with other presidents. The Panic of 1838 and the Second Seminole War are more associated with Jackson, and the annexation of Texas and normalization of the border situation over the Oregon Territory are more associated with Polk. Lot of use of the word
        in that post. I think. he and polk get too much credit for sorting out the U.S.-Canada border. The slim regions of the Oregon Territory that they let the Brits take ended up with the most dense population and highest commercial value in the Canadian West, and it was mainly settled by Americans. If I could go back in time and let the two of them know about the semi-imminent purchase of Alaska and the importance of the territory, I would hope that they would've acquired more land. Can you imagine a contiguous continental U.S.? I have a sneaking suspicion that the reason they never fought too hard over the border was because they were tied up with Texas and didn't want the Brits intervening on behalf of Mexico, which I don't think was a legitimate concern and which would be a capitulation to British projection of power into land that didn't and oughtn't have belong to them. William Henry Harrison was also one of the most overrated military leaders in American history, and that's saying something.

  5. 2 years ago

    Worst person to have ever become President, because he would eventually reveal himself as a traitor.

    • 2 years ago

      How’s middleschool?

    • 2 years ago

      What did he betray?

      • 2 years ago


        it was funny that he BTFOd the whigs, and his assertion that he WAS president set a very important precedent. the annexation of Texas was inevitable, and it was cool that he bit the bullet on that one. his foreign policy was also a W. however, joining the CSA was dumb and he was a shitty person morally, so that's a big detractor. yeah, yeah, states rights. also without him there would be know tippecanoe and tyler too.

        learn a little about history, moron. one of the most significant presidents in US history.


        >however, joining the CSA was dumb
        He died in 1862. His “joining” of the Confederacy as a Virginian was the most inconsequential act of his life and that was *after* he tried to create convention to bring the states together to hash out their differences and forestall the war
        Based post, but the whole “he joined duh confedewacy” thing is pure bullshit

  6. 2 years ago

    he wasn't great anon

    • 2 years ago

      >born in the 1790s
      >still has living grandchildren
      >not great

    • 2 years ago

      Give a reason why or go back to dilating

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