Imagine coding in an office office without cubicles.

Imagine coding in an office office without cubicles.
Gives me stress just looking at the picture.

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CRIME Shirt $21.68

  1. 3 years ago

    Are you not a teamplayer?

  2. 3 years ago

    >Gives me stress
    You will never have a job there, that will never be your reality
    Do you also get stressed when you watch Marvel movies?

    • 3 years ago

      Here's a special (you) for the for the special snowflake

    • 3 years ago


  3. 3 years ago
  4. 3 years ago

    Everyone just sitting coding away while wearing headphones. 90% of all communication is through email or some kind of instant messenger.

    • 3 years ago

      >Hey lets all eat lunch together

      • 3 years ago

        Looks like you havent worked a day in your life

    • 3 years ago

      > 90% of all communication is through email or some kind of instant messenger.
      But the whole point of those open spaces is to encourage active discussions about how to make the product better.

      • 3 years ago

        It just enables idiots on the team to spend their working day chatting and questioning everything they've been ask to do in order to feign productivity.

      • 3 years ago

        No, it's to save money on office spaces.

        • 3 years ago

          I thinks it's more a trend than saving money.
          Like those artgays kept complaining it looked dehumanizing or something.

          • 3 years ago

            It's literally just saving money. Employees take up less space with only a desk they can't keep their shit at. Being able to expand without renting office space is a big bonus, especially in expensive cities. Artgays moaning about it is just the justification they tell the drones.

            Cubicles are easily more social, they don't stop you from talking to people but they do let you talk without annoying people around you.

          • 3 years ago

            >Employees take up less space with only a desk
            What? Your own desk? Do you think you are the CEO, anon? We now have "smart seating" here.

          • 3 years ago

            so basically they take all the shit from communism, slap a "smart" in front of it and normies will lap it up

            >bread lines
            smart wheat
            >commie blocks
            smart housing
            >rolling blackouts
            smart grid
            >dating apps that interfere with genetic selection
            smart dating
            >pocket telephone that spies on you
            smart phone

          • 3 years ago

            Ive noticed I was waiting in line way more often in America than now that I'm here in Thailand.

          • 3 years ago

            >smart seating
            DESPISE this shit
            Before I went full WFH, my previous company office had this after they renovated to make the space more “open”

            No space for your stuff except a line of cubbies on the wall like we were kindergarteners and telling us “haha just sit anywhere bro! Gotta collab and be flexible!

            Really wht would happen is everyone kind-of had their own regular seat except sometimes you would return from the toilet/meeting room or whatever place and your desk would be taken by some dipshit either chatting to someone or just sitting around.

            Worse was when you would be sick a day and then suddenly it was a big fight to get your seat back, or if a new employee showed up and stole your seat.

            I remember trying to be polite at first to people but quickly realized that you would just get totally stepped on and end up with literally no where to sit as many desks would turn into garbage piles very quickly.
            Makes working such a pain because I’d have to waste so much time posturing or arguing about seating instead of working.

      • 3 years ago

        Pretty sure it's to save money and to make sure everyone can stare at everyone else's monitor so nobody dares do anything that isn't strictly work to ensure "productivity" remains up. If there's anything good that's come of the shitty pandemic it's that WFH has been mostly normalized.

      • 3 years ago

        Never happens
        I worked in a place like this before, managed to grab a desk with my back facing the window about 2 months in and pretty much never talked to people in the office ever.
        Any time my team wanted to discuss stuff we would meet in a meeting area (sort of lounge type spot or a big conference room)

        Only people who talked in the office where women/trannies who would chatter constantly and never get their work done on time.

        • 3 years ago

          >Only people who talked in the office where women/trannies who would chatter constantly and never get their work done on time.
          God this pisses me off so damn much I do more than several of them combined and no one cares

          • 3 years ago

            Switch companies then anon

    • 3 years ago

      And what about when you scratch your balls?
      Think anon...

  5. 3 years ago

    Looks like my new office. I don't like it tbh, too many distractions.

    • 3 years ago

      This but also diazepam

  6. 3 years ago

    but anon, look at how horrible and dehumanizing is to work in a cubicle. it literally destroys my artistic creativity and it disrupts my post-op transitioning

    • 3 years ago

      this would be okay if i had a view to the outside

  7. 3 years ago

    I've worked in both types of offices and now in a home office.
    The open space office are honestly more for socializing and less for actual work. If your employer opts in for an open space office, they know what they're doing, they don't expect you to be productive, likely don't even need you to be productive, they just want you to socialize.

  8. 3 years ago

    Why do people on the internet make such a big deal of everything? I've worked in a
    >rooms with 1-2 teams
    >different open spaces containing a dozen or more teams
    >from home
    >in an own office away from home

    It's 80% the same as long a you work. Granted, if you frick around, you'll become overly concerned with
    >the environment
    >the tools

    Just get the work done, it's barely 1/4 of your day now.

  9. 3 years ago

    >windows fully open and no curtains
    >background and side light when looking at the monitor
    >eye wants to close due to the ambient light but you need it open to be able to read
    >migraine after just 1h
    >macs are literally unreadable due to their stupid glossy screen
    > noises and people talking
    > interruptions from managers pretending to work and other ppl trying to increase thrir "visibility" to compensate for their low productivity
    Valuable programmers are never going to go back to that. They are now remote, and soon the managers will also be left out of the equation.

    • 3 years ago

      you forgot
      >too noisy to make your conference calls from the desk
      >all the conf rooms are busy
      >prostitute in next cubicle showered in her perfrume bottle, can't focus due to boner
      >smelly neckbeard in other cubicle
      >you need to poo, get up, walk, all stalls full, back to cubicle

  10. 3 years ago

    most social creatures prefer human contact... ok not like discors whete you have people playing sport behind your back but not like a cubicle either

  11. 3 years ago

    our company is forcing like 2 or 3 days per week to work from office.
    i spend these days having meetings, and if i don't have meetings, i just chat with my coworker the entire day. i simply can't code with people around because i am an autist who has to speak his code out loud.

  12. 3 years ago

    imagine working

    • 3 years ago


    • 3 years ago


  13. 3 years ago

    i code in my bedroom

  14. 3 years ago


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