Is nihilism the final pill? Everything ends in death, nothing is even worth to begin with.

Is nihilism the final pill? Everything ends in death, nothing is even worth to begin with. Why even do anything at this point?

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  1. 11 months ago

    Precisely because nothing matters, you can do anything you want.
    True nihilism reverts back into pragmatism, but you're too much of a pussy-whipped teenager to realize it. If you want to be sad, be a homosexual somewhere else.

  2. 11 months ago

    Everything in my life feels far too meaningful to me. I am terrified and shaken by the sheer magnitude of it all, and quail to make a decision (but then even inaction is a decision of its own) who's impact will resonate through the immensity of eternity. Everything before and after comes down to this act in this moment.

    I'd really like some of it to stop please.

    • 11 months ago

      everything is decided in advance and you have no choice. free will is an illusion. relax, it's all just a dream

    • 11 months ago

      its unreal sometimes isnt it? just how deep the whole thing is and how this is life. cant quite stand it sometimes. feels like too much to bear, too much weight, too much responsibility, really, to be alive.

    • 11 months ago

      In 10 million years there will no humans, only fossils.

      • 11 months ago

        What about Timmy from Andromeda galaxy

  3. 11 months ago

    That suffering was great during the Middle Ages, I will not debate. But have we ever seen the captive king, the despoiled noble, the oppressed serf, turn their last weapon against themselves? To me, what is truly to be pitied are the degenerate masses who, wanting nothing, loving nothing, consider with a mournful indulgence the bored suicide of Apicius.

  4. 11 months ago

    Smh @ materialists

  5. 11 months ago

    Following your logic, if nothing is worth anything, then even your observation that nothing is worth anything is worth nothing. Every attempt at trying to get to the heart of existence (whatever that may be) is worthless.

    • 11 months ago

      >Every attempt at trying to get to the heart of existence (whatever that may be) is worthless.
      yes, existence will remain an unexplainable mystery

  6. 11 months ago

    This is a dying mindset. You will be replaced by the strong. Aliens don’t know what nihilism is.

    • 11 months ago

      its a human mindset for sure, question is do we grow out of it or die like you say

      • 11 months ago

        Grow, I'm certainly bored of it. The rest of you can catch up when you get the chance

      • 11 months ago

        Well there are clearly many humans who don’t have this mindset. They will be better at surviving and reproducing and hopefully we will leave this nonsense behind. There are many stupid people who are optimistic, and many intelligent people who are nihilistic, but all of this will be smoothed out in the end, as intelligence also will become more and more advantageous.

  7. 11 months ago

    "NOTHING MEANS NOTHING" Macho Man Randy Savage

  8. 11 months ago

    >ends in death
    >why even do anything
    That is the exactly fricking reason that you have do to things and maybe even rush a little. You don't have all the time in the world.

    • 11 months ago

      That doesn’t exactly follow. But neither does OP’s conclusion. You either have the urge to do something with your life or not. Of course those who do not will be replaced by those who do. This is the only way of showing who’s “right” or “wrong.”

      • 11 months ago

        >urge to do something with your life
        Most people have something, this is the point of "finding yourself" and all that existentialism crap. Eventually you end up finding it, that "biological clock" ticking and making you feel like having children is part of it.

        • 11 months ago

          Yes but not everyone has that feeling, or at least not to the same degree. This isn’t exactly a problem. You don’t argue against nihilists, you just let them die out.

          • 11 months ago

            Yes, but that is the thing, there are things. You have to capture the moment first. And even if you are going to die, it is not like you wouldn't feel like things being in a certain way before you die. Considering that you "captured" the moment.

  9. 11 months ago

    You're right. You should have a nice day.

  10. 11 months ago

    its coomerpill anon

  11. 11 months ago

    The Desire pill is the end game to all philosophy. Nihilism is simple the foundation to set it in motion.

  12. 11 months ago

    If you think that I’ll gladly buy the rope you can use to have a nice day with, troony

  13. 11 months ago

    No, I'm afraid nihilism means you're just a giant pussy

  14. 11 months ago

    Read Tolstoy's "Confessions" he tackles a similar topic but from a different viewpoint.
    He considers the fact that even if Christianity was true, that there were an infinite afterlife, how then even more would one's material existence be meaningless in the scope of infinity.
    Interesting how both atheists and Christians can arrive at the same endpoint starting from different starting assumptions. The atheist wonders about the meaning of life assuming a total finitude ending in nothing, so why should my individual life have any meaning in the scope of nothing? The Christians (or any other religious view that assumes an infinite afterlife) reasons that life in comparison to a supposed afterlife is nothing more than a passing shadow of the higher life to come. So why bother?
    What will be will be.
    This is all very abstract and in a way romanticizes, elevates the very end both views hold in horror--death. All that we know from our limited perspective is of life. What can be said of the end which negates the value of life if we cannot experience it? We do not experience death only the process of dying. No one has ever died, they've only experienced the process of dying up to death, and then...
    It is that "and then" which troubles us that either there should be nothing (what is nothing?) or even that there should be an ever-extending life, both to the inquiring mind would seem to negate the value of life.
    Yet from my pov life continues I cannot believe its end. Life is built upon this necessary denial which allows the temporary surpassing of death.
    Nihilism, the abscense of value, whether true or not is an impossiblity. One may accept it on an intellectual level that nothing matters given infinite time, but our feelings everyday tell us otherwise impel us to action in a belief that our actions carry significance.
    So we cannot believe otherwise since it seems our very being compels us to, which would then offer the question why our being is constituted in such a way as to naturally assume the value of life. Is it mere random biological urge or something more? I don't know.

    • 11 months ago

      The moment I let my mind wander too far into thoughts of what lies beyond this life I begin experiencing existential dread. Whether there is an afterlife or nothingness is the same to me.

      Everything in my life feels far too meaningful to me. I am terrified and shaken by the sheer magnitude of it all, and quail to make a decision (but then even inaction is a decision of its own) who's impact will resonate through the immensity of eternity. Everything before and after comes down to this act in this moment.

      I'd really like some of it to stop please.

      And then there is this. Even with the knowledge that dying and being forgotten is my inescapable fate, every single second of my existence carries an extreme weight... and at the same time I feel like I have absolutely no control over anything at all.

      The only escape from these horrid thoughts? cooming

  15. 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      >fascism is on the good side

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