Is an alternate reality where fictional characters exist plausible?

Give it to me straight, is an alternate reality where fictional characters exist and live together plausible?

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  1. 3 years ago

    Unlimited universes and dimensions exist so it's plausible. I bet the stacks of universes are shaped like this

    • 3 years ago

      Extremely densly packed and constantly expanding but a closed loop that probably inverts at some point

      • 3 years ago

        Or maybe it's layers like a gobstopper that all look like that and expand like stretched taffy.

    • 3 years ago

      >somewhere, my coomer fantasies are reality.
      Oh frick

    • 3 years ago

      Each Universe is a ball.
      Each ball is a distance away from all the others.
      There are multiple dimensions right there in each ball.

  2. 3 years ago

    math says yes
    common reason says no

    mathematically, every possible configuration of every possible imagined world exists
    makes me wonder about the chaotic world depicted in memes

    • 3 years ago

      >mathematically, every possible configuration of every possible imagined world exists
      I don't see that at all. Can you explain more?

      • 3 years ago
        Mr. Glasses

        I think in axiomatic models, you can introduce extensible topologies in sets that are injective and still able to be rigorous.

        • 3 years ago

          y-you too

    • 3 years ago

      Memes define the variations in the worlds. Memes are more powerful than just internet jokes, memes are the most important tool to reach the masses and will revolutionize human life as we know it as we learn to use them throughout this century.

  3. 3 years ago

    Any god that would allow such a dimension to exist is not worthy of worship & is ultimately evil.

    • 3 years ago

      Yeah but just merge with your soul from the good dimension then it will guide you out of hell.

      • 3 years ago

        Bold of you to assume I haven't sold my soul yet.

    • 3 years ago

      Is that why Cwc considers himself a CPU godess ?

      • 3 years ago

        if you kept up with the current events, you'd have known that now he believes himself to be Christ reincarnated

        • 3 years ago

          To be fair we don't know if Chris doesn't think he's both yet, he hasn't confirmed, but he still seems to have included the Neptunia shit on the cross he drew on the letter to Null.

  4. 3 years ago

    Go home, Heinlein, you're drunk.

  5. 3 years ago

    The true scientific answer: yes but only if you can figure out what natural brain input looks like and simulate it with a computer apparatus. Which is beyond current studies capabilities.

  6. 3 years ago

    If there's infinite universes then there would literally be a sonic and mario mpreg crossover dimension

    • 3 years ago
  7. 3 years ago

    Three days of darkness during which reality will dimensionally merge with the fifth parralel and our thoughts will create reality forever on, as a formless and physically evolved advanced species should.

  8. 3 years ago

    Ok, I'll give it to you straight:

  9. 3 years ago
    Scalar depravity

    There is no logic whatsoever to argue it wouldn't.

  10. 3 years ago

    >Give it to me straight, is an alternate reality where fictional characters exist and live together plausible?
    That is where you are now!
    Over 2 billion "people" on Earth aren't real.
    They are generated with technology by the illuminati-- NPC's in real life (except that this life isn't really real).
    They are right here, when you are here, and when there is no real person around the NPC just ceases to exist, but when a real person is around, the NPC is generated again.
    A lot of the worst examples of "people" don't exist. They are like a computer program on a Star Trek holodeck.

  11. 3 years ago

    i'm a IQfy schizo, so i say yes.
    btw i also believe sonichu is an egregore that chose chris as his communicator to the physical realm. lucky chris. sonichu picked him!
    there are other people like that. they're rare, but i bet their cases are the same.
    also i believe the astral plane is kinda petty and down to earth and on the same level as any bum doing something autistic. cuz it's full of sonichus and mary sues and tropes and staples and yeah.

    • 3 years ago

      I am just now noticing the Korra mirror...... Terrifying

  12. 3 years ago

    I guess this is a good enough thread to ask about this. How legit are the "Reality Shifting" meditations the Twitter zoomers are into? Is it just lucid dreaming?

    • 3 years ago

      Does the medium of expression act as contrary to the intended manifestation?

      • 3 years ago

        I don't know, I was hoping discussion about it might answer that.

        • 3 years ago

          Would I be asking if it weren't an issue?

          • 3 years ago

            So it's not just lucid dreaming, and if the intention of shifting to a different reality is in place, then that is what's happening?

          • 3 years ago

            Would you be asking if it were already happening?

  13. 3 years ago

    There is something like a hyperdimensional supercomputer that can simulate the alternate reality of a fictional universe, but from what I saw the charactors were no more real than a media file on your computer, though I'd imagine if you put a lot into the hyperdimension then the creator would imbue more of itself into your creation as a means of interacting with your consciousness. So basically the charactors themselves would be meta narratives controlled by a hyperspace omniconsciousness.

  14. 3 years ago

    Oh boy...
    >Be fiction brought into reality
    >Be into pls kill me mode from the beginning
    >Get imbued with everything anybody ever added to that fiction
    >Start growing like a tumor into unspeakable horrors
    And now you know how lovecraftian gods get born

  15. 3 years ago


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