is it possible to not know it's a neovagina?

serious question
I have seen a lot of gore pics of neoveganas and I've seen a lot of pics of biological male transgender women that made me believe it would be obvious, but now I'm starting to be skeptical. I know there are trans-women from countries like the Thailand or the Philippines that look very close to the real thing, and if you search on the reddit, some of the surgeries look pretty close to a real pussy:
Is it possible you could be fricking a post-op transgender and not know it? especially someone from a country where they already look more feminine like Thailand of the Phillippines
serious question

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  1. 2 months ago

    There was a football player, I think at Virginia Tech, who had been fricking a M2F troony and killed him upon finding out that it was a dude. Apparently it wasn't during sex that he figured it out but rather because the troony told him, at which point the football player went berserk and killed him.

    • 2 months ago

      I've heard about stuff like that. I wouldn't be that pissed off. I just want to know. From what I've seen online, I have the impression that I would know, but idk maybe things are different. I know plastic surgery techniques are getting pretty advanced these days.
      I'm dating this girl who is a bit more muscular than most women I've been with. I don't mind it. And the pussy is good. But her waist seems a bit too wide compared to her hips, and her shoulders seem a bit too wide. I also found out she got a nosejob, so now I'm like wtf do I believe

      • 2 months ago

        i think if you compared real pussy and fake pussy you could tell
        they focus on appearance so something like the smell will probably give it away

        good thread though, i looked up the same question before and the results were predictably useless
        identifying trannies is really problematic

        they can also get adams apple surgery without scarring

        if anyone wants to work on a troony detector AI with me (ive been putting it off for a long time) add me on matrix:

        • 2 months ago

          woman I am dating has very broad shoulders, larger hands, and her waist is not that narrow, but she still has quite wide hips, and feminine face. However, I know she had nose surgery, so maybe she could've had more face surgery. Her vegana looks very good, seems more tidy than usual though, like not a lot of labia. She definitely gets wet, but not dripping wet like some girls do. And it also seems quite low down... however, I'd think with trannies it would be the opposite. It should be a bit too high, right? Since the anogenital distance is longer in men than women
          I find her attractive and everything, it's just I find her a bit more bony and heavy feeling than most women I've slept with. And since I found out about the rhinoplasty and the prominence of sex reassignment surgery in her country, I got kinda skeptical

          • 2 months ago

            Get 'her' DNA checked secretly. Look on google to find companies that will sequence DNA for you. Can't fake chromosomes

          • 2 months ago

            >zzz...zzz... a-anon?
            >wha-uh-why are you shoving that ear swab in my mouth???
            >that's not funny!
            >get out of my house, freak! i'm texting all my girlfriends about this
            easier said than done ROFLMAO

          • 2 months ago

            If you need to check her DNA to know then you can’t “always tell” kek

          • 2 months ago

            except if you're getting a dna test you can tell something is off

          • 2 months ago

            do what

            Get 'her' DNA checked secretly. Look on google to find companies that will sequence DNA for you. Can't fake chromosomes

            said for peace of mind
            other heuristics are finger lengths, adams apple, skull structure (they often obscure it with thick hair), etc
            trans "women" obviously cant reproduce, does she take the pill? have you ever talked about having kids?

            to elaborate on picrel


            i think if you compared real pussy and fake pussy you could tell
            they focus on appearance so something like the smell will probably give it away

            good thread though, i looked up the same question before and the results were predictably useless
            identifying trannies is really problematic

            they can also get adams apple surgery without scarring

            if anyone wants to work on a troony detector AI with me (ive been putting it off for a long time) add me on matrix:

            , hormone replacement therapy can change parts of the general structure of the brain
            there are just some bits at its core that will always be male

    • 2 months ago

      yeah but football players are typically 30-iq meatheads with concussions and are usually into butt stuff anyway, so it's not like they'd be the first ones to notice a troony's necrotic axe wound, even if they'd just been fricking it.

    • 2 months ago

      obligatory her not him

  2. 2 months ago

    I want to say no but I've seen dudes jacking off to neoveganas on xvideos without knowing it. The type of person to comment on porn sites is moronic though. It can fool people who aren't aware of it.

    I've seen MTFs pop up once a blue moon when browsing porn and I can always tell. There's scaring around it, the parts look completely off and it is deflated more than normal. Their body also gives off red flags before you even notice the neovegana. I clicked on your gross reddit link and none of them look accurate at all. If that's the best they can do imagine the rest of them.

    • 2 months ago

      I looked at the ones from the troony subreddit and most of them look pretty fake. It's mostly the pelvic area that looks like a man's, and the area around the neovagana looks more puffy and scrotum-like than a woman's pelvis. But there arsome surgeries posted there by one Chinese doctor that look pretty convincing. Do CTRL+F 'Min Jun':
      The girl I'm dating is from Iran. I know they are pretty hardcore into plastic surgery there. Maybe they're really advanced. I did one time get pretty close with a Thai ladyboy before I realized. Like I was saying, I think it's pretty hard to convert a white male to look like a woman surgically, but maybe with some other races, it's more convincing

      • 2 months ago

        >Do CTRL+F 'Min Jun'
        Lol no. They still look completely different to the real thing. I would 100% know if I saw that in real life. morons would get fooled by that though. They use flattering lighting and angles in these photos too. Photos also don't account for smell and feel which would DEFINITELY be off

        I don't know enough about other races but surgery will never replicate the real thing for anyone.

        • 2 months ago

          >I don't know enough about other races but surgery will never replicate the real thing for anyone.
          I would agree, but idk. maybe I'm not up to date with the latest advances in surgery...
          I'm obviously not equating trans women with women, I'm just wondering if men could be fooled if they didn't look closely.
          The Min Jun ones definitely look the best, but I can see that there is a scar going around the neo-labia and down from the neo-vegana to the anus. Is this also related to the penile raphe?

  3. 2 months ago

    Mentally ill sick homosexual thread

  4. 2 months ago

    The whole point of transgenderism is to make you confused. The purpose of medical transition is to make trannies pass i.e fool people. If you're worried about being tricked by a man in a costume, wait until surgeries are more advanced and they're given more legal protections. They are gonna make trannies give birth one day.

    • 2 months ago

      we do need some sort of defence
      help me make a troony detector AI:

      i think if you compared real pussy and fake pussy you could tell
      they focus on appearance so something like the smell will probably give it away

      good thread though, i looked up the same question before and the results were predictably useless
      identifying trannies is really problematic

      they can also get adams apple surgery without scarring

      if anyone wants to work on a troony detector AI with me (ive been putting it off for a long time) add me on matrix:

    • 2 months ago

      >They are gonna make trannies give birth one day.
      only a delusional troony would say and actually believe this

      • 2 months ago

        Everything used to be science fiction once

        • 2 months ago

          im not clicking any of your troony delusion articles

  5. 2 months ago

    Medical transition must be banned

  6. 2 months ago

    Some say neoveganas feel different (worse) than actual veganas

  7. 2 months ago

    If she passes and you're attracted to her...why give a shit she might be trans?

    • 2 months ago

      because we find it disgusting, what do you bisexuals not understand?
      personality and looks are not the only factors

      • 2 months ago

        >personality and looks are not the only factors
        They are the only factors tho? If she looks like an attractive woman and behaves like one then she is a woman in a way. Why do you care she used to be a man? You're attracted to her and enjoys her company, this will never change

        • 2 months ago

          believe it or not but the sex of the person is a factor in whether i want sex with them
          body count is also a factor
          you don't understand because you are not straight, you are bisexual

    • 2 months ago

      Some people date to find a potential life partner, with the ultimate goal of having their own kids. Obviously post-op trans are sterile and are more likely to have medical issues.

  8. 2 months ago

    If a transwoman passes and you're attracted to her and enjoys her company and yet you're disgusted once you find out she's trans, aren't you literally being transphobic? You're rejecting somebody who embodies everything you want in a mate because they're trans

    • 2 months ago

      >aren't you literally being transphobic?
      of course! its not my responsibility to play along with your mental illness

    • 2 months ago

      yes, we're all transphobic here. It's disgusting.
      I support peoples' right to do whatever they want to themselves, but I don't want to be around it myself if I can avoid it

  9. 2 months ago

    I severely doubt you could be to the point of having sexual contact with a MTV and not at least have something in your gut telling you something is off.

    Smell should be a giveaway.

    • 2 months ago

      ok that's what I was thinking too.

  10. 2 months ago

    Cross boarder, first time stopping by. Why does this board have like 5 threads about trannies up/liberalism up? I thought this was where the eggheads hung out.

    • 2 months ago

      Clearly you've never been here before.

  11. 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago

      My ring finger is longer. That doesn't always work

    • 2 months ago

      I was born a man. 6’2 and have a full beard and natural muscle development. Index fingers are longer than ring fingers. Not always true

  12. 2 months ago

    Just here to say hi to all the discord trannies stinking up IQfy, you will never be a real woman and your "veganas" are an open wound that only fools drunk homosexuals in the dark

    • 2 months ago

      >you will never be a real woman
      not according to every legal document i own

  13. 2 months ago

    >is it possible to not know it's a neovegana?

    EASY to spot the difference

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